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21. WHKMLA : History Of Switzerland, 1891-1914 1891); in 1908 and 1913, the institute, renamed permanent international peace bureau, was again honoured by the prize being awarded to her presidents, Dane http://www.zum.de/whkmla/region/italy/ch18911914.html | |
22. Greater Zurich Area_Political System_Cooperation UN in Geneva. The Genevan Elie Ducommun was a cofounder of the permanent international peace bureau in Berne in 1892. Albert Gobat http://www.greaterzuricharea.ch/content/02/02_09_05en.asp | |
23. Nobel-paz Fund of this prize section 1913 Henri La Fontaine 1912 Elihu Root 1911 Tobias Asser, Alfred Fried 1910 permanent international peace bureau 1909 Auguste http://buscabiografias.com/nobelpaz.htm | |
24. Premio Nobel/Paz - Enciclopedia Libre Translate this page 1912 Elihu Root 1911 Tobias Michael Carel Asser, Alfred Hermann Fried 1910 Bureau international permanent de la Paix (permanent international peace bureau). http://enciclopedia.us.es/index.php/Premio_Nobel_de_la_Paz | |
25. Nobel Prize/Peace - Encyclopedia Article About Nobel Prize/Peace. Free Access, N and politician who jointly received the 1902 Nobel Peace Prize with Élie Ducommun for their leadership of the permanent international peace bureau. References. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Nobel Prize/Peace | |
26. Irwin Abrams: "Je Me Souviens..." of documents in the Historical Collections of the United Nations Library in Geneva, where the archives of the permanent international peace bureau and the http://www.irwinabrams.com/articles/iremember.html | |
27. Odin - The Nobel Peace Prize DUCOMMUN, ELIE, Switzerland, 1833 1906. Honorary Secretary permanent international peace bureau (Bureau International Permanent de la Paix), Berne;. and. http://odin.dep.no/odin/engelsk/norway/foreign/032091-120048/dok-bn.html | |
28. Nobels Fredspris - Wikipedia 1902 Élie Ducommun (Schweiz) og Charles Albert Gobat, honorary secretaries of the permanent international peace bureau in Berne. http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobels_fredspris | |
29. 1910 Timeline Encyclopedia : Maps - History - Economy - Government - Politics Literature Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse; Peace - permanent international peace bureau. All text is available under the terms of the http://bhutan.asinah.net/en/wikipedia/1/19/1910.html | |
30. The Hindu : Women As Peacemakers The first woman prize recipient was the Austrian Bertha von Suttner in 1905 for her work with the permanent international peace bureau. http://www.hindu.com/2004/03/22/stories/2004032203261400.htm | |
31. Information Headquarters: 1910 van der Waals * Chemistry Otto Wallach * Medicine - Albrecht Kossel * Literature - Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse * Peace - permanent international peace bureau http://www.informationheadquarters.com/Calendar/Years/1910.shtml | |
32. Pokojowa Nagroda Nobla - Wikipedia Die Waffen Nieder. 1910 Bureau International Permanent De La Paix (permanent international peace bureau), Berno. 1909 Auguste Marie http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagroda_Nobla/Nobla_pokojowa | |
33. IPB HOME PAGE international peace bureau. Calendar. Founded 1892Nobel peace Prize 1910UN Consultative Status 1021 May 2004. permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues http://www.ipb.org/web/seccion.php?tipus=Calendar |
34. International Museum Of Peace And Solidarity member of the international peace bureau in Geneva and of the international Network of peace Museums the establishment of a permanent international Children's Art Gallery in http://www.friends-partners.org/~ccsi/nisorgs/uzbek/peacemsm.htm | |
35. Permanent Court Arbitration Introduction To The Basic Documents permanent Court of Arbitration First Conference of of the 1899 and 1907 peace Conferences, containing Finally, the international bureau publishes a detailed http://www.pca-cpa.org/ENGLISH/BD/intro.htm | |
36. PERMANENT COURT OF ARBITRATION PROCEDURES FOR CASES UNDER THE UNCITRAL ARBITRATI All of the various sets of permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA a hearing room is not available at the peace Palace, the international bureau will arrange http://www.pca-cpa.org/ENGLISH/BD/pcaproceduresuncitral.htm | |
37. World Civil Society Forum Official Report Mr. Colin Archer of the international peace bureau however questioned the need for a permanent structure, unless it would have a very clear identity, offering http://www.worldcivilsociety.org/REPORT/EN/06/17-jul-02/summ_17.02.html | |
38. Books And Articles On Permanent Court Of Arbitration, Peace Palace Library Catal international bureau of the permanent Court of Arbitration / 1996. http://www.ppl.nl/catalogue.php?ppn=076264378&keyword=Permanent Court of Arbitra |
39. USA For The International Criminal Court - USAforICC.org Statement on World peace. Campaign for United Nations Reform The Establishment of a permanent international Criminal Court. international peace bureau, Geneva. http://www.usaforicc.org/resources_icc-links.html | |
40. THE PERMANENT COURT OF ARBITRATION/PEACE PALACE PAPERS|KLUWER Academic Publisher COURT OF ARBITRATION/peace PALACE PAPERS. Volume 3 Arbitration in Air, Space and Telecommunications Law The international bureau of the permanent Court of http://www.wkap.nl/prod/s/PPPP | |
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