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Sakmann Bert: more detail |
61. Harvey Prize bert sakmann, Germany. In recognition of his breakthrough achievementsin developing the patch clamp technique which revolutionized http://www.admin.technion.ac.il/harvey/1991-2.html | |
62. Den Geheimnissen Des Gehirns Auf Der Spur Translate this page Prof. Dr. bert sakmann zu Gast beim Universitätsabend November Prof. Dr. bertsakmann vom Max-Planck-Institut für Medizinische Forschung, Heidelberg. http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/aktuelles/presse/1997/86.html | |
63. Bert Sakmann - Encyclopedia Article About Bert Sakmann. Free Access, No Registra Universitätsklinikum Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Translate this page Mitglieder. Prof. Dr. bert sakmann Prof. Dr. bert sakmann ist Direktordes Max-Planck-Instituts für medizinische Forschung in Heidelberg. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Bert Sakmann | |
64. Índice Alfabético De Los Premios Nobel De Fisiología O Medicina (1901-1998) Chapman (1954) RObertS, Richard J. (1993) RODBELL, Martin (1994) ROSS, Ronald (1902)ROUS, Francis Peyton (1966) sakmann, bert (1991) SAMUELSSON, Bengt Ingemar http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/his/vol_2_99/his12299.htm | |
65. MSN Encarta - Bert Sakmann Translate this page Inicia una sesión arriba. bert sakmann. bert sakmann (1942- ), fisiólogo alemán. Másinformación sobre bert sakmann de, Otras funciones de Encarta. http://es.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_201500163/Bert_Sakmann.html | |
66. Nobel Prize For Medicine mechanism . NEHER, ERWIN, Germany sakmann, bert, 1991, for their discoveriesconcerning the function of single ion channels in cells . http://www.planet101.com/nobel_medicine.htm | |
67. Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Subject Index S 71(5)522 Northrop, John, 75(3)254 Percy Lavon Julian, 71(12)1170 Phoebe Pember,71(9)856 Porter, RR, 75(11)1110 sakmann, bert, 74(8)784 Salk, Jonas E., 73 http://www.mayo.edu/proceedings/index-s.html | |
68. Nobelists Who Attended CSHL Symposia 1971, 87. C/62. Prusiner, Stanley B. 1996, MP/97. Roberts, Richard J.*. 197292.MP/93. sakmann, bert. 1983,90. MP/91. Sanger, Frederick. 1949. C/58/80. Sharp, PhillipA.*. http://nucleus.cshl.org/CSHLlib/archives/Nobelists who attended Symposia.htm | |
69. Becker Medical Library Books T=Singlechannel recording / edited by bert sakmann and Erwin Neher. A=sakmann,bert, 1942- , ed. Neher, Erwin, 1944- , ed. N=QD 561 S617 1983 (BACS 454161). http://becker.wustl.edu/miniecat/BTS120.html |
70. Symposium 3 300 700 pm. 300 sakmann, bert The eloquent cortex (4B1). 350Richards, Chris D. Anesthetic actions on excitatory synapses (4B2). http://mac2001.uni-bonn.de/friday.htm | |
71. Invited Lectures Translate this page sakmann, bert, MPI für medizinische Forschung, Heidelberg, Germany.Sandorfy, Camille, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada. http://mac2001.uni-bonn.de/participant.htm | |
72. AwardsQT SADLER, NEIL. STEARNS AWARD. 1984. SAIDY, KATHLEEN A. ALUMNI RECOGNITION AWARD. 1977.sakmann, bert. SCIENCE. 1994. SANBORN, ROGER A. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD. 1987. http://www.cu.edu/regents/Awards/AwardsAZ/AwardsQT.htm | |
73. Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft -- Congress 2004 In Leipzig -- Translate this page Schmitt, Bernhard, Würzburg. Becker, Bernhard F. Munich. sakmann, bert, Heidelberg.Reglin, Bettina, Berlin. Heß, Birgit Gisela, Homburg. Burckhardt, Birgitta C, Göttingen. http://www.physiologische-gesellschaft.de/kongress/user.php?target=list_p&o1=fn& |
74. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Richard J. Roberts, Br. 1992 Edmond H. Fisher, Edwin G. Krebs, bothUS 1991 Edwin Neher, bert sakmann, both Ger. 1990 Joseph E http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_almanacs |
75. Document: Nobel, Nobel Translate this page Nobel, nobel - Ohne Zeiss kein Preis Robert Koch, Richard Zsigmondy, Frits Zernike,Manfred Eigen, Erwin Neher, bert sakmann. Erwin Neher, bert sakmann. http://www.zeiss.com/C12567BE00459794/allBySubject/5391001305B1D0C1C1256C000031F | |
76. Stiftung | Stipendien | Wissenschaft - Alexander Von Humboldt - Nachrichten Und Translate this page Die Vorlesung wird aus Mitteln der bert sakmann-Stiftung, die vonder Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung verwaltet wird, finanziert. http://www.avh.de/de/aktuelles/presse/pn_archiv_2000/2000_02.htm | |
77. Science -- Author Index {11 August 2000; 289 (5481)} Abstract Full Text Sajaev, V. (in Reports) Abstract Full Text sakmann, bert (in Reports)Abstract Full Text Saragusti, Idit (in Reports) Letter Scott, Eugenie C http://www.sciencemag.org/content/vol289/issue5481/aindex.shtml | |
78. Science -- Author Index {10 January 1997; 275 (5297)} Abstract Full Text sakmann, bert (in Reports) Abstract Full Text Sato, Vicki (inReports) Abstract Full Text Sauer, Tilman (in Reports) Letter Schall, Jeffrey D http://www.sciencemag.org/content/vol275/issue5297/aindex.shtml | |
79. Academy Members (S) Sahlins, Marshall, David, III, 1, FELLOW. Sainsbury, David, John, V, 3, FHM.sakmann, bert, II, 2, FHM. Sala, Osvaldo, E. II, 4, FHM. Salgado, Sebastiao,Ribeiro, IV, 5, FHM. http://www.amacad.org/members/s.htm | |
80. Pressmeddelande FrÃ¥n UmeÃ¥ Universitet Den 5 7 december kommer Joseph H Taylor, Jr, 1993 års fysikpristagare bert sakmann,1991 års medicinpristagare Johann Deisenhofer, 1988 års kemipristagare http://www.info.umu.se/Press/PressRelease.aspx?id=770 |
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