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         Mullis Kary B:     more detail
  1. The Polymerase Chain Reaction
  2. The Polymerase Chain Reaction (Volume 0)
  3. Dancing Naked in the Mind Field (Bloomsbury Paperbacks) by Kary B. Mullis, 2000-01-21
  4. Biography - Mullis, Kary B(anks) (1944-): An article from: Contemporary Authors Online by Gale Reference Team, 2005-01-01
  5. The Polymerase Chain Reaction by Kary B. Mullis, 2007-01-01
  6. American Biochemists: Isaac Asimov, Linus Pauling, Kary Mullis, Konrad Emil Bloch, Walter Gilbert, Gregory Goodwin Pincus, Stanley B. Prusiner

81. Bladet Forskning: Nobelprisen Som "Glapp"
Amerikaneren kary B. mullis, som deler årets pris med Michael Smith, har fått prisen for å ha oppfunnet den såkalte PCRmetoden.
Dette er Forskningsrådets gamle nettsider. Vi gjør oppmerksom på at informasjonen i noen tilfeller kan være utdatert/foreldet. Gå til nye nettsider Bladet "Forskning" nr 2 -1993 Til Forsiden Totaloversikt
Nobelprisen som "Glapp"
Burde delt
Ruth Kleppe Aakvaag er meget forsiktig i sine uttalelser, men understreker at Kjell Kleppe ville tatt dette tungt dersom han hadde opplevd dette.
Allerede 18. juni 1969 la Kjell Kleppe under en Gordon-konferanse i New Hampshire fram sine oppdagelser.
Godt eksempel
Bladet Forskning
Forskningens dag: "Alle" var der... Redaksjonelt: Fra forskning til politikk Gen(i)er fikk medisinprisen Nobelprisen som "glapp" Forskermobiliteten er for lav: Fem millioner til mobilitetstiltak Portrett: En veiviser i klimapolitikken Europeere mer skeptiske enn amerikanere til forskning og teknologi Forskning for felleskapet "Lærlingen" Audun møtte legenden Thor Heyerdahl

82. FoRK Archive: [NYT] Kary Mullis: Sometimes It Strikes As Late As Age 39... :-)
kary B. mullis was born in 1944 in Lenoir, NC, and grew up in South Carolina, where his father was a furniture salesman and his mother, who raised him after a
[NYT] Kary Mullis: sometimes it strikes as late as age 39... :-)
Rohit Khare
Tue, 15 Sep 1998 18:14:20 -0700
Scientist at Work: Dr. Kary Mullis
After the 'Eureka,' a Nobelist Drops Out
A Recipe for Genetic Analysis
Duplicating the Code of Life
ANDERSON VALLEY , Calif. Kary Mullis, Nobel laureate
in chemistry, is
jumping up and down at the kitchen table of his cabin,
a place in the woods several miles beyond where the paved road ends. His large head and wiry body shake as if in rage. From his lips comes an angry buzzing sound. He is imitating a swarm of yellow jackets, acting out an episode in which the wily insects ambushed him, inflicting five

83. Chicago-Kent College Of Law: The Record -- News & Announcements From The Institu
kary B. mullis, 1993 Nobel laureate in chemistry, to speak at IIT September 23. The IIT community is invited to a free public lecture

September 14, 1998
Main Record Index
Chicago-Kent Home Page

Kary B. Mullis, 1993 Nobel laureate in chemistry, to speak at IIT September 23 The IIT community is invited to a free public lecture, "Science and the Creative Process: Dancing Naked in the Mind Field," by Nobel laureate Kary B. Mullis on Wednesday, September 23, at noon in the ballroom of the Hermann Union Building, Main Campus. In his lecture, Mullis will discuss his scientific adventures as a pathbreaking chemist, along with his assessment of the scientific method in today's complex technological society. A reception will follow the lecture. In 1993, Mullis received the Nobel Prize in chemistry and the Japan Prize for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which redefined the world of DNA and genetics. A method of amplifying DNA, PCR multiplies a single microscopic strand of genetic material billions of times within hours. The process has multiple applications in medicine, genetics, biotechnology and forensics. Main Record Index Top of Page

84. VOLNÝ - Vyhledavání
1992. Marcus, Rudolph AI. Marcus, Rudolph A. II. 1993. mullis, kary BI. mullis, kary B. II. Smith, Michael I. Smith, Michael II. 1994. Olah, George AI.

85. ChIN?La JollaKary B. Mullis(1993
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86. ðåùà ääøöàä: ñéôåø ä- PCR
The summary for this Hebrew page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. pages/Tali K/summary.htm
PCR PCR òáåãåú øàùåðåú òì ùëôåì ãð"à - ÷áåöúå ùì ã"ø Khorana H.G. PCR Kary B. Mullis Cetus Taq DNA polymerase
PCR (polymerase chain reaction) ÷áìä úåàø ëáåã ùì "äîöàú äùðä", äðéúï ò"é òéúåï Science äîôåøñí. ììà ñô÷ ðéúï ìøàåú ëé âéìåé äèëðé÷ä äð"ì çåìì îäôëä áúçåí ùì áéåìåâéä îåì÷åìøéú åñéô÷ áëîåú ìà îåâáìú àú äçåîø äâðèé äðçåõ ìáéöåò áãé÷åú.ùéèú ä- PCR ãðèåøöéä ùì äãð"à äãå-âãéìé =úáðéú ùëôåì Taq DNA polymerase îñôø äîçæåøéí äîîåöò ðò áéï 25 ì-30, àê àéðå ÷áåò åîåùôò îäøáä îàåã ôøîèøéí, ëâåï: ëîåú äãð"à, úðàé äøà÷öéä åëå'. òáåãåú øàùåðåú áúçåí ùëôåì ãð"à in vitro ðòùå ò"é ÷áåöú çå÷øéí áäðäìú ã"ø Khorana H.G MIT ). äí äöìéçå ìäâéò ìîòøëú áòìú ùìåùä îçæåøéí, àê áòé÷ø áùì ÷ùééí øáéí ùðú÷ìå áäí áòáåãä (ñéðúæú úçìéí, äô÷åú àðæéîéí, ñéîåï ðå÷ìàåèéãéí, ðéúåç úåöøéí åëå') äú÷ùå ìäàîéï áôåèðöéàì úòùééúé ùì äîòøëú. ëîå-ëï äàîéðå ëé äùéâå àú îèøúí – ùëôåì ãð"à áîáçðä. Cetus (÷ìéôåøðéä, àøä"á) äúâééñä ìôéúåç ëéååï çãéù ááéåìåâéä – ôéúåç ÷éè ìàáçåï ìé÷åééí âðèééí. áîàîõ ìôúåø áòéåú øáåú áîòøëú äðéñåé (îåèöéä áâï áèà –äîåâìåáéï äîáéàä ìàðîéä çøîùéú) çå÷ø îáøé÷ áùí Kary B. Mullis

87. ´ëÇÑ»ýÈ­ÇкÐÀÚ»ý¹°ÇÐȸ
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