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81. International: Italiano: Società : Strutture_Sociali: Persone: Biografie: Prem 1997, Steven Chu Claude Cohen-Tannoudji - William D. Phillips, Paul D. Boyer- John E. Walker - jens C. skou, Stanley B. Prusiner, Dario Fo, International http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Società /Strutture_Sociali/Persone | |
82. Newsgate.DK Web Server: Dk.edb.hardware.bundkort MB Re Byg selv computer!!!, Gevaldi Re Byg selv computer!!!, Rune skou Larsen ReByg selv computer!!!, jens C. Hansen Odense Gamle kt133a, chipset socketA http://www.newsgate.dk/dk/dk.edb.hardware.bundkort/ |
83. Dag Og Tid kunnskapssamfunnet. La meg konkretisere den funksjonen med eitt dømeI 1997 fekk den danske kirurgen jens C. skou Nobelprisen i kjemi. http://www.dagogtid.no/arkiv/2000/18/bremer | |
84. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway - Web Catalogue Boyer, Paul D. United States explanation of the enzymatic conversion of adenosinetriphosphate Wednesday, October 15 chemistry skou, jens C. Denmark discovery http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=825&term1=N |
85. Rostov-na-Donu -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article of celestial navigation. Grus is a constellation of the , AlNa ir. , skou, jens C. (born 1918), Danish chemist. jens skou won http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=402526 |
86. Jens C. Skou - Wikipedia Nobelova cena za chemii Rowland; 1996 Robert F. Curl Jr., Sir Harold Kroto, Richard E. Smalley;1997 Paul D. Boyer, jens C. skou, John E. Walker; 1998 Walter http://de.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Jens_C._Skou&;action=edit |
87. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ïî õèìèè Sanger, Frederick, 1980. Seaborg, Glenn Theodore, 1951. Semenov, Nikolay Nikolaevich,1956. skou, jens C. 1997. Smith, Michael, 1993. Smalley, Richard E. 1996. http://orel.rsl.ru/archiv/nob_ch.htm | |
88. Benzolring.de - Das Chemieportal, Nicht Nur Für Chemiestudenten Translate this page 1997. Paul D. Boyer (USA), John E. Walker (GB), jens C. skou (DK). 1996.Robert F. Curl jr., Richard E. Smalley (USA), Harold W. Kroto (GB). http://www.benzolring.de/index.php?siteid=14&siteuid=96&page=1 |
89. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica Sanger, 1980\n*Glenn Theodore Seaborg, 1951\n*Nikolay Nikolaevich Semenov, 1956\n*K.Barry Sharpless, 2001\n*Hideki Shirakawa, 2000\n*jens C. skou, 1997\n http://www.guajara.com/wiki/it/wikipedia/p/pr/premi_nobel_per_la_chimica.html | |
90. Untitled Document Translate this page Paul D. Boyer (*1918) und John E. Walker (*1941) für ihre Untersuchungen zum Mechanismusder Synthese von ATP(Adenosintriphosphat) jens C. skou (*1918) für http://www.paetec.de/verlag/ratgeber/nobelpreist/nobelpreist10.htm | |
91. Nagroda Nobla Z Chemii W Latach 1901-2001 John A. Pople za opracowanie podstawowych metod badawczych wspólczesnej chemiikwantowej 1997 Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker, jens C. skou- za wyjasnienie http://chemik12.webpark.pl/rozne/nobel.html | |
92. National Academy Of Sciences Park, Charles R. Pfaff, Donald W. Reuter, Harald. Sawyer, Charles H. skou, JensC. Somero, George N. Tsien, Roger Y. Vale, Wylie. Vane, John. Weibel, Ewald R. http://www4.nationalacademies.org/nas/naspub.nsf/urllinks/$$Section23?OpenDocume |
93. August Krogh Institute Staff: Peter Leth Jørgensen, Publications Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun. 37 3946, 1969. Peter L. Jørgensen andJens C. skou, Purification and characterization of Na,K-ATPase. http://www.aki.ku.dk/aki/staff/pljorgensen_details/pljorgensen_publications.html | |
94. Kecule un http://pedagogie.ac-montpellier.fr/Disciplines/scphysiques/ABCDorga/Chimiste/SKO | |
95. Nobel 97 - 2 - OCTOBRE 1997 http://www.cite-sciences.fr/actu/numeros/N53_oct97/kiosques/html/nobel2.html | |
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