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41. Kalender Translate this page Filme. frederic passy 90 Jahre, Politiker (18.06.2001) Inhalt suchenoben *20 Mai 1822 Paris +12 Jun 1912 Paris Nobelpreise. Christa http://www.info-kalender.de/kal/k000520.htm | |
42. Artisans Translate this page AMRHEIN frederic, SAINT-GERVAIS-LES-BAINS, Renovation creation muretsdallages. ANDRE GABRIEL JOSEPH, passy, Autres travaux de chaudronnerie. http://www.cm-annecy.fr/cm-annecy.fr/contacter_les_artisans/pour_un_devis_un_tra |
43. Aps.leaders frederic passy, Founder of International Peace League / French Peace Society,and CoFounder of Inter-Parliamentary Union for Arbitration and Peace. http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/peace/Exhibits/aps.and.trueblood/aps.leaders.h | |
44. The Nobel Peace Price and. passy, frederic, France, 1822 1912. Founder and President first Frenchpeace society (Ligue internationale et permanente de la paix; since. http://www.cyberclip.com/Katrine/NorwayInfo/Articles/NobelPeace.html | |
45. Food For Thought: Biographies passy, frederic (French economist, politician), 18221912. passy, Paul-Edouard(French phonetician; son of frederic passy), 1859-1940. http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_P.htm | |
46. UD - Nobels Fredspris Grunnlegger av Røde Kors (Comité International de la CroixRouge), Genève. Initiativtakertil Genèvekonvensjonen;. passy, frederic, Frankrike, 1822-1912. http://odin.dep.no/ud/norsk/generell/p30000701/p30000704/032091-991413/dok-bn.ht | |
47. Odin - The Nobel Peace Prize and. passy, frederic, France, 1822 1912. Founder and Presidentfirst French peace society (Ligue internationale et permanente http://odin.dep.no/odin/engelsk/norway/foreign/032091-120048/dok-bn.html | |
48. Conservatoire Frederic Chopin, Paris Translate this page Métro Cité Universitaire). Maison de la Radio 116,avenue du Pdt Kennedy (Métro passy). Musée du http://conservatoirechopin.free.fr/html/adresses.html | |
49. A Few Great Men Quiz Fredric passy and Charles A. Gorbat Elie Ducommun and frederic passy Charles A.Gorbat and Jean Henri Dunant Jean Henri Dunant and frederic passy. Question 2 http://www.funtrivia.com/playquiz.cfm?qid=15129&origin= |
50. Hotel Les Hauts De Passy - Reserve Paris Hotels Les Hauts De passy Discount rates for this place Hotel Les Hauts De passy Paris. DeBerri Paris Hotel De Berri located in Paris at 8 Rue frederic Bastiat is http://www.reserve-paris-hotels.com/hotel-les-hauts-de-passy.htm | |
51. Saint-Germain-en-Laye - Vie Quotidienne - Enseignement Translate this page Bois-Joli - 2bis boulevard de la Paix - 01 30 61 01 79 Bonnenfant - 1 rue JouyBoudonville - 01 34 51 94 52 - Site internet frederic passy - 83 rue http://www.ville-st-germain-en-laye.fr/vie/en/et.html | |
52. Saint-Germain-en-Laye - Everyday Life - Social Life Translate this page 01 30 61 01 79 Bonnenfant - 1 rue Jouy Boudonville - 01 34 51 94 52 - Website frederic passy - 83 rue Péreire - 01 34 51 72 56 - Website Frontenac http://www.ville-st-germain-en-laye.fr/en/vie/en/et.html | |
53. CAMNET Archives -- December 2003 (#423) High Commissioner For Refugees 1954 Office Of The United Nations High CommissionerFor Refugees 1981 Ossietzky, Carl Von 1935 passy, frederic 1901 Pauling http://listserv.cnr.it/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0312&L=camnet&F=&S=&P=55363 |
54. RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: THE ROYAL AND NOBLE FAMILIES OF BRITAIN Louisa Harriet Manderson d 1886 Pasquarelli, Leon Joseph d 1979 Pasquarelli, LivingPasquarelli, Living Pasquarelli, Living passy, frederic passy, Margaret http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=SHOW&db=freer&recno=63038 |
55. C:\HMPRO2\gifs\bib00000.htm (Stoler). passy, frederic. Robinson et Vendredi ou la naissancedu capital. Revue economique de Bordeaux (March 1893), 116. In http://www.users.muohio.edu/mandellc/bib.htm | |
56. Info Alfred Nobel + Nobelpreis/Nobel Award Translate this page Nobel-Friedenspreisträger waren der Schweizer Henri Dunant, der Gründer des InternationalenRoten Kreuzes, und der Franzose frederic passy, der Initiator der http://www.breitlingweb.de/PAGEBILD/Nobel.HTM | |
57. UN Chronicle: The United Nations: Formally Recognized And Recognized By Associat 1907, and it awarded the Prize to a number of representatives of popular peace movementsand international legal tradition, such as frederic passy of France http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1309/is_3_40/ai_111027095 | |
58. Can Free Trade Really Prevent War? As the French economist, frederic passy, expressed it in the 1840s,. War, fredericpassy declared, is no longer merely a crime; it is an absurdity. http://www.mises.org/fullstory.asp?control=915&FS=Can Free Trade Really Prevent |
59. HistoryMole: Nobel Laureates (1901-2002) first Nobel Prize for Peace was awarded to Jean Henri Dunant (19281910), Founderof the International Committee of the Red Cross and frederic passy (1822-1912 http://www.historymole.com/cgi-bin/main/results.pl?type=theme&theme=Nobel |
60. The Nobel Peace Prize 1901 of Mr. Getz, the Committee chairman, who had died the previous month, announcedthat the prize was awarded half to Henri Dunant and half to frederic passy. http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1901/address.html | |
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