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Polanyi John C: more detail | |||||
21. Polanyi, John C., A Scientist And The World He Lives In A Scientist and the World He Lives In. Speaker, polanyi, john C. Professor of Chemistry,U of T Canada s 1986 Nobel Prize Winner. Date, 27 Nov 1986. john C. polanyi. http://www.empireclubfoundation.com/details.asp?SpeechID=1749&FT=yes |
22. Foreign Affairs - Author Page - JOHN C POLANYI Author Page john C polanyi. Recent Foreign Affairs articles No documents found http://www.foreignaffairs.org/author/john-c-polanyi | |
23. Polanyi, John C., A Scientist And The World He Lives In A Scientist and the World He Lives In. Speaker, polanyi, john C. Professorof Chemistry, U of T Canada s 1986 Nobel Prize Winner. Date, 27 Nov 1986. http://www.empireclubfoundation.com/details.asp?SpeechID=1749 |
24. Ten Nobels For The Future A. Chemistry, 1994 Pauli, Gunter Paz, Octavio Literature, 1990 Penzias, Arno Physics,1978 Pérez Esquivel, Adolfo Peace, 1980 polanyi, john C. Chemistry, 1986 http://www.hypothesis.it/nobel/eng/bio/polanyi.htm | |
25. Dieci Nobel Per Il Futuro Translate this page A. Chimica, 1994 Pauli, Gunter Paz, Octavio Letteratura, 1990 Penzias, Arno Fisica,1978 Pérez Esquivel, Adolfo Pace, 1980 polanyi, john C. Chimica, 1986 http://www.hypothesis.it/nobel/ita/bio/polanyi.htm | |
26. John C. Polanyi Translate this page Chemienobelpreis 1986 (Nobel Prize Chemistry 1986) JohnC. polanyi, kanadischer Chemiker, geb. 23. Jan. 1929. http://www.zuta.de/npchem/polanyi.htm | |
27. Polanyi, John Charles coeur même de la réaction, c est-à http://www.cartage.org.lb/fr/themes/Biographies/mainbiographie/P/Polanyi/Polanyi | |
28. Polanyi, John Charles with G. Pimentel) 1982, the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Prize 1988, the Royal Medalof the Royal Society of London 1989, and the john C. polanyi Lecture Award http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/P/Polanyi1/Polan | |
29. John Charles Polanyi et sur ce grand inventeur, john Charles polanyi. Nous http://mendeleiev.cyberscol.qc.ca/chimisterie/2002-2003/MLLandreville.html | |
30. National Academy Of Sciences - Members polanyi, john C. University of Toronto. Elected to NAS 1978. ScientificDiscipline Chemistry. Membership Type Foreign Associate. http://www4.nationalacademies.org/nas/naspub.nsf/(urllinks)/NAS-58N43E?opendocum |
31. National Academy Of Sciences Pines, Alexander. Pines, David. Pitman, Walter C. Pohl, Robert O. polanyi, john C.Polge, EJ Christopher. Pollard, Thomas D. Portes, Alejandro. Posner, Michael I. http://www4.nationalacademies.org/nas/naspub.nsf/urllinks/$$AlphaListP?OpenDocum |
32. MSN Encarta - Resultados De La Búsqueda - John C Harsanyi Translate this page 4. Reinhard Selten*. ArtículoEnciclopedia Encarta. Encontrado en el artículoReinhard Selten. 5. john C. polanyi*. ImagenEnciclopedia Encarta. http://es.encarta.msn.com/John_C_Harsanyi.html | |
33. MSN Encarta - Resultados De La Búsqueda - John Ford (c 1586-c 1640) Translate this page 7. john C. polanyi*. ImagenEnciclopedia Encarta. El químico canadiensenacido en Alemania john C. polanyi recibió el Premio Nobel http://es.encarta.msn.com/John_Ford_(c_ 1586-c_ 1640).html | |
34. John C. Polanyi Javier B. Giorgi, Ralf Kuhnemuth and john C polanyi, Surface Aligned Photochemistry;Photolysis of HCl Adsorbed on LiF(001) Sudied by RydbergAtom Time-of http://www.chem.utoronto.ca/people/academic/polanyij.html | |
35. Storia Della Chimica. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica: Polanyi Translate this page Theatrum Chemicum. Personae john C. polanyi. john C. polanyi. n. 1929. PremioNobel per la chimica 1986. con Dudley R. Herschbach. e con Yuan T. Lee. http://www.minerva.unito.it/Theatrum Chemicum/NobelChimica/Polanyi.htm | |
36. AUTOGRAPHS & MANUSCRIPTS: JOHN C. POLANYI - TYPESCRIPT SIGNED CO-SIGNED BY:DUDLE john C. polanyi TYPESCRIPT SIGNED CO-SIGNED BYDUDLEY R. HERSCHBACH , YUAN TSEHLEE HISTORY FOR SALE Autograph Auctions Direct Sales offer an exciting and http://www.galleryofhistory.com/archive/3_2004/scientists/221363-JOHN-C-POLANYI. | |
37. Photo Gallery - John C. Polanyi's Visit john C. polanyi s visit. Photo Gallery. http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~chem/Photo_John_visit.htm | |
38. Nobel Prize Winning Chemists Nobel Prize Winning Chemists. 1985 1987. john C. polanyi. The NobelPrize in Chemistry 1986. john Charles polanyi was born in 1929 http://www.sanbenito.k12.tx.us/district/webpages2002/judymedrano/Nobel Winners/j | |
39. PolanyiWinners1 Location Home polanyi Prizes Information, The john Charles polanyi Prizes.In honour of the achievement of john Charles polanyi, recipient http://www.cou.on.ca/ocgs/HOME/Polanyi/PolanyiInformation.htm | |
40. John C. Polanyi: Awards Won By John C. Polanyi 123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. The biggest english dictionary RealDictionary.com. Awards of john C. polanyi. OTHER-NOBEL, 1986, CHEMISTRY. http://www.123awards.com/artist/1770.asp | |
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