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61. How Has The Laser Developed Since It's Invention? 1951 charles H. townes came up with idea for maser; 1954 First masercreated by James P. Gordon, Herbert J. Zeiger, and charles H. townes; http://www.eng.iastate.edu/explorer/topics/laser/lsrhist.htm | |
62. Tsinghua News --- Tsinghua University charles H. townes Biography. Fromhttp//www.belllabs.com/history/laser/invention/townes-bio.html. ASpecial Presentation by Professor charles H. townes. http://news.cic.tsinghua.edu.cn/eng_news.php?id=211 |
63. Engology.com, Engineer Charles Townes, Engineer Inventor, Professional Engineeri 34, no. 10 (October 1966), pp. 903913. Schawlow, Arthur L., and CharlesH. townes, US Patent No. 2,929,222 (22 March 1960). Schawlow http://www.engology.com/eng5townes.htm | |
64. Charles H. Townes - Wikipedia Translate this page charles H. townes. Die Texte stammen aus der Wikipedia - Dies ist nichtdie Wikipedia. charles Hard townes (* 28. Juli 1915 in Greenville http://www.torfkopp.de/keyword/Charles_H._Townes.php | |
65. Nobel Prize In Physics 1964 charles H. townes 1/2 of prize USA born 1915 CA University of California at Berkeley,Berkeley, California, USA AA - Columbia University, New York, New York http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel/nobel1964.html | |
66. Baszov 1964ben nyerte el a fizikai Nobel-díjat a szovjet Alekszandr Mihajlovics Prohorovés az egyesült államokbeli charles H. townes társaságában. http://www.mezgazd-koszeg.sulinet.hu/kemia/DATA/Tudosok/data/bh2/baszov.html |
67. About OSA > Awards > Charles Hard Townes Award Hard townes Award Winners. Year, Name. 2004, Erich Ippen. 2003. David Hanna. 2002.charles V. Shank. 2001. A. David Buckingham. 2000. Richard G. Brewer. 1999. charlesH. http://www.osa.org/aboutosa/awards/theawards/awardsdesc/award23.asp | |
68. Townes, Charles Hard townes, charles Hard. Maserstownes constructed the maser (microwave amplificationby stimulated The National Inventors Hall of Fame, Next Volwiler, Ernest H. http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0767093.html | |
69. Metanexus Institute The First charles H. townes Lecture in Science and Religion, May 2,MIT. Kenneth R. Miller, Professor of Biology at Brown University http://www.metanexus.net/metanexus_online/show_article.asp?8793 |
70. Professor Charles Townes Convergence of Scientific and Religious Thought A Special Presentation byProfessor charles H. townes Thursday, Oct 14, 1999, 7 pm, Rudder 601. http://www.iolbv.com/murphy/cfn/townes.htm | |
71. SOFIA People And Events Image Gallery 8 Dr. charles H. townes Dr. charles H. townes, Nobel prizewinning physicist at theUniversity of California at Berkeley and experienced KAO observer, gave one http://sofia.arc.nasa.gov/Gallery/people/PP19970008.html | |
72. Display Tag Charles Townes LBNL Image Library charles H. towneswas awarded the MichelsonMorley Award of Case Western Reserve University...... charles townes Image File 97401944 Title charles townes http://imglib.lbl.gov/ImgLib/COLLECTIONS/BERKELEY-LAB/PEOPLE/NOBEL-LAUREATES/ind | |
73. Brief History Of Laser 1951. charles H townes, The inventor of the MASER (Microwave Amplification of StimulatedEmission of Radiation) at Columbia University First device based on http://www.lasers.org.uk/laser_welding/briefhistory.htm | |
74. Charles Townes, Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist Joins SETI Institute Board The SETI Institute is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. charles H. Townesto the Institutes Board of Trustees, effective June 5. Winner of the 1964 http://www.seti.org/about_us/info_for_media/announcements/townes_joins_board.htm | |
75. Townes Receives 2002 Drake Award CA The SETI Institute has awarded the 2002 Frank Drake Award for Innovation inSETI and Life in the Universe Research to charles H. townes, Nobel Laureate http://www.seti.org/about_us/info_for_media/press_releases/townes_drake_award.ht | |
76. NEFF's Conservation Easements Camilla Lockwood, Temple, NH, 88.9, 1998. charles H. townes Frances H. townes,Mont Vernon, NH, 66, 1999. charles H. townes Frances H. townes, New Boston, NH,40, 2000. http://www.newenglandforestry.org/forestry/easements.asp | |
77. Townes, Charles (1915-) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography Chiao, R. Y. Amazing Light A Volume Dedicated to charles Hard townes on His 80thBirthday. New York SpringerVerlag, 1996. Gordon, J. P.; Zeiger, H. J.; and http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Townes.html | |
78. Munzinger Personen - Charles H. Townes charles H. Townesamerikan. Physiker; Nobelpreis (Physik) 1964; Prof., Ph.D. Durch http://register.munzinger.de/personen/00/000/010/00010877.shtml | |
79. MetroBEAT: Greenville, S.C.: The Beat The Genius from Greenville Nobel laureate charles H. townes returnsto Furman. In the anteroom of the Hartness Visitors Center at http://www.metrobeat.net/gbase/Expedite/Content?oid=oid:2608 |
80. Townes, Charles Hard (1915- ) townes, charles Hard (1915) American physicist at the Universityof California, Berkeley, who developed the maser in the 1950s http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/T/Townes.html | |
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