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         Seifert Jaroslav:     more books (87)
  1. The Poetry of Jaroslav Seifert by Jaroslav Seifert, 1998-05-01
  2. The Casting of Bells by Jaroslav Seifert, 1984
  3. Early Poetry of Jaroslav Seifert by Jaroslav Seifert, 1997-05-20
  4. The Selected Poetry Of Jaroslav Seifert by Seifert, 1987-11-30
  5. Der Bäcker Jan Marhoul. by Vladislav Vancura, Jaroslav Seifert, 2000-04-01
  6. Jaroslav Seifert (Edice Portrety spisovatelu) (Czech Edition) by Zdenek Pesat, 1991
  7. The plague column by Jaroslav Seifert, 1979
  8. Byti basnikem / Jaroslav Seifert ; do francouzstiny prelozila Jana Boxberger = Etre poete (Czech Edition) by Jaroslav Seifert, 1998
  9. Cas plny pisni (Klub ctenaru) (Czech Edition) by Jaroslav Seifert, 1990
  10. A Wreath of Sonnets/Venec Sonetu: An Authorized Poetic Rendition by Jarolsav Seifert, Jaroslav Seifert, et all 1989-03
  11. Eight Days: An Elegy for Thomas Garrigue Masaryk/Osm Dni by Jaroslav Seifert, Paul Jagasich, 1985-09
  12. An Umbrella from Piccadilly by Jaroslav Seifert, 1983-06
  13. Ruce Venusiny (Czech Edition) by Jaroslav Seifert, 1998
  14. Co vsechno zaval snih (Czech Edition) by Jaroslav Seifert, 1992

1. Jaroslav Seifert
Jaroslav Seifert Biography of the Nobel Literature Laureate 1984 his works, Nobel Address and poetry available in translation Jaroslav Seifert was born in Prague on the 23rd of September 1901
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Jaroslav Seifert
Nobel Lecture 1984 Works in Translation Nobel Links Jaroslav Seifert was born in Prague on the 23rd of September 1901. He worked as a journalist until 1950 and since then he has worked as a free-lance writer dedicated to the writing of poetry. Seifert made his début in 1920 and during the 1920s he belonged, in the capacity of one of its founders, to the avant-garde group Devetsil. In his début volume of poems Mesto v slzách (City in Tears) Seifert finds expression for his proletarian childhood experiences in didactic poems of social life inspired by naivistic art and folk poems and is influenced by Soviet revolutionary art and marxism. Any title (in any language) by Jaroslav Seifert Find it Here
A journey abroad brought Seifert into contact with French modernism and dadaism. Upon his return Seifert joined the "poetists" who while remaining political radicals hailed freedom and imagination and art as play, and rejected its socio-moralistic mission. His volume Navlnách T.S.F. (On the Waves of Télegraphie sans fil) 1925 is considered to be the most typical representative of poetism. A trip to the Soviet Union in 1925 left him even more critical of the revolution and led, in 1929, to a break with the Communist Party. Seifert joined the Social Democratic Party, an act for which he was later blamed. In the volumes Jablko s klína (The Apple from your Lap) 1933, Ruce Venusiny (The Hands of Venus) 1936, and Jarosbohem (Farewell Spring) 1937, S. developed a kind of classical song-lyric of everyday life, which is regarded as the acme of Czechoslovakian poetry.

2. Seifert
JAROSLAV SEIFERT. Jaroslav Seifert werd geboren op 23 september 1901 in Praag. Jaroslav Seifert is gestorven op 10 januari 1986 in Praag.
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JAROSLAV SEIFERT Jaroslav Seifert werd geboren op 23 september 1901 in Praag. Hij groeide op in een Praagse arbeiderswijk en werkte als journalist tot 1950. Hij leverde aanvankelijk bijdragen voor verschillende linkse en communistische bladen, schreef revolutionaire, maar later overwegend intiem-lyrische gedichten. Zijn poëzie is fantasierijk, met treffende details en roept herhaaldelijk herinneringen aan zijn jeugdjaren op. In 1968 kreeg hij een tijdelijk publicatieverbod. In 1984 won Seifert de Nobelprijs voor Literatuur waardoor hij ook internationaal bekend werd. Jaroslav Seifert is gestorven op 10 januari 1986 in Praag. Zijn werken: 'Stad in tranen' (1921), 'De handen van Venus' (1936), 'De helm van de aarde' (1945), 'Moeder' (1954), 'Het afgieten van klokken' (1967), 'De komeet van Hailey' (1969), 'De pestzuil' (1977), 'De paraplu van Piccadilly' (1979), 'Alle kleuren van de wereld' (1981), 'Mozart in Praag'(1985). Meer info over Jaroslav Seifert: Books and writers

3. The Poetry Of Jaroslav Seifert Jaroslav Seifert Translated From The Czech Ewald
The Poetry of Jaroslav seifert jaroslav Seifert translated from the Czech Ewald Osers Ewald Osers. The Poetry of Jaroslav Seifert
The Poetry of Jaroslav Seifert Jaroslav Seifert translated from the Czech Ewald Osers Ewald Osers
Author or Artist : Jaroslav Seifert translated from the Czech Ewald Osers Ewald Osers
Title: The Poetry of Jaroslav Seifert
Seifert Jaroslav Osers translated from the Czech Ewald Osers Ewald Gibian George
Jaroslav Seifert
translated from the Czech Ewald Osers
Ewald Osers
Subject: Continental European
Category: Poetry Drama Criticism History Criticism General
Format: Paperback
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4. Seifert, Jaroslav: - Bücher - Antiquarische, Gebrauchte Und Vergriffene.
Translate this page war. Illustriert von Jiri Trnka. Übersetzt von Olly Komenda - Soentgerath. seifert jaroslav. Alle Schönheit Welt, seifert jaroslav. Alle Schönheiten
Seifert, Jaroslav:
Seifert, Jaroslav:
Rozhovor. : Seifert, Jaroslav:
Frantiskem Hrubinem, Praha, 1990. ca. 50 S., kartoniert,
Hier geht es weiter zum Autor Seifert, Jaroslav:
Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Rozhovor.
Seifert, Jaroslav:
Gewitter der Welt. : Seifert, Jaroslav:
Karlsruhe, Loeper Verlag, 1984. 79 S., flexibel,
Hier geht es weiter zum Autor Seifert, Jaroslav:
Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Gewitter der Welt.
Seifert, Jaroslav:
Im Spiegel hat er das Dunkel. : Seifert, Jaroslav:
Gedichte. Tschechisch und deutsch. 1. Aufl. Horst Heiderhoff Verlag Waldbrunn, 1982. 72 S. mit Frontispiz. OPb. mit OU. Gut erhalten.
Hier geht es weiter zum Autor Seifert, Jaroslav:
Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Im Spiegel hat er das Dunkel.
Seifert, Jaroslav.
Auf den Wellen von TSF. Gedichte. Nachdichtungen von Friedrich Achleitner, H.C. Artmann, Jan Faktor, Gerhard Rühm, Peter Weibel. Nachwort von Eva H. Plattner. : Seifert, Jaroslav.
1 Bl., 94 S. mit zahlr. Textabb. und Illustrationen. OPbd. mit OU. Die typografische Gestaltung folgt der Originalausgabe von 1925 und stammt von Karel Teige. OPbd. mit OU. Publisher: (Wien), Hora 1985.

5. HotBot Web Search For Seifert Jaroslav
JAROSLAV SEIFERT. 1984 Nobel Laureate in Literature submitted by Klara Seifert) jaroslav seifert Search for seifert jaroslav using Google, Ask Jeeves. Jaroslav

6. Seifert Jaroslav - Morový Sloup
Jaroslav Seifert. Morový sloup. Básnická sbírka obsahuje verš z prelomu šedesátých a sedmdesátých let. Seifert ji chtel
Jaroslav Seifert Morový sloup Básnická sbírka obsahuje verš z pøelomu šedesátých a sedmdesátých let. Seifert ji chtìl napsat jako rozlouèení „se svou zemí, do které už pospíchám, a svými ètenáøi, s kterými se louèím“. I zde opouští pravidelný rým a písòovou formu, pro nìj tak pøíznaènou. To vše nahradil rytmizovanou prózou. Sbírka vyšla v Samizdatu.
V jednotlivých básních se vrací do svého dìtství, mládí, vzpomíná na mladé lásky, nevyhýbá se tématu smrti. V úvodní básni Na jedné ze svých dávných pøednášek… pøipomíná své mrtvé pøátele básníky (Wolker, Hora, Halas) a nostalgii stáøí, myšlenky na smrt zahání projekcemi milostných zážitkù, vìtšinou již jen útržkovitých. Láska dodává èlovìku chu do života, zachytil ji jak v náboženském pojetí, tak i v erotickém vztahu, jehož volání obìtoval „polovinu života a možná ještì víc.“ (Kanálská zahrada). Ženu oslavuje velice èasto, vidí v ní „samu pìknost života“ (Kolotoè s bílou labutí). Zážitky z nemocnice mu prosvìtlují krásné oèi sestøièek. Stejný vztah jako k ženì má Seifert i k rodné zemi. „Byla mi možná víc než všechny mé lásky najednou… A tedy její kolena rozdrtí mou hlavu.“ (Morový sloup) V poslední básni A sbohem vzdává hold básnické èinnosti. Použil k tomu slova, která jsou jeho skuteènou závìtí: „Poezie jde s námi od poèátkù. Jako milování, jako hlad, jako mor, jako válka. Nìkdy byly mé verše pošetilé až hanba. Ale za to se neomlouvám. Vìøím, že hledat krásná slova je lepší, než zabíjet a vraždit.“

7. WIEM: Seifert Jaroslav
seifert jaroslav (19011986), poeta czeski. Literatura, Czechy seifert jaroslav (1901-1986). seifert jaroslav (1901-1986), poeta czeski.
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Literatura, Czechy
Seifert Jaroslav
Seifert Jaroslav (1901-1986), poeta czeski. Pierwszy pisarz czeski wyró¿niony Nagrod± Nobla Mìsto w slzách utrzymanym w duchu poezji proletariackiej. Lata 20. to czas bliskich zwi±zków Seiferta z twórcami awangardowymi. W 1920 za³o¿y³ Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne Devìtsil, pozostawa³ pod wp³ywem nurtu zwanego poetyzmem Z okresu tego pochodz± tomiki: Na vlnách TSF Slavík zapívá ¹patnì Po¹tovní holub (1929) zawieraj±ce przemy¶lenia nad urod± ¿ycia, poezj± w nim ukryt±. W czasie II wojny ¶wiatowej w twórczo¶ci Seiferta pojawiaj± siê motywy patriotyczne, narodowe, historyczne: zbiorki Svìtlem odìná Kamenný most (1944). Po kilku latach milczenia Seifert wyda³ tomik poetycki

8. Seifert
seifert jaroslav * 23. Preklady z ruzných jazyku. Láska v písních celého sveta (VB, Praha, Družstevní práce 1940, Jaroslav Seifert = Pavel Eisner).
Seifert Jaroslav
* 23. 9. 1901 Žižkov (dnes Praha-Žižkov)
† 10. 1. 1986 Praha Ruce Venušiny Jaro, sbohem Zhasnìte svìtla Maminka Koncert na ostrovì Halleyova kometa , 1922) a dìl G. Apollinaira ( , 1925, s M. Šramlem; Prsy Tiresiovy v , 1940), Petru Koptovi (k pøekladu D. Guramišviliho vesna Mahulena panna Pøeklady z francouzštiny Apollinaire, Guillaume:
Verlaine, Paul: Guramišvili, David: vesna Pøeklady z hebrejštiny
Pøeklady z nìmèiny
(VB, Praha, Supraphon 1988) Pøeklady z perštiny CO Z TOHO in: Sedm princezen Pøeklady ze slovenštiny Mahulena panna v

9. Jaroslav Seifert - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Jaroslav Seifert. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ImageJaroslav_Seifert.jpg. Jaroslav Seifert (19011986) was a Czech writer, poet and journalist.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jaroslav Seifert ) was a Czech writer poet and journalist . His first collection of poems was published in 1921. He was a member ofthe Communist Party, the editor of a number of communist newspapers and magazines - Rovnost, Srsatec, and Reflektor - and the employee of a communist publishing house. During the 1920s he was considered a leading representative of the Czechoslovakian artistic avant-garde. In March 1929, he and six other important communist writers were expelled from the Communist Party for signing a manifesto protesting against Bolshevik tendencies in the new leadership of Czechoslovak Communist Party. In 1949 Seifert left journalism and began to devote himself exclusively to literature. His poetry was awarded important state prizes in 1936, 1955, and 1968, and in 1967, he was designated National Artist. He was the official Chairman of the Czechoslovakian Writer's Union for several years (1968-70). He was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1984, and he died in Views Personal tools Navigation Search Toolbox

10. Seifert Jaroslav
seifert jaroslav, redPor 1510-2002, ostatnia aktualizacja 15-10-2002 2033 Rozstanie (9) Trzy krótkie opowiesci o ksiazkach (9).,38464,1068213.html

11. Seifert, Jaroslav: - Bücher Die In Ihrer Leseecke Nicht Fehlen Dürfen.
Translate this page Illustriert von Jiri Trnka. Übersetzt von Olly Komenda - Soentgerath. seifert jaroslav. Geschichten u. Erinnerungen. Dt. v. Eckhard Thiele. seifert jaroslav.
Seifert, Jaroslav:
Seifert, Jaroslav:
Im Spiegel hat er das Dunkel. : Seifert, Jaroslav:
Gedichte. Tschechisch und deutsch. 1. Aufl. Horst Heiderhoff Verlag Waldbrunn, 1982. 72 S. mit Frontispiz. OPb. mit OU. Gut erhalten.
Hier geht es weiter zum Autor Seifert, Jaroslav:
Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Im Spiegel hat er das Dunkel.
Seifert, Jaroslav.
Auf den Wellen von TSF. Gedichte. Nachdichtungen von Friedrich Achleitner, H.C. Artmann, Jan Faktor, Gerhard Rühm, Peter Weibel. Nachwort von Eva H. Plattner. : Seifert, Jaroslav.
1 Bl., 94 S. mit zahlr. Textabb. und Illustrationen. OPbd. mit OU. Die typografische Gestaltung folgt der Originalausgabe von 1925 und stammt von Karel Teige. OPbd. mit OU.
Publisher: (Wien), Hora 1985.
Hier geht es weiter zum Autor Seifert, Jaroslav.
Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Auf den Wellen von TSF. Gedichte. Nachdichtungen von Friedrich Achleitner, H.C. Artmann, Jan Faktor, Gerhard Rühm, Peter Weibel. Nachwort von Eva H. Plattner.
Seifert, Jaroslav.
Kamenny most. (Verse.) : Seifert, Jaroslav.

12. 2001 Tschechien Seifert Jaroslav 200 Kronen Silber St/PP 2001 Tschechien 200 Kronen Si st/PP Seifert Jaroslav

13. By Jaroslav Seifert
3. seifert jaroslav MOZART IN PRAGUE THIRTEEN RONDELS Publisher THE SPIRIT THAT MOVES US WASHINGTON 1985. 5. Seifert, Jaroslav An Umbrella from Piccadilly.

14. Jaroslav Seifert
Jaroslav Seifert. Jaroslav Seifert (19011986) was a Czech writer, poet and journalist. His first collection of poems was published in 1921.
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Jaroslav Seifert
Jaroslav Seifert ) was a Czech writer poet and journalist . His first collection of poems was published in 1921. He was a member ofthe Communist Party, the editor of a number of communist newspapers and magazines - Rovnost, Srsatec, and Reflektor - and the employee of a communist publishing house. During the 1920s he was considered a leading representative of the Czechoslovakian artistic avant-garde. In March 1929, he and six other important communist writers were expelled from the Communist Party for signing a manifesto protesting against Bolshevik tendencies in the new leadership of Czechoslovak Communist Party. In 1949 Seifert left journalism and began to devote himself exclusively to literature. His poetry was awarded important state prizes in 1936, 1955, and 1968, and in 1967, he was designated National Artist. He was the official Chairman of the Czechoslovakian Writer's Union for several years (1968-70). He was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1984, and he died in

15. Jaroslav Seifert - 12-02-2004 - Radio Prague
Translate this page Jaroslav seifert jaroslav Seifert. Jaroslav Seifert grandit à Zizkov, quartier populaire de Prague, où il est né, le 23 septembre 1901, dans une famille
Radio Prague, émissions internationales de la Radio tchèque Version texte seulement 5-6-2004, 12:43 UTC Infos Édition précédente Archives Abonnez-vous ... Culture sans frontières Thèmes Le Championnat du monde de hockey sur glace 2004 La République tchèque et l'Union européenne La musique tchèque 2004 Histoire de la musique tchèque ... Archives Sur Radio Prague Concours de Radio Prague Comment écouter RP? Rapport de réception Équipe ... Histoire de la Radio tchèque Découvrez la République tchèque Les Tchèques célebres Guide à travers la République tchèque Événements majeurs de l'histoire nationale La République tchèque vue par les enfants ... Archives Les Tchèques célèbres et moins célèbres Portraits de Tchèques qui ont fait, font ou feront parler d'eux. Jaroslav Seifert [12-02-2004] Par Jaroslava Gregorova Écoute 16kb/s 32kb/s Jaroslav Seifert, prix Nobel de littérature en 1984, poète tchèque de génie, traducteur et journaliste remarquable, est l'un des principaux représentants de la poésie prolétarienne et du courant poétique nommé poétisme. Auteur de plusieurs recueils dont la Ville en pleurs, Rien que l'amour, Sur les ondes de TSF

16. Plaque Revealed On Jaroslav Seifert's Birthplace In Prague - 24-09-2001 - Radio
regime. Alena Skodova has more. Jaroslav seifert jaroslav Seifert. On September 23rd, Jaroslav Seifert would have been 100 years old.
Radio Prague - the international service of Czech Radio Text only version 5-6-2004, 12:43 UTC News Previous Archive Daily news sent to you by e-mail ... ICE - Insight Central Europe Events and Projects The Ice Hockey World Championship 2004 The Czech Republic in Europe Czech Music 2004 The History of Music ... Archive About Radio Prague Radio Prague competition 2004 How to listen to RP Radio Prague on FM Confirmation of Reception ... Czech Radio history About the Czech Republic The Czech Republic in dates History in a nutshell The Czech Republic through Children's Eyes Virtual Cemetery ... Heart of Europe Magazine Useful Information Czech Centres Residence Permits Czech Links Archive ... Current Affairs A daily in-depth look at current events in the Czech Republic. Plaque revealed on Jaroslav Seifert's birthplace in Prague [24-09-2001] By Alena Skodova To hear the following story in Real Audio, click here:
Listen in RealAudio: Streaming Download Poet Jaroslav Seifert is the only Czech in history to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, receiving the award in 1984. But there were no celebrations in Czechoslovakia when he received the award: Jaroslav Seifert had fallen from grace with the Communist authorities due to his outspoken criticism of the regime. Alena Skodova has more. Jaroslav Seifert On September 23rd, Jaroslav Seifert would have been 100 years old. He was born in Zizkov, now in the Prague 3 district, and on Sunday there was a small celebration outside the house where he was born. A bronze plaque of Seifert was unveiled in the presence of local mayor Milan Cesky, whose district contributed to the plaque with a substantial gift.

17. Yesterday - Elbuenlector. Montevideo - Uruguay
Translate this page Encontrado/s 1 libro/s perteneciente/sa 1984, seifert jaroslav. 1984, seifert jaroslav -. 1984 - 1 Toda la Belleza del Mundo. Nóbeles del Fin de Siglo. 1-1., Seifert Jaroslav

18. Jaroslav Seifert - Encyclopedia Article About Jaroslav Seifert. Free Access, No
encyclopedia article about Jaroslav Seifert. Jaroslav Seifert in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Jaroslav Seifert. Seifert
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Jaroslav Seifert
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Jaroslav Seifert Centuries: 19th century - 20th century - 21st century Decades: 1850s 1860s 1870s 1880s 1890s - Years: 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 -
  • January 1 - World celebrates what is regarded as the start of the new century. (Zero-ists' argument that new century should be celebrated in 1900 rejected worldwide.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 19th century - 20th century - 21st century Decades: 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s - Years: 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 - This is a Common year starting on Wednesday.
  • January 1 - Spain and Portugal enter the European Community
  • Wednesday, January 1, 1986 - Aruba gains increased autonomy from the Netherlands and is separated from the Netherlands Antilles.

Click the link for more information. ) was a Czech The Czech Republic is a landlocked country in Central Europe. The republic borders Poland to the north, Germany to the northwest and west, Austria to the south, and Slovakia to the east. Historic Prague, a major tourist attraction, is its capital and largest city. It is made up of two older regions, Bohemia and Moravia, and part of the third one, Silesia. As of May 1, 2004, it is a member state of the European Union.
Click the link for more information.

19. Poemes De Jaroslav Seifert
JAROSLAV SEIFERT (Zizkov, Praga, 1901 1986)

Poesia txeca
(Zizkov, Praga, 1901 - 1986)


EL CRIT DELS FANTASMES I En va ens agafem a les teranyines flotants
i al filferro amb pues.
ara sense corona d’estels.
sense obrir la boca:
i respirar l’aire perfumat,
mal que sigui amb el dogal al coll! II A la sala d’espera d’un dentista vaig trobar, en una revista estripada, la imatge d’una tanagra rosa. Fa anys n’havia vist una de semblant en una vitrina del Louvre. L’havien trobada en el sepulcre de marbre d’una noia jove morta molt abans de Jesucrist. Podria parlar. Calla. I somriu. III A l’hora de la mort, la noia sentia encara el crit de l’Empusa que aterria els moribunds i sotjava les tombes. Tenia una cama de metall, l’altra de fems d’ase, i cridava com criden les ombres dels morts a les ribes de l’Aqueront. IV Em-pu-sa. E d’Eros. M de Metzina. U d’Udol. S de Serp. A d’Amant. Ja ho ha escrit? Doncs ara segueixi escrivint. V Els llavis de la noia s’anaren marcint com una flor arrencada Tanagra somreia

20. Jaroslav Seifert
Jaroslav Seifert. Jaroslav Seifert (1901 1986) Poet and journalist who in 1984 became the first Czech to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Jaroslav Seifert
Jaroslav Seifert
Poet and journalist who in 1984 became the first Czech to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Seifert made a living as a journalist until 1950, but his first book of poetry, Mesto v slzach ("City in Tears"), was published in 1920. His early proletarian poetry reflects his youthful expectations for the future of communism in the Soviet Union. As he matured, however, Seifert became less enchanted with that system of government, and his poetic themes began to evolve. In Na vlnach T.S.F. (1925; "On Wireless Waves") and Slavik zpiva spatne (1926; "The Nightingale Sings Wrong"), more lyrical elements of so-called pure poetry were evident. In 1929 Seifert broke with the Communist Party. The history and other aspects of Czechoslovakia were the most common subjects of his poetry. In Zhasnete svetla (1938; "Switch Off the Lights") he wrote about the Munich agreement by which part of Czechoslovakia was annexed to Germany. Prague was the subject of Svetlena odena (1940; "Clothed in Light"), and the Prague uprising of 1945 provided the focus of Prilba hliny (1945; "The Helmet of Clay"). In addition to writing about 30 volumes of poetry, Seifert contributed to several journals and wrote children's literature. In 1966 he was named Poet of the Nation, and he was one of several writers, later silenced, who condemned the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. His memoirs were published in 1981.

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