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81. THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE FOR 1995 THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE FOR 1995. Joseph Rotblat and the pugwash Conferenceson science and world affairs. The Norwegian Nobel Committee http://user.it.uu.se/~pugwash/nobelmotivering95.html | |
82. Science -- Rotblat 289 (5480): 729 He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995, with the pugwash conferences on Scienceand world affairs, for their efforts to diminish the part played by http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/289/5480/729 | |
83. PhysicsWeb - Pugwash Calls For New Roles For Aldermaston report, Verifying Nuclear Disarmament A Role for AWE Aldermaston, is publishedtoday by the UK branch of the pugwash conferences on science world affairs. http://physicsweb.org/article/news/3/5/10 | |
84. John Polanyi Official Website Public Affairs Using Science in 1995 by the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the pugwash conferences; conferencesin which international groups of scientists discuss world affairs. http://www.utoronto.ca/jpolanyi/public_affairs/public_affairs6c.html | |
85. 01.24.96 - Holdren's Pugwash Nobel Acceptance Lecture The 1995 Peace Prize was split between the founder of the pugwash conferences onScience and world affairs, physicist Joseph Rotblat, and the organization http://www.berkeley.edu/news/berkeleyan/1996/0124/nobel.html | |
86. Headlines@Hopkins: Johns Hopkins University News Releases in the United States and 18 abroad, takes its name and guiding tenets from the 1957conference of science and world affairs held in pugwash, Nova Scotia, under http://www.jhu.edu/news_info/news/home94/may94/conf.html | |
87. Publications (English) Light weapons and conflict in Africa, paper prepared for the 49th pugwash Conferenceon science and world affairs, Rustenberg, South Africa, Sept.713, 1999 http://www.peter-lock.de/chapter/publications/English.html | |
88. Student Pugwash USA SPUSA is the US student affiliate of the pugwash conferences on science andWorld affairs, recipients of the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize. External Links. http://www.fact-index.com/s/st/student_pugwash_usa.html | |
89. McGill Student Pugwash The spirit of this meeting lives on in the pugwash conferences on science andWorld affairs, an international organization dedicated to promoting nuclear http://ssmu.mcgill.ca/pugwash/ | |
90. Imperial College Student Pugwash imperial college student pugwash. science, ethics, world affairs.The 3rd Student pugwash UK conference! Last updated on 23/02/2004 http://www.union.ic.ac.uk/scc/pugwash/3rdSPUK.html | |
91. Abolishnukes.com: Organization Profiles: Organization Detail profiles. Organization Basics pugwash conferences on science and WorldAffairs 136 Irving St. Cambridge MA 02138 US. pugwash@amacad http://www.abolishnukes.com/org_details.php?id=9 |
92. Vad är Pugwash? pugwash. Så småningom blev The pugwash conferences on science andWorld affairs ett begrepp, och så fick rörelsen dess namn. http://user.it.uu.se/~pugwash/ompugwash.html | |
93. PhysicsWeb - Nobel Prize Winner Calls For Ethics Oath Sir Michael Atiyah, expresident of the Royal Society and President of PugwashConferences on science and world affairs, started the proceedings by arguing http://physicsweb.org/article/news/1/12/10 | |
94. ADDRESS BY DEPUTY-PRESIDENT JACOB ZUMA AT THE PUGWASH CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND ADDRESS BY DEPUTYPRESIDENT JACOB ZUMA AT THE pugwash CONFERENCE ON SCIENCEAND world affairs. Rusternberg, 10 SEPTENBER 1999. Distinguished http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/zuma/1999/jz0910.htm | |
95. Colleen's Journal: The Pugwash Conference - Amazing! moment. I attended a session at the pugwash Conference on Scienceand world affairs, which was so incredibly interesting. If you http://www.yeconline.ca/mt/blogs/colleen/000160.html | |
96. Origins Of Pugwash Origins of pugwash. RussellEinstein Manifesto1955. Cyrus Eaton1955. First pugwash Conference1957. Participants1957 THE first half of pugwash's four-decade history coincided the Third world http://www.pugwash.org/about/origins.htm | |
97. SPUSA Copyright 2002 Student pugwash USA. Web Site by Articulated Impact http://www.spusa.org/pugwash | |
98. Alsos Pugwash Online Search Search by Keyword Title Creator Media All Article Book CD Chapter Film Website Display 10 results 20 results 50 results Advanced Search Search within Results Browse Issues concerns in the http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://alsos.wlu.edu/information.asp?id2=677&am |
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