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Polanyi John C: more detail | |||||
61. Magyarország.hu - Landinfo Translate this page Dénes Gábor / Dennis Gabor (1900-1979), 1971, Physik. János Polányi /john C. polanyi (1930-), 1986, Chemie. JÁNOS POLÁNYI / john C. polanyi (23. http://www.magyarorszag.hu/nemet/orszaginfo/hiressegek/nobeldijasok_n.html | |
62. Magyarország.hu - Országinfó Cikk 1961, fiziológiai Wigner Jeno (Eugene P. Wigner) 1963, fizikai Gábor Dénes(Dennis Gabor) 1971, fizikai Polányi János (john C. polanyi) 1986, kémiai http://www.magyarorszag.hu/orszaginfo/hiresmagyarok | |
63. Kalender Translate this page 1929 Harald Metzkes. 1929 john C polanyi. 1928 Jeanne Moreau. 1924 Eugen Glombig. 1929Harald Metzkes. 1929 john C polanyi. 1932 Dietri Rollmann. 1935 Fred Zander. http://www.info-kalender.de/kal/k000123.htm | |
64. Pictures Of Nobel Laureates - Chemistry Hauptman; 1985 Jerome Karle; 1986 - Dudley Herschbach; 1986 - YuanT. Lee; 1986 - john C. polanyi; 1987 - Donald J. Cram; 1987 - CharlesJ http://chemistry.about.com/library/blchemists.htm |
65. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : POL polanyi (john C.) Photo 1; polanyi (Michael)(1891-1976) Peinture1; POLE (Reginald, Cardinal-Archevêque de Canterbury)(1500-1558) http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/pol.htm | |
66. John C. Crittenden, Ph.D., P.E., D.E.E. Crittenden, john C., Shumin Hu, David W. Hand, and Sarah Green, A Aqueous AdsorptionIsotherms for Hydrophobic Compounds using the polanyi Potential Theory http://www.cee.mtu.edu/people/jcc.html | |
67. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results JeanMarie Lehn, Fr. 1986 Dudley Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee, both US; john C. polanyi,Can. 1986 Dudley Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee, US; john C. polanyi, Can. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_almanacs |
68. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Dudley Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee, both US; john C. polanyi 15. Herschbach, DudleyR. (US), Lee, Yuan T. (US), and polanyi, john C. (Canada) determined http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
69. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway - Web Catalogue john C. polanyi Interview john C. polanyi Interview Video Interview with Professorjohn polanyi by Professor Sture Forsén at the meeting of Nobel Prize http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=550&term1=N |
70. A Friendly Link To Royal Society's Online Newsletter Eugene P. Wigner (19021995), 1963, Physics. Dennis Gabor (1900-1979), 1971, Physics.john C. polanyi (1930-), 1986, Chemistry. George A. Olah (1927-), 1994, Chemistry. http://www2.mta.hu/english/nobel_prize.htm | |
71. Nobel Laureate To Lecture At Ontario Dr. john C. polanyi, Nobel To find out more, visit www.uoit.ca, or call 1.866.844.8648.Who Dr. john C. polanyi, 1986 Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry. http://www.uoit.ca/schoolofscience/News&Events/Nobel_Laureate.htm | |
72. News Room - News Releases April 21, 2004. Oshawa, Ont. Dr. john C. polanyi, Nobel laureate in Chemistry (1986),and one Who Dr. john C. polanyi, 1986 Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry. http://www.uoit.ca/static/newsAndEvents/pressreleases/04-21-04-a.php | |
73. HPS280 - John C. Polanyi Professor john C. polanyi A Brief Biography. Prof. john C. polanyi is the sonof renowned chemist and scientific philosopher, Michael polanyi. Prof. http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~ihpst/HPS280/polanyi.html | |
74. Vendégváró.hu - Magyarország - Magyar Nobel-díjasok - Kincsestár, Hungarik világ arculatára. . polanyi, john C. john C. polanyi (1929. január23., Berlin - ). Polányi Mihály természettudós fia. 1986 http://www.vendegvaro.hu/50-463 | |
75. MSN Encarta - Polanyi, John Charles 8 items. Multimedia. Selected Web Links. , john Charles polanyi Great CanadianScientists. -, john C. polanyi Nobel Foundation. 2 items. Want more Encarta? http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761583307/Polanyi_John_Charles.html | |
76. Polanyi To Give UW Hagey Lecture | UW News Releases | University Of Waterloo In recognition of his contributions to science, the $2 million john C. polanyiChair in Chemistry was set up in his honor at U of T last July 1. polanyi, 65 http://newsrelease.uwaterloo.ca/archive/news.php?id=310 |
77. Portrait By Brenda Bury Portrait of Nobel Laureate john C. polanyi by Brenda Bury. http://www.brendabury.com/JohnPolanyi.html | |
78. Photoinduced Charge-transfer Reaction At Surfaces. II. HBr[centered Ellipsis]Na[ Javier B. Giorgi, Fedor Y. Naumkin, john C. polanyi, Sergei A. Raspopov,and Newman SK Sze. J. Chem. Phys. 112(21) 9569 (01 Jun 2000), http://content.aip.org/JCPSA6/v119/i18/9795_1.html | |
Sergey Dobrin, Hong He, Fedor Y. Naumkin, John C. Polanyi, and Sergei A. Raspopov The Journal of Chemical Physics Vol 119(18) pp. 9795-9803. November 8, 2003 Abstract A K. The adsorbed sodium atoms and clusters were dosed with HBr, to form HBr Na n /LiF(001) ( n ) complexes which were then irradiated by 610 nm laser-light to induce charge-transfer reactions. The reaction-product atomic H( g ) was observed leaving the surface, by two-color Rydberg-atom TOF spectroscopy. The H-atom translational energy in its "fast" (0.9 eV) the NaBr residue at the surface following photoinduced reaction in Na HBr. The cross-section of the harpooning event was obtained as | |
79. Nummer 239/2001 Translate this page Professor john C. polanyi, der sich als Gast des Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institutesin Essen aufhält, wird am Mittwoch, 5. September, um 11.15 Uhr einen http://www.uni-essen.de/pressestelle/presse_mitteilungen/2001UE/239_2001.htm | |
80. Electron- And Photon-Induced Localized Atomic Reaction Of Halobenzenes With Si PingHe Lu, john C. polanyi * , and Duncan Rogers. Corresponding Addressjohn C. polanyi Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto 80 St. http://www.foresight.org/Conferences/MNT8/Abstracts/Polanyi/ | |
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