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         Moissan Henri:     more books (35)
  1. Zur Erinnerung an Henri Moissan (German Edition) by Alexander Gutbier, 2010-04-08
  2. Nachträge Zu: Der Elektrische Ofen (German Edition) by Henri Moissan, 2010-01-09
  3. Traite De Chimie Minerale V1, Part 2: Metalloides (1904) (French Edition) by Henri Moissan, 2010-09-10
  4. Traite De Chimie Minerale V1, Part 1: Metalloides (1904) (French Edition)
  5. Le four electrique (French Edition) by Henri Moissan, 2010-08-17
  6. The Electric Furnace by Henri Moissan, 2010-10-14
  7. Les Fours Électriques Et Leurs Applications Industrielles (French Edition) by Henri Moissan, Jean Georges Escard, 2010-02-16
  8. Cinquantenaire Scientifique De M. Berthelot, 24 Novembre 1901 (1902) (French Edition) by Gaston Darboux, Henri Moissan, 2010-09-10
  9. Traité De Chimie Minérale (French Edition) by Henri Moissan, Marcel Guichard, 2010-02-28
  10. La Fluor Et Ses Composés (French Edition) by Henri Moissan, 2010-02-22
  11. Pharmacologue Français: Antoine Parmentier, Jacques Delisse, Henri Moissan, Bernard Halpern, Monique Adolphe, Jacques Glowinski (French Edition)
  12. Chimiste Inorganique: Dmitri Mendeleïev, Linus Pauling, Henri Moissan, Paul Sabatier, Henry Taube, Richard R. Schrock, Frank Albert Cotton (French Edition)
  13. Henri Moissan
  14. Inorganic Chemists: Dmitri Mendeleev, Linus Pauling, William Lipscomb, Henri Moissan, Ronald Sydney Nyholm, Richard R. Schrock

1. Henri Moissan Winner Of The 1906 Nobel Prize In Chemistry
Henri Moissan, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. HENRI MOISSAN. 1906 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Henri Moissan( submitted by Davis) Nobel moissan henri( submitted by Jackson
1906 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
    in recognition of the great services rendered by him in his investigation and isolation of the element fluorine, and for the adoption in the service of science of the electric furnace called after him.

    Residence: France
    Affiliation: Sorbonne University, Paris
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2. MOISSAN Henri
Last updated 03.09.2001 134644. Francouzský chemik Henri Moissanse narodil roku 1852. Vystudoval na univerzite v Paríži
Last updated: 03.09.2001 13:46:44
Francouzský chemik Henri Moissan se narodil roku 1852. Vystudoval na univerzitì v Paøíži a své první vìdecké práce zaèal psát již bìhem svého pùsobení v paøížském pøírodopisném muzeu. Po obhajobì doktorské disertace pùsobil na vyšší farmaceutické škole a v roce 1900 se stal profesorem chemie na paøížské Sorbonnì. Od roku 1891 byl èlenem Francouzské akademie vìd. První vìdecká práce Henri Moissana se zabývala problémem dýchání listù ve tmì. Tìžištìm Moissanova zájmu byla ale anorganická chemie a od roku 1879 a vìnoval se výlluènì chemii kovù, ve které dosáhl pozoruhodných výsledkù, které mu pøinesly celosvìtové uznání. V roce 1886 po témìø dvacetiletém úsilí Moissan jako první pøipravil èistý fluor elektrolýzou fluoridu draselného, který byl rozpuštìn v bezvodém kapalném fluorovodíku.V roce 1893 zkonstruoval elektrickou obloukovou pec, s jejíž pomocí získal nové poznatky z oblasti kovù a kyslièníkù, za což obdržel v roce 1906 Nobelovu cenu . V peci získal napø. karbidy vápníku, draslíku a dusíku, pøipravil v ní v èistém stavu molybden, wolfram a další kovy. Od roku 1883 se Moissan zabýval umìlou syntézou diamantu a s použitím uvedené pece provedl první pokus výroby umìlých diamantù z uhlí pøi vysokém tlaku a èásteèné krystalizaci,kterým byl poprvé vìdecky vysvìtlen vznik diamantù. Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600.

3. Slavní Vìdci
Gilbert Newton LIEBIG Justus Freiherr von LOMONOSOV Michail Vasiljevic LUKEŠ RudolfLYNEN Feodor MENDELEJEV Dimitrij Ivanovic moissan henri MULLIKEN Robert
Last updated: 12.08.2001 06:25:11
Zde naleznete seznam všech vìdcù, o kterých mùžete získat informace na této stránce. Postupem èasu by se mìly u vìdcù objevovat i odkazy na informace o nich z jiných zdrojù, jejich fotografie a další zajímavé vìci. ARISTOTELES ze Stageiry
ARRHENIUS Svante August

ASTON Francis William

... Novinky [ Slavní vìdci ] Alfred Nobel Nobelovy ceny Odkazy Ostatní ... USA Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

4. MOISSAN HENRI (1852-1907)
Translate this page moissan henri (1852-1907). Henri Moissan fut un chimiste français,né et mort à Paris. Il fit ses études au Muséum d’histoire
MOISSAN HENRI (1852-1907)

5. MOISSAN Henri
Last updated 19.02.2004 165843. Francouzský chemik Henri Moissanse narodil roku 1852. Vystudoval na univerzite v Paríži
Last updated: 19.02.2004 16:58:43
Francouzský chemik Henri Moissan se narodil roku 1852. Vystudoval na univerzitì v Paøíži a své první vìdecké práce zaèal psát již bìhem svého pùsobení v paøížském pøírodopisném muzeu. Po obhajobì doktorské disertace pùsobil na vyšší farmaceutické škole a v roce 1900 se stal profesorem chemie na paøížské Sorbonnì. Od roku 1891 byl èlenem Francouzské akademie vìd. První vìdecká práce Henri Moissana se zabývala problémem dýchání listù ve tmì. Tìžištìm Moissanova zájmu byla ale anorganická chemie a od roku 1879 a vìnoval se výlluènì chemii kovù, ve které dosáhl pozoruhodných výsledkù, které mu pøinesly celosvìtové uznání. V roce 1886 po témìø dvacetiletém úsilí Moissan jako první pøipravil èistý fluor elektrolýzou fluoridu draselného, který byl rozpuštìn v bezvodém kapalném fluorovodíku.V roce 1893 zkonstruoval elektrickou obloukovou pec, s jejíž pomocí získal nové poznatky z oblasti kovù a kyslièníkù, za což obdržel v roce 1906 Nobelovu cenu . V peci získal napø. karbidy vápníku, draslíku a dusíku, pøipravil v ní v èistém stavu molybden, wolfram a další kovy. Od roku 1883 se Moissan zabýval umìlou syntézou diamantu a s použitím uvedené pece provedl první pokus výroby umìlých diamantù z uhlí pøi vysokém tlaku a èásteèné krystalizaci,kterým byl poprvé vìdecky vysvìtlen vznik diamantù. Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600.

6. O Webu
LYNEN Feodor. MENDELEJEV Dimitrij Ivanovic, Obrazová galerie. moissan henri.MULLIKEN Robert Sanderson. NATTA Giulio. NERNST Walter Friedrich Hermann.
Last updated: 19.02.2004 14:49:49
Vznik webu
Web o Nobelovi Zmìna Souèasnost ... Struktura webu Zárodek celého webu vznikl na konci školního roku 1998/99, kdy jsem byl žákem 9. tøídy základní školy. Pøipravil jsem si tehdy na výzvu našeho chemikáøe referát o Alfredu Nobelovi (v angliètinì). Ten jsem pak v prváku na gymplu umístil na web a zaèal pøidávat další èlánky. Asi po roce pøibyl druhý web, speciálnì o Alfredu Nobelovi, kam jsem zaèal umisovat pøeklady èlánkù ze švédských stránek Nobelovy nadace. Po necelých dvou letech jsem se rozhodl zmìnit design i architekturu stránek. Není to proto, že by mi pøipadal tento design hezèí, nýbrž proto, že pøedešlé stránky byly tvoøeny v programu Microsoft Publisher 2000, což bylo vzhledem k èasové nároènosti a nízké "inteligenci" tohoto programu pomìrnì nevyhovující. Pøešel jsem proto na (podle mého názoru) mnohem kvalitnìjší Front Page 2000 (i když má spoooustu odpùrcù), který poskytuje již nìkolik pøedem nadefinovaných grafických návrhù, mezi které patøí i tento. Takže pokud se nìkomu nový vzhled stránky nelíbí, musí se s tím smíøit, protože stránka má èistì informaèní, nikoliv umìlecký charakter. Výhodou je naopak daleko snadnìjší možnost aktualizací a jednodušší ovládání, což se doufám brzy projeví na obsahové kvalitì webu. Další výhodou je kompletní hypertextové propojení se stránkami o Nobelovi. Weby tak byly v podstatì slouèeny v jeden. Od 9. srpna 2002 do l

7. Henri Moissan - Wikipedia
Henri Moissan
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Henri Moissan 28. September in Paris 20. Februar in Paris) war ein französischer Chemiker Moissan erhielt den Nobelpreis für Chemie "als Anerkennung des großen Verdienstes, das er sich durch seine Untersuchung und Isolierung des Elements Fluor sowie durch die Einführung des nach ihm benannten elektrischen Ofens in den Dienst der Wissenschaft erworben hat" Views Persönliche Werkzeuge Navigation Suche Werkzeuge

8. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica
moissan henri; Moore Stanford; Moseley Henry;Mulliken Robert Sanderson; Natta Giulio; Nernst Walther Hermann;
Biografie di Chimici
  • Alder Kurt Anfinsen Christian B Arrhenius Svante August Aston Francis William ... Home Page
    Istituto tecnico statale commerciale e per geometri di Chiavari (Genova - Italia)
  • 9. Henri Moissan - Biography
    henri moissan – Biography. henri moissan was born in Paris on September28, 1852. His advanced education began in the Collège
    Henri Moissan
    Moissan's first researches concerned the interchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the leaves of plants. He was soon to leave biology for the field of inorganic chemistry, where his early work was on the oxides of iron-group metals and chromium and a study of the chromous salts. In 1884 he turned his attention to fluorine chemistry, preparing some organic and phosphorus derivatives of that element. The following year he discovered that solutions of potassium fluoride in hydrogen fluoride at certain strengths remained liquid and conducted electrolytically at sub-zero temperatures: a year later he successfully electrolysed these solutions to isolate fluorine for the first time. He made a full study of the properties of the gas and its reactions with other elements.
    Moissan is credited with over three hundred publications, his greatest works being (The electric-arc furnace) (1897), (Fluorine and its compounds) (1900) and (Treatise on inorganic chemistry) (five volumes 1904-1906). He was an excellent lecturer and a meticulous and patient experimentalist.
    Royal Society of London
    and The Chemical Society (London). He held honorary memberships of many other learned societies.

    10. Moissan, Henri
    moissan, henri, moissan, 1906. By courtesy of the Nobel Foundation, Stockholm. in full FERDINANDFRÉDÉRIC-henri moissan (b. Sept. 28, 1852, Paris, Franced. Feb.
    Moissan, Henri,
    Moissan, 1906 By courtesy of the Nobel Foundation, Stockholm Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the isolation of the element fluorine and the development of the Moissan electric furnace. After attending the Museum of Natural History and the School of Pharmacy in Paris, Moissan became professor of toxicology (1886) and of inorganic chemistry (1889) at the School of Pharmacy and professor of inorganic chemistry (1900) at the Sorbonne. He took up the study of fluorine compounds in 1884. Two years later, by electrolyzing a solution of potassium fluoride in hydrofluoric acid, he prepared the highly reactive gas fluorine. He made a full study of the properties of the element and its reactions with other elements. In 1892 Moissan developed the electric arc furnace and used it to prepare numerous new compounds and to vaporize substances previously regarded as infusible. He devised a commercially profitable method of producing acetylene. Although he claimed to have synthesized diamonds in his furnace (1893), his success is now seriously doubted. Moissan's scientific works include (1897; "The Electric Furnace")

    11. Chemistry 1906
    fluorine, and for the adoption in the service of science of the electric furnace called after him" henri moissan. France henri moissan. Biography. Swedish Nobel Stamps
    The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1906
    "in recognition of the great services rendered by him in his investigation and isolation of the element fluorine, and for the adoption in the service of science of the electric furnace called after him" Henri Moissan France Sorbonne University
    Paris, France b. 1852
    d. 1907 The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1906
    Presentation Speech
    Henri Moissan
    Swedish Nobel Stamps
    The 1906 Prize in:


    Physiology or Medicine

    Find a Laureate: SITE FEEDBACK CONTACT TELL A FRIEND Last modified June 23, 2003 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

    12. Henri Moissan: Awards Won By Henri Moissan
    The biggest english dictionary Awards of henri moissan. Real Dictionary. Make 123Awards your start page. Add 123Awards to Favourites.
    hardwork is paid in form of awards The biggest english dictionary - Awards of Henri Moissan OTHER-NOBEL CHEMISTRY Enter Artist/Album
    Partner Sites Real Dictionary ... Add 123Awards to Favourites Please select the appropriate Shopping Category Auctions
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    Charity Dutch ... Stationery

    13. Henri Moissan Winner Of The 1906 Nobel Prize In Chemistry
    henri moissan, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, at the Nobel PrizeInternet Archive. henri moissan. 1906 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
    1906 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
      in recognition of the great services rendered by him in his investigation and isolation of the element fluorine, and for the adoption in the service of science of the electric furnace called after him.

      Residence: France
      Affiliation: Sorbonne University, Paris
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    Links added by Nobel Internet Archive visitors Back to The Nobel Prize Internet Archive
    Peace Chemistry ... Medicine We always welcome your feedback and comments

    14. Henri Moissan --  Encyclopædia Britannica
    Encyclopædia Britannica, moissan, henri Encyclopædia Britannica Article. henrimoissan born Sept. MLA style henri moissan. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. lectrique&ct=

    moissan, henri (18521907), French chemist, was born at Paris on the 28th of September 1852. Educated at the Museum of Natural History, he was success
    MOISSAN, HENRI His published works include Lefour lectrique (1897), and Lefluor et ses composes (1900), besides numerous papers in the Comptes rendus and other scientific periodicals A Trait de chimie minrale in five volumes was published under his direction in 1904f 906. MOISSAC MOJI

    16. Moissan, Henri
    moissan, henri (18521907). He was born in Paris on September 28,1852. His advanced education began in the Collège de Meaux and
    Moissan, Henri
    Moissan's first researches concerned the interchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the leaves of plants. He was soon to leave biology for the field of inorganic chemistry, where his early work was on the oxides of iron-group metals and chromium and a study of the chromous salts. In 1884 he turned his attention to fluorine chemistry, preparing some organic and phosphorus derivatives of that element. The following year he discovered that solutions of potassium fluoride in hydrogen fluoride at certain strengths remained liquid and conducted electrolytically at sub-zero temperatures: a year later he successfully electrolysed these solutions to isolate fluorine for the first time. He made a full study of the properties of the gas and its reactions with other elements.
    In 1892, Moissan theorized that diamonds could be synthesized by crystallizing carbon under pressure from molten iron. He designed and developed the electric-arc furnace, attaining temperatures up to 3,500°C, to assist him in work which led to the production of tiny artificial stones. He subsequently used the furnace to volatilize many substances which had been regarded as infusible and to prepare many new compounds, particularly carbides, silicides and borides; in 1891 he discovered carborundum. His close study of the carbides and their reaction with water led to his theory that, in some cases, petroleum may be formed by subterraneous reaction between certain carbides and water. He prepared the hydrides of calcium, sodium and potassium and showed them to be non-conductive and, using the electric furnace, isolated many metals.

    17. Nobel Laureates In Chemistry By Alphabetical Order
    Merrifield, Robert Bruce, 1984. Michel, Hartmut, 1988. Mitchell, Peter D. 1978. moissan,henri, 1906. Molina, Mario, 1995. Moore, Stanford, 1972. Mulliken, Robert S. 1966.
    Themes Science Chemistry About Chemistry Generalities
    Name Year Awarded Alder, Kurt Altman, Sidney Anfinsen, Christian B. Arrhenius, Svante August Aston, Francis William Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Von Barton, Sir Derek H. R. Berg, Paul Bergius, Friedrich Bosch, Carl Boyer, Paul D. Brown, Herbert C. Buchner, Eduard Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann Calvin, Melvin Cech, Thomas R. Corey, Elias James Cornforth, Sir John Warcup Cram, Donald J. Crutzen, Paul Curie, Marie Curl, Robert F., Jr. Debye, Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus De Hevesy, George Deisenhofer, Johann Diels, Otto Paul Hermann Eigen, Manfred Ernst, Richard R. Euler-chelpin, Hans Karl August Simon Von Fischer, Ernst Otto Fischer, Hans Fischer, Hermann Emil Flory, Paul J. Fukui, Kenichi Giauque, William Francis Gilbert, Walter Grignard, Victor Haber, Fritz Hahn, Otto Harden, Sir Arthur Hassel, Odd Hauptman, Herbert A. Haworth, Sir Walter Norman Heeger, Alan J. Herschbach, Dudley R. Herzberg, Gerhard Heyrovsky, Jaroslav Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Van't

    18. Lycée Moissan
    Le Lycée moissan à Meaux propose des classes préparatoires PCSI/PCI, HEC, FCIL et un BTS Professions immobilières. Journée PORTES OUVERTES au Lycée henri moissan date prochainement mise en ligne Club d'astronomie du lycée. Lycée moissan 20, cours Verdun - 77100 MEAUX

    moissan, henri (18521907), French chemist, was born at Paris on the28th of September 1852. Educated at was success. henri moissan.
    MOISSAN, HENRI His published works include Lefour lectrique (1897), and Lefluor et ses composes (1900), besides numerous papers in the Comptes rendus and other scientific periodicals A Trait de chimie minrale in five volumes was published under his direction in 1904f 906. MOISSAC MOJI

    20. Henri Moissan Biography
    henri moissan Biography. henri moissan was born in Paris on September 28, 1852. His advanced education began in the Collège de Meaux and later in Edmond Frémy's laboratory at the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle, where he attended lectures by E.H.

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