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61. Ting, Samuel Chad Chung ting, samuel Chad Chung. (1936). Americký fyzik, který je spoludritelemNobelovy ceny za fyziku pro rok 1976 za objevení cástice http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Ting_Samuel.html | |
62. Tsinghua News --- Tsinghua University samuel ting. From http//almaz.com/nobel/physics/1976b.html. samuelCC ting. 1976 Nobel Laureate in Physics. for their pioneering work http://news.cic.tsinghua.edu.cn/eng_news.php?id=206 |
63. 20th Century Year By Year 1976 BURTON, USA, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA, b. 1931; ting,samuel CC, USA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA http://www.multied.com/20th/1976.html | |
64. §õ¥@©÷ Shih-Chang Lee K. Hangarter, H. Hofer, R. Kan, G. Kenney, V. Koutsenko, M. Kraeber, J. Kuipers,A. Lebedev, SC Lee, D. Ren, ZL Ren, U. Roeser, samuel CC ting, A. Tiwari, GM http://www.phys.sinica.edu.tw/pi/lee_sc.htm | |
65. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Fisica, El Club De Los Caminantes Translate this page Stanford, CA, Estados Unidos. ting, samuel CC (Estados Unidos). Por su trabajopionero en el descubrimiento de un nuevo tipo de particula elemental pesada. http://caminantes.metropoliglobal.com/web/nobel/fisica4.htm | |
66. History For Sale - Science, Inventors Medical Autographs Autographs samuel CC ting INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED, samuelCC ting - INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED - DOCUMENT 201762, $149.00. http://www.historyforsale.com/html/display.asp?page=33&sort=1&signer=T |
67. History For Sale - Science, Inventors Medical Autographs 1987 DOCUMENT 201336, $119.00. Autographs samuel CC ting - INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPHSIGNED, samuel CC ting - INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED - DOCUMENT 201762, $149.00. http://www.historyforsale.com/html/display.asp?page=33&start=70&sort=&signer=&dp |
68. Richter - Ting Burton Richter és samuel CC ting amerikai fizikusok kapták 1976ban a Nobel-díjat egy új típusú nehéz elemi részecske felfedezésében végzett http://www.szgti.bmf.hu/fizika/cern-sajatkezuleg/stdmod/nobel-prize/richter.htm | |
69. The 12 Most Brilliant Asian Americans Of All Time 1/2 | Asian American Personali 5. samuel Chao Chung ting samuel CC ting became the first USborn Asian ever to wina Nobel Prize by virtue of having been born prematurely on January 27, 1936 http://goldsea.com/Personalities/Brilliant/brilliant.html | |
70. World-renowned Scientists Made Constructive Comments On S&T Development In China Chen Ning Yang, Prof. samuel CC ting, Prof. Hartmut Michel, Prof. TsungDao Lee, Prof.samuel CC ting, Prof. Hartmut Michel, Prof. Rudolph A. Marcus and Prof. http://www.bulletin.ac.cn/Topic/KIP/KIP005.htm | |
71. Samuel Worked to develop rocket engines for spaceships. samuel CC ting (1936)American physicist. Co-winner of the 1976 Nobel Prize for Physics. http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/s/samuel.html | |
72. SPIRES-HEP Database Search Result COLLABORATION = L3 Collaboration; SPOKESPERSON =ting, samuel~CC; SPKSEMAIL =david.stickland@cern.ch; URL = http//l3www.cern.ch/; RELATED ; EMAIL david http://usparc.ihep.su/spires/find/experiments/wwwupd?KEY=6793 |
73. SPIRES-HEP Database Search Result D. Luckey, S. Nahn, H. Postema, J. Rodin, B. Smith, M. Steuer, F. Sticozzi, SMting, samuel CC ting (Spokesperson), JC Wang, YF Wang Florence U. and INFN http://usparc.ihep.su/spires/find/experiments/www2?expt=CERN-LEP-L3 |
74. ¹ú¼ÒÎÄ»¯Íø--µã»÷ÃûÈË ?CHENNING YANG. ?TsungDao Lee. ?Yuan Tseh Lee. ?ting,samuel CC. ?STEVEN CHU. (Daniel Tsui). ?. http://www.nationculture.com/vip/default.asp | |
75. Columbia University Nobel Laureates 33, Friedman, Milton, Economics, 1976, PhD 1946, 193741; 4345; 6465. 34,ting, samuel CC, Physics, 1976, 196467. 35, Penzias, Arno A. Physics, 1978,PhD 1962, http://c250.columbia.edu/c250_now/symposia/history_nobel_laureates.html | |
76. Taipei Times - Archives announced at a press conference yesterday that it will be joining the Alpha MagneticSpectrometer (AMS) project led by samuel CC ting (?), connecting http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/archives/2002/10/01/0000170245/print | |
77. Science Summit Space Translate this page Rudolf L. Mößbauer (Deutschland, Physik, 1961), Prof. Ferid Murad(USA, Medizin, 1998), Prof. samuel CC ting (USA, Physik, 1976). http://www2.dlr.de/oeffentlichkeit/presse/scsummit.htm;internal&action=cd_framec | |
78. Brookhaven National Laboratory - Bernice Petersen, Brookhaven National Laborator National Laboratory (BNL). For his work there, samuel CC ting wasa winner of the Nobel Prize in physics in 1976. Brookhaven is a http://www.worldandi.com/specialreport/1988/april/Sa13620.htm | |
79. TKK International Society Initiator Prof Yang Chen Ning Prof ting samuel CC Prof Lee Yuan Tseh, ProfTien Chang Lin Prof Wang Gungwu. Honorary Chairman Prof Lee Yuan Tseh. http://www.tkk.wspc.com.sg/tkk/society/gmember_eng.shtml | |
80. The Scientist - Managing The World's Biggest, Most Expensive Research Project Known, unromantically, as L3, it is run by samuel CC ting of MIT who won a NobelPrize in 1976 and has spent most of his time since preparing this new endeavor http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1988/sep/mann_p1_880905.html | |
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