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Meyerhof Otto Fritz: more detail | |||||
41. Jewish Nobel Prize Laureates - Biomedical Sciences 1922, meyerhof, otto fritz for his discovery of the fixed relationship betweenthe consumption of oxygen and the metabolism of lactic acid in the muscle http://www.science.co.il/Nobel-Biomedical.asp | |
42. Kalender Translate this page Filme. otto fritz meyerhof 67 Jahre, Biochemiker (12.07.2001) Inhaltsuchen oben *12 Apr 1884 Hannover +6 Okt 1951 Philadelphia/PA. http://www.info-kalender.de/kal/k000412.htm | |
43. AKTUELLES - Projekte Otto Meyerhof Zentrum Uni Heidelberg - Architekturbüro E Translate this page April 2001 in Anwesenheit der Familie von otto fritz meyerhof. Link zur UniversitätHeidelberg. Link zur Pressestelle der Universität Heidelberg. http://www.asplan.de/asplan/aktuelles_asplan/projekte/omz/presse010425.htm | |
44. AKTUELLES - Projekte Otto Meyerhof Zentrum Uni Heidelberg - Architekturbüro E Translate this page April 2001 in Anwesenheit der Familie von otto fritz meyerhof. Biography of ottofritz meyerhof http//www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1922/meyerhof-bio.html. http://www.asplan.de/asplan/aktuelles_asplan/projekte/omz/presse010425c.htm | |
45. April 12 - Today In Science History otto fritz meyerhof was a German biochemist and corecipient, with Archibald V.Hill, of the 1922 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for research on the http://www.todayinsci.com/4/4_12.htm | |
46. October 6 - Today In Science History otto meyerhof. (search), Died 6 Oct 1951 (born 12 Apr 1884) otto fritz meyerhofwas a German biochemist and corecipient, with Archibald V. Hill, of the 1922 http://www.todayinsci.com/10/10_06.htm | |
47. Índice Alfabético De Los Premios Nobel De Fisiología O Medicina (1901-1998) MACLEOD, John James Richard (1923) McCLINTOCK, Barbara (1983) MEDAWAR, Peter Brian(1960) METSCHNIKOF, Elie (1908) meyerhof, otto fritz (1922) MILSTEIN, César http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/his/vol_2_99/his12299.htm | |
48. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine - Reference Library Krogh for showing that the gas exchange in the lungs is ordinary diffusion 1922 ArchibaldVivian Hill, otto fritz meyerhof for research on muscles, especially http://www.campusprogram.com/reference/en/wikipedia/n/no/nobel_prize_in_physiolo | |
49. 20th Century Year By Year 1922 b. 1886, d. 1977 for his discovery relating to the production of heat in themuscle ; and meyerhof, otto fritz, Germany, Kiel University, b. 1884, d. 1951 http://www.multied.com/20th/1922.html | |
50. ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN PHYSIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Mechnikov, Ilya Ilyich, 1908. Medawar, Sir Peter Brian, 1960. meyerhof,otto fritz, 1922. Milstein, Cesar, 1984. Minot, George Richards, 1934. http://www.bioscience.org/urllists/nobelm.htm | |
51. Chronik Für Das Jahr 1951 - Jahreschronik Bei '2000 Jahre Chronik - Geschichte (*1882); der Physiologe und Nobelpreisträger otto fritz meyerhof (*1884); der http://www.geschichte.2me.net/dcx/dcx_1952.htm | |
52. Nobel A Psicologia Y Medicina Translate this page 1914 Barany, Robert ( Austria) por sus trabajos en la fisiología y patologíaen el aparato vestibular 1922 meyerhof, otto fritz (Alemania) por sus http://www.jai.com.uy/nobelpsicologiaymedicina.htm | |
53. Ficha 2 Translate this page Ehrlich, Paul (1908). Kossel, Albrecht (1910). meyerhof, otto (1922). Warburg,otto H. (1931). Spemann, Hans (1935). AUSTRIA. QUIMICA. Pregl, fritz (1923), FÍSICA. http://www.euro.mineco.es/guiadidactica/guia4/FCHAU2.htm | |
55. Nobel Peace Prize otto fritz meyerhof for his discovery of the fixed relationship between theconsumption of oxygen and the metabolism of lactid acid in the muscle. http://www.greenepa.net/~barondin/library/npp.html | |
56. Otto otto Warburg (18831970) German biochemist. otto fritz meyerhof (1884-1951)German physiologist. otto Stern (1888-1969) German physicist. http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/o/otto.html | |
57. BioFinder Kategorien Suche meyerhof, otto fritz; Milstein,César; Minot, George Richards; Mitchell, Peter D. Moniz, Egas; http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/b-online/library/biofinder/135.html | |
58. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : MEY meyerhof (otto fritz)(1884-1951)Photo 1; MEYERKHOLD (Vsevolod Voir MEIERKHOLD); MEYERSTEIN http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/mey.htm | |
59. Kalendrium Archibald Vivian Hill, otto fritz meyerhof. Niels Henrik David Bohr. Archibald VivianHill, otto fritz meyerhof. Nagroda podzielona pomiedzy dwóch laureatów. http://www.kalendarium.pl/kalendarium/php/laureaci.php3?r=1922 |
60. Nobel Translate this page Nie przyznano, Nie przyznano, Nie przyznano, Jules Bordet, Schack August SteenbergKrogh, Nie przyznano, Archibald Vivian Hill, otto fritz meyerhof, Frederick Grant http://www.kalendarium.pl/kalendarium/html/tabela.htm | |
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