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         Polanyi John C:     more detail
  1. Science and Society: The John C. Polanyi Nobel Laureates Lectures
  2. DANGERS OF NUCLEAR WAR by Franklyn & Polanyi, John C. Griffiths, 1979
  3. The Dangers of Nuclear War: A Pugwash Symposium by Franklyn Griffith, John C. Polanyi, 1979-06
  4. The Dangers of Nuclear War by Griffiths FranklynandPolanyi John C, 1979
  5. John C. Polanyi Award / Prix John C. Polanyi.: An article from: Canadian Chemical News
  6. Science and Society The John C. Polanyi Nobel Laureates Lectures by Martin & Martin Moscovits Moscovits, 1996-01-01
  7. Comments on Schaniel and Neale's comments on Hamilton. (response to article by William C. Schaniel and Walter C. Scheele in this issue, p. 884) (Notes ... An article from: Journal of Economic Issues by David Hamilton, 1994-09-01
  8. Comment on "The Meaning of Anthropology for Economic Science: A Case for Intellectual Reciprocity." (Notes and Communications): An article from: Journal of Economic Issues by William C. Schaniel, Walter C. Neale, 1994-09-01

21. Polanyi, John C., A Scientist And The World He Lives In
A Scientist and the World He Lives In. Speaker, polanyi, john C. Professor of Chemistry,U of T Canada s 1986 Nobel Prize Winner. Date, 27 Nov 1986. john C. polanyi.

22. Foreign Affairs - Author Page - JOHN C POLANYI
Author Page john C polanyi. Recent Foreign Affairs articles No documents found
Author Page - JOHN C POLANYI Recent Foreign Affairs articles: No documents found. Recent books reviewed in Foreign Affairs : One document found. displaying 1 to 1.
The Dangers of Nuclear War

Edited by Franklyn Griffiths and John C. Polanyi.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1979.
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23. Polanyi, John C., A Scientist And The World He Lives In
A Scientist and the World He Lives In. Speaker, polanyi, john C. Professorof Chemistry, U of T Canada s 1986 Nobel Prize Winner. Date, 27 Nov 1986.

24. Ten Nobels For The Future
A. Chemistry, 1994 Pauli, Gunter Paz, Octavio Literature, 1990 Penzias, Arno Physics,1978 Pérez Esquivel, Adolfo Peace, 1980 polanyi, john C. Chemistry, 1986

Allais, Maurice
Economics, 1988
Altman, Sidney
Chemistry, 1989
Arber, Werner
Medicine, 1978
Arrow, Kenneth J.
Economics, 1972
Baltimore, David
Medicine, 1975
Becker, Gary S.
Economics, 1992
Black, James W.
Medicine, 1988
Brown, Lester R.

Buchanan, James M.
Economics, 1986
Charpak, Georges
Physics, 1992 Dahrendorf, Ralf Dausset, Jean Medicine, 1980 Economics, 1983 de Duve, Christian Medicine, 1974 Dulbecco, Renato Medicine, 1975 Ernst, Richard R. Chemistry, 1991 Esaki, Leo Physics, 1973 Fo, Dario Literature, 1997 Gell-Mann, Murray Physics, 1969 Glashow, Sheldon Lee Physics, 1979 Guillemin, Roger C.L. Medicine, 1977 Hoffmann, Roald Chemistry, 1981 Jacob, François Medicine, 1965 Kindermans, Jean-Marie Peace 1999 Klein, Lawrence R. Economics, 1980 Kroto, Harold W. Chemistry, 1996 Lederman, Leon M.

25. Dieci Nobel Per Il Futuro
Translate this page A. Chimica, 1994 Pauli, Gunter Paz, Octavio Letteratura, 1990 Penzias, Arno Fisica,1978 Pérez Esquivel, Adolfo Pace, 1980 polanyi, john C. Chimica, 1986

Allais, Maurice
Economia, 1988
Altman, Sidney
Chimica, 1989
Arber, Werner
Medicina, 1978
Arrow, Kenneth J.
Economia, 1972
Baltimore, David
Medicina, 1975
Becker, Gary S.
Economia, 1992
Black, James W.
Medicina, 1988
Brown, Lester R.

Buchanan, James M.
Economia, 1986
Charpak, Georges
Fisica, 1992 Dahrendorf, Ralf Dausset, Jean Medicina, 1980 Economia, 1983 de Duve, Christian Medicina, 1974 Dulbecco, Renato Medicina, 1975 Ernst, Richard R. Chimica, 1991 Esaki, Leo Fisica, 1973 Fo, Dario Letteratura, 1997 Gell-Mann, Murray Fisica, 1969 Glashow, Sheldon Lee Fisica, 1979 Guillemin, Roger C.L. Medicina, 1977 Hoffmann, Roald Chimica, 1981 Jacob, François Medicina, 1965 Kindermans, Jean-Marie Pace, 1999 Klein, Lawrence R. Economia, 1980 Kroto, Harold W. Chimica, 1996 Lederman, Leon M.

26. John C. Polanyi
Translate this page Chemienobelpreis 1986 (Nobel Prize Chemistry 1986) JohnC. polanyi, kanadischer Chemiker, geb. 23. Jan. 1929.
Chemienobelpreis 1986
(Nobel Prize Chemistry 1986) John C. Polanyi, kanadischer Chemiker, geb. 23. Jan. 1929

27. Polanyi, John Charles
coeur même de la réaction, c est-à
Polanyi, John Charles
Son itinéraire est quelque peu différent de celui des deux autres lauréats. Il s'est intéressé aux réactions qui interviennent pendant le millionnième de millionnième de seconde (picoseconde) que dure la collision des réactants. Indépendamment de la méthode des jets croisés, il a mis au point une technique fondée sur l'effet de chimioluminescence infrarouge, afin de déterminer l'évolution des caractères énergétiques des réactants et des produits de la réaction. Cette méthode analyse le faible rayonnement infrarouge que produisent les molécules nées au cours de la réaction.
Avec ses collègues, J. C. Polanyi a d'abord travaillé sur la réaction entre l'hydrogène et le chlom. Il en a tiré une série de zègles qui sont des prescriptions sur la meilleure façon de réaliser telle ou telle réaction en se fondant sur son état de transition. Son équipe a en effet été la premièm à observer directement et à caractériser specuoscopiquement un état de transition d'une réaction. Depuis ces dernières années, elle étudie les phénomènes de catalyse hétémgène.
Les développements ultéreiurs en dynamique des processus chimiques élémentaires
L'oeuvre des trois lauréats a vite suscité de nombmux continuateurs. Les informations recueillies jusque là ne portaient que sur ce qui se passe avant et apzès la formation des complexes intermédiaires; il s'agit donc maintenant de connaItre les événements qui se produisent au coeur même de la réaction, c'est-à-dire suivre des phénomènes qui se déroulent à une échelle de temps de l'ordre de la femtoseconde (10-15 s).

28. Polanyi, John Charles
with G. Pimentel) 1982, the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Prize 1988, the Royal Medalof the Royal Society of London 1989, and the john C. polanyi Lecture Award
Polanyi, John Charles John Charles Polanyi was born in 1929 in Berlin, Germany, of Hungarian parents, Michael and Magda Elizabeth Polanyi. The family moved to England in 1933 where he received his education. His University training was at Manchester University, where he obtained his B.Sc. in 1949, and his Ph.D. in 1952. From 1952-1954, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Research Council Laboratories in Ottawa, Canada, and from 1954-1956 Research Associate at Princeton University. In 1956, John Polanyi was appointed as a Lecturer at the University of Toronto where he was successively Assistant Professor (1957-1960), Associate Professor (1960-1962) and Professor (1962- present). He was given the (honorific) title University Professor in January 1974. In 1958, he married Anne (Sue) Ferrar Davidson. They have two children, Margaret Alexandra (born 1961), and Michael Ferrar (born 1963). He serves on the Board of the Ontario Laser and Lightwave Research Centre, Canada (1988-present), is a Member of the Board of the Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, Canada (1991-present), and Member of the Science Advisory Board, Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Germany (1982-present), and is Honorary Consultant to the Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan (1989-1992).

29. John Charles Polanyi
et sur ce grand inventeur, john Charles polanyi. Nous
    John Charles Polanyi
    La chimioluminescence
    par Karl Poulin et Marie-Lise Landreville Marie-Lise et Karl vous invitent

    (format .mov, 5,0 Mo)

    O H + H O H O + 2CO Criminologie
    Bibliographie [CD-ROM]. Microsoft Corporation, 1998. Polanyi John Charles , [En ligne]. Adresse URL: , [En ligne]. Adresse URL: Profile: John Charles Polanyi , [En ligne]. Adresse URL: Polanyi, John Charles(1929-), Chimiste canadien , [En ligne]. Adresse URL: GASEOUS REACTION DYNAMICS BY MEASUREMENT OF STATE-SPECIFIED RATES , [En ligne]. Adresse URL:
    Validation du contenu : Marc Richard
    John Charles Polanyi Liste - Chimie et chimistes Chimisterie CyberScol Page mise à jour : le 10 juin 2003
    Tous droits réservés à l'Association québécoise des utilisateurs de l'ordinateur au primaire-secondaire (AQUOPS-CyberScol).

30. National Academy Of Sciences - Members
polanyi, john C. University of Toronto. Elected to NAS 1978. ScientificDiscipline Chemistry. Membership Type Foreign Associate.

31. National Academy Of Sciences
Pines, Alexander. Pines, David. Pitman, Walter C. Pohl, Robert O. polanyi, john C.Polge, EJ Christopher. Pollard, Thomas D. Portes, Alejandro. Posner, Michael I.$$AlphaListP?OpenDocum

32. MSN Encarta - Resultados De La Búsqueda - John C Harsanyi
Translate this page 4. Reinhard Selten*. Artículo—Enciclopedia Encarta. Encontrado en el artículoReinhard Selten. 5. john C. polanyi*. Imagen—Enciclopedia Encarta.
Principal Mi MSN Hotmail Buscar ... Suscribirse a MSN Encarta Premium Buscar en Encarta Encarta Resultados de la bºsqueda de "John C Harsanyi" P¡gina de 4 Siguiente Exclusivo para los suscriptores de MSN Encarta Premium John C. Harsanyi Art­culo—Enciclopedia Encarta John C. Harsanyi (1920- ), economista hºngaro (nacionalizado estadounidense), premio Nobel de Ciencias Econ³micas en 1994 (compartido con John F. Nash... John C. Harsanyi Imagen—Enciclopedia Encarta John C. Harsanyi, premio Nobel de Ciencias Econ³micas en 1994 por sus an¡lisis sobre el equilibrio en la teor­a de juegos no cooperativos. John F. Nash Art­culo—Enciclopedia Encarta Encontrado en el art­culo John F. Nash Reinhard Selten Art­culo—Enciclopedia Encarta Encontrado en el art­culo Reinhard Selten John C. Polanyi Imagen—Enciclopedia Encarta El qu­mico canadiense nacido en Alemania John C. Polanyi recibi³ el Premio Nobel de Qu­mica en 1986 por sus investigaciones sobre la luminiscencia... John Ford (c. 1586-c. 1640) Art­culo—Enciclopedia Encarta John Ford (c. 1586-c. 1640)

33. MSN Encarta - Resultados De La Búsqueda - John Ford (c  1586-c  1640)
Translate this page 7. john C. polanyi*. Imagen—Enciclopedia Encarta. El químico canadiensenacido en Alemania john C. polanyi recibió el Premio Nobel 1586-c_ 1640).html
Principal Mi MSN Hotmail Buscar ... Suscribirse a MSN Encarta Premium Buscar en Encarta Encarta Resultados de la bºsqueda de "John Ford (c  1586-c  1640)" P¡gina de 4 Siguiente Exclusivo para los suscriptores de MSN Encarta Premium John Ford (c. 1586-c. 1640) Art­culo—Enciclopedia Encarta John Ford (c. 1586-c. 1640) , dramaturgo ingl©s. Naci³ en Islington (Devonshire), y estudi³ en el Exeter College. Comenz³ su carrera literaria como... Estados Unidos de Am©rica : C. Arte y Literatura : i. Cine. Radio y televisi³n: John Ford (1895-1973) Art­culo—Enciclopedia Encarta John Ford (1895-1973) , nombre art­stico de Sean O'Feeny, director de cine estadounidense de origen irland©s, cuyo verdadero nombre era Sean Aloysius... Fon©tica Art­culo—Enciclopedia Encarta Encontrado en el art­culo Fon©tica John Ford Imagen—Enciclopedia Encarta El director de cine estadounidense de origen irland©s John Ford, autor de pel­culas tan memorables como La diligencia El hombre tranquilo John Milton Art­culo—Enciclopedia Encarta Encontrado en el art­culo John Milton John C. Harsanyi

34. John C. Polanyi
Javier B. Giorgi, Ralf Kuhnemuth and john C polanyi, Surface Aligned Photochemistry;Photolysis of HCl Adsorbed on LiF(001) Sudied by RydbergAtom Time-of
John C. Polanyi
University Professor - Physical Chemistry
John C. Polanyi
Lash Miller Chemical Laboratories
80 St. George St.
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3H6 Phone: (416)-978-3580
Fax: (416)-978-7580
Office: Lash Miller, Room 262
  • B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc. (Manchester University)
  • Link to John Polanyi's Homepage
    Research Interests
    Our objective is to study photochemistry in the adsorbed state. The source of radiation is an ultraviolet (excimer) laser. The adsorbates are characterized by LEED, Auger, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), XPS, UPS, and by detailed computer-modeling. The probes used to determine the outcome are time-of-flight mass spectrometry, angular distribution measurements, multiphoton ionization of photofragments and photoreaction products, and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), all in ultra-high vacuum (UHV). The first results appeared in 1984. We have demonstrated, until now, that simple molecules can be dissociated efficiently in the adsorbed state to yield photofragments moving in preferred directions, and that these photofragments can react under conditions of

    35. Storia Della Chimica. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica: Polanyi
    Translate this page Theatrum Chemicum. Personae john C. polanyi. john C. polanyi. n. 1929. PremioNobel per la chimica 1986. con Dudley R. Herschbach. e con Yuan T. Lee. Chemicum/NobelChimica/Polanyi.htm
    Theatrum Chemicum Personae: John C. Polanyi John C. Polanyi n. 1929 Premio Nobel per la chimica 1986 con Dudley R. Herschbach e con Yuan T. Lee Premio Nobel 1985 Premio Nobel 1987 John Charles Polanyi, una scheda biografica John Charles Polanyi è nato a Berlino nel 1929 da genitori ungheresi. Nel '33 si trasferisce con la famiglia in Gran Bretagna, dove consegue la laurea nel '49 e il Ph.D. nel '52, presso l'Università di Manchester. Dal '52 al '54 è in Canada, paese che diventerà sua patria di adozione, ricercatore al National Research Council di Ottawa, e dal '54 al '56 alla Princeton University. Nominato lettore all'Università di Toronto nel '56, vi diviene poi assistente, associato e quindi professore di Chimica, incarico che tuttora (1994) ricopre.
    La sua attività di ricerca si concentra sui moti molecolari delle reazioni chimiche nei gas e sulle superfici e nel 1986 gli viene assegnato il premio Nobel per la Chimica (con Dudley R. Herschbach e Yuan T. Lee ), per le ricerche sulla dinamica dei processi chimici elementari.
    Tra gli altri riconoscimenti attribuitigli, Polanyi riceve la Marlow Medal della Faraday Society, la Centenary Medal della British Chemical Society, lo Steacie Prize for Natural Sciences (con N. Bartlett), la Henry Marshall Tory Medal della Royal Society of Canada e il Wolf Prize per la Chimica (con G. Pimentel). Membro della Royal Society del Canada, di Londra e di Edimburgo, dell'American Academy of Arts and Sciences, della National Academy of Sciences statunitense e dell'Accademia Pontificia, Polanyi è stato consulente del Primo ministro canadese per la Scienza e la Tecnologia, del Max-Planck-Institut per l'Ottica quantistica e dell'Institute for Molecular Sciences giapponese.

    john C. polanyi TYPESCRIPT SIGNED CO-SIGNED BYDUDLEY R. HERSCHBACH , YUAN TSEHLEE HISTORY FOR SALE Autograph Auctions Direct Sales offer an exciting and
    Click on Image To Enlarge
    autographs Document 221363
    Signatures: Dudley Herschbach Yuan T. Lee " and " John C. Polanyi Headed: "The Nobel Prize in Chemistry - 1986" . Captioned at lower margin: "They are noted for helping to create the first detailed understanding of chemical reactions (Reaction Dynamics)". Americans HerschbacH and Lee and Canadian Polanyi shared the 1986 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for their contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical elementary processes." Staple holes at upper left. Slightly creased. Fine condition.

    This document was available for sale in a previous auction. It may or may not be currently available for sale. It is also highly likely that we have more of this personality available for sale either in our archives or on our direct purchase website For direct purchase information, call 1-800-GALLERY (1-800-425-5379) Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm Pacific Time or email inquires to

    37. Photo Gallery - John C. Polanyi's Visit
    john C. polanyi s visit. Photo Gallery.
    John C. Polanyi's visit
    Photo Gallery

    38. Nobel Prize Winning Chemists
    Nobel Prize Winning Chemists. 1985 1987. john C. polanyi. The NobelPrize in Chemistry 1986. john Charles polanyi was born in 1929 Winners/j
    Nobel Prize Winning Chemists John C. Polanyi The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1986 John Charles Polanyi was born in 1929 in Berlin, Germany, of Hungarian parents, Michael and Magda Elizabeth Polanyi. The family moved to England in 1933 where he received his education. His university training was at Manchester University, where he obtained his B. Sc. in 1949, and his Ph. D. in 1952. From 1952-1954, he was a Postdoctoral fellow at the National Research Council Laboratories in Ottawa, Canada, and from 1954-1956 Research Associate at Princeton University. In 1956, John Polanyi was appointed as a Lecturer at the University of Toronto where he was successively Assistant Professor (1957-1960), Associate Professor (1960-1962) and Professor (1962-present). He was given the title University Professor in January 1974. In 1958, he married Anne Ferrar Davidson. They have two children, Margaret Alexandra (born 1961), and Michael Ferrar (born 1963). He was awarded the Marlow Medal of the Faraday Society , Centenary Medal of the British Chemical Society, the Henry Marshall Tory Medal of the royal Society of Canada, and the Royal Medal of the Royal Society of London. He was also recipient of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 1986 together with Dudley R. Herschback and Yuan T. Lee, "for their contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical elementary processes".

    39. PolanyiWinners1
    Location Home polanyi Prizes Information, The john Charles polanyi Prizes.In honour of the achievement of john Charles polanyi, recipient
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    The John Charles Polanyi Prizes
    In honour of the achievement of John Charles Polanyi, recipient of the 1986 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the Government of the Province of Ontario has established a fund to provide annually up to five prizes to outstanding researchers in the early stages of their career who are continuing to post-doctoral studies at an Ontario university. The prizes have a value of $15,000 each and are available in the areas broadly defined as Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Economic Science.
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    40. John C. Polanyi: Awards Won By John C. Polanyi
    123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. The biggest english dictionary Awards of john C. polanyi. OTHER-NOBEL, 1986, CHEMISTRY.
    hardwork is paid in form of awards The biggest english dictionary - Awards of John C. Polanyi OTHER-NOBEL CHEMISTRY Enter Artist/Album
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