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Shirakawa Hideki: more detail |
61. Choix Translate this page RU 486 Rubbia, Carlo Ruelle, David Ruffié, Jacques Rushkoff, Douglas Sacks, OliverSalmonelles Sarin Sharpless, Barry shirakawa, hideki Sibony, Daniel Sicard http://www.actufiches.ch/wahl.php?rubrik=Science et technique |
62. Nobelpreisträger Der Chemie: Biographien K. Barry; shirakawa, hideki; Skou, Jens C. Smalley, Richard Errett; http://www.infochembio.ethz.ch/links/history_chem_nobel_bio.html | |
63. Interview Project Interview Project. back. Subject Information. Name hideki shirakawa ( ). 2000 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Little Chronology of hideki shirakawa. http://ababa.s8.xrea.com/report/gunn/shirakawa.htm |
64. VOLNÝ - Vyhledavání Heeger, Alan J III. MacDiarmid, Alan GI. MacDiarmid, Alan G. II. shirakawa,hideki I. shirakawa, hideki II. 2001. Knowles, William S. Noyori, Ryoji. http://web.volny.cz/najdito/search.php?sessionId=IdkX0648gJfQAU1ZPADUp2QCMIn6KeV |
65. ÂÎßT[`(Zp²¸p§õGW) @conduct,?Aconductive, ?Bconducting, ?Cplastic, ?Dplastics,?Epolymer, ?Fpolymers,?G hideki shirakawa A=?@*(C+?D+?E+?F)*?G B http://www.tsubame-research.com/jouhoukensaku/kensaku-enjin.htm | |
66. ÂÎßT[`(§õGW) , ?@conduct, ?Dplastics, ?G hideki shirakawa , ?@*?D,?@*?G, ?@*?D*?G, A, B. FAST, 14,953,800, 1,357,228, 1,659, 56,678, 376,311, 366, 676. http://www.tsubame-research.com/kensaku-enjin.htm | |
67. Consulate General Of Japan In New York Vol.084, December 2000 / January 2001. Japan s Ninth Nobel Laureate,hideki shirakawa, Shares 2000 Nobel Prize In Chemistry. The 2000 http://www.cgj.org/en/c/vol_08-4/title_01.html | |
68. IUPAC Polymer Conference On The Mission And Challenges Of Polymer Science And Te International Advisory Committee. ABE, Akihiro. NOYORI, Ryoji. AIZAWA, Masuo. shirakawa,hideki. DE GENNES, P. STEPTO, RFT. FRÉCHET, JMJ. WADA, Akiyoshi. GILBERT, RG. http://www.spsj.or.jp/c9/IUPAC-PC2002/finalcircular/FinalCircular.html | |
69. MSN Encarta - Hideki Shirakawa Translate this page Ya eres suscriptor? Inicia una sesión arriba. hideki shirakawa. Másinformación sobre hideki shirakawa de, Otras funciones de Encarta. http://es.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_1121500445/Hideki_Shirakawa.html | |
70. :: Www.eletroweb.hpg.com.br Translate this page Do engano de um chinês ao Nobel Roberto Mendonça Faria Erro na composição deuma mistura cometido por um assistente do professor hideki shirakawa, que não http://www.eletronica.org/old/sistema.php?id=107 |
71. Chemie-Nobelpreis An Prof. Shirakawa Translate this page shirakawa. Der diesjährige Nobelpreis für Chemie wurde hideki shirakawa, Professoremeritus der Universität Tsukuba in Japan, Professor Alan Heeger von der http://www.at.emb-japan.go.jp/JHM122000/j_a5_122000.htm | |
72. MeSci@[Press Releases] Message from the Nobel Prize Winning ScientistDr. hideki shirakawa and the ScienceWorkshop- Dr. hideki Dr. hideki shirakawa s Profile . Born in Tokyo. http://www.miraikan.jst.go.jp/en/miraikan/release/030831.html | |
73. Munzinger Personen - Hideki Shirakawa Prof. hideki shirakawa japanischer Chemiker; Nobelpreis (Chemie) 2000; Prof. http://register.munzinger.de/personen/00/000/023/00023510.shtml | |
74. Sulinet - Kémiai Nobel-díj 2000 Ebben az idoben a világ másik végén hideki shirakawa japán vegyészprofesszorpolietin filmekkel kísérletezett. hideki shirakawa. http://www.sulinet.hu/tart/ncikk/af/0/3110/nob2000.htm | |
75. Customers Photos hideki shirakawa from Japan, who received the Nobel Prize in chemistryin December 2000, is one of our many customers and wrote following http://www.succseed.com/hidshir.htm | |
76. Die Preisträger Translate this page Zusammen mit seinen Mit- Preisträgern Alan Heeger und hideki shirakawa entdeckteund entwickelte MacDiarmid elektrisch leitende Kunststoffe. hideki shirakawa. http://www.3sat.de/nano/news/10899/ | |
77. Science Timeline Translate this page Shellenberg, Gerald D., 1995, 1998. Sherrington, Charles, 1897, 1906. shirakawa,hideki, 1977. Shirkov, Dmitrij V., 1955. Shklovski, Iosif S., 1953, 1961. http://www.sciencetimeline.net/siteindex_s.htm | |
78. What's Up Around The Prime Ministeri14j Dr. hideki shirakawa, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2000, visits the Prime Minister(18 October 2000). Click on the images to see a larger version. 01s.jpg. http://www.kantei.go.jp/foreign/moritoku_e/moritoku_e_15/ | |
79. Hideki Shirakawa: Bei Der Entscheidenden Entdeckung Half Der Zufall - Wissenscha Translate this page hideki shirakawa Bei der entscheidenden Entdeckung half der Zufall Der 64-Jährigeist ein Beispiel dafür, dass auch große Wissenschaftler manchmal ein http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,97467,00.html | |
80. Hideki Shirakawa - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Online NewsHour Nobel Prize in Chemistry October 10, 2000 hideki shirakawa, Japanese, 64, University of Tsukuba. Alan MacDiarmidand physics winner Herbert Kroemer discuss their research. http://www.wikipedia.org/?title=Hideki_Shirakawa |
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