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61. All.info: Society And Social Sciences / International And Area Studies / Liberal pugwash conferences on science and world affairs Pugwash Conferences on Scienceand World Affairs The 53rd Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs http://all.info/directory/Society_and_Social_Sciences/International_and_Area_Stu | |
62. GSI - Board Of Advisors Nobel Committee award the Nobel Peace Prize, in two equal parts, to Joseph Rotblatand to the pugwash conferences on science and world affairs, for their http://www.gsinstitute.org/about/advisors.shtml | |
63. Harapan's Bookshelf: Nobel Peace Prize 1995 Japanese. Nobel Peace Prize 1995 last updated on 02/02/25. JosephRotblat and pugwash conferences on science and world affairs. for http://www.harapan.co.jp/english/e_books/E_B_nobel_p95__e.htm | |
64. Pugwash11-participants Research Promotion and Development, Office of the DirectorGeneral, WHO; Secretary-General,pugwash conferences on science and world affairs (1976-1988). http://www.sussex.ac.uk/spru/hsp/Pugwsh11-participants.html | |
65. SPUSA: Campus Organizing Through pugwash conferences on science and world affairs, I ve been able to activelyparticipate in working groups with the world s leading experts on the http://www.spusa.org/campus/ | |
66. ISN - Conferences And Seminars - Conference Calendar Conference. 54th pugwash Conference on science and world affairs (ID 2758)Bridging a Divided world Through International Cooperation and Disarmament. http://www.isn.ethz.ch/confsem/confcal/index.cfm?service=confcal&parent=confarch |
67. Scienza - PugWash , Galleria Fotografica Segretario Generale del pugwash (conferences on science and world affairs). http://www.democraticidisinistra.it/scienza/calogero1301_foto.htm | |
68. 53rd Pugwash Conference On Science And World Affairs: Advancing Human Security: 53rd pugwash Conference on science and world affairs Advancing HumanSecurity The Role of Technology and Politics. Halifax and pugwash http://www.pugwash.org/reports/pac/53/wg2.htm | |
69. OrgName pugwash CONFERENCE ON science and world affairs, THE, E/D, Accademia Nazionale deiLincei, Via della Lungara 10, Rome, , -, I-00165, ISRAEL, 39-06 687 2606, 39-06687 http://www.un.org/dpi/ngosection/ngodir/NGODirAlph/alp08ACD.HTM | |
70. 53rd Pugwash Conference On Science And World Affairs 53rd pugwash Conference on science and world affairs Advancing Human SecurityThe Role of Technology and Politics July 1622, 2003 Halifax, Nova Scotia. http://www.pugwashgroup.ca/events/documents/2003/conference-07-16-03.htm | |
71. University Of California, San Diego: External Relations: News & Information: New Visitors Friends News Releases Events Article pugwash Conferenceson science and world affairs 1995 Nobel Peace Prize http://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/newsrel/events/Pugwash1.htm | |
72. Geneva International Forum pugwash Conference on science and world affairs. Name Dr. M. Kaplan. PositionDirector. Address Rue de Lausanne 69, CH1202 Genève. Phone +41-22-738 32 94. http://geneva.intl.ch/gi/egi/egi174.htm | |
73. Pugwash the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded jointly to the pugwash conferences on Scienceand world affairs and to Joseph Rotblat, an antinuclear campaigner who http://schwinger.harvard.edu/~terning/Misc/pugwash.html | |
74. AIM25: British Library Of Political And Economic Science: Oxford Student Pugwash Administrative/Biographical history The pugwash conferences on science and worldAffairs aim to bring together, from around the world, influential scholars http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=3803&inst_id=1 |
75. ?() Joseph Rotblat (ed.), CONFRONTING THE CHALLENGES OF THE 21ST CENTURY PROCEEDINGSOF THE FORTYNINTH pugwash CONFERENCE ON science and world affairs, 1999. http://www.meijigakuin.ac.jp/~prime/pugwashcomferenceeng.htm | |
76. Pugwash Conference pugwash Conference, formally pugwash CONFERENCE ON science and world affairs, anyof a series of meetings of scientists from different countries of the world http://cyberspacei.com/jesusi/peace/non_resistance/Pugwash.htm | |
77. PUGWASH -- SVERIGE Kalendarium. 54th pugwash Conference on science and world affairs Bridginga Divided world Through International Cooperation and Disarmament. http://www.pugwash.se/verksamhet.html | |
78. The Scientist - The Pugwash Conference Turns 30 OPINION. The pugwash Conference Turns 30. Email article. By Frank Barnaby. OnJuly 7 the pugwash Conference on science and world affairs will be 30 years old. http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1987/jun/opin_870629.html | |
79. The Scientist - Top Scientists Send Nuclear Test Ban Plea To Bush, Yeltsin In June, nine members of the Executive Committee of the pugwash conferences on Scienceand world affairschaired by John Holdren, a professor of energy and http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1992/aug/spector_p3_920817.html | |
80. Joseph Rotblat Allegiance to Humanity world Citizenship Allegiance to Humanity Written by JosephRotblat , pugwash conferences on science , world affairs Published by http://20th-century-history-books.com/search_Joseph_Rotblat/searchBy_Author.html | |
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