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81. Frédéric Passy: Awards Won By Frédéric Passy The biggest english dictionary RealDictionary.com. Awards of Frédéric passy. Stardose.com. RealLyrics.com. OnlyHitLyrics.com. Real Dictionary. MovieDose.com. Make 123Awards your start page. Add 123Awards to Favourites. http://www.123awards.com/artist/1297.asp | |
82. Frédéric Passy Historical focus Frédéric passy Frédéric passy (May 20, 1822June 12, 1912) was born in Paris and lived there his life of Educated as a lawyer, Frédéric passy entered the civil service at the http://www.ipu.org/strct-e/passy.htm | |
83. Frederic Rzewski - Encyclopedia Article About Frederic Rzewski. Free Access, No frederic Rzewski. Word Word. frederic Rzewski (born 1938 Centuries 19th century 20th century - 21st century http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Frederic Rzewski | |
84. Det Norske Nobelinstitutt - Liste Over Fredsprisvinnere CroixRouge), Geneve. Initiativtaker til Genève- konvensjonen; ogPassy, frederic, Frankrike, 1822-1912. Grunnlegger og president http://www.nobel.no/nor_lau_list.html | |
85. Proloc, Road Index Translate this page D2 PASCAL (VILLA BLAISE)D2 passy (RUEFREDERIC)E2 PASTEUR (VILLA http://www.geocities.com/~proloc2/streetind/A92051/VOIE3P.html | |
86. Artisans Translate this page CALLAMARD LUDOVIC, LES CONTAMINES-MONTJOIE, Maconnerie generale. CALVOFREDERIC, passy, Menuiserie. CANDUSSI, passy, Travail de la pierre. http://www.cm-annecy.fr/cm-annecy.fr/contacter_les_artisans/pour_un_devis_un_tra |
87. Frederic Francois Chopin Definition Of Frederic Francois Chopin. What Is Frederi frederic Francois Chopin. Noun, 1. frederic Francois Chopin French composer(born in Poland) and pianist of the romantic school (1810-1849) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Frederic Francois Chopin | |
88. Frederic William Maitland Definition Of Frederic William Maitland. What Is Frede frederic William Maitland. Noun, 1. frederic William Maitland English historiannoted for his works on the history of English law (1850-1906) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Frederic William Maitland | |
89. Foot Africa Translate this page du Président Kennedy, 75 016 Paris, (RER Maison de Radio France, métro Passyou Ranelagh Transmis par frederic le 10 février 2004 à 221805 CET (Suite http://www.footafrica.org/modules.php?name=News&new_topic=6 |
90. Frederic Bartlett - Encyclopedia Article About Frederic Bartlett. Free Access, N frederic Bartlett. Word Word. frederic Bartlett is not available in thecomputing dictionary. http://computing-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Frederic Bartlett | |
91. Frederic Chopin - Encyclopedia Article About Frederic Chopin. Free Access, No Re frederic Chopin. Word Word. frederic Chopin is not available in thecomputing dictionary. http://computing-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Frederic Chopin | |
92. Frederic Bartlett - Encyclopedia Article About Frederic Bartlett. Free Access, N frederic Bartlett. Word Word. frederic Bartlett is not available inthe legal dictionary. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Frederic Bartlett | |
93. Frédéric Passy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia frederic Bastiat medical definition of frederic Bastiat in the frederic Bastiat. Word Word. frederic Bastiat is not available in themedical dictionary. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_Passy | |
94. ÆòÈ»ó ¼ö»óÀÚ The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://cyberspacei.com/jesusi/peace/nobel/nobel_peace.htm | |
95. Nobel http://nobel-dij.freeweb.hu/beke/1901.html |
96. Ëþäè è ñîáûòèÿ 12 èþíÿ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.2day.ru/12-06days.asp | |
97. Cuando El Deber Se Impone Translate this page En 1901, Jean Henri Dunante, el fundador de la Cruz Roja, recibió (junto con FredericPassy, fundador y presidente de la primera sociedad de la paz en Francia http://www.buenasalud.com/lib/ShowDoc.cfm?LibDocID=3659&ReturnCatID=1905 |
98. Pattismith.net: Souvenance given. In 1901 he shared the first Nobel Peace Prize with FredericPassy. Still craving to give he donated the proceeds to charity. http://www.pattismith.net/souvenance.html | |
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