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Tho Le Duc: more detail | ||||
61. CNN Specials - Vietnam At 25 le duc tho North Vietnamese leader le duc tho is best known for negotiating the Parisceasefire with US presidential adviser Henry Kissinger in January 1973. http://www.cnn.com/interactive/specials/0004/vietnam.profiles/tho.html | |
62. Premios Nobel · Libros · Cultura Y Ciencia · Terra le duc tho. le duc thoha sido considerado el responsable de que Vietnam firmase el acuerdo. http://cultura.terra.es/cac/libros/nobel/portada.cfm?idpersona=67&idpremio=372 |
63. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Opposition to le Duan and le duc tho has coalesced around Soviet Union.But after Ho s death, le Duan and le duc tho were able gradually to http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
64. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results These prizes were first MacBride, Ir. 1973 Henry Kissinger, US; le duc tho, N.Viet. US secretary of state; le duc tho, of North Viet Nam (declined 11. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_almanacs |
65. Voll Coole Inhalte Zu Silberhochzeitsspiele Und Vieles Mehr Translate this page le duc tho, eigentlich Phan Din Khai, wurde am 14. le duc tho stieg bisin die Spitze der Kommunistischen Partei von Nordvietnam auf. http://www.andreas-niedrig.de/Silberhochzeitsspiele.html | |
66. AIT Alumni Information Alumni Directory. Mr. le duc tho Nationality Vietnam. School School of AdvancedTechnologies. Program Industrial Systems Engineering. Degree Diploma. http://www.asdu.ait.ac.th/Alumni/alumniById.cfm?AlumniID=19980236 |
67. Paris Agreements Of 1973 for his removal after Thieu refused to sign the accords agreed to in October 1972by Henry Kissinger and North Vietnamese Foreign Minister le duc tho.7 The http://www.ehistory.com/vietnam/essays/theend/0001.cfm | |
68. Peace Or Piece-by-piece? In 1973, the same Academy chose to bestow the honor of peacemaker on Henry Kissingerof the US and le duc tho of North Vietnam for their achievement of the http://www.middleeastfacts.com/Articles/peace_or_piece-by-piece.htm | |
69. MSN Encarta - Le Duc Tho Translate this page le duc tho. le duc tho, seudónimo de Phan Dinh Khai (1911-1990), político vietnamita,nacido en Vietnam del Norte. Más información sobre le duc tho de, http://es.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761565276/Le_Duc_Tho.html | |
70. The John Birch Society - Vietnam - Resting In "Peace" on where such diplomacy may lead, it is worth looking at the agreement concludedby Henry Kissinger and North Vietnamese Special Adviser le duc tho on January http://www.jbs.org/visitor/focus/vietnam/above/peace.htm | |
71. Vietnam War Quiz: North Vietnamese Leaders 7. Negotiated with Kissinger as le duc tho s deputy. a. Xuan Thuy b. le Loic. Minh Mang. a. Ho Chi Minh b. Pham Van Dong c. le duc tho. Search Now http://www.vietnamwar.net/nvleaders/nvleaders.htm | |
72. En Avant La Zizique - Disques De Collection - Catalogue Translate this page BO. MAGNE michel, LAUTNER georges. EP. Fra. Monocle rit jaune (le). duc tho 460V647.NC. BO. MAGNE michel, VADIM roger. SP. Fra. Grands chemins (les). Barclay 70.559.NC. http://sgbd.kletel.net/4DAction/Ziz_R_Artiste/?Interprete=magne&categorie=bo&Tit |
73. En Avant La Zizique - Disques De Collection - Catalogue Translate this page Francophone. QUATRE DE PARIS (les). EP. France. le tendre piège. duc tho 460V332.NC. Francophone. QUATRE DE PARIS (les). EP. France. Diana. duc tho 460V421. 22Eur. http://sgbd.kletel.net/4DAction/Ziz_R_Artiste/?Artiste=Q |
74. Saigon Embassy Files Kept By Ambassador Graham Martin February 20, 1970 Secret talks between Kissinger and le duc tho begin in Paris. October 8, 1972 Kissinger and le duc tho reach peace agreement. http://www.ford.utexas.edu/library/guides/Finding Aids/Saigon Embassy Files Kept | |
75. Ecran Noir / Nhung Nguoi Tho Xe / Les Coupeurs De Bois Translate this page Nhung Nguoi tho Xe / les Coupeurs de bois Vietnam / 1998 / Sortie France quil tueleurs chiens, ils brûlent le baraquement Vuong duc est né en 1957 à Hanoi http://www.ecrannoir.fr/films/98/nhung.htm | |
76. INDICE ONOMÁSTICO Translate this page THANT, U. 44 72 18/01/1968 8420. tho, le duc 2 15 25/01/1969 2368. tho,le duc 48 111 13/08/1968 7927. thoMPSON SMITH 51 134 04/11/1968 8086. http://goedel.ffyh.unc.edu.ar/~archfilm/t.htm | |
77. Un Nobel Senza Pace Translate this page patti di sangue con alcuni regimi sudamericani Henry Kissinger, nel 1973, venneinsignito del premio Nobel per la Pace, vinto insieme a le duc tho per la http://www.peacelink.it/tematiche/latina/nobel/index.php3 | |
78. TP: Die Versprochene Hilfe Kam Nie An Translate this page le duc tho, der Vertreter Nordvietnams, und der amerikanische SicherheitsberaterHenry Kissinger, die das Abkommen ausgehandelt hatten, bekamen für die http://www.telepolis.de/deutsch/inhalt/co/14043/1.html | |
79. Le Duc Tho Declined The Nobel Peace Prize le duc tho declined the nobel peace prize. Re le duc tho declined the nobel peaceprize Jacquinn Solomon 101935 11/26/2001 (0) Post a Followup. Name EMail http://www.almaz.com/nobel/wwwboard/messages/328.html | |
80. CPL - The Things They Carried 1972 US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger announces peace is at hand, afterhe and North Vietnamese leader le duc tho reach a tentative agreement on a http://www.chipublib.org/003cpl/oboc/things/timeline.html | |
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