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61. Joseph John Thomson - Autobiography (In corso di traduzione in italiano) The Nobel Prize in Physics joseph john thomsonwas born in Cheetham Hill, a sir joseph thomson died on August 30, 1940. http://scienzapertutti.lnf.infn.it/biografie/Thomson.html | |
62. Sir Joseph John Thomson Biography sir joseph john thomson Biography. biography dictionary. sir josephjohn thomson Biography. sir joseph john thomson 1856 http://www.biography-dictionary.com/Sir-Joseph-John-Thomson.htm | |
63. Sir J.J. Thomson -- Encyclopædia Britannica in full sir joseph john thomson English physicist who helped revolutionize theknowledge of atomic structure by his discovery of the electron (1897). http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=74088 |
64. Joseph John Thomson joseph john thomson (18561940 sir James Dewar kindly supplied me with some gasesobtained from he residues of liquid air; the first sample had been treated so http://webserver.lemoyne.edu/faculty/giunta/canal.html | |
65. Joseph John Thomson joseph john thomson (18561940). electricity enters the tubecan be shown in thefollowing way (the experiment is one made many years ago by sir William Crookes http://webserver.lemoyne.edu/faculty/giunta/jthomson.html | |
66. í°ì¨ (Sir Joseph John Thomson / 1856~1940) (sir joseph john thomson / 1856~1940). 1897? 4? 30? ?(Royal Institution)? http://phys.chungbuk.ac.kr/story/thomson.htm | |
67. Title Page sir joseph john thomson. http://ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu/211_fall2002.web.dir/lohse.211.dir/Intro.htm | |
68. Encyclopedia: Sir Joseph John Thomson Updated Apr 04, 2003. Encyclopedia sir joseph john thomson. sir josephjohn thomson (18 December 1856 30 August 1940), often known http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Sir-Joseph-John-Thomson | |
69. Adventures In CyberSound: Thompson, Joseph John sir joseph john thomson, (b. Dec. 18, 1856, d. Aug. 30, 1940), is universally recognizedas the British scientist who discovered and identified the electron. http://www.acmi.net.au/AIC/THOMPSON_BIO.html | |
70. Les Grandes Révolutions Scientifiques Translate this page sir joseph john thomson (1856-1940). Avant les travaux de thomson,on connaissait lexistence de lélectricité, mais on ne http://radio-canada.ca/tv/decouverte/revolutions/dossiers/quantique/5a_15.html | |
71. Nobel Prize In Physics 1906 sir joseph john thomson UK born 1856, died 1940 CA Cavendish Laboratory, Universityof Cambridge, Cambridge, England, UK AA - Cavendish Laboratory WA http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel/nobel1906.html | |
72. BBC - History - Historic Figures john Hanning Speke; joseph Stalin; Leland Stanford; sir Henry Morton Baroness Thatcher;James thomson; Tiberius; Titus; Richard Towneley; Henry Trengrouse; http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/ | |
73. Les Grands Chimistes :: Département De Chimie :: Université Laval Translate this page thomson (sir joseph john) Physicien britannique Cheetham Hill, prèsde Manchester 1856 - Cambridge 1940 Prix Nobel de physique en 1906. http://www.chm.ulaval.ca/grandschim/t.html | |
74. MSN Encarta - Thomson, Sir Joseph John Translate this page thomson, sir joseph john. thomson, sir joseph john (1856-1940), britischer Physikerund Nobelpreisträger. Erfahren Sie mehr über thomson, sir joseph john aus, http://de.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761555213/Thomson_Sir_Joseph_John.html | |
75. Great Physicists sir joseph john thomson. sir joseph john thomson (18561940), a pioneerin modern physics, discovered the electron in 1895, revolutionising http://www.belfasthigh.org.uk/science/physics/slideshow/sld009.html | |
76. Sir J.J. Thomson cataloguing project supported by the Research Support Libraries Programme.The papers of sir joseph john thomson (18561940), physicist. BIOGRAPHY. http://www.bath.ac.uk/ncuacs/rslp-jjt.htm | |
77. Joseph John Thomson [Pictures And Photos Of] Laboratory Cavendish, Ernest Rutherford, joseph john thomson Picture, Photo, Photograph;full AC Davies, (6th from left) Proff sir JJ thomson, (6th from http://www.aip.org/history/esva/catalog/esva/Thomson_John.html | |
78. I-mass.com : International Mass Spectrometry Web Resource joseph john (JJ) thomson was born in Manchester on December 18, 1856. Rose ElisabethPaget and they had one son, sir George Paget thomson (18921975 http://i-mass.com/jj.html | |
79. LII - Results For "thomson, J. J. Joseph John , Sir, 1856-1940" Results for thomson, jj joseph john , sir, 18561940 1 of 1, The Discoveryof the Electron A clear, easy-to-understand history of thomson s work. http://www.lii.org/search?searchtype=subject;query=Thomson, J. J. (Joseph John), |
80. Janus: The Papers Of John Tresidder Sheppard 201, Letter from sir joseph john thomson to JTS. 202, Letter from Sybil Thorndiketo JTS. Creator, thomson, sir joseph john. Covering Dates, 13 Nov. 1933. http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/db/node.xsp?id=EAD/GBR/0272/JTS/2/201 |
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