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         Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig:     more detail
  1. Biography - Planck, Max (Karl Ernst Ludwig) (1858-1947): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  2. Absorption und Emission electrischer Wellen durch Resonanz. [with]: Ludwig BOLTZMANN (1844-1906). Ein Wort der Mathematik an die Energetik. with: PLANCK. Gegen die neuere Energetik. [with]: Friedrich Wilhelm OSTWALD (1853-1932). Zur Energetik. with: BOLTZMANN. Zur Energetik. by Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). PLANCK, 1896-01-01
  3. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Sherri Chasin Calvo, 2000
  4. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck: (1858 -1947).(LETTERS TO PROGRESS IN PHYSICS): An article from: Progress in Physics by Pierre-Marie Robitaille, 2007-10-01
  5. Über den zweiten Hauptsatz der Mechanischen Wärmetheorie. by Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). PLANCK, 1879
  6. Über einen Satz der statistischen Dynamik und seine Erweiterung in der Quantentheorie. Offprint from: Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzung der physikalische-mathematischen Klasse, XXIV. XXV. by Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). PLANCK, 1917-01-01
  7. Die Theorie des Sättigungsgesetzes. In: Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Neue Folge, Band XIII, 1881. by Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). PLANCK, 1881
  8. Ueber das thermodynamische Gleichgewicht von Gasgemengen. by Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). PLANCK, 1883
  9. Einführung in die Theorie Der Elektrizität und des Magnetismus. Zum Gebrauch bei Vorträgen, sowie zum Selbstunterricht. by Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). PLANCK, 1922
  10. Grundriss der Allgemeinen Thermochemie.... Mit ienem anhang: Der Kern des zweiten Hauptsatzes der Wärmetheorie. by Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947). PLANCK, 1893
  11. The consequences of philosophy: A reply to Planck and Einstein by Max Mundlak, 1936

1. Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck. Born 23 April 1858 in Kiel, SchleswigHolstein,Germany Died 4 Oct 1947 in Göttingen, Germany. Click
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Born: 23 April 1858 in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
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Max Planck Justifiably favoured by both teachers and classmates ... and despite having childish ways, he has a very clear, logical mind. Shows great promise. In July 1874, at the age of 16, he passed his school leaving examination with distinction but, having talents for a wide variety of subjects particularly music (he played piano and organ extremely well), he still did not have a clear idea of what he should to study at university. Before he began his studies at the University of Munich he discussed the possibility of a musical career with a musician who told him that if he had to ask the question he'd better study something else. He entered the University of Munich on 21 October 1874 and was taught physics by Philipp von Jolly and Wilhelm Beetz, and mathematics by Ludwig Seidel and Gustav Bauer. After taking mostly mathematics classes at the start of his course, he enquired about the prospects of research in physics from Philipp von Jolly, the professor of physics at Munich, and was told that physics was essentially a complete science with little prospect of further developments. Fortunately Planck decided to study physics despite the bleak future for research that was presented to him.

2. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig
Encarta Search results for planck max karl ernst ludwig . Page 1 of 2 next. 7.Magazine and news articles about planck max karl ernst ludwig *.
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: logoImg(''); Encarta Subscriber Sign In Help Home ... Upgrade to Encarta Premium Search Encarta Encarta Search results for "Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig" Page of 2 next Exclusively for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Article—Encarta Encyclopedia Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947), German physicist and Nobel laureate, who was the originator of the quantum theory. related items Planck’s Constant 20th century developments in physical chemistry context of 20th century scientific advances quotations ... Science: Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Article—Encarta Encyclopedia Found in the Science article Nobel Prize, Physics Chart or Table—Encarta Encyclopedia Found in the Nobel Prize Winners table Ernst, Max Article—Encarta Encyclopedia Ernst, Max (1891-1976), German-born French artist, who was a seminal figure in both Dada and surrealism. He was noted for an extraordinary range of... Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Article—Encarta Encyclopedia Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig

3. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (18581947). Germanphysicistand 1918 Nobel laureate, who was the originator of the quantum theory.
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Germanphysicist and 1918 Nobel laureate, who was the originator of the quantum theory.
Max Planck made many contributions to theoretical physics, but his fame rests primarily on his role as originator of the quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1918. This theory revolutionized our understanding of atomic and subatomic processes, just as Albert Einstein's theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of space and time. Together they constitute the fundamental theories of 20th-century physics. Both have forced man to revise some of his most cherished philosophical beliefs, and both have led to industrial and military applications that affect every aspect of modern life. Early life.
Planck recalled that his "original decision to devote myself to science was a direct result of the discovery . . . that the laws of human reasoning coincide with the laws governing the sequences of the impressions we receive from the world about us; that, therefore, pure reasoning can enable man to gain an insight into the mechanism of the [world]. . . ." He deliberately decided, in other words, to become a theoretical physicist at a time when theoretical physics was not yet recognized as a discipline in its own right. But he went further: he concluded that the existence of physical laws presupposes that the "outside world is something independent from man, something absolute, and the quest for the laws which apply to this absolute appeared . . . as the most sublime scientific pursuit in life."

4. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Definition Of Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck. What Is
Definition of Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck in the Dictionary and Thesaurus. MaxKarl Ernst Ludwig Planck. Word Word. Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck - German physicist whose explanation of blackbody radiation in the context of quantized energy emissions initiated quantum theory (1858-1947) Max Planck Planck physicist - a scientist trained in physics Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck" in the definition: Baron Karl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber

Carl Maria von Weber

constant of proportionality

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Max Ernst
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5. Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig From FOLDOC
planck max karl ernst ludwig. history of philosophy, biography Germanphysicist (18581947) whose discovery of the constant rate Max Karl Ernst Ludwig

6. Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck. Born 23 April 1858 in Kiel, SchleswigHolstein,Germany Died 4 Oct 1947 in Göttingen, Germany. Show birthplace location.
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Born: 23 April 1858 in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
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(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Max Planck initiated the study of quantum mechanics when he announced in 1900 his theoretical research into radiation and absorption of a black body. In 1874, at the age of 16, he entered the University of Munich. Before he began his studies he discussed the prospects of research in physics with Philipp von Jolly, the professor of physics there, and was told that physics was essentially a complete science with little prospect of further developments. Fortunately Planck decided to study physics despite the bleak future for research that was presented to him. In [7] Planck describes why he chose physics:- The outside world is something independent from man, something absolute, and the quest for the laws which apply to this absolute appeared to me as the most sublime scientific pursuit in life. Planck then studied at Berlin where his teachers included Helmholtz and Kirchhoff . He later wrote that he admired Kirchhoff greatly but found him dry and monotonous as a teacher. Planck returned to Munich and received his doctorate at the age of 21 with a thesis on the second law of thermodynamics. He was then appointed to a teaching post at the University of Munich in 1880 and he taught there until 1885.

7. PLANCK Max Karl Ernst Ludwig
Last updated 26.05.2001 014851. Obrazová galerie . Max Karl ErnstLudwig Planck byl nemecký fyzik, žijící v letech 1858 1947.
Last updated: 26.05.2001 01:48:51
Obrazová galerie
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck byl nìmecký fyzik, žijící v letech 1858 - 1947. V roce 1900 vysvìtlil kvantovou hypotézou záøení absolutnì èerného tìlesa. (Význam hypotézy je srovnatelný s významem Newtonova gravitaèního zákona.) Jeho jménem je oznaèeno nìkolik pojmù (Planckova konstanta, energie, vyzaøovací zákon). V roce 1918 obdržel Nobelovu cenu za rozvoj fyziky a vypracování kvantové teorie.
Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

8. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Quotations, Famous Quotes - Quote Database.
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck quotes from quotation databese with over15000 quotes. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck quotations directory. Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck

9. PLANCK Max Karl Ernst Ludwig
Last updated 19.02.2004 165911. Obrazová galerie . Max Karl ErnstLudwig Planck byl nemecký fyzik, žijící v letech 1858 1947.
Last updated: 19.02.2004 16:59:11
Obrazová galerie
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck byl nìmecký fyzik, žijící v letech 1858 - 1947. V roce 1900 vysvìtlil kvantovou hypotézou záøení absolutnì èerného tìlesa. (Význam hypotézy je srovnatelný s významem Newtonova gravitaèního zákona.) Jeho jménem je oznaèeno nìkolik pojmù (Planckova konstanta, energie, vyzaøovací zákon). V roce 1918 obdržel Nobelovu cenu za rozvoj fyziky a vypracování kvantové teorie.
Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

10. E-History - Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, TOTOP Kompendium HISTORIJA ELEKTRONIKE Max KarlErnst Ludwig Planck, Salih Cavkic. (18581947), Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck.
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Indokti discant et ament meminisse periti.
Oni koji ne znaju neka uce, a koji znaju neka nalaze zadovoljstvo u tome da se podsjecaju. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Alesandro Volta
Hans C. Oerstedt Charles Coulomb Andre M. Ampere ... Historija telegrafije
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Roðen: 23.04.1858. u Kielu, Schleswig-Holstein, Njemaèka
Umro: 4.10.1947 u Göttingenu, Njemaèka
Max Planck dolazi iz jedne akademske porodice, njegov otac je bio profesor prava u Kielu. Dok su obadva njegova kao i njegov pradjed bili profesori teologije u Göttingen-u. U 1867. godini Planck-ova familija se preseljava u München gdje je i Max pohaða školu. On je bio u školi dobar ali ne i briljantan, obièno bi bio izmeðu treæeg i osmog mjesta u njegovoj klasi. U životnoj dobi od 16. godina taèno 1874. godine poèinje studirati na Univerzitetu u Münchenu. Èim je odpoèeo sa njegovim studijama veæ je razgovarao o perspektivama istraživanja u fizici sa njegovim profesorom fizike Philipp von Joll y, govorilo se da je fizika uglavnom potpuna nauka i da ima vrlo malo perspektiva za dalje istraživanje. Na srecu da se Planck odluèio za fiziku i pored siromašne buduænosti za istraživanja kako je njemu predstavljato.

11. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (1858 1947) Max Planck initiated the studyof quantum mechanics when he announced in 1900 his theoretical
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (1858 - 1947)
Max Planck initiated the study of quantum mechanics when he announced in 1900 his theoretical research into radiation and absorbsion of a black body. Planck studied at the University of Munich and then at Berlin where his teachers included Helmholtz and Kirchhoff. He returned to Munich and received his doctorate at the age of 21. In 1885 Planck was appointed to a chair in Kiel and, after the death of Kirchhoff, Planck succeeded him in Berlin. While in Berlin Planck did his most brilliant work and delivered outstanding lectures. He studied thermodynamics in particular examining the distribution of energy according to wavelength. By combining the formulas of Wien and Rayleigh, Planck announced in 1900 a formula now known as Planck's radiation formula. Within two months he made a complete theoretical deduction of his formula renouncing classical physics and introducing the quanta of energy. At first he theory met resistance but due to the successful work of Niels Bohr in 1913 calculating positions of spectral lines using the theory, it became generally accepted. Planck took little part in the development of quantum theory, this being left to Paul Dirac and others. Planck took on administrative duties such as Secretary of the Mathematics and Natural Science Section of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. He received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1918.

12. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck. (23. Nemecký fyzik Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planckse narodil v roce 1858 v rodine profesora obcanského práva.
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (23. dubna 1858 – 3. øíjna 1947) Nobelovu cenu získal v roce 1918 za objev elementárních kvant. Nìmecký fyzik Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck se narodil v roce 1858 v rodinì profesora obèanského práva. Planck studoval na univerzitì v Mnichovì matematiku a experimentální fyziku, pozdìji na univerzitì v Berlínì u H. L. F. Helmholtze a G. R. Kirchhoffa. V roce 1885 se stal mimoøádným profesorem na univerzitì v Kielu a v roce 1889 se stal vedoucím katedry teoretické fyziky na univerzitì v Berlínì. Max Planck vypracoval práci o podstatì energie, rozpracoval zákony prùbìhu chemických reakcí, disociace plynù a vlastnosti zøedìných roztokù. Od roku 1896 se soustøedil na výzkum tepelného záøení, který byl v roce 1900 korunován jeho životním úspìchem. Planck nazval nejmenší dávku energie vyzaøovanou tìlesem kvantem energie, které je úmìrné frekvenci záøení a konstantì, pozdìji pojmenované Planckovou. Objev byl zpoèátku pøijat s velkou nedùvìrou, nebo znamenal zásadní zmìnu v pøedstavách klasické fyziky o energii a poprvé se objevila myšlenka nespojitosti mezi vyzaøováním a pohlcováním energie. Teprve práce Alberta Einsteina, který na jeho základì vysvìtlil fotoelektrický efekt a dospìl k pojmu svìtelných kvant, a N. Bohra, který vytvoøil nový model atomu, daly zapravdu jeho teorii. Planckova konstanta se stala nedílnou souèástí všech základních vzorcù, které vyjadøují korpuskulární a vlnové vlastnosti mikroobjektù a zákony jejich pohybu.

13. Ludwig Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (1858 1947). Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck,Julius Wilhelm ve Emma (née Patzig) Planck in ogullari
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, Julius Wilhelm ve Emma (née Patzig) Planck'ýn oðullarý olarak 23 Nisan 1958'de Almanya, Keil'de dünyaya geldi. Babasý Kiel Universite ' sinde daha sonra da Göttingen 'de profesör oldu. Planck öðretmenleri arasýnda Kirchhoff ve Helmholtz' unda bulunduðu Munich Universite 'sinde okudu ve doktorasýný 1879 Munich Universitesi Filozofi bölümünde yaptý. Daha sonra 1889'a kadar Kiel'de teorik fizik yardýmcý Profesörü oldu. 1926'dan emekliliðine kadar burada kaldý. Bir süre sonra 1937'ye kadar sürdüreceði Kaiser Wilhelm Society baþkaný oldu. 1894'te The Prussian Academy of Sciences' ýn bir üyesi olarak atandý. 1912'de buranýn kalýcý sekreteri oldu.
Planck'ýn ilk çalýþmalarý R. Clausius' un yayýnlarýný okuyarak ve Kirchhoff'un yanýnda çalýþýp, ondan çok fazla etkilendiði, thermodinamik üzerine olmuþtu. Planck entropy, thermoelektrik ve Sýð Çözeltiler Teorisi üzerine yazýlar yayýmladý. Ayný zamanda radyasyon süreçleri üzerine yoðunlaþmýþtý. Planck bunun elektromanyetik yapýda olduðunu gösterdi. Bu çalýþmalardan doymuþ radyasyon spectrumunun enerji daðýlýmý probleminin çözümüne önderlik etti. Deneysel sonuçlar gösterdi ki, bir karacismin(black body), sýcaklýk fonksiyonu cinsinden yaydýðý enerji dalga boyu daðýlýmý, klasik fiziðin öngörüleri ile uyuþmazlýk içindeydi. Planck enerji ve radyasyon frekansý arasýndaki iliþkiyi ortaya koyabildi. 1900 yýlýnda yayýmlanan bir yazýsýnda bu iliþkiyi duyurdu. Bu bir kaynaktan yayýlan enerjinin belirli büyüklüklerde olabileceði iddiasýna dayanýyordu. Kaynaktan yayýlan enerji; frekansý

14. Max Planck
Max planck max karl ernst ludwig Planck (23 april 1858 4 oktober 1947)Duits natuurkundige. Voor zijn ontwikkeling van de kwantumtheorie
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Max Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck 23 april 4 oktober Duits natuurkundige
Voor zijn ontwikkeling van de kwantumtheorie ontving hij in de Nobelprijs voor de Natuurkunde . Verschillende onderzoeksinstituten dragen zijn naam. Max Planck werd geboren in Kiel in het noorden van Duitsland als zoon van een professor in de rechten. Hij studeerde in München en Berlijn , waar hij in 1879 promoveerde. Na een periode waarin hij onder andere les gaf in München en Kiel, kreeg hij een aanstelling als professor in de theoretische natuurkunde in Berlijn (1889-1926) (volgens sommige bronnen tot 1928). In 1913 werd hij Rector van de Universiteit van Berlijn. Hij verrichtte onderzoek naar de wetten van de thermodynamica en de uitstraling van energie door zwarte lichamen black body radiation ) en zocht naar de oplossing voor het probleem waar de klassieke natuurkunde niet uit kwam: het was al bekend dat de golflengte van elektromagnetische straling korter wordt naarmate de temperatuur van het lichaam stijgt. Wilhelm Wien vond in 1893 een formule voor de energiedistributie van straling vanuit zwarte lichamen, die gold voor het violette eind van het spectrum en Lord Raleigh en James Jeans produceerden een formule voor het rode gebied, naar niemand kon een formule vinden die gold voor het hele spectrum. Zijn onderzoekingen brachten Planck er in 1900 toe de klassieke Newtoniaanse principes te verwerpen en een heel nieuw principe te introduceren, wat resulteerde in de kwantumtheorie. Hij publiceerde zijn bevindingen in de verhandeling

15. Max Ernst
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Winner of the 1918 Nobel Prize MAX KARL ERNSTLUDWIG PLANCK. photo by J. Howe. planck max karl ernst ludwig Planck.
You are in: Museum of Art Museum of Modern Art Max Ernst
Max Ernst
German/French Surrealist Artist German artist who became one of the leading modernist painters in Europe in the early and mid 20th century. Many of his paintings reflect the horror that he experienced during World War II which are peppered with Surrealism that he adopted from French influences.
Research Links Virtualology is not affiliated with the authors of these links nor responsible for each Link's content. Max Ernst
Max Ernst images and biography, ... Books on Max Ernst: Ernst, by Jose Maria Faerna.
Economical monograph from Abradale's Great Modern masters series. ...
Description: A number of Ernst's works viewable at multiple sizes. Max Ernst on the Internet
... Max Ernst. [German/French Surrealist Painter, 1891-1976]. ... Max Ernst Posters and
Prints. Click on the gallery logo to see available works by the artist: ... Ernst
Max Ernst. Born 2 April 1891 in Brühl, Germany. Died 1 April 1976 in Paris.
Artist associated with the Dada movement in Cologne and Paris. ... Max Ernst
Max Ernst. (1891-1976). Born on 2 April 1891 in Brühl

16. Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck. Born 23 April 1858 in Kiel, SchleswigHolstein,Germany Died 4 Oct 1947 in Göttingen, Germany. Max
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Born: 23 April 1858 in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Died: 4 Oct 1947 in Göttingen, Germany
Max Planck came from an academic family, his father being professor of law at Kiel and both his grandfather and great-grandfather had been professors of theology at Göttingen. In 1867 Planck's family moved to Munich and he attended school there. He did well at school, but not brilliantly, usually coming somewhere between third and eighth in his class. In 1874, at the age of 16, he entered the University of Munich. Before he began his studies he discussed the prospects of research in physics with Philipp von Jolly, the professor of physics there, and was told that physics was essentially a complete science with little prospect of further developments. Fortunately Planck decided to study physics despite the bleak future for research that was presented to him. In [7] Planck describes why he chose physics:- The outside world is something independent from man, something absolute, and the quest for the laws which apply to this absolute appeared to me as the most sublime scientific pursuit in life. Planck then studied at Berlin where his teachers included Helmholtz and Kirchhoff . He later wrote that he admired Kirchhoff greatly but found him dry and monotonous as a teacher. Planck returned to Munich and received his doctorate at the age of 21 with a thesis on the second law of thermodynamics. He was then appointed to a teaching post at the University of Munich in 1880 and he taught there until 1885.

17. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Definition Of Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck. What Is
Definition of Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck in the Ledal Dictionary and Thesaurus. MaxKarl Ernst Ludwig Planck. Word Word. Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck - German physicist whose explanation of blackbody radiation in the context of quantized energy emissions initiated quantum theory (1858-1947) Max Planck Planck physicist - a scientist trained in physics Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck" in the definition: Baron Karl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber

Carl Maria von Weber

constant of proportionality

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Max Ernst
Max Ernst (enc.) Max Euwe (enc.) Max Ferdinand Perutz Max Ferdinand Perutz (enc.) Max Fleischer (enc.) Max flow min cut theorem (enc.) Max Forrester Eastman (enc.) Max Frisch (enc.) Max Gaines (enc.) Max Gardner (enc.) Max Goofy (enc.) Max Guevera (enc.) Max Harmonist (enc.) Max Havelaar (enc.) Max Headroom (enc.) Max Horkheimer (enc.) Max Immelmann (enc.)

18. Physics 1918
Awarded to max karl ernst ludwig planck in recognition of the services he rendered to the advancement of Physics by his discovery of energy quanta. Includes a short biography and a transcript of the award speech.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1918
"in recognition of the services he rendered to the advancement of Physics by his discovery of energy quanta" Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Germany Berlin University
Berlin, Germany b. 1858
d. 1947 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1918
Presentation Speech
Max Planck
Other Resources
The 1918 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine

Find a Laureate: SITE FEEDBACK CONTACT TELL A FRIEND Last modified January 14, 2004 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

19. Max Planck - Biography
max planck – Biography. max karl ernst ludwig planck was born in Kiel, Germany,on April 23, 1858, the son of Julius Wilhelm and Emma (née Patzig) planck.
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was born in Kiel, Germany, on April 23, 1858, the son of Julius Wilhelm and Emma ( Patzig) Planck. His father was Professor of Constitutional Law in the University of Kiel , and later in Planck studied at the Universities of Munich and Berlin, where his teachers included Kirchhoff and Helmholtz, and received his doctorate of philosophy at Munich in 1879. He was Privatdozent in Munich from 1880 to 1885, then Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics at Kiel until 1889, in which year he succeeded Kirchhoff as Professor at Berlin University, where he remained until his retirement in 1926. Afterwards he became President of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Promotion of Science, a post he held until 1937. The Prussian Academy of Sciences appointed him a member in 1894 and Permanent Secretary in 1912. Planck's earliest work was on the subject of thermodynamics, an interest he acquired from his studies under Kirchhoff, whom he greatly admired, and very considerably from reading R. Clausius' publications. He published papers on entropy, on thermoelectric ity and on the theory of dilute solutions. At the same time also the problems of radiation processes engaged his attention and he showed that these were to be considered as electromagnetic in nature. From these studies he was led to the problem of the distribution of energy in the spectrum of full radiation. Experimental observations on the wavelength distribution of the energy emitted by a black body as a function of temperature were at variance with the predictions of classical physics. Planck was able to deduce the relationship between the ener gy and the frequency of radiation. In a paper published in 1900, he announced his derivation of the relationship: this was based on the revolutionary idea that the energy emitted by a resonator could only take on discrete values or quanta. The energy for a resonator of frequency

20. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Winner Of The 1918 Nobel Prize In Physics
(submitted by Paul); A short info about planck, max karl ernst ludwig (submittedby Davis); planck, max karl ernst ludwig (submitted by Jackson).
1918 Nobel Laureate in Physics
    in recognition of the services he rendered to the advancement of Physics by his discovery of energy quanta.

    Residence: Germany
    Affiliation: Berlin University
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