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         Stark Johannes:     more books (31)
  1. Johannes Stark by Karin Ackerlind, 2004-10-13
  2. A Guide to the Solo Songs of Johannes Brahms by Lucien Stark, 1995-10-01
  3. Prinzipien Der Atomdynamik, Volume 2 (German Edition) by Johannes Stark, 2010-03-05
  4. Die Dissoziierung Und Umwandlung Chemischer Atome (1903) (German Edition) by Johannes Stark, 2010-09-10
  5. Die Elektrizität in Gasen (German Edition) by Johannes Stark, 2010-03-29
  6. Hochschullehrer (Würzburg): Rudolf Virchow, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Athanasius Kircher, Wilhelm Wien, Emil Fischer, Johannes Stark (German Edition)
  7. University of Hanover Faculty: Johannes Juilfs, Wilhelm Groth, Johannes Stark, Hans Mayer, Fritz Sauter, Wilhelm Biltz, Erwin Fues
  8. Hochschullehrer (Rwth Aachen): Hugo Junkers, Norbert Blüm, Hans Schwippert, Johannes Stark, Arnold Gehlen, Franz Pöggeler, Walter Biemel (German Edition)
  9. Elektrische spektralanalyse chemischer atome (German Edition) by Johannes Stark, 1914-01-01
  10. Überzeugend auftreten by Johannes Stärk, 2008
  11. Die Atomionen chemischer Elemente und ihre Kanai?strahi?en-Spektra (German Edition) by Johannes Stark, 1913-01-01
  12. Prinzipien Der Atomdynamik, Volume 3 (German Edition) by Johannes Stark, 2010-04-04
  13. Jüdische und deutsche Physik : Vorträge zur Eröffnung des Kolloquiums für theoretische Physik an der Universität München by Johannes Stark, 1941-01-01
  14. Prinzipien der Atomdynamik (German Edition) by Johannes Stark, 1910-01-01

1. WIEM: Stark Johannes
stark johannes (18741957), fizyk niemiecki. Fizyka, Niemcy stark johannes(1874-1957). stark johannes (1874-1957), fizyk niemiecki.
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Fizyka, Niemcy
Stark Johannes
Stark Johannes (1874-1957), fizyk niemiecki. Profesor politechniki w Akwizgranie (1909-1917) oraz uniwersytetów w Greifswaldzie (1917-1920) i Würzburgu (1920-1922). Prezes Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt (1933-1939). Odkry³ zjawisko Dopplera dla promieniowania kanalikowego (1905) oraz rozszczepienie linii widmowych w polu elektrycznym ( Starka zjawisko , 1913) - za drugie z owych odkryæ otrzyma³ w 1919 Nagrodê Nobla By³ zaanga¿owanym zwolennikiem faszyzmu , za co po II wojnie ¶wiatowej s±dzono go i skazano (1947) na 4 lata obozu pracy. WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

2. Johannes Stark - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Johannes Stark. Johannes Stark (April 15, 1874 June 21, 1957) was a prominent20th century physicist, and a Physics Nobel Prize laureate.
Johannes Stark
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Johannes Stark April 15 June 21 ) was a prominent 20th century physicist , and a Physics Nobel Prize laureate. Born in Schickenhof Bavaria , Stark was educated at the Bayreuth Gymnasium (grammar school) and later in Regensburg . His collegiate education began at the Munich University , where he studied physics, mathematics chemistry , and crystallography . His tenure at that college began in ; he graduated in , with his doctoral dissertation regarding some physics subjects of Isaac Newton He worked in various positions at the Physics Institute of his alma mater until , when he became an unsalaried lecturer at the University of Göttingen . He moved throughout various physics colleges until . In , however, he won the Nobel Prize in physics for his "discovery of the Doppler effect in canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines in electric fields" (the latter is known as the Stark effect ). From until his retirement in , Stark was elected President of the Physico-Technical Institute , while also President of the German Research Association Stark published more than 300 papers, mainly regarding

3. Johannes Stark
Johannes Stark, Education on the Internet Johannes Stark was born inSchickenhof, Germany, on 15th April, 1874. He was educated at
Johannes Stark
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Johannes Stark was born in Schickenhof, Germany , on 15th April, 1874. He was educated at the local grammar school in Bayruth before attending the University of Munich to study physics, mathematics and chemistry. After graduating in 1897 Stark worked at the Physics Institute in Munich until becoming a lecturer of physics at the University of Gottingen (1900-1906) and professor of physics at the Technische Hochschule in Hannover (1906-1909). Stark correspondence with Albert Einstein and this resulted in him exploring what became known as the light quanta hypothesis. In 1913 Stark modified the photo-equivalence law that had been proposed by Einstein seven years earlier. In 1919 Stark discovered the splitting of spectral lines in a electric field and six years later won the Nobel Prize for Physics as a result of his work on electro-magnetism.

4. Johannes Stark - Encyclopedia Article About Johannes Stark. Free Access, No Regi
encyclopedia article about Johannes Stark. Johannes Stark in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Johannes Stark. Stark
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Johannes Stark
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Johannes Stark April 15 April 15 is the 105th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (106th in leap years). There are 260 days remaining.
  • 1450 - Battle of Formigny; Toward the end of the Hundred Years' War, the French attack and nearly annihilate English forces, ending English domination in northern France.
  • 1632 - Battle of Rain; Swedes under Gustavus Adolphus defeat the Holy Roman Empire during the Thirty Years' War.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1820s 1830s 1840s 1850s 1860s - Years: 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 -
  • January 1 - New York City annexes The Bronx
  • January 23 - Marriage of the Duke of Edinburgh, second son of Queen Victoria, to Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia, only daughter of Emperor Alexander III of Russia.

Click the link for more information. June 21 June 21 is the 172nd day of the year (173rd in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar, with 193 days remaining. June 21 is the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, so today is the day of the year with the longest hours of daylight in the northern hemisphere, and the shortest in the southern hemisphere.
  • 1665 - First soldiers of Le Régiment de Carignan-Salières arrive at Quebec Quebec to invade Iroquois territories.

5. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Stark Johannes
stark johannes . Page 1 sur1. *, Réservé X. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour stark johannes .
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Stark Johannes" Page sur 1 R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Stark, Johannes Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Stark, Johannes (1874-1957), physicien allemand. Johannes Stark Encyclop©die EncartaImage spectroscopie Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article spectroscopie R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Page sur 1
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Bunsen (Robert Wilhelm)Fabry-P©rot (l'interf©rom¨tre de)Lyman (la s©rie de)rayons X (les)Ritz (le principe de)Rydberg (Janne Robert) Siegbahn (Karl Manne Georg)Sommerfeld (Arnold Johannes Wilhelm)spectres (les)

6. Johannes Stark
Johannes Stark. (15. dubna 1874 – 21. cervna 1957). Nemecký fyzikJohannes Stark se narodil v roce 1874 v rodine statkáre.
Johannes Stark (15. dubna 1874 – 21. èervna 1957) Nobelovu cenu získal v roce 1919 za objev Dopplerova efektu v paprscích kladných iontù a rozštìpení spektrálních èar v elektrickém poli. Nìmecký fyzik Johannes Stark se narodil v roce 1874 v rodinì statkáøe. Matematiku, fyziku, chemii a krystalografii studoval na univerzitì v Mnichovì. V roce 1906 se stal profesorem na vysoké technické škole v Hannoveru, v roce 1909 v Cáchách. V letech 1933 – 1939 byl prezidentem Fyzikálnì technického øíšského ústavu. Starkovi výzkumy sahají do tøí oblastí: elektrické výboje v plynech, spektrální analýza a chemická valence. Stark zkoumal svìtelný oblouk a procesy na katodì doutnavky, v roce 1905 v laboratoøi dokázal Dopplerùv jev u kanálových paprskù, tj. u svítících atomù, které dosahují pøi elektrických výbojích v plynu rychlosti až 1000 km za sekundu. Významné jsou také jeho práce o výzkumu sil, které podmiòují chemickou vazbu atomù. Jeho velkým úspìchem byl v roce 1913 objev štìpení spektrálních èar vodíku v elektrickém poli (Starkùv efekt), který má velký význam pro výzkumy struktury atomù a pro výzkumy pùsobení atomù na molekuly. Ve 40. letech Stark podlehl politickému ovzduší pøed nástupem Hitlera k moci a stal zakladatelem mlhavì vymezené „nìmecké fyziky“. Kolem nìj a P. E. A. Lenarda se vytvoøila skupina „nacionálních badatelù“, která kritizovala Einsteinovu teorii relativity a Bohrovy poznatky, èímž se znaènì vzdálil fyzice.

7. Johannes Stark
Johannes Stark. Used with permission of Maiken Naylor, University at Buffalo, Buffalo,NY, USA, http//
Johannes Stark
Used with permission of Maiken Naylor, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA,
Johannes Stark (1874-1957) was able to demonstrate the splitting of atomic spectral lines due to an electric field, just as Zeeman had done with a magnetic field. However, the patterns are not symmetrical about the original line, as in the Zeeman effect, nor are the relationships between field strength and change in wave length quite as simple, making the Stark effect not a useful tool for spectral analysis. Stark won the Nobel prize in physics in 1919 for this discovery, as well as for the observation of the Doppler effect in radiation emitted by accelerated hydrogen atoms in a discharge tube.

8. Stark
Johannes Stark. Born 15 June 1957. Johannes Stark was born on April 15,1874 in Schickenhof, Bavaria; his father was a landed proprietor.
Johannes Stark
Born: 15 April 1874 in Schickenhof, Bavaria (Germany)
Died: 21 June 1957
Johannes Stark was born on April 15, 1874 in Schickenhof, Bavaria; his father was a landed proprietor. He was educated at the Gymnasium (grammar school) in Bayreuth and later in Regensburg and proceeded to Munich University in 1894 to read physics, mathematics, chemistry and crystallography. Stark graduated in 1897 on the basis of his doctoral dissertation on Newton's electrochronic rings in a certain type of dim media. He worked as assistant to von Lommel at the Physics Institute at Munich University from 1897 until 1900 and then became unsalaried university lecturer of physics at the University of Göttingen . In 1906 he was appointed extraordinary professor at the Technische Hochschule in Hangover and in 1909 he followed the invitation of the Technische Hochschule in Aachen to become Professor there. A similar appointment at the University of Greifswald followed in 1917. Three years later he moved to the Physics Institute of the University of Würzburg , where he stayed until 1922.

9. Johannes Stark - Wikipedia
Translate this page Johannes Stark. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. JohannesStark (* 15. April 1874 † 21. Juni 1957) War deutscher
Johannes Stark
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Johannes Stark 15. April 21. Juni in Traunstein ) war deutscher Physiker und Träger des Physik Nobelpreises Johannes Stark, geboren auf dem Weiler Schickenhof, heute Teil der Gemeinde Freihung in der Oberpfalz , besuchte das Gymnasium in Bayreuth und später in Regensburg , dem ein Studium der Fächer Physik, Mathematik Chemie und Kristallographie in München folgte. Er promovierte bei Professor E. von Lommel zum Thema Untersuchung über einige physikalische, vorzüglich optische Eigenschaften des Rußes ) und blieb danach noch Assistent bei seinem Doktorvater in München. 1900 ging er als Privatdozent nach Göttingen, wo er 1906 Außerordentlicher Professor wurde. In diese Zeit fiel die Entdeckung des optischen Doppler-Effektes in Kanalstrahlen . Im Jahre 1908 erhielt er einen Ruf nach Aachen und wurde Ordentlicher Professor an der dortigen Hochschule. Den Nachweis der später als Stark-Effekt bezeichneten Aufspaltung der Spektrallinien in elektrischen Feldern fiel in diese Schaffenszeit. Den Physik-Nobelpreis erhielt er für die beiden genannten Entdeckungen als Professor der Universität Greifswald , wo er seit lehrte. Nach dieser Ehrung ging er nach

10. System Analysis - Cross Over Research - Metaphysics - Philosophy By Jörg Lenau
Translate this page von, Riese Adam, Rodbertus Johann Karl, Röntgen Wilhelm Conrad, Seaborg GlennTheodore, stark johannes, Stein Lorenz von, Steinach Eugen, Steiner Rudolf
A strologische C harakteranalyse A strologische C harakteranalyse ... mail Abaelard Peter, Albategnius, Albert der Große (Albertus Magnus) , Anaxagoras, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Anselm von Canterbury, Archimedes, Aristarch(os) von Samos, Aristippos, Aristoteles, Augustinus, Avenarius Richard, Averroë (arab. Ibn Róschd) , Averroës, Avicenna, Baader Franz Xaver von, Bacon Francis, Bahnsen Julius, Baumgarten Alexander, Bavink Bernhard, Bayle Pierre, Bentham Jeremy, Bergson Henri, Berkeley George, Bernhard von Clairvaux, Boëthius, Bolzano Bernhard, Brentano, Bruno Giordano, Cassierer Ernst, Clausius Auguste, Cohen Hermann, Comte.Schleiermacher, Condillac Etienne Bonnet de, Cousin Victor, Croce, d'Alembert Jean le Rond, Dalton John, Demokrit (Demokritos) , Descartes René, Dewey John, Diderot Denis, Dilthey Wilhelm, Dingler Hugo, Diogenes Laërtius, Diogenes von Sinope, Diophantos von Alexandria, Donatus Aelius, Driesch, Dühring Eugen, Duns Scotus, Emerson Ralph Waldo, Empedokles von Akragas (Agrigent), Engels Friedrich, Epiktet, Epikur(os) von Samos, Eriguena, Espinas Alfred, Eudoxos aus Knidos, Euklid, Fechner Gustav Theodor, Feuerbach Ludwig, Fichte J.H., Fichte Johann Gottlieb, Fischer Kuno, Francis Bacon von Verulam, Freidrich der Große (II.), Fries Jakob Friedrich, Gassendi Petrus, Gemelli Agostino, Gentile, Geulincx, Gilson Etiennne, Giordano Bruno, Gorgias, Groce Benedetto, Guyau Jean Marie, Haller Karl Ludwig von, Haman Johann Georg, Hartmann E.v., Hartmann Eduard von, Hartmann N., Hegel Goerg Wilhelm Friedrich, Heidegger, Helvétius Claude-Adrien, Hemsterhuis Franz, Heraklit (Herakleitos) von Ephesos, Herbart Johann Friedrich, Herbert Edward Lord von Cherbury, Herder Johann Gottfried von, Heron (H. von Alexandria), Hertling Georg Graf von, Hippokrates (H. von Kos)
, Hobbes Thomas, Holbach Dietrich Baron von, Hume David, Husserl Edmund, Huxley Thomas Henry, Jacobi Friedrich Heinrich, Jaeger Werner, Jaensch Erich Rudolf, James William, Jansen Cornelius, Jaspers Karl, Jung Carl Gustav, Kant Immanuel, Keyserling Herrmann Graf von, Kierkegaard, Klages Ludwig, Klemens von Alexandria (Titus Flavius Clemens Alexandrianus) , Kluge Friedrich, Kratylos, Krause, Kung-(fu)tse (Kung-tse - Meister Kung) , Lamarck Jean-Baptiste de, Lamettrie Julien Offray de, Lange Friedrich Albert, Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von, Leukippos (Leukipp) von Milet, Lipps Theodor, Locke John, Lotze Hermann, Mach Ernst, Maimon Salomon (Salomon ben Josua) , Maimonides Moses (Rabbi Mosche ben Maimon) , Maine de Biran François Pierre, Maistre Josef-Marie Comte de, Malebranche Nicolas de, Marx Karl, Meister Eckhart, Menge Hermann, Mengtse (Möng-tse eigtl. Meng Ko - Möng-Kho) , Montesquieu Charles de Secondat, Müller Adam Heinrich, Natorp Paul, Nietsche Friedrich, Nietzsche, Nikolaus von Kues, Nostradamus (Michel de Notre-Dame) , Ockham Wilhelm von, Oken Lorenz (eigentl. Ockenfuß) , Origenes, Ortega y Gasset José, Parmenides von Elea, Pascal, Peirce Charles Santiago Sanders, Philon, Plato(n), Platon, Plotin(os), Plutarch(os) (von Chäronea) , Poseidonios, Protagoras, Protagoras (aus Abdera) , Ptolemäus Claudius (grch. Ptolemaios) , Pufendorf Samuel Frhr. von, Pythagoras (von Samos) , Rickert, Roger Bacon, Rousseau Jean Jaques, Russell, Satre Jean Paul, Savigny Friedrich Carl von, Scheler, Schelling Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph, Schiller Ferdinand Canning Scott, Schopenhauer Arthur, Seneca, Shaftesbury, Shaftesbury Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of, Smith Adam, Sokrates, Solowjew, Spengler Oswald, Spinoza Benedictus (Baruch d'Espinosa) , Stirner Max (eigentl. Kasper Schmidt) , Strauß, Suarez, Suëton(ius) Gajus S. Tranquillus, Taine Hippolyte, Thales (von Milet) , Theophrastus, Thomas von Aquin(o), Thomasius Christian, Thukydides, Toqueville Alexis Comte de, Troeltsch, Voltaire, Whitehead, Widelband, Wilhelm von Ockham, Wolff Christian Frhr. von, Wundt, Zenon (Zeno) von Kition Abderhalden Emil, Agricola Georg, Angström Anders Jonas, Arrhenius Svante, Baer Karl Ernst von, Basedow Johannes Bernhard, Bastian Adolf, Bat'a Thomas, Baur Erwin, Bebber Wilhelm Jakob van, Becquerel Henri, Berthollet Claude Louis Graf von, Berzelsius Jöns Jacob Frhr. von, Binet Alfred, Bodin Jean, Bogomoletz Alexander, Bohr Niels, Brown Robert, Carus Carl Gustav, Cavendish Henry, Celsius Anders, Chadwick James, Clausius Rudolf, Coloumb Charles Augustin de, Darwin Erasmus, Darwin Charles, Davenport Charles Benedikt, Dewar Sir James, Döbereiner Johann Wolfgang, Doppler Christian, Du Bois-Reymond Emil, Fischer Eugen, Fizeau Armand Hippolyte Louis, Fourier Jean Baptiste Joseph Baron de, Fraunhofer Joseph von, Fresenius Carl Remigius, Fresnel Augustin Jean, Freud Sigmund, Freyer Hans, Fröbel Friedrich, Frobenius Leo, Galen (Galenos), Galilei Galileo, Gall Franz Joseph, Galton Sir Francis, Gauß Karl Friedrich, Gay-Lussac Louise Joseph, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire Etienne, George Henry, Gesell Silvio, Gesner Konrad, Gilbert William, Goldschmidt Rich., Göschen Georg Joachim, Gray Stephan, Grimaldi Francesco, Grimm Jakob und Wilhelm, Grotefend Georg Friedrich, Grotius Hugo (Huig de Groot), Guericke Otto von, Gutenberg Johannes, Guts Muths Johann Christoph Friedrich, Haeckel Ernst, Hahn Otto, Hahnemann Samuel Friedrich Christian, Hamilton Sir William Rowan, Harvey William, Haushofer Karl, Helmholtz Hermann von , Helmont Johann Baptist van, Henle Friedrich Gustav Jakob, Henlein Peter, Hertz Heinrich, Hittorf Johannes Wilhelm, Amuel Hahnemann, Hooke Robert, Hughes David Edward, Humboldt Alexander Freiherr von, James William, Jeans Sir James Hopwood, Jenner Edward, Johnson Samuel, Joliot-Curie, Kamerlingh Onnes Heike, Kepöer Johannes, Fröbel Friedrich, Klaproth Martin Heinrich, Koch Robert, Kopernikus Nikolaus, Kürschner Josef, La Bruyère Jean de, Law John L. of Lauriston, Leblanc Nicolas, Le Bon Gustave, Lersch Philipp, Leverrier Urbain Jean Joseph, Liebig Justus Frhr. von, Linné Carl von, Lorentz Hendrik Anton, Macchiavelli Niccolò, Malpighi Marcello, Malthus Thomas Robert, Maxwell James Clerk, Mayer (Julius) Robert (von), Mendel Gregor, Meitner Lise, Mesmer Franz Anton, Meyer Julius Lothar, Meyer Victor, Michelson Albert, Mill James, Mill John Stuart, Millikan Robert Andrews, Minikowski Hermann, Mitscherlich Eilhard, Moissan Henry, Monier Joseph, Morgan Thomas Hunt, Moseley Henry, Muckermann Hermann, Müller Georg Elias, Müller Johannes, Nernst Walter, Newton Isaac, Nobel Alfred, Oersted Hans Christian, Ostwald Wilhelm, Planck Max, Prout William, Prozeß, Raman Chandrasekhara Venkata, Ramsey Sir William, Ratzel Friedrich, Réaumur René-Antoine de, Ricardo David, Richards Theodore William, Richthofen Ferdinand Frhr. von, Riese Adam, Rodbertus Johann Karl, Röntgen Wilhelm Conrad, Seaborg Glenn Theodore, Stark Johannes, Stein Lorenz von, Steinach Eugen, Steiner Rudolf, Thomson Sir William Lord Kelvin, Virchow Rudolf, Volta Alessandro Graf, Vornoff Serge, Wiclif John, Hus Johannes, Wöhler Friedrich, Wundt Wilhelm, Yukawa Hideki, Achard Franz Karl, Adler Alfred, Anderson Carl David, Arkwright Sir Richard, Aston Francis William, Avogadro Amadeo, Barkla Charles Glover, Bergius Friedrich, Bernard Claude, Berthelot Marcelin, Berthollet Claude Louis Graf von, Boltzmann Ludwig, Boyle Robert, Bragg Sir William Henry, Brahe Tycho, Brauchle Alfred, Bridgman Percy William, Broglie Louis Duc de, Bronn Heinrich Georg, Carnap Rudolf, Carnot Sadi, Cartwright Edmund, Correns Carl, Davy Sir Humphry, Debye Peter, Dessauer Friedrich, Dulong Pierre-Louis, Dumas Jean-Baptiste, Ehrlich Paul, Einstein Albert, Engler Adolf, Euler Leonhard, Fahrenheit Gabriel Daniel, Faraday Michael, Fermi Enrico, Foucault Jean Bernhard Léon, Geiger Hans, Geitel Hans, Gibbs Josiah Willard, Hahn Otto, Henry Josef, Hoff Jacobus Hendricus van't, Huygens Christian (Huyghens), Joule James Prescott, Kirchhoff Robert, Kepler Johannes, Lagrange Joseph Louis de, Lahmann Heinrich, Langmuir Irving, Laplace Pierre Simon Marquis de, Laue Max von, Lavoisier Antoine Laurent, Lenard Philipp, Lumière Auguste, Lyell Sir Charles, Lyssenko Trofim Denisowitsch, MacDougall (eigtl. McDougall), M(a)cMillan Edwin Mattison, Magnus Heinrich Gustav, Millikan Robert Andrews, Naumann Karl Friedrich, Nicol W., Papin Denis, Paracelsus (Humanistenname des Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim), Pasteur Louis, Pauli Wolgang, Pauling Linus, Pettenkofer Max von, Pflüger Eduard Friedrich Wilh., Priestley Joseph, Ramsay Sir William, Rutherford Ernest, Sabatier Paul, Tesla Nicola, Thünen Johann Heinrich von, Weizsäcker Carl Friedrich Frhr. von, Weizsäcker Viktor Frhr. von

11. ThinkQuest : Library : Atom. The Incredible World.
Schuster Artur Seaborg Glenn Theodore Segre Emilio Sklodowska Maria Curie /A SmoluchowskiMarian Soddy Frederic Sommerfeld Arnold stark johannes Stern Otton
Index Physical Science Chemistry
Atom. The incredible world.
This site presents problems and discoveries in experimental atomic physics. Textbook-like, its contents spans 2,000 years of history, starting with Democritus, the Greek philosopher. A special section on the twentieth century provides information on x-rays, radiation, and the quantum theory. Historical background information on the scientists helps develop an overview of the achievements in this area. The site is in English and Polish. Visit Site 1998 ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Languages English Polish Students Grzegorz XIV L.O. im. Stanislawa Staszica, Warszawa, Poland Tomasz XIV L.O. im. Stanislawa Staszica, Warszawa, Poland Gabriela 49 L.O. im. Johanna Wolfganga Goethego, Warszawa, Poland Coaches Stanislaw XIV L.O. im. Stanislawa Staszica, Warszawa, Poland Konrad IL L.O. im. Johanna Wolfganga Goethego, Warszawa, Poland Miroslawa Szkola Glowna Handlowa, Warszawa, Poland Want to build a ThinkQuest site? The ThinkQuest site above is one of thousands of educational web sites built by students from around the world. Click here to learn how you can build a ThinkQuest site.

12. Johannes Stark - Biography
johannes stark – Biography. johannes stark was born on April 15,1874 in Schickenhof, Bavaria; his father was a landed proprietor.
Johannes Stark was born on April 15, 1874 in Schickenhof, Bavaria; his father was a landed proprietor. He was educated at the Gymnasium (grammar school) in Bayreuth and later in Regensburg and proceeded to Munich University in 1894 to read physics, mathematics, chemistry and crystallography. Stark graduated in 1897 on the basis of his doctoral dissertation on Newton's electrochronic rings in a certain type of dim media. He worked as assistant to von Lommel at the Physics Institute at Munich University from 1897 until 1900 and then became unsalaried university lecturer of physics at the . In 1906 he was appointed extraordinary professor at the Technische Hochschule in Hannover and in 1909 he followed the invitation of the Technische Hochschule in Aachen to become Professor there. A similar appointment at the University of Greifswald followed in 1917. Three years later he moved to the Physics Institute of the , where he stayed until 1922.
Stark's scientific works cover three large fields: the electric currents in gases, spectroscopic analysis, and chemical valency. His spectroscopic work deals with the connection between the alteration in the structure and in the spectrum of chemical atoms. In 1919 Stark was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for his "discovery of the Doppler effect in canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines in electric fields". The prize enabled him to set up his own private laboratory.
In 1933 Stark was elected President of the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt (Physico-Technical Institute) as successor to von Paschen, where he remained until his retirement in 1939. At the same time he held the post of President of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Association).

13. Stark, Johannes
stark, johannes. johannes stark. HistoriaPhoto. (b. April 15, 1874,Schickenhof, Ger.d. June 21, 1957, Traunstein, W.Ger.), German
Stark, Johannes
Johannes Stark Historia-Photo (b. April 15, 1874, Schickenhof, Ger.d. June 21, 1957, Traunstein, W.Ger.), German physicist who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1919 for his discovery (1913) that an electric field would cause splitting of the lines in the spectrum of light emitted by a luminous substance; the phenomenon is called the Stark effect labour camp.

14. Physics 1919
johannes stark. Germany. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1919 Presentation Speech johannesstark Biography Nobel Lecture Swedish Nobel Stamps. prev 1918, 1920 next.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1919
"for his discovery of the Doppler effect in canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines in electric fields" Johannes Stark Germany Greifswald University
Greifswald, Germany b. 1874
d. 1957 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1919
Presentation Speech
Johannes Stark
Swedish Nobel Stamps
The 1919 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine

Find a Laureate: SITE FEEDBACK CONTACT TELL A FRIEND Last modified January 14, 2004 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

15. Stark, Johannes (1874-1957) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biograp
About this site. Branch of Science , Physicists v. Nationality , Germanv. Prize Winners , Nobel Prize , Physics Prize v. stark, johannes (18741957),
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality German ... Physics Prize
Stark, Johannes (1874-1957)

German physicist who showed in 1913 that a strong electric field would cause single spectral lines to be split into multiple components. The Stark effect is analogous to the splitting in a magnetic field known as the Zeeman effect To explain the Stark effect it was necessary to use the new notions of quantum mechanics Stark received the 1919 Nobel Prize in physics for the discovery of the effect.

16. Simon Wiesenthal Center Multimedia Learning Center Online - 07411 - STARK.NS.NZ
johannes stark. stark was a Nobel Prize winner in Physics
Stark was a Nobel Prize winner in Physics. He joined the Nazi Party in 1930 and attacked "Jewish" physics. Opposed to theoretical physics, he stressed the importance of applied research for German war production. After the war, he was found guilty as a "Major Offender" and sentenced to 4 years hard labor. He died in 1951. Touch a box below to learn more Index to Topics Home The Jews The Nazis ... After the War
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17. Johannes Stark Winner Of The 1919 Nobel Prize In Physics
johannes stark, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. johannes stark. 1919 Nobel Laureate in Physics A lot of good information on johannes stark important dates also a picture of him. johannes stark Biography
1919 Nobel Laureate in Physics
    for his discovery of the Doppler effect in canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines in electric fields.

    Residence: Germany
    Affiliation: Greifswald University
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18. Johannes Stark --  Encyclopædia Britannica
stark, johannes Encyclopædia Britannica Article. died June 21, 1957,Traunstein, W. Ger. johannes stark. johannes stark. HistoriaPhoto., dame freya ma

19. MSN Encarta - Stark, Johannes
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20. Search Results For Stark - Encyclopædia Britannica
Search results include encyclopedia articles from Encyclopedia Britannica Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, definitions from MerriamWebster's Dictionary Thesaurus, videos, web sites, Did you mean stark, Freya (Br. au.) stark, johannes (Ger. phys.) stark effect (phys.) stark, John (U.S. Draper, Charles stark (Am. engin.) stark-Einstein law (chem.) stark, Dame Freya

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