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The United Nations Peace-keeping Forces: more books (43) |
61. WCQ Peacekeeping Summary united nations Peacekeepers have generally been successful in international peacekeepingmissions since the end of the Cold War. However, Peacekeeping forces http://www.globalterrorism101.com/PeacekeepingSummary.html | |
62. United Nations Career Records Project nations Development Programme (UNDP), the united nations Conference on Trade andDevelopment (UNCTAD) and the Bretton Woods institutions. PEACEKEEPING forces. http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/modpol/uncrp.htm | |
63. Chinese Peacekeepers In Action to ensure prompt and effective action by the united nations, its members the SecurityCouncil is responsible for the establishment of peacekeeping forces. http://english.pladaily.com.cn/special/e-peace/txt/18.htm | |
64. Globalinfo.org - LOG IN Over the next five years, the united States, along with other western nations, isexpected forces willing to participate in peacekeeping operations, said http://www.globalinfo.org/eng/reader.asp?ArticleId=29887 |
65. Japan's Contributions To International Peace Since the establishment of the united nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO)in Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to UN peacekeeping forces in recognition http://www.pko.go.jp/PKO_E/wpko_e.html | |
66. United Nations : An Adovcate Of Peace And International Development? NATO air bombings and the withdrawal of Yugoslav forces. in Europe and the UnitedNations are working UN peacemaking and peacekeeping have been instrumental in http://www.coursework.info/i/407.html | |
67. CNN - United Nations 50th Anniversary UN 50th Anniversary. timeline. 50th anniversary UN Peacekeeping forces. Clickon a dot for more information, or view the entire list UN Milestones. http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9510/un_50/ | |
68. Viking Phoenix Web Page: United Nations And Global Governance See also Special forces Underground (below Direction 25 gives President Clinton newpowers to commit US troops to united nations peacekeeping operations, often http://vikingphoenix.com/politics/statist/globalist/un.htm | |
69. United Nations Peacekeeping Operations:Problems And Prospects nations Peacekeeping Operations Problems and Prospects. Lt. Gen Satish Nambiar.(First Force Commander and Head of Mission of the united nations forces in the http://www.indianembassy.org/policy/Peace_Keeping/UN_Seminar/UN_Seminar_Nambiar. | |
70. AllAfrica.com: Peacekeeping And Intervention Forces The united nations peacekeeping chief is scheduled to arrive seeking payment undera united nations disarmament plan UN forces responded with teargas to http://allafrica.com/peacekeeping/ | |
71. Deployments - Somalia - Operation United Shield - Background struggle. US Army forces in Somalia were reduced in preparation fora transition to a united nations peacekeeping force. In March http://www.deploymenthealth.mil/deployments/united_shield/background.asp | |
72. Peacekeeping And The United Nations Peacekeeping and the united nations. administration came into office espousingsupport for UN peacekeeping. and seemed unwilling to commit US forces to UN http://www.fpif.org/briefs/vol1/unpeace_body.html | |
73. Address To The United Nations General Assembly On The Occasion Of The 50th Anniv Peace, which needs no international observers or peacekeeping forces to separate Majestyannounced the opening of the united nations International Leadership http://www.kinghussein.gov.jo/95_oct22.html | |
74. The United Nations And Peacekeeping In Africa - Whither Peacekeeping In Africa? its broadest sense, to include any deployment of military forces for security purposesunder UN authority. In R Higgins, united nations peacekeeping 19461967 http://www.iss.co.za/Pubs/Monographs/No36/unitednations.html |
75. The Multinational Force And Observers Peacekeeping Links Canadian forces College Peace Home Page Canadian PeacekeepingVeterans Association of Veterans in united nations Peacekeeping The Lester B http://www.iaw.on.ca/~awoolley/mfo.html | |
76. Ukraine Info About Ukraine Armed Forces ON UKRAINE`S PARTICIPATION IN THE united nations PEACEKEEPING ACTIVITIES. Ukrainehas actively participated in the UN peacekeeping activities since the very http://www.ukraineinfo.us/about/peacekeeping.html |
77. PLACING OF UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES UNDER UNITED NATIONS OPERATIONAL OR TACTIC the President from placing united States Armed forces under the operational ortactical control of the united nations in UN peacekeeping operations would http://www.usdoj.gov/olc/hr3308.htm | |
78. 1998: U.S. DEBTS TO THE UNITED NATIONS various arms of the united nations such as care for refugees the world over; theWorld Health Organization; the maintaining of peacekeeping forces; to finance http://www.ethicalculture.org/neac/aeuresolutions/1998-02.htm | |
79. FAILURE AT THE UNITED NATIONS DUE TO AOB endeavour to manoeuvre a UN peacekeeping force into citing UN humanitarian aid andpeacekeeping work in I move the motion that- THE united nations HAS FAILED http://www.beck6mw.freeserve.co.uk/3c8UN0.htm | |
80. Washingtonpost.com: Bush Plans Aid To Build Foreign Peace Forces earlier this month calls for the united States to provide logistical support to forcesin nations willing to at Africa by expanding the peacekeeping skills of http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A22637-2004Apr18?language=printer |
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