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61. SRP cesar milstein, che scoprì la sequenzasegnale. La scoperta della sequenza segnale (cesar milstein) http://grup.bio.unipd.it/biomol2/biomolcellula/SRPintroduction.html | |
62. Sica News.- 12/5/03 Translate this page cesar milstein Premio Nobel 1984 de Medicina por su trabajo para perfeccionarel sistema de defensa inmunológico a través del desarrollo de anticuerpos http://www.paginadigital.com.ar/articulos/2003/2003quint/tecnologia/sica20-6pl.a | |
63. Sumarios Varios Catálogo de la Biblioteca Complutense de Madrid Autores milstein, cesar; Neuberger,Michael S; Staden, Rodger Revista Proceedings of the National Academy of http://europa.sim.ucm.es:8080/compludoc/AA?a=Rodger&donde=otras&zfr=0 |
64. Argentina: Como Somos Translate this page Para 1983, cesar milstein ya era un ciudadano y científico inglés, y había sidonombrado jefe director de la División de Química de Proteínas y Acidos http://www.surdelsur.com/somos/fuga/f_milste.htm | |
65. PNAS -- Abstracts: Milstein Et Al. 95 (15): 8791 Immunology Both DNA strands of antibody genes are hypermutation targets.cesar milstein * , Michael S. Neuberger, and Rodger Staden http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/95/15/8791 | |
66. Am Ha-Aretz / עם הארץ: Jewish Nobel Prize Wi metabolism USA 1985 Goldstein, Joseph L. for their discoveries concerning theregulation of cholesterol metabolism USA 1984 milstein, cesar for theories http://www.amhaaretz.com/2004/02/jewish_nobel_prize_winners.html | |
67. Asociación Medica Argentina, Asociacion Medica Argentina Translate this page 5411 - 4814-2182. Usted está en Publicaciones Revistas. Volver.Académico Honorario Dr. cesar milstein. Su fallecimiento. La vida y http://www.ama-med.org.ar/publicaciones_revistas3.asp?id=34 |
68. SYDNEY MORNING HERALD OBITUARIES 09JAN1998 P17. MILNER,Christopher. Physicist. 19121998. 14MAR1998 P16. milstein,cesar.Scientist. 1927-2002. 08APR2002 P38. MINALE,Marcello. Designer. 1938-2000. http://www.rootsweb.com/~nswsdps/obits/smhom004.htm | |
69. Biocompare - Looking For An Antibody? In 1975, George Kohler and cesar milstein developed a technology that allowed scientiststo generate unlimited quantities of antibodies all specific for one http://www.biocompare.com/spotlight.asp?id=123 |
70. BBC News | SCI/TECH | British Science Mourns Research Great Dr cesar milstein, whose work sparked an international billionpoundbiotechnology industry has died aged 74. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1893000/1893932.stm | |
71. BBC News | SCI/TECH | Scientists Salute 25-year-old Discovery It is 25 years ago this summer that Cambridge researchers Drs cesar milstein andGeorge Kohler found a way to make any required antibody in pure form, in the http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_833000/833042.stm | |
72. Roche In Deutschland - News Translate this page 1982 cesar milstein Georges JF Köhler Entwickelten eine Methode der Zellverschmelzungvon Antikörper produzierenden Lymphzellen mit Myelomzellen in vitro http://www.roche.de/presse/molbio_preis.htm | |
73. Welcome To Adobe GoLive 5 The 3rd Georges Koehler Lecture. Date, 18.01.1999. Speaker, cesar milstein.Title Hypermutation and the maturation of the immune response. http://www.immunbio.mpg.de/groups/reth/links/g_koehler/gkl_pages/gkl_3.html | |
74. CONSEJO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS Y TECNICAS cesar milstein se otorga por primera vez este año y será destinadoa los investigadores doctores Gabriel Rabinovich, José Mordoh, Osvaldo http://www.conicet.gov.ar/NOTICIAS/2002/octubre/premios_Dr_Housay.php |
75. Detalle De La Noticia Translate this page EL 7 de agosto de 1975, dos científicos de Cambridge, cesar milstein y GeorgesKohler, publicaron los primeros datos sobre lo que se ha considerado el mayor http://www.ukinspain.com/NewsSC/UKSC_NEWS_detail.asp?IdNews=1759 |
76. Nat'l Academies Press, Biotechnology Unzipped: (1997), Index materialism 55 , 60 Medawar, Peter 57 58, 222 Mendel, Gregor 6 , 8 -9, 28 micropropagation182 -185, 183 Miescher, Johann 12 , 28 milstein, cesar 48 molecules http://books.nap.edu/openbook/0309057779/html/240.html | |
77. Sciforums.com - Jewish Laureates Of Nobel Prizes factors Italy 1985 Goldstein, Joseph L. for their discoveries concerning theregulation of cholesterol metabolism USA 1984 milstein, cesar for theories http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=3820 |
78. César Milstein - Autobiography César milstein Autobiography. My father was Philadelphia, USA(1984). From Les Prix Nobel 1984. César milstein died in 2002. http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1984/milstein-autobio.html | |
79. César Milstein (1927 - ) César milstein (1927 ) Born in Bahía Blanca, Argentina, César milstein graduated from Buenos Aires University with an undergraduate degree in chemistry in 1945. http://www.accessexcellence.org/AB/BC/Cesar_Milstein.html | |
80. Milstein, César milstein, César. ( b. Oct. 8, 1926, Bahía Blanca, Arg milstein and Köhler, who was at Cambridge on a fellowship, made their discovery of the technique for producing http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/394_71.html | |
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