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61. Science Timeline Translate this page Tjio, Jo Hin, 1956. Tomlinson, Ray, 1972. tomonaga, sin-itiro, 1948. Tonegawa, Susumu,1976, 1978. Torricelli, Evangelista, 1644. Townes, Charles Hard, 1954, 1958. http://www.sciencetimeline.net/siteindex_t-v.htm | |
62. Nuclear Spin Physics . The Story of Spin. The Story of Spin SinIntro tomonaga,Shinichiro tomonaga, sin-itiro tomonaga, Takeshi Oka Nuclear spin http://topics.practical.org/browse/Nuclear_spin | |
63. Buchrezensionen | Pro-physik.de Translate this page Buchrezensionen. Matsui, Ezawa - sin-itiro tomonaga. Life of a JapanesePhysicist. sin-itiro tomonaga. Life of a Japanese http://www.pro-physik.de/Phy/External/PhyH/1,4417,2-3-134-0-1-phy_book_review_de | |
64. Das Physikportal Pro-physik.de - Die Findemaschine Translate this page 24-05-2004 - 28-05-2004, Planck 2004 , Bad Honnef, Buchrezensionen. Matsui, Ezawa- sin-itiro tomonaga. Life of a Japanese Physicist. sin-itiro tomonaga. http://www.pro-physik.de/Phy/External/PhyH/1,4417,2-0-134-0-1-phy_book_review_de | |
65. Nuclear Physics Theory Written by SinIntro tomonaga , Shinichiro tomonaga , sin-itiro tomonaga , TakeshiOka Published by University of Chicago Press (November 1998) ISBN 0226807940 http://anomalies-books.net/Nuclear_Physics_Theory.html | |
66. Natural Theology > Notes > 12 November 2000 tomonaga, sinitiro, The Story of Spin, University of Chicago Press 1997 Jacket The Story of Spin, as told by sin-itiro tomonaga and lovingly translated by http://www.naturaltheology.net/Notes/Notes00/notesM11D12.html | |
67. Technology Review: MIT's Magazine Of Innovation 1 tomonaga, sinitiro, Quantum Mechanics, I II, North-Holland, Amerstam, 1962.2 Feynman, Richard, Lectures on Physics. Menlo Park Addison-Wesley, 1963. http://www.technologyreview.com/forums/forum.asp?forumid=196 |
68. Sin-Itiro Tomonaga Return to World History (home) Main Article Index sinitiro tomonaga. sin-itirotomonaga in the news. sin-itiro tomonaga (Nippon-shiki http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/S/Sin-Itiro-Tomonaga.htm | |
69. Caramba! - Nobelova Cena - Fyzika (1964-1984) Basov, Nikolai G. Prochorov, Alexander M. 1965. tomonaga, sinitiro I. tomonaga,sin-itiro II. Schwinger, Julian I. Schwinger, Julian II. Schwinger, Julian III. http://www.caramba.cz/page.php?PgID=945 |
70. The Restless Universe - Index back to the top . T thermodynamics, 2, 3 tomonaga, sinitiro. backto the top . U unification unified field theory, 2, 3. back to the top. http://physicalworld.org/restless_universe/html/ru_inde.html | |
71. Physics Nobel Laureates 1950 - 1974 Physics 1965. The prize was awarded jointly to tomonaga, sinitiro,Japan, Tokyo, University of Education, Tokyo, * 1906, + 1979;. http://www1.physik.tu-muenchen.de/~gammel/matpack/html/Chronics/physics_laureate | |
72. Nobelprize2 Nobel prize in Physics 1965. The prize was awarded jointly to tomonaga, sinitiro,Japan, Tokyo, University of Education, Tokyo, * 1906, + 1979;. http://courses.physics.kth.se/5A1310/elementar/Nobelprize3.html | |
73. Private Research Foundation Period / Corporation Period | RIKEN sinitiro tomonaga (1932~1941) and others announce the Renormalization Theory. sin-itirotomonaga Theoretical physicist Born in Tokyo Metropolis (1906-1979) http://www.riken.go.jp/engn/r-world/riken/history/zaidan-b/ | |
74. Encyclopedia4U - Sin-Itiro Tomonaga - Encyclopedia Article sinitiro tomonaga. This article is licensed under the GNU Free DocumentationLicense. It uses material from the Wikipedia article sin-itiro tomonaga . http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/s/sin-itiro-tomonaga.html | |
75. Japan English Publications In Print S Education Univ of Tokyo/Tokyo Daigaku Kyoyogakubu Shizen Kagaku Kiyo/E, 2; ? PScientific Papers of tomonaga v1 , tomonaga,sinitiro, b; Y9000 P Scientific http://imcbook.net/JEPPZ/alfattlJEPP/JEPPSS.HTM | |
76. Alibris: Sin-Itiro Tomonaga Info BoxInfo Box http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro | |
77. Nobel Prize In Physics Since 1901 tomonaga, sin-itiro. 1966. Kastler,Alfred. 1967. Bethe, Hans Albrecht. 1968. Alvarez, Luis W. 1969. Gell-Mann, Murray. http://www.planet101.com/nobel_physics_hist.htm | |
78. THE PHYSICIST's PHYSICS BOOKLIST: THE BIG PHYSICS BOOKLIST of Musical Instruments 2ed, Fletcher, Neville H.; Ros Introduction to Wave Propagationin , Drumheller, DS Story of Spin , tomonaga, sinitiro Accretion Power http://www.a-ten.com/books/physics/physics.htm | |
79. Amazon Light - Details For The Story Of Spin Click to see larger image, The Story of Spin by SinIntro tomonaga, Shinichiro tomonaga,sin-itiro tomonaga, Takeshi Oka University of Chicago Press Sales Rank http://www.kokogiak.com/amazon/detpage.asp?asin=0226807940&field-keywords=&schMo |
80. EXPLORIT Science Center 1906, Stewart, Alice. 1906, Tombaugh, Clyde William. 1906, tomonaga, sinitiro.1907, Carson, Rachel Louise. 1907, Tinbergen, Nicolaas. 1907, Whittle,Frank. http://www.explorit.org/book/BOSDscientists.html | |
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