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61. Carlo Rubbia :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius carlo rubbia. Online Encyclopedia carlo rubbia was born in the smalltown of Gorizia, Italy, in 1934. After high school, he studied http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/c/ca/carlo_rubbia.html | |
62. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Carlo Rubbia (Physics, Biographies) - Encyclopedia AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon carlo rubbia, Physics, Biographies. carlo rubbia, Physics, Biographies. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/R/Rubbia-C.html | |
63. PhysicsWeb - Carlo Rubbia And The Discovery Of The W And The Z carlo rubbia and the discovery of the W and the Z Feature January 2003.Some 20 years ago the W and Z bosons were the biggest prizes http://physicsweb.org/article/world/16/1/7 | |
64. Geneva, Switzerland - Discours De M. Carlo Rubbia, CERN DES RESSOURCES RENOUVELABLES. La composante la plus nouvelle http://www.geneva.ch/JPE_rubbia.htm | |
65. Atom, Atommüll, Rubbiatron, Carlo Rubbia, Atommüllofen Translate this page Neuartiger Atommüllofen verwandelt Radioaktivität, der vom italienischenNobelpreisträger carlo rubbia in den vergangenen Jahren entwickelte http://www.s-line.de/homepages/keppler/mais.htm | |
66. SmartPedia.com - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books. carlo Maria Giulini, carlo Matteucci, carlo Rovelli. carlo rubbia,carlo Saraceni, carlo Tresca. carlo Urbani, carlock, Illinois, carloman. http://www.smartpedia.com/smart/browse/Special:Allpages&from=Carl_Andre | |
67. Carlo Rubbia - Laureat Nagrody Nobla W 1984 R. CERN Europejska Organizacja Badan Jadrowych Pierwsza strona Poczatektematu carlo rubbia. carlo rubbia urodzil sie w malym http://www.fuw.edu.pl/~ajduk/Public/ACHIEVEMENTS/rubbia.html | |
68. Black Out, Carlo Rubbia E Il Mito Del Nucleare - Grillo Parlante Translate this page October 02, 2003. Black Out, carlo rubbia e il mito del Nucleare. Ambiente, carlorubbia, membro onorario del Cicap! Insomma, sono sempre loro. http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/ivaningrilli/2003/10/02/black_out_carlo_rubbia_e | |
69. Premios Nobel · Libros · Cultura Y Ciencia · Terra carlo rubbia. Biografía carlo rubbia nació en Gorizia, Trieste (Italia). http://cultura.terra.es/cac/libros/nobel/portada.cfm?idpersona=373&idpremio=455 |
70. Premios Nobel · Libros · Cultura Y Ciencia · Terra carlo rubbia. Fecha de Biografía carlo rubbianació en Gorizia, Trieste (Italia). Por sus descubrimientos de http://cultura.terra.es/cac/libros/nobel/portada.cfm?idpersona=373&idpremio=183 |
71. Boska Cz±stka - Wielkie Wyk³ady - Fizyka - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Szukacz. Przeszukaj Wirtualny Wszechswiat Jak zadawac pytania? carlo i goryl.carlo i goryl. D. la wielu fizyków carlo rubbia to wzór naukowcaherosa. http://www.wiw.pl/fizyka/boskaczastka/Esej.asp?base=r&cp=1&ce=146 |
72. Online-Lexikon: Carlo Rubbia Translate this page carlo rubbia. Academicus.ch - Kostenloses Online-Lexikon. carlo rubbia. http://www.academicus.ch/de/carlo_rubbia.html | |
73. BBW (Basilicata Bio War): Carlo Rubbia : Indymedia Italia Translate this page volunteer. - biowar - - lucania -. BBW (Basilicata Bio War) carlo rubbia.by Basilisco Wednesday November 26, 2003 at 1214 AM, mail Scorie http://italy.indymedia.org/news/2003/11/430875.php | |
74. Fizikai Szemle 1990/11 - Carlo Rubbia: A MAI FIZIKA A CERN-BEN Fizikai Szemle 1990/11. 321. o A MAI FIZIKA A CERNBEN. carlo rubbia CERN,Genf. Mostani látogatásom Magyarországra jelentos eredmény http://www.kfki.hu/fszemle/archivum/fsz9011/rub9011.html | |
75. Fizikai Szemle 1994/7 - Szatmáry Zoltán: MIT OLD MEG CARLO RUBBIA TÓRIUMOS EN Fizikai Szemle 1994/07 293.o. MIT OLD MEG carlo rubbia TÓRIUMOS ENERGIASOKSZOROZÓJA? carlorubbia Nobeldíjas, az MTA tiszteletbeli tagja 1994. http://www.kfki.hu/fszemle/archivum/fsz9407/szz9407.html | |
76. Carlo Rubbia: Ny Typ Av Kärnkraft Löser Nästa Sekels Energibrist carlo rubbia 1984 års nobelpristagare i fysik, carlo rubbia, målar uppett oroande framtidsscenario över energisituationen år 2100. http://www.lu.se/info/lum/LUM_09_99/28_rubbia.html | |
77. Detailseite Für Carlo Rubbia Translate this page Dr. carlo rubbia Generaldirektor der Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l?Energiael?Ambiente (ENEA), Ehrenmitglied der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen http://www.oeaw.ac.at/oeaw_servlet/PersonenDetailsGeneric?id=11500 |
78. Detail Page For Carlo Rubbia Dr. carlo rubbia, Honorary member of the Section for Mathematics and theNatural Sciences Generaldirektor der Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie http://www.oeaw.ac.at/oeaw_servlet/e_PersonenDetailsGeneric?id=11500 |
79. SLAC Today - Experimental Seminar: Carlo Rubbia, CERN "ICARUS" Experimental Seminar carlo rubbia, CERN ICARUS . 2004 400 pm SLAC, Panofsky AuditoriumSLAC Experimental Seminar Speaker carlo rubbia, CERN Title ICARUS. http://today.slac.stanford.edu/today_detail.asp?id=623 |
80. Articolo Carlo Rubbia carlo rubbia Presidente Onorariodel CRS4. La componente più nuova e determinante nell evoluzione http://eiha.crs4.it/rubbia/ | |
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