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61. United Nations Moldova Information about this organization activities, agencies, key publications, documents and information about Moldova. http://www.un.md/ |
62. United Nations: Johannesburg Summit 2002 New York, 25 September When the united nations General Assembly authorized holding the World Summit on Sustainable Development, it was hardly a secret or http://www.johannesburgsummit.org/ | |
63. UNTAET The mission was established in 1999 to administer the territory during the transition period to independence, and was replaced in may 2002 by UNMISET. Latest news and public information materials, UN documents on East Timor, background and chronology of the UNTAET mission and photo gallery. In English and French. http://www.un.org/peace/etimor/etimor.htm | |
64. Workers Unite To Demand The 6 Hour Day! International movement for the six hour work day, three day weekend and six weeks paid vacation with no reduction in pay. Sign the petition that is to be submitted to the united nations in May 2005. http://www.6hourday.org/ | |
65. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) In Albania Helps to build national capacity to improve lives on an enduring basis work, education, health, surroundings and use of natural resources. Includes information on projects, publications and goals. http://www.undp.org.al/ | |
66. Terminology On Combined Transport English, French, German, Russian. Road, rail, and waterways. Also in print. By the united nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE), the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT), and the European Commission (EC), 2001, 71 pages. http://www1.oecd.org/cem/online/glossaries/termcomb.pdf |
67. United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees In Bosnia And Herzegovina UNHCR deals with the return of refugees and displaced persons after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. http://www.unhcr.ba/ | |
68. United Nations Association Of The United States Of America Dedicated to enhancing US participation in the united nations system with its agenda of education, http://www.unausa.org/ |
69. UN VOLUNTEERS MISSION Includes background information on Laos and its provinces, UNV statistics and projects, plus details on how to apply to become a UN Volunteer. http://www.undplao.org/unv.htm | |
70. United Nations Economic And Social Commission For Asia And The Pacific MOU on Future Cooperation Mr. Kim HakSu, Executive Secretary of the united nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and Mr. Tadao Chino http://www.unescap.org/ | |
71. UNAS Providing information on mission, events and related links. http://www.unas.org.sg/ |
72. Electronic Field Trip To The United Nations PBS no longer offers the united nations electronic field trip content. For the latest information about UN activities, visit the http://www.pbs.org/tal/un/ | |
73. UN Atlas Of The Oceans Cinegram, National Geographic, World Ocean Observatory. united nations Foundation. Awards. Welcome to the united nations Atlas of the http://www.oceansatlas.org/ |
74. UN Coordination, Tajikistan Has links to papers and announcements relating to humanitarian and other assistance to Tajikistan. http://www.untj.org/ | |
75. UNCITRAL united nations. NATIONS UNIES. united nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). Commission des Nations Unies http://www.uncitral.org/ | |
76. Question Of Palestine At The United Nations Official united nations site on Palestine. Includes extensive background and historical information, as well as current news and document archives. http://www.un.org/Depts/dpa/qpal/index.html | |
77. ROAP On The Web Website of the regional office for Asia and the Pacific. http://www.unep.org/unep/regoffs/roap/ | |
78. UNRISD: Home united nations, UNRISD is an autonomous united nations agency that carries out research on the social dimensions of contemporary problems affecting development. http://www.unrisd.org/ | |
79. Sanctions Office of Secretary General provides a summary of current and historical sanctions, with links to related resolutions by country. http://www.un.org/News/ossg/sanction.htm | |
80. Index Home Contents. About us Projects Publications Documentation Center Crime Programme News Contacts. Copyright ? 1996/2003 UNICRI All rights reserved. http://www.unicri.it/ | |
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