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         Thomson Sir Joseph John:     more books (18)
  1. The structure of the atom. [with:] Some applications of the theory of electric discharge to spectroscopy. [with:] Rays of positive electricity. In: Notices of the proceedings at the meetings of the members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain with the abstracts of the discourses delivered at the evening meetings, Vol. XVIII. by Sir Joseph John (1856-1940). THOMSON, 1909-01-01
  2. Sir Joseph John Thomson: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by P. Andrew Karam, 2000
  3. Electricity and Matter by Sir Joseph John Thomson, 2010-10-14
  4. The Corpuscular Theory of Matter by Sir Joseph John Thomson, 2009-12-17
  5. The Discharge of Electricity Through Gases; Lectures Delivered on the Occasion of the Sesquicentennial Celebration of Princeton University by Sir Joseph John Thomson, 2010-10-14
  6. On the Light Thrown by Recent Investigations on Electricity ... by Sir Thomson J. J. (Joseph John), 2009-07-17
  7. Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Joseph John Thomson, OM, FRS (1856-1940) by Jeannine Alton, 1980
  8. The existence of bodies smaller than atoms. In: Notices of the proceedings at the meetings of the members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain with the abstracts of the discourses delivered at the evening meetings, Vol. XVI. by Sir Joseph John (1856-1940) THOMSON, 1902
  9. Electricity and Matter (1904 ) by Sir J. J. (Joseph John) Thomson, 2009-10-21
  10. Rays of positive Electricity and Their Application to Chemical Analyses by Sir J. J. (Joseph John) Thomson, 2009-06-16
  11. The corpuscular theory of matter. by J. J. Thomson by Thomson. J. J. (Joseph John). Sir. 1856-1940., 1907-01-01
  12. Electricity and matter. by J. J. Thomson by Thomson. J. J. (Joseph John). Sir. 1856-1940., 1904-01-01
  13. The atomic theory by J. J. (Joseph John), Sir, 1856-1940 Thomson, 2009-10-26
  14. The Life of Sir J.J. Thomson, O.M., Sometime Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. by Joseph John (1856-1940)] STRUTT, Robert Robin John, 4th Baron Rayleigh (1875-1947). [THOMSON, 1943-01-01

41. Joseph John Thomson
joseph john thomson. sir joseph john thomson (18 December 1856 30 August 1940),often known as JJ , was an English physicist, the discoverer of the electron.
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Joseph John Thomson
Sir Joseph John Thomson 18 December 30 August ), often known as "JJ", was an English physicist , the discoverer of the electron Thomson was born in near Manchester England , of Scottish parentage. He studied engineering at Owen's College, Manchester, and moved on to Trinity College, Cambridge . In he became Cavendish Professor of Physics. In 1890 he married Rose Paget, and he had two children with her. One of his students was Ernest Rutherford , who would later succeed him in the post. Influenced by the work of James Clerk Maxwell , and the discovery of the X-ray , he deduced that cathode rays (see cathode ray tube ) existed of negatively charged particles, which he called "corpuscles", and which are now known as electrons. The electron had been posited earlier, by G. Johnstone Stoney, as a unit of charge in electrochemistry, but Thompson realised that it was also a subatomic particle , the first one to be discovered. His discovery was made known in , and caused a sensation in scientific circles, eventually resulting in his being awarded a Nobel prize Prior to the outbreak of World War I , he made another ground-breaking discovery: the isotope . In , he became Master of Trinity College, Cambridge , where he remained till his dead. He died in

42. Sir Joseph John Thomson
Sir Joseph John Thomson
Cheetham 18.12.1856 - Cambridge 30.8.1940 Fisico, noto per i suoi studi sperimentali sull' elettrone , nel 1906 ottenne il premio Nobel per le sue ricerche sulla conducibilità elettrica dei gas. Cinque anni dopo la formulazione della teoria elettronica della materia, Thomson "scopre" l'elettrone.
In realtà non si tratta di una vera e propria scoperta, poichè Thomson era già più che convinto circa la validità delle teorie relative ai portatori di carica , ed egli cerca di effettuare delle osservazioni che possano dare valori numerici ai parametri di questi corpuscoli, da lui definiti "atomi elementari"; quindi sarebbe più esatto dire che egli ha dimostrato l'esistenza dell'elettrone. I suoi studi, che sono un connubio fra complesse teorie e altrettanto complessi esperimenti, nel dettaglio dei quali non entriamo, si protraggono per molti anni, e vengono tutti effettuati presso il centro di ricerche sperimentali di Cambridge, intitolato a Lord H.Cavendish, di cui Thomson è divenuto direttore a soli ventotto anni. Le sue ricerche partono dallo studio sui gas rarefatti, nei quali cerca la correlazione fra le leggi dell'elettromagnetismo e la struttura della materia, indagando sui raggi catodici che egli riteneva, contrariamente ai fisici tedeschi, materiali, ed in grado di segnare le traiettorie di particelle di materia, cariche di elettricità negativa.

43. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Sir Joseph John Thomson (Physics, Biographies) - Encyclo reference and encyclopedia resource provides completeinformation on sir joseph john thomson, Physics, Biographies.
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Sir Joseph John Thomson, Physics, Biographies
Related Category: Physics, Biographies Sir Joseph John Thomson Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism (1895, 5th ed. 1921), Conduction of Electricity through Gases Recollections and Reflections See biography by R. J. Rayleigh (1942); Sir George Paget Thomson, J. J. Thomson and the Cavendish Laboratory in His Day
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    45. WIEM: Thomson Joseph John
    thomson joseph john, sir (18561940), ojciec sir GP thomsona, fizyk brytyjski,profesor uniwersytetu w Cambridge. Dyrektor Cavendish
    WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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    Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
    Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Fizyka, Wielka Brytania
    Thomson Joseph John
    Thomson Joseph John, sir (1856-1940), ojciec Sir G.P. Thomsona , fizyk brytyjski, profesor uniwersytetu w Cambridge. Dyrektor Cavendish Laboratory (1883-1918), cz³onek Royal Society (od 1884) i wielu Akademii Nauk ( od 1921 Polskiej Akademii Umiejêtno¶ci Laureat Nagrody Nobla w 1906 za badania nad przewodnictwem elektrycznym gazów, co zaowocowa³o odkryciem elektronu (1897). Wyznaczy³ stosunek ³adunku elektronu do jego masy (sformu³owa³ zasadê dzia³ania spektrometru masowego ), odkry³, ¿e liczba elektronów w atomie równa jest po³owie liczby masowej. Opracowa³ pierwszy nowo¿ytny (b³êdny) model atomu, w którym ujemne elektrony by³y równomiernie rozmieszczone w¶ród (wówczas jeszcze nie poznanych) dodatnio na³adowanych cz±stek. Potwierdzi³ (1897) korpuskularny charakter promieniowania katodowego. Wraz ze swoim uczniem E. Rutherfordem

    46. Sir Joseph John Thomson
    Translate this page sir joseph john thomson thomson, sir joseph john (1856-1940), físicobritánico, premiado con el Nobel. Nació cerca de Manchester
    Sir Joseph John Thomson
    Thomson, Sir Joseph John (1856-1940), físico británico, premiado con el Nobel. Nació cerca de Manchester, Lancashire, y estudió en el Owens College (hoy parte de la Universidad de Manchester) y en el Trinity College, de la Universidad de Cambridge . En esta institución enseñó matemáticas y física, fue profesor de física experimental en el laboratorio de Cavendish, y rector del Trinity College (1918-1940). También fue presidente de la Sociedad Real (1915-1920) y profesor de filosofía natural de la Institución regia de Gran Bretaña (1905-1918). En 1906 Thomson recibió el Premio Nobel de Física por su trabajo sobre la conducción de la electricidad a través de los gases. Se le considera el descubridor del electrón por sus experimentos con el flujo de partículas (electrones) que componen los rayos catódicos. Teórico y un experimentador, Thomson elaboró en 1898 la teoría del pudín de ciruelas de la estructura atómica, en la que sostenía que los electrones eran como 'ciruelas' negativas incrustadas en un 'pudín' de materia positiva. En 1908 fue nombrado sir.

    47. Fotos De Sir Joseph John Thomson
    Translate this page sir joseph john thomson. JJ thomson en la primera conferencia de Solvay (1911).Se puede ver, igualmente, a Einstein, Rutherford. Marie Curie y Planck.
    Sir Joseph John Thomson J.J. Thomson en la primera conferencia de Solvay (1911). Se puede ver, igualmente, a Einstein Rutherford . Marie Curie y Planck Ruterhford y Hans Geiger Cámara de niebla para detectar electrones Rastros de electrones Desintegración de un átomo de nitrógeno Primera fotografia de Anderson del trazado de un positron J.J. Thomson Volver Inicio Glosario general
    Programas de afiliados gestionados por ganar dinero con pago por click (CPC), sms, dialers...

    48. Thomson,
    Translate this page thomson, sir joseph john (1856-1940). Físico británico, premiadocon el Nobel. Nació cerca de Manchester, Lancashire, y estudió
    Thomson, Sir Joseph John (1856-1940). Físico británico, premiado con el Nobe l. Nació cerca de Manchester, Lancashire, y estudió en el Owens College (hoy parte de la Universidad de Manchester) y en el Trinity College , de la Universidad de Cambridge . En esta institución enseñó matemáticas y física, fue profesor de física experimental en el laboratorio de Cavendish, y rector del Trinity College (1918-1940). También fue presidente de la Sociedad Real (1915-1920) y profesor de filosofía natural de la Institución regia de Gran Bretaña (1905-1918). En 1906 Thomson recibió el Premio Nobel de Física por su trabajo sobre la conducción de la electricidad a través de los gases. Se le considera el descubridor del electrón por sus experimentos con el flujo de partículas ( electrones ) que componen los rayos catódicos . Teórico y un experimentador, Thomson elaboró en 1898 la teoría del pudín de ciruelas de la estructura atómica, en la que sostenía que los electrones eran como 'ciruelas' negativas incrustadas en un 'pudín' de materia positiva. En 1908 fue nombrado Sir. Simulación del aparato experimental de Thomson (Ver fotografías

    49. John Joseph Thomson
    Other web links American Institute of Physics. Figures in Radiation History.sir joseph john thomson. Rosie Vickerton. Nathan Glasgow. James Glew.
    John Joseph Thomson Discoverer of the Electron Early Life John Joseph Thomson was born on December 18th, 1856 near Manchester. He won a scholarship to Trinity College, Cambridge where he studied Maths and Physics. Here in 1884, he was awarded a fellowship and became Cavendish Professor of Physics and Head of the Cavendish Laboratory . His Father died when he was 16. Discovering the Electron In 1897 Thomson did 3 experiments to prove his theories about Electrons. 1st Experiment Thomson built a cathode ray tube ending in a pair of metal cylinders with a slit in them. These cylinders were in turn connected to an electrometer, a device for catching and measuring electrical charge. He wanted to see if, by bending the rays with a magnet, he could separate the charge from the rays. He found out that you cannot separate the charge from the rays, therefore the negative charge and the cathode rays must somehow be stuck together. 2nd Experiment Thomson thought of a new idea. A charged particle will normally curve as it moves through an electric field, but not if it is surrounded by a conductor e.g. copper. Thomson thought that the traces of gas left in the tube were being turned into an electrical conductor by the cathode rays. To test this idea, he took great pains to extract nearly all of the gas from a tube, and found that now the cathode rays did bend in an electric field. Thomson concluded from these two experiments

    50. Joseph John Thomson
    Corrosion Doctors Web site, JJ thomson (18561940). sir joseph john thomsonwas born in Cheetham Hill, a suburb of Manchester on December 18, 1856.
    J.J. Thomson (1856-1940)
    Sir Joseph John Thomson was born in Cheetham Hill, a suburb of Manchester on December 18, 1856. He enrolled at Owens College, Manchester, in 1870, and in 1876 entered Trinity College, Cambridge as a minor scholar. He became a Fellow of Trinity College in 1880, when he was Second Wrangler and Second Smith's Prizeman, and he remained a member of the College for the rest of his life, becoming Lecturer in 1883 and Master in 1918. He was Cavendish Professor of Experimental Physics at Cambridge, where he succeeded Lord Rayleigh, from 1884 to 1918 and Honorary Professor of Physics, Cambridge and Royal Institution, London. Thomson's early interest in atomic structure was reflected in his Treatise on the Motion of Vortex Rings which won him the Adams Prize in 1884. His Application of Dynamics to Physics and Chemistry appeared in 1886, and in 1892 he had his Notes on Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism published. Thomson co-operated with Professor J. H. Poynting in a four-volume textbook of physics, Properties of Matter and in 1895 he produced Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism, the 5th edition of which appeared in 1921. In 1896, Thomson visited America to give a course of four lectures, which summarised his current researches, at Princeton. These lectures were subsequently published as Discharge of Electricity through Gases (1897). On his return from America, he achieved the most brilliant work of his life - an original study of cathode rays culminating in the discovery of the electron, which was announced during the course of his evening lecture to the Royal Institution on Friday, April 30, 1897. His book, Conduction of Electricity through Gases, published in 1903 was described by Lord Rayleigh as a review of "Thomson's great days at the Cavendish Laboratory". A later edition, written in collaboration with his son, George, appeared in two volumes (1928 and 1933).

    51. Thomson
    Translate this page thomson, sir joseph john (1856-1940), físico británico, premiadocon el Nobel. Nació cerca de Manchester, Lancashire, y estudió
    Thomson, Sir Joseph John (1856-1940), físico británico, premiado con el Nobel. Nació cerca de Manchester, Lancashire, y estudió en el Owens College (hoy parte de la Universidad de Manchester) y en el Trinity College, de la Universidad de Cambridge. En esta institución enseñó matemáticas y física, fue profesor de física experimental en el laboratorio de Cavendish, y rector del Trinity College (1918-1940). También fue presidente de la Sociedad Real (1915-1920) y profesor de filosofía natural de la Institución regia de Gran Bretaña (1905-1918).
    En 1906 Thomson recibió el Premio Nobel de Física por su trabajo sobre la conducción de la electricidad a través de los gases. Se le considera el descubridor del electrón por sus experimentos con el flujo de partículas (electrones) que componen los rayos catódicos. Teórico y un experimentador, Thomson elaboró en 1898 la teoría del pudín de ciruelas de la estructura atómica, en la que sostenía que los electrones eran como 'ciruelas' negativas incrustadas en un 'pudín' de materia positiva. En 1908 fue nombrado sir.

    52. Thomson
    Translate this page thomson, sir George Paget (1892-1975), físico británico, premiadocon el Nobel e hijo de joseph john thomson. Nació en Cambridge
    Thomson, Sir George Paget (1892-1975), físico británico, premiado con el Nobel e hijo de Joseph John Thomson. Nació en Cambridge y estudió en el Trinity College, de la Universidad de Cambridge. Enseñó física en Cambridge (1919-1922), en la Universidad de Aberdeen (1922-1930), y en el Colegio Imperial de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Universidad de Londres (1930-1952). Fue rector del Corpus Christi College, Universidad de Cambridge, desde 1952 hasta 1962. Compartió en 1937 el Premio Nobel de Física con el estadounidense Clinton Davisson por sus pruebas de las propiedades ondulatorias de los electrones. Thomson también fue famoso por sus investigaciones en aerodinámica y en energía nuclear. En 1943 fue nombrado sir.

    53. Joseph John Thomson :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
    Online Encyclopedia sir joseph john thomson (18 December 1856 30 August 1940),often known as JJ , was an English physicist, the discoverer of the electron.
    Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Joseph John Thomson
    Online Encyclopedia

    Sir Joseph John Thomson 18 December 30 August ), often known as "JJ", was an English physicist , the discoverer of the electron Thomson was born in near Manchester England , of Scottish parentage. He studied engineering at Owen's College, Manchester, and moved on to Trinity College, Cambridge . In he became Cavendish Professor of Physics. In 1890 he married Rose Paget, and he had two children with her. One of his students was Ernest Rutherford , who would later succeed him in the post. Influenced by the work of James Clerk Maxwell , and the discovery of the X-ray , he deduced that cathode rays (see cathode ray tube ) existed of negatively charged particles, which he called "corpuscles", and which are now known as electrons. The electron had been posited earlier, by G. Johnstone Stoney, as a unit of charge in electrochemistry, but Thompson realised that it was also a subatomic particle , the first one to be discovered. His discovery was made known in , and caused a sensation in scientific circles, eventually resulting in his being awarded a Nobel prize Prior to the outbreak of World War I , he made another ground-breaking discovery: the isotope . In , he became Master of Trinity College, Cambridge , where he remained till his dead. He died in

    54. Thomson, Sir Joseph John
    thomson, William (lord Kelvin). (1824 1907). thomson napsal pres 600vedeckých prací a byl za to povýšen do šlechtického stavu.
    Thomson, William (lord Kelvin)
    Anglický fyzik. V termodynamice zavedl absolutní teplotní stupnici. Jeho práce z elektøiny a magnetismu sloužili Maxwellovi jako podklad pro vytvoøení elektromagnetické teorie. Thomson napsal pøes 600 vìdeckých prací a byl za to povýšen do šlechtického stavu. Stal se tak lordem Kelvinem.

    55. MSN Encarta - Thomson, Sir Joseph John
    Translate this page thomson, sir joseph john. thomson, sir joseph john (1856-1940), physicien de nationalitéanglaise, lauréat du prix Nobel. Rechercher thomson, sir joseph john.
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    Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Thomson, sir Joseph John Thomson, sir Joseph John (1856-1940), physicien de nationalit© anglaise, laur©at du prix Nobel. Thomson naquit pr¨s de Manchester, dans le Lancashire,... M©dias 2 ©l©ments Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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    56. Sir Joseph John Thomson: Awards Won By Sir Joseph John Thomson
    123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. The biggest english dictionary Awards of sir joseph john thomson. OTHER-NOBEL, 1906, PHYSICS.
    hardwork is paid in form of awards The biggest english dictionary - Awards of Sir Joseph John Thomson OTHER-NOBEL PHYSICS Enter Artist/Album
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    57. Joseph John Thomson
    joseph john thomson. sir joseph john thomson (18 prosince 1856 30 srpna 1940),casto známý jak JJ , byl anglictina fyzik, objevitel elektron.
    švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
    Joseph John Thomson
    Sir Joseph John Thomson 18 prosince 30 srpna ), často zn¡m½ jak " JJ ", byla angličtina fyzik , objevitel elektron Thomson byl narozen v bl­zko Manchester Anglie , skotsk©ho původu. On studoval inžen½rstv­ u owensk© vysok© Å¡koly, Manchester, a se přesunul k Trinity vysok¡ Å¡kola, Cambridge . V on se st¡l Cavendish profesor fyziky. V 1890 on si vzal Rosu Paget, a on měl dvě děti s n­. Jeden z jeho studentů byl Ernest Rutherford , kdo by později n¡sledoval jej v poÅ¡tě. Ovlivňovan½ prac­ James ºÅ™edn­k Maxwell , a objev Rentgen , on dedukoval, že katodov© paprsky (vidět trubka katodov©ho paprsku ) existoval z¡porně nabit½ch č¡steček, kter½ on volal " krvinky ", a kter½ b½t nyn­ zn¡m½ jako elektrony. Elektron byl navrhnut dř­ve, G. Johnstone Stoney, jako jednotka poplatku v electrochemistry, ale Thompson uvědomil si, že to bylo tak© podatomov¡ č¡stice , prvn­ jeden b½t objeven. Jeho objev byl děl¡n zn¡m½ v , a způsobil rozruch ve vědeck½ch kruh¡ch, nakonec končit jeho byt­m udělen½ Nobelova cena Předchoz­ k vypuknut­ Světov¡ v¡lka j¡ , on udělal dalÅ¡­ průkopnick½ objev: izotop . V , on se stal mistrem Trinity vysok© Å¡koly, Cambridge , kde on zůstal obděl¡vat jeho mrtv½. On zemřel v

    58. Main Content
    sir joseph john thomson. English physicist, (b. Dec. 18, 1856 d. Aug.30, 1940). sir joseph john thomson. JJ thomson s most outstanding

    59. ThinkQuest : Library : Atomic Physics 101
    sir john joseph thomson (18561940) was born in Manchester, Englandon the 18 of December 1856. In 1876 he won a competition to
    Index Physical Science
    Atomic Physics 101
    Our entry is an interactive journey through the world of atomic research. This exploration of atomic research demonstrates that the models used to explain the composition of the atom have been refined and improved. Because the concepts of atomic theory are largely abstract, VRML-rendered interactive models are used to present macroscopic representations. Also, students are able to read biographies of relevant scientists. Animated images are used to demonstrate the experiments that were performed and led to the postulation of the particular theory. Our site is designed for students across a wide range of educational levels. The information in our web site will benefit both those students who want a general overview and those who want a detailed explanation of a specific topic. Our entry is not an extensive knowledge base for college science majors, but rather a site about atomic physics for the general population. Visit Site 1999 ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Languages English Students Karl Westside High School, Omaha, NE, United States

    60. Joseph John Thomson - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    PhatNav s Encyclopedia A Wikipedia . joseph john thomson. sir josephjohn thomson was an English physicist, the discoverer of the electron.

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