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         Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig:     more detail
  1. Biography - Planck, Max (Karl Ernst Ludwig) (1858-1947): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  2. Absorption und Emission electrischer Wellen durch Resonanz. [with]: Ludwig BOLTZMANN (1844-1906). Ein Wort der Mathematik an die Energetik. with: PLANCK. Gegen die neuere Energetik. [with]: Friedrich Wilhelm OSTWALD (1853-1932). Zur Energetik. with: BOLTZMANN. Zur Energetik. by Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). PLANCK, 1896-01-01
  3. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Sherri Chasin Calvo, 2000
  4. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck: (1858 -1947).(LETTERS TO PROGRESS IN PHYSICS): An article from: Progress in Physics by Pierre-Marie Robitaille, 2007-10-01
  5. Über den zweiten Hauptsatz der Mechanischen Wärmetheorie. by Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). PLANCK, 1879
  6. Über einen Satz der statistischen Dynamik und seine Erweiterung in der Quantentheorie. Offprint from: Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzung der physikalische-mathematischen Klasse, XXIV. XXV. by Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). PLANCK, 1917-01-01
  7. Die Theorie des Sättigungsgesetzes. In: Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Neue Folge, Band XIII, 1881. by Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). PLANCK, 1881
  8. Ueber das thermodynamische Gleichgewicht von Gasgemengen. by Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). PLANCK, 1883
  9. Einführung in die Theorie Der Elektrizität und des Magnetismus. Zum Gebrauch bei Vorträgen, sowie zum Selbstunterricht. by Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). PLANCK, 1922
  10. Grundriss der Allgemeinen Thermochemie.... Mit ienem anhang: Der Kern des zweiten Hauptsatzes der Wärmetheorie. by Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). PLANCK, 1893
  11. The consequences of philosophy: A reply to Planck and Einstein by Max Mundlak, 1936

41. Max Planck --  Encyclopædia Britannica
in full max karl ernst ludwig planck theoretical physicist who originatedquantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1918. planck

42. Planck
planck. max karl ernst ludwig planck. max planck initiated the studyof quantum mechanics when he announced in 1900 his theoretical
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Max Planck initiated the study of quantum mechanics when he announced in 1900 his theoretical research into radiation and absorption of a black body.
Planck came from an academic family, his father being professor of law at Kiel and both his grandfather and great-grandfather had been professors of theology at Göttingen. In 1867 Planck's family moved to Munich and he attended school there. He did well at school, but not brilliantly, usually coming somewhere between third and eighth in his class.
In 1874, at the age of 16, he entered the University of Munich. Before he began his studies he discussed the prospects of research in physics with Philipp von Jolly, the professor of physics there, and was told that physics was essentially a complete science with little prospect of further developments. Fortunately Planck decided to study physics despite the bleak future for research that was presented to him.
Planck then studied at Berlin where his teachers included Helmholtz and Kirchhoff. He later wrote that he admired Kirchhoff greatly but found him dry and monotonous as a teacher. Planck returned to Munich and received his doctorate at the age of 21 with a thesis on the second law of thermodynamics. He was then appointed to a teaching post at the University of Munich in 1880 and he taught there until 1885.
In 1885 Planck was appointed to a chair in Kiel and held this chair for four years. After the death of Kirchhoff in 1887, Planck succeeded him in the chair of theoretical physics at the University of Berlin in 1889. He was to hold the Berlin chair for 38 years until he retired in 1927.

43. Max Planck - Reference Library
max planck. max karl ernst ludwig planck (1858 1947) was a Germanphysicist who is considered to be the inventor of quantum theory.
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Max Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck ) was a German physicist who is considered to be the inventor of quantum theory Born on April 23 in Kiel , Planck started his physics studies at München university in , graduating in in Berlin . He returned to München in to teach at the university, and moved to Kiel in . There he married Marie Merck in . In , he moved to Berlin, where from on he held the chair of theoretical physics. In , he discovered a new fundamental constant, which is named Planck's constant , and is, for example, used to calculate the energy of a photon . Also that year, he described his own set of units of measurement based on fundamental physical constants . One year later, he discovered the law of heat radiation, which is named Planck's Law of Radiation . This law became the basis of quantum theory , which emerged ten years later in cooperation with Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr From to , Planck acted as the head of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft German Physical Society ). His wife died in 1909, and only one year later he married Marga von Hoesslin. In

44. Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig - Berlin Lexikon
Translate this page planck, max karl ernst ludwig. * 23. 04.1858 Kiel, 4. 10. 1947 Göttingen,Physiker. P. kam 1878 nach Berlin an die Friedrich-Wilhelms
Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig
Humboldt- Akademie Kaiser- Max- Magnushaus. Stand:

45. Planck
Translate this page planck, max karl ernst ludwig (1858-1947), físico alemán, premiadocon el Nobel, considerado el creador de la teoría cuántica.
Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947), físico alemán, premiado con el Nobel, considerado el creador de la teoría cuántica.
Planck recibió muchos premios por este trabajo, especialmente, el Premio Nobel de Física, en 1918. En 1930 Planck fue elegido presidente de la Sociedad Kaiser Guillermo para el Progreso de la Ciencia, la principal asociación de científicos alemanes, que después se llamó Sociedad Max Planck. Sus críticas abiertas al régimen nazi que había llegado al poder en Alemania en 1933 le forzaron a abandonar la Sociedad, de la que volvió a ser su presidente al acabar la II Guerra Mundial. Murió en Gotinga el 4 de octubre de 1947. Entre sus obras más importantes se encuentran Introducción a la física teórica (5 volúmenes, 1932-1933) y Filosofía de la física

46. Anecdote - Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck - Planck
planck, max karl ernst ludwig (18581947) German physicist, Nobel Prize recipient(Physics, 1918) noted for his research in quantum physics Sources B. Cline

47. Anecdote - Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck - Planck`s Principle
planck, max karl ernst ludwig (18581947) German physicist, Nobel Prize recipient(Physics, 1918) noted for his research in quantum physics Sources max

48. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck: Awards Won By Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
The biggest english dictionary Awards of max karl ErnstLudwig planck. OTHER-NOBEL, 1918, PHYSICS. Enter Artist/Album. Partner Sites.
hardwork is paid in form of awards The biggest english dictionary - Awards of Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck OTHER-NOBEL PHYSICS Enter Artist/Album
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Translate this page max karl ernst ludwig planck. Marjolein Van Butsel, 1C2, 2000-2001.max planck wurde am 23. April 1858 in Kiel geboren. Er war das
MAX KARL ERNST LUDWIG PLANCK Marjolein Van Butsel, 1C2, 2000-2001 Max Planck wurde am 23. April 1858 in Kiel geboren. Er war das vierte Kind von Johann Julius Wilhelm von Planck aus Göttingen, der in Kiel einen Lehrstuhl für Zivilprozessrecht (Bürgerrecht) hatte, und Emma Patzig von Greifswald. Außerdem hatte er noch zwei Stiefgeschwister von Wilhelm von Plancks erster Frau, Mathilde Voigt. Die Namen seiner Geschwister waren Hugo, Emma, Hermann, Hildegard, Adalbert und Otto. Im Frühling 1867, zog die Familie von Kiel nach München, wo Max das klassische Königliche Maximiliansgymnasium besuchte. Schon bald wurde deutlich, dass er ein außergewöhnlich talentierter Mathematiker war. Außerdem erhielt er fast jedes Jahr den Preis aus der “Religionslehre und dem sittlichen Betragen”. Die Lehrer meinten, dass er durch sein artiges und bescheidenes Benehmen einen sehr guten Eindruck mache. Bei seinen Klassenkameraden war er auch sehr beliebt, denn er war stets pflichtbewust, offen und fröhlich. In seinem Zeugnis der zweiten Gymnasialklasse stand: “Mit Recht der Liebling seiner Lehrer und seiner Mitschüler, der Jüngste der Klasse (14 Jahre, 3 Monate) und bei aller Kindlichkeit ein sehr klarer, logischer Kopf. Verspricht etwas Rechtes.” Oskar Miller (damals noch ohne “von”) war einer seiner Klassenkameraden, und war den Lehrern eine echte Plage: “Nicht ohne Talent. Schnell fertig und richtig in seinem Urteil; hört mit einem Ohr mehr als andere auf zwei, aber die personifizierte Unordnung, ohne allen Fleiss und ohne Aufmerksamkeit, den Unterricht stets störend, ein Hemmschuh für die Klasse.” Und während Miller sich gegen die strenge Disziplin aufbäumte, ordnete Max sich mühelos ein. Fast regelmäßig wurde in seinem Zeugnis die “Bravheit” hervorgehoben. Er akzeptierte die Autorität der Schule, wie später die Autorität des Lehrgebäudes der Physik. Ganz gegen seinen Willen führte ihn die Konsequenz seines Denkens um die Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert zur geistigen Revolution.

50. TecaLibri: Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck: Opere
Translate this page max karl ernst ludwig planck opere. 1858 Nasce il 23 aprile a Kiel.1906 Vorlesungen über die Theorie der Wärmestrahlung, rif
fisica TecaLibri
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck: opere
  • Nasce il 23 aprile a Kiel. 1906 Vorlesungen über die Theorie der Wärmestrahlung, [ rif.
      The Theory of Heat Radiation, Dover Publications, New York, 1991
    1920 Die Entstehung und bisherige Entwicklung der Quantentheorie, Barth, Leipzig, [ rif.
      L'origine e lo sviluppo della teoria dei quanti, Bollati Boringhieri, 1993 in: idem, La conoscenza del mondo fisico
    1942 Wissenschaftliche Selbstbiographie, Barth, Leipzig, [ rif.
      Autobiografia scientifica, Bollati Boringhieri, 1993 in: idem, La conoscenza del mondo fisico
    1943 La conoscenza del mondo fisico Muore il 4 ottobre a Gottinga. 1948 Wissenschaftliche Selbstbiographie
      Autobiografia scientifica e ultimi saggi, 1956
    1973 Scienza, filosofia e religione, Fabbri, Milano, [ rif.

51. MSN Encarta - Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Translate this page max karl ernst ludwig planck. max karl ernst ludwig planck (1858-1947), físico alemán,premiado con el Nobel, considerado el creador de la teoría cuántica.
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52. MSN Encarta - Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig
Translate this page planck, max karl ernst ludwig. planck, max karl ernst ludwig (1858-1947), deutscherPhysiker und Nobelpreisträger sowie Begründer der Quantentheorie.
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53. VEDA
7.12. 100 let kvant. fyziky max karl ernst ludwig planck Jirí Svršeknarozen 23. dubna 1858 v Kielu, SchleswigHolstein, Nemecko
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43. semináøe Spoleènosti pro talent a nadání - ECHA:
Kam smìøuje vzdìlávání nadaných dìtí v Evropì? Poradenská a výzkumná centra pro nadané
Koná se v pátek, 27.10.2000 ve 14 hodin, v Aule Pedagogické fakulty UK v Praze 1, M.D.Rettigové 4. Promluví: PhDr Jolana Laznibatová z VÚDPaP v Bratislavì, øeditelka Školy pro mimoøádnì nadané dìti a
PhDr Eva Vondráková, pøedsedkynì STaN-ECHA, Obì jsou psycholožky a zúèastnily se 7.ECHA konference v Maïarsku a mezinárodního workshopu o centrech a síti péèe o nadané, který se konal zaèátkem øíjna 2000 v Chorvatsku. Další informace najdete na adrese: ECHA sdružuje psychology, pedagogy a rodièe nadaných dìtí. Od kvìtna 1995 je Poradcem Rady Evropy ve vzdìlávání nadaných. STaN-ECHA organizuje od r.1989 odborné semináøe. Už sedmý rok existuje Klub rodièù STaN-ECHA, který se koná 1x mìsíènì.
Kontaktní adresa: PhDr Eva Vondráková, Klub rodièù

54. Max Planck :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
max planck. Online Encyclopedia max karl ernst ludwig planck (1858 1947) wasa German physicist who is considered to be the inventor of quantum theory.
Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Max Planck
Online Encyclopedia

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck ) was a German physicist who is considered to be the inventor of quantum theory Born on April 23 in Kiel , Planck started his physics studies at München university in , graduating in in Berlin . He returned to München in to teach at the university, and moved to Kiel in . There he married Marie Merck in . In , he moved to Berlin, where from on he held the chair of theoretical physics. In , he discovered a new fundamental constant, which is named Planck's constant , and is, for example, used to calculate the energy of a photon . One year later, he discovered the law of heat radiation, which is named Planck's Law of Radiation . This law became the basis of quantum theory , which emerged ten years later in cooperation with Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr From to , Planck acted as the head of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft German Physical Society ). His wife died in 1909, and only one year later he married Marga von Hoesslin. In , he became head of Berlin university. For the foundation of quantum physics, he was awarded the

55. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Ghosts of Chemistry Past planck, max karl ernst ludwig. planck, maxkarl ernst ludwig Books Encyclopedia of World Biography R 920.02

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max karl ernst ludwig planck . (1858.4.23~1947.10.3). ? . ? . ? ? ?

57. Lexikon - Max Planck Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
Translate this page max planck. Definition, Bedeutung, Erklärung im Lexikon. Artikel aufEnglisch max planck. max karl ernst ludwig planck (* 23. April

58. Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig - Viquipèdia
Not logged in Registre/Entrada Ajuda. planck, max karl ernst ludwig. De Viquipèdia,l enciclopèdia lliure. Física Físic max karl ernst ludwig planck,_Max_Karl_Ernst_Ludwig
Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig
De Viquip¨dia, l'enciclop¨dia lliure.
F­sica F­sic Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck 23 d'abril de 4 d'octubre de F­sic alemany que l'any descobr­ la llei espectral de radiaci³ dins el buit . El 14 de desembre n'expos  la f³rmula: E=hf , on h ©s la constant de Planck E l' energia , i f la freq¼¨ncia . El obtingu© el Premi Nobel de F­sica P gines que s'hi relacionen: Views Personal tools Navigation Cerca Toolbox

59. Max Planck
max planck. max karl ernst ludwig planck was born on 23 April in Kiel Germany.He was the sixth child in a family devoted to the church and state.
Max Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was born on 23 April in Kiel Germany. He was the sixth child in a family devoted to the church and state. His father was a prominent jurist and professor of law at the University of Kiel. At the age of 9, his father received a post at the University of Munich, and Planck attended the Maximilian Gymnasium. While there Planck succeeded very well in all subjects and he gained an interest in physics and mathematics finally graduating at the age of 17. He found it difficult to make a decision on what career he was going to aim for, finally settling for physics rather than music or classical philogy, since he believed he had his greatest originality within that physics. He was an excellent pianist and found great pleasure in playing, having the gift of absolute pitch. Another passion of his was hiking, mountain climbing and taking long walks as regularly as possible. Planck was intrigued by the law discovered by his colleague Wilhelm Wien in 1896. He made several attempts at deriving this law, starting from the second law of thermodynamics as a base Experimental evidence was coming to light which showed that Wiens law broke down completely at low frequencies but was perfectly viable at high frequencies. Plank guessed that, since the entropy of radiation depended mathematically on it's energy in the high frequency range due to Wiens law, and that because he knew what the dependance was in the low frequency region, he should somehow combine these two properties in some simple manner resulting in a formula relating frequency, to the energy of radiation. The formula was hailed a great success, but Planck noted that it was just a formula; a lucky guess which still had to be derived from first principles inorder to give it a proper scientific standing.

60. Max Planck
Born in Kiel, Germany, on 23 April, 1858, max karl ernst ludwig planck,was the sixth child of a professor of law at the University of Kiel.
Home Page Biology Physics Science Superstars ... Contact Us Max Planck (1858-1947) Max Planck So, who was Max Planck? Born in Kiel, Germany, on 23 April, 1858, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, was the sixth child of a professor of law at the University of Kiel. He was in touch with academics from birth, as his grandfather and great grandfather had also been professors, at Gottingen. Where did he go to school? Max's father took up a position at the University of Munich in 1867 and due to this move, Max Planck went to school at the Maximilian Gymnasium, where, as a result of lessons given by his teacher, Hermann Muller he seems to have developed a strong interest in maths and physics. It appears that Planck was a very good pupil academically, regularly appearing in the top ten in class lists, whatever the subject he was studying. He could have become a classical scholar or a musician, but decided that physics was for him. What did he do on leaving school? In 1874, aged 17, Max Planck began his physics studies at Munich University. He did not get on very well with his professor, Philipp von Jolly, and so moved on to the University of Berlin in 1877, where his teachers included Helmholtz and Kirchoff. He independently studied Clausius' work on thermodynamics, which resulted in his returning to Munich to receive his doctoral degree in 1879 for a thesis on the second law of thermodynamics. He was aged only 21, a remarkable achievement, and one which proved to von Jolly that he had been wrong when he had told Planck that there was little or nothing to discover in physics.

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