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Tsui Daniel C: more detail |
61. The 12 Most Brilliant Asian Americans Of All Time 2/2 | Asian American Personali 7. daniel C. tsui daniel tsui shared the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics for usingpowerful magnets and extremely low temperatures to show that thin sheets of http://goldsea.com/Personalities/Brilliant/brilliant2.html | |
62. Noise Characteristics Of Superlattice Energy Filters And Multi-Color Infrared De Using Quantum Well Microstructure. Authors tsui, daniel C.; PRINCETONUNIV NJ DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE http://www.stormingmedia.us/79/7918/A791853.html | |
63. KTH-EKOT Archives -- October 1998 (#6) till Professor Robert B. Laughlin, Stanford University, Professor Horst L. Störmer,Columbia University och Professor daniel C. tsui, Princeton University. http://segate.sunet.se/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind9810&L=kth-ekot&F=&S=&P=555 |
64. TSUI HARK 2001 cinématographique fera daniel s Action Web tsui HARK (biography). http://www.ed-wood.net/tsui_hark.htm | |
65. Annual Research Review, 1999 J. LaCroix, Benjamin MW tsui, and Eric C. Frey Investigation of Hole Single PhotonEmission Computed Tomography daniel Wessell, Benjamin tsui, Eric Frey http://caddlab.rad.unc.edu/extras/RadResSym1999/Main.html | |
66. Campaign To Elect Ismail Serageldin Director General Of UNESCO In 1999 Tobin, James (USA), Economic Sciences, 1981; tsui, daniel C. (USA),Physics, 1998; Tutu, Desmond Archbishop (South Africa), Peace, 1984. http://www.serageldin.org/nsign.htm | |
67. Truth Now William F. Sharpe E. Jack Steinberger P. Joseph H. Taylor Jr. P. Charles H. TownesP. daniel C. tsui P. Harold E. Varmus M. Robert W. Wilson P. Ahmed H. Zewail C. http://www.truth-now.com/nobel_laureates_dissent.htm | |
68. 20th Century Year By Year 1997 Germany, Columbia University, New York, NY and Bell Labs, NJ, USA b. 1949; and tsui,daniel C., USA, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, b. 1939 for http://www.multied.com/20th/1998.html | |
69. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Physics - Physicists - Phy tsui, daniel C. 1998 Nobel Autobiography http//www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1998/tsui-autobio.htmldaniel tsui offers his life story, from his childhood http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=331386 |
70. PAZ AHORA Peace Now. Nor NATO, Neither Taleban. No A La OTAN, No A Los Taliban. Translate this page William F. Sharpe (E) , Robert M. Solow(E) 3 , *Jack Steinberger (Ph) , Joseph H.Taylor,Jr.(Ph) , *Charles H. Townes 2 (Ph) , daniel C. tsui (Ph) , Harold E http://www.pazahora.org/noticia.asp?id=56 |
71. Global Exchange - Printer Friendly Joseph H. Taylor Jr. P. Charles H. Townes P. daniel C. tsui P. Harold E. VarmusM. Robert W. Wilson P. Ahmed H. Zewail C. Copyright 2003 The New York Times Company. http://www.globalexchange.org/countries/iraq/556.html.pf | |
72. Global Exchange : 41 Nobel Laureates Sign Against A War Without International Su Joseph H. Taylor Jr. P. Charles H. Townes P. daniel C. tsui P. Harold E. VarmusM. Robert W. Wilson P. Ahmed H. Zewail C. Copyright 2003 The New York Times Company. http://www.globalexchange.org/countries/iraq/556.html | |
73. Les Nouvelles - Nobel De Physique Et De Chimie : Le Triomphe De La Mécanique Qu daniel C. tsui et l Allemand Horst L. Stoermer. Les http://www.cybersciences.com/cyber/3.0/N890.asp | |
74. EGAP > Mensaje A Graduados Translate this page A fines de 1998, leí una declaración de daniel C. Stanzione, Presidente de los RobertLaughlin (ahora en la Universidad de Stanford), y daniel tsui (ahora en http://www.sistema.itesm.mx/egap/mensaje_agraduados.html | |
75. The Nobel Prize In Physics 1998 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1998. New Forms of Quantum Fluid with FractionallyCharged Excitations . daniel C. tsui. USA. Princeton University Princeton, NJ. http://www.aro.army.mil/accomplish/nobel/1998npphy.htm | |
76. Signal-to-noise Ratios, Performance Criteria, And Transformations Jock Mackay. R daniel Meyer. R. daniel Meyer. David S David Ruppert. Jerome Sacks.Anne C. Shoemaker. Ronald D. Snee. Kwok L. tsui. KwokLeung tsui. Neil R. Ullman.G http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=59261&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CFT |
77. Searching Jenin Steinberger P Joseph H. Taylor Jr. P Charles H. Townes P daniel C.tsui P Harold E. Varmus M Robert W. Wilson P Ahmed H. Zewail C. http://www.searchingjenin.com/wire.php?articleid=20030308094712824 |
78. Science News Online (10/17/98): References For Physics Nobel Spotlights Quantum daniel C. tsui, Horst L. Störmer, and Robert B. Laughlin won the 1998 Nobel Prizein Physics for their discovery and explanation of the fractional quantum http://www.sciencenews.org/pages/sn_arc98/10_17_98/fob7ref.htm | |
79. Honorary Degrees great consequence. daniel C. tsui, Professor in the Department ofElectrical Engineering, Princeton University. Presentation by http://www.uchicago.edu/docs/education/record/1-6-00/456/degrees.html | |
80. Vesmír - Kvantové Hallovy Jevy prekvapit dokonce i nekteré fyziky. Cenu dostali experimentátoriHorst L. Störmer a daniel C. tsui a teoretik Robert B. Laughlin. http://www.vesmir.cz/clanek.php3?CID=721 |
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