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61. 50 Years For Education P.56 and Information, and maintaining a permanent exhibition on assisting in this education for peace, so much desired by the international bureau of Education http://www.unesco.org/education/educprog/50y/brochure/unintwo/56.htm | |
62. PCA - Documents: permanent Court of Arbitration First Conference of the 1899 and 1907 peace Conferences, contain Finally, the international bureau publishes a detailed annual http://www.lawschool.cornell.edu/library/pca/introbdenglish.htm | |
63. Pmag V09n1p15 -- The Partnership Way Remove permanent membership and end the power of the veto in the group for which Women for Mutual Security and the international peace bureau could act as http://www.peacemagazine.org/archive/v09n1p15.htm | |
64. International Relations Division and the realization of permanent world peace. by international Relations Division, international peace Promotion Department Citizens Affairs bureau, The City http://www.city.hiroshima.jp/shimin/kokusai/index-e.html | |
65. Program For The International War Crimes Tribunal On US Crimes In for Tribunal Lennox Hinds, US, UN permanent Representative, international Germany international Center for peace and Justice international peace bureau Paul O http://www.iacenter.org/ktc_program.htm | |
66. DDH Vredessite; Links Naar Vredesorganisaties / Links To Peace NGOs op de Vredessite; Vredes Aktie Kamp (VAK) Volkel permanent protest tegen international peace bureau; peace Brigades international; Military institutions at PeaCon http://vredessite.nl/links/ | |
67. TakingITGlobal - Opportunities - Events - The World Civil Society Youth Forum outcome will be the establishment of a permanent Youth Forum The Hague Appeal for peace Youth Program, international peace bureau, international School of http://www.takingitglobal.org/opps/event.html?eventid=1226 |
68. WISE NC: WORLD COURT TO RULE ON LEGALITY OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS to reject the nuclear domination of the five permanent members of the Source Reuter, 26 October 1995 / international peace bureau (IPB), Hague WCP Summary, 16 http://www.antenna.nl/wise/443/4381.html | |
69. ABCs Of Disarmament: Agenda For Peace Member states have not authorized a permanent peaceenforcement unit. international peace bureau, Rue de Zurich 41, CH 1201 Geneva, Switzerland; Tel 41.22 http://disarm.igc.org/paperpeaceabc.html | |
70. Ob - Internationella Relationer - Mölndals Stadsbibliotek Länkkatalog Greed international Campaign to Ban Landmines ICBL international peace bureau - IPB Jane s permanent Court of Arbitration = Cour permanente d Arbitrage; http://www.molndal.se/bibl/xob.htm | |
71. Edited By The International Bureau Of The Permanent Court Of Edited by the international bureau of thePermanent Court of ArbitrationTjaco T van den HoutH.E second publication in the PCA's PeacePalace Papers series reproduces the papers http://www.pca-cpa.org/form1.PDF |
72. International Museum Of Peace And Solidarity dedicated to the promotion of peace through citizen voluntary educational activities and international projects, presents well as having a permanent display of http://www.civilsoc.org/nisorgs/uzbek/peacemsm.htm | |
73. Peace oldest and most comprehensive international peace federation, bringing Won the Nobel peace Prize in 1910. Lebanese Foundation for permanent Civil peace (LFPCP http://www.worldrevolution.org/resources.asp?categoryname=peace |
74. Permanent Mission Of Hungary To The United Nations to the maintenance of international peace and security idea of creating a permanent international judicial system came when the international Law Commission http://www.un.int/hungary/971023sg.htm | |
75. International Geneva - Welcome Centre - Peace And Disarmament Organizations peace and Disarmament Organizations. international peace bureau (IPB) IPB is the world s oldest and most comprehensive international peace network. http://www.cagi.ch/en/Peace_org.htm | |
76. Baroness Bertha Felicie Sophie Von Suttner (1843-1914) Peace Activist she lead an entire delegation of peace activists to successes the creation of the permanent Court of Arbitration (later to become the international Court of http://www.pinn.net/~sunshine/whm2001/suttner.html | |
77. Issue Action: Hague Appeal Campaigns Czar of Russia, to hold an international conference to the arms race The First Hague peace Conference was not in the establishment of the permanent Court of http://www.wfm.org/ACTION/action_hap.html | |
78. IIPT - International Institute For Peace Through Tourism - Institut Internationa Karim Chowdhury, Ambassador and permanent Representative of international Traders, Amman, is providing Conference on the Global Summit on peace through Tourism http://www.iipt.org/inthenews/peaceindustry.html | |
79. IIPT - International Institute For Peace Through Tourism - Institut Internationa Tourism in support of the UN international Year for the Culture of peace. Anwarul Karim Chowdhury, Ambassador and permanent Representative of Bangladesh http://www.iipt.org/inthenews/nelson.html | |
80. ONG, Centres D·investigació, Grups I Campanyes Per La Pau A Catalunya ONG, xarxes, grups i campanyes d àmbit internacional. international peace bureau (IPB). http://www.fundacioperlapau.org/pau1/bolets/seccions/Enllacos_per_la_pau/enllaco | |
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