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81. History Channel - Speeches - Ralph Bunche, U.S. Diplomat: On The United Nations In 1947, he was appointed to the united nations and subsequently served as an aide roleat the UN, supervising the deployment of UN peacekeeping forces to the http://www.historychannel.com/speeches/archive/speech_407.html | |
82. UNFPA: News The united nations Department of DPKO is committed to working with our partnersto support HIV/AIDS awareness among our peacekeeping forces, said Michael http://www.unfpa.org/news/news.cfm?ID=186&Language=1 |
83. Bush Reports To Congress On U.S. Peacekeeping Forces In Balkans by US law, with information on US peacekeeping forces in the Balkans. In his letteraccompanying the report, Bush discussed united nations Security Council http://www.useu.be/Categories/GlobalAffairs/July2202BushBalkans.html | |
84. Petition For An Emergency United Nations Resolution On Iraq Petition mobilization and deployment of a united nations Peacekeeping Force in Iraq; the immediateand orderly withdrawal of the occupying forces; the coordination, by http://www.petitiononline.com/MayDay03/petition.html | |
We, the undersigned, Deploring the current invasion and occupation of Iraq by foreign forces as an act of aggression in violation of the United Nations Charter and international law; Deeply concerned by the Security Council's failure to condemn the current invasion and occupation of Iraq; Further concerned about threats and coercive efforts by the United States to influence the votes of others in disregard of clear expressions of popular will and the principles and the Charter of the United Nations on a recent proposal to invoke Resolution 377 (V) Uniting for Peace; Deeply troubled by the humanitarian crisis, violations of human rights, destruction and looting - with irreversible consequences - and recognizing the urgent need for nonpartisan international assistance to the Iraqi people; Call upon the Security Council to ensure that the United Nations plays a central role in restoring peace and security in Iraq. If the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to act with respect to the following matters relating to international peace and security, then we call upon all Member States of the United Nations to immediately convene an Emergency Meeting of the General Assembly, under the provisions of General Assembly Resolution 377 (V), Uniting for Peace, to act. | |
85. United Nations Peacekeeping -- Fatalities united nations FATALITY STATISTICS. NOTE Statistics based on available united nations data covering the period 1948 http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko | |
86. United Nations Peacekeeping: Success Stories and the world community of a strengthened united nations. reducing violence and enablingnations to respond UN Peacekeeping Operations Missions Accomplished. http://www.clw.org/pub/clw/un/unsucess.html | |
87. UN Peacekeeping Operations on that law, Japan participated in peacekeeping operations in been dispatching a SelfDefenseForces contingent to the united nations Disengagement Observer http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/un/pamph2000/pko.html | |
88. DND/CF : Backgrounder : Canadian Forces Contribution To The United Nations Missi Under the ceasefire agreement, the border region would be patrolled by UnitedNations peacekeeping forces and monitored by observers from the OAU. http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/newsroom/view_news_e.asp?id=995 |
89. Peace Keeping Operations - Foreign Affairs Division united Nation Peace Keeping Operations Peace Keeping Operations, The united Nationsshall consider an arrangement for rapid deployment of peacekeeping forces. http://www.pakistan.gov.pk/foreignaffairs-division/policies/pak-int/pak-un/un-pe |
90. United Nations. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 crisis created by the arrears owed by the united States and other nations, a crisisexacerbated by the expense of increased peacekeeping operations. http://www.bartleby.com/65/un/UN.html | |
91. News Room UN is that it is mainly involved in peacekeeping. force either through the UN peacekeepingforces or by is the principal judicial organ of the united nations. http://www.umc-gbcs.org/news/primer.php | |
92. Peacekeeping Web Links: Library And Links: Jeannette Rankin Library Program: U.S Policy seeks to understand the use of military, humanitarian, and political forcesin the The Project on Peacekeeping and the united nations From Council http://www.usip.org/library/topics/peacekeeping.html | |
93. Freitas Do Amaral, P. 2 Of 4 The only troops of the united nations the blue helmets are peacekeepingforces, created by the Security Council and voluntarily supplied by willing http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/UN/freitas2.html | |
94. Thematical Bibliographies : Peacekeeping Forces / Applicability Of LOAC http://www.vbs.admin.ch/internet/gst/KVR/e/biblio2-e-PKF.htm | |
95. Welcome To Peacekeeping Website http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko/dpko/home.shtml |
96. Welcome To Www.unficyp.org SecretaryGeneral s Address to the People of Cyprus (Requires Real Player for viewing,to download real player click here www.real.com) Also available in text http://www.unficyp.org/ | |
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