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81. The Wondering Minstrels (poet) 1203, 19 Mar 2003, rabindranath tagore, Last Poems 13, The first day s sun, 11. 1231, 20 Apr 2003, rabindranath tagore, The Gardener (LXXXV), Who are you, reader, 8. http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/index_poet_T.html | |
82. Literary Encyclopedia: Tagore, Rabindranath tagore, rabindranath. (1861 1941). www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Literature. Playwright, Poet, Novelist, Story Writer. Active 1881 - 1941 in India, South Asia. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=4307 |
83. Rabindranath Tagore @ Catharton Authors rabindranath tagore. ? Bored? Websites Lopa s rabindranath tagore page. rabindranath tagore umbc.edu. rabindranath tagore topbiography.com. Message Boards http://www.catharton.com/authors/3450.htm | |
84. Tagore, Rabindranath - University Of Maryland tagore, rabindranath. The Hungry Stones And Other Stories University Libraries, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 207427011 http://www.lib.umd.edu/ETC/ReadingRoom/Fiction/Tagore/ | |
85. Rabindranath Tagore Selection Of Poetry On Allspirit A selection of the poems of Bengali poet rabindranath tagore, including Gitanjali, The Kiss, Hard Times,Lord of My Life,Waiting, Fireflies. rabindranath tagore. http://www.allspirit.co.uk/tagore.html | |
86. Rabindranath Tagore Gitanjali On Allspirit Allspirit logo. rabindranath tagore Gitanjali Song Offerings. Verses http://www.allspirit.co.uk/gitanjali.html | |
87. Alibris: Rabindranath Tagore Used, new outof-print books by author rabindranath tagore. 5. The Gardener more books like this by tagore, rabindranath buy used from $7.90! http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Rabindranath Tagore | |
88. Veszprem Megyei Eletrajzi Lexikon - A rabindranath tagore tagore, rabindranath (Kalkutta, 1861. máj. 7. Kalkutta, 1941. aug. 7.) költo, filozófus. Nobeldíjas hindu író, költo. http://www.mek.iif.hu/porta/szint/egyeb/lexikon/veszplex/html/szocikk/t.htm | |
89. The Works Of Rabindranath Tagore The Works of rabindranath tagore. Gitanjali 1913 Saddhana, The Realisation World 1915 Translated by rabindranath tagore. Songs of Kabîr http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/tagore/ | |
90. Kirjaston Erikoisluettelo - Suomalaisia Aasiassa alkuteos Asuitable boy ISBN 9510-21207-5 tagore, rabindranath Ahnaat paadet ynnä muita kertomuksia /rabindranath tagore ; tekijän luvalla suomentanut J http://global.finland.fi/tietoa/kirjasto/aasia.html | |
91. Tagore There was a time when in Europe, shattered by the torment of the First World War, the name rabindranath tagore (18611941) could evoke an enthusiasm bordering http://www.iias.nl/iiasn/iiasn5/soutasia/tagore.html | |
92. EbooksLib, Your Source For Quality EBooks! Join. Login. English eBooks. tagore, rabindranath, Home and the World, The, Buy this eBook. tagore, rabindranath, King of the Dark Chamber, The, Buy this eBook. http://www.ebookslib.com/?a=s&aut=3221 |
93. BBC - Books - Author Profile For Rabindranath Tagore Author Profile for rabindranath tagore with details of important works, education and background. http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/books/author/tagore/ | |
94. The Kozmik Horoscope Of Rabindranath Tagore horoscopes This horoscope has been specially prepared for rabindranath tagore Born 4.06 May 7 1861 Calcutta India 22n32 88e22 time zone 5hr 54min 28secs Get http://www.kozmikhoroscopes.com/tagore.htm | |
95. 57086. Tagore, Rabindranath. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 ATTRIBUTION rabindranath tagore (18611941), Indian Nobel Prize winning author. The Crescent Moon, The Judge, (1913). The http://www.bartleby.com/66/86/57086.html | |
96. TIMEasia.com | TIME 100: Rabindranath Tagore | 8/23/99-8/30/99 rabindranath tagore Born May 6, 1861 in Calcutta 1901 Founds Santiniketan school to protest existing system of education 1912 Earns worldwide recognition with http://www.time.com/time/asia/asia/magazine/1999/990823/tagore1.html | |
97. Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore http://www.indembassyhavana.cu/Indiafactsheets/Tagore/Tagoresp.htm | |
98. Einstein Archives Online - Contents Of Folder 34-4 Translate this page line, JPG, CPAE. Get full record from archival database, 34-240.00, 12/22/1929, tagore, rabindranath, Einstein, Albert, Get full record http://www.alberteinstein.info/db/ViewFolder.do?folder=34-4 |
99. Rabindranath Tagore story writer, essayist, musician, artist, actor, director, educator, philosopher and activist (rather than a politician), rabindranath tagore was fourteenth of http://www.iasf.org/rabindra.htm | |
100. TomFolio.com: By Rabindranath Tagore 1. tagore, rabindranath East to West (The Atlantic Monthly, June 1927) Publisher Atlantic Monthly Co. 2. tagore, rabindranath, De Brief van den Koning. http://www.tomfolio.com/AuthorInfo/SearchAuthors.asp?Aut=Rabindranath_Tagore |
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