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21. American Friends Service Committee, Case No. VFA-0682, August 28, 2001 Name of Petitioner American Friends Service Committee. (1) The Freedom of InformationAct Appeal filed by the american friends service committee, Case No. http://www.oha.doe.gov/cases/foia/vfa0682.htm | |
22. Statement Of The Board Of The American Friends Service Committee On The Case Of Statement of the Board of the american friends service committee onthe Case of Mumia Abu Jamal. June 24, 2000. The American Friends http://www.refuseandresist.org/mumia/2000/063000afsc.html | |
23. Records Of The American Friends Service Committee, Midwest Branch, Advisory Comm Guide to the Records of the american friends service committee, Midwest Branch,Advisory Committee for Evacuees 19421963. American Friends Service Committee. http://www.lib.washington.edu/specialcoll/findaids/docs/papersrecords/AmFriendsS | |
24. Fredsakademiet: Freds- Og Sikkerhedspolitisk Leksion A 155 : American Friends Se American Friends Service Committee. the american friends service committeestarter bespisning af tysklands underernærede børn i januar 1920. http://www.fredsakademiet.dk/ordbog/aord/a155.htm | |
25. FBI - Freedom Of Information Act - American Friends Service Committee american friends service committee. 3 498 pages. This committee was originally formed in 1917 to The file covers the activities of the committee from the 1920's through the 1970's. http://foia.fbi.gov/committe.htm | |
26. American Friends Service Committee - Western Massachusetts It was last updated 5/10/04 at 0900 AM . american friends ServiceCommittee NEW ENGLAND REGION WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS PROGRAM. Jo http://www.westernmassafsc.org/ | |
27. Child Soldiers american friends service committee's web page that provides information, news, and analysis on child soldiers around the world. http://www.afsc.org/issues/index/childso.asp |
28. Standing Deer Presente! The Web Site Of Standing Deer Official site of expolitical prisoner Standing Deer. It is edited by Standing Deer himself, Bonnie Kerness of american friends service committee and Anna Standing Deer. Includes many entries by other political prisoners, incarcerated prison activists and outside support people. http://www.geocities.com/standingdeer1/index.htm | |
29. American Friends Service Committee american friends service committee (AFSC) Address 65 Ninth Street San Francisco, CA 941031401 Voice (415) 565-0201 Fax (415) 565-0204 Email smcneil@afsc.org Web http//www.afsc.org/ This entry was http://bapd.org/gamsee-1.html | |
30. American Friends Service Committee - Quaker Values In Action A Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service. http://www.afsc.org/default.htm | |
31. American Friends Service Committee - Western Massachusetts It was last updated 5/12/04 at 0732 AM . american friends ServiceCommittee NEW ENGLAND REGION WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS PROGRAM. Jo http://users.crocker.com/~afsc/ | |
32. Baltimore : Middle Atlantic Region : AFSC Promotes nonviolent activism in order to end gun violence and create a culture of peace. http://www.afsc.org/midatlantic/baltimore.htm | |
33. Revista Futuros Revista trimestral digital latinoamericana y del Caribe, publicada por AFSC, american friends service committee (Comit© de Servicio de Amigos). http://www.revistafuturos.info | |
34. STofUnion/AFSC Northeast Ohio american friends service committee. Home. Events. Africa Initiative. Economic Justice. How to Contribute. STATEMENT OF NORTHEAST OHIO american friends service committee IN CONNECTION http://www.afsc.net/stofunion_afsc.htm | |
35. Pennsylvania Pennsylvania. american friends service committee (AFSC) (Nat'l) The Chester County Peace Movement. LEPOCO Peace Center (LehighPocono committee of Concern) The Orion Grove. Ride for Peace 301) 270-4858 or toll free at (888) END-A-WAR. american friends service committee (Natl) http://www.endthewar.org/members/pennsylvania.htm | |
36. Page Has Moved Reasons to oppose war with Iraq, resources, news, links, and ways to help. http://www.afsc.org/IRAQ/ | |
37. InterAction.org | Members Buy Publications. Monday Developments. american friends service committee (AFSC) http://www.interaction.org/members/detail.php?id=56 |
38. Redirect : Middle East Resources, activism, and analysis about the IsraelPalestinian crisis and Iraq, with descriptions of the organization's programs initiatives, and a basic introduction to Islam. http://www.afsc.org/mideasthome.htm | |
39. Page Has Moved Leadership, self esteem, and cultural reclaiming for Wabanaki peoples youth in Maine, USA, and parts of Ontario and Quebec, Canada. Program summary and contact information. http://www.afsc.org/pdesc/pd219.htm | |
40. Recreate Northeast Ohio american friends service committee. http://www.afsc.net/recreate.htm | |
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