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41. SmartPedia.com - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books. Ilus, Iluvatar, Ilwaco, Washington. ilya Ehrenburg, ilya Frank, ilya GrigoryevichEhrenburg. ilya ilyich mechnikov, ilya Kovalchuk, ilya Mikhailovich Frank. http://www.smartpedia.com/smart/browse/Special:Allpages&from=Illegal_drugs_trade | |
42. Microflora Restore - Replenishes Healthy Bacteria In The Intestinal Track flora balance. Another great medical mind of this era was 1908 Nobellaureate, Dr. ilya ilyich mechnikov (18451916). mechnikov http://altcancer.silvermedicine.org/microflora.htm | |
43. Jewish Nobel Prize Winners, Biomedical Sciences 1908-1965 ilya ilyich mechnikov was a cowinner with Ehrlich see below of the 1908Nobel Prize in Biomedical Sciences for their work on immunity. . http://www.hebrewhistory.org/factpapers/44-IIIAnobel.html | |
44. ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN PHYSIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Lwoff, Andre, 1965. Lynen, Feodor, 1964. Macleod, John James Richard, 1923. mechnikov,ilya ilyich, 1908. Medawar, Sir Peter Brian, 1960. Meyerhof, Otto Fritz, 1922. http://www.bioscience.org/urllists/nobelm.htm | |
45. Nobel Peace Prize 1908, Gabriel Lippmann Fr, Ernest Rutherford UK, ilya ilyich mechnikov 1908 ilya ilyich mechnikov and Paul Ehrlich in recognition of their work on immunity. http://din-timelines.com/1901s-npp.shtml | |
46. Phagocytosis ilya ilyich mechnikov who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology orMedicine for discovering the role of phagocytosis in higher animals. http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/definition/english/Ph/Phagocytosis.htm | |
47. Nobel Prize In Medicine Since 1901 mechnikov, ilya ilyich.1909, Kocher, Emil Theodor. 1910, Kossel, Albrecht. 1911, Gullstrand, Allvar. http://www.planet101.com/nobel_medi_hist.htm | |
48. Encyclopedia Articles - Art Illuminated manuscript; Illuminati; Illuminism; Illusion; Illustration;Illustrator; Illyria; Ilse Koch; ilya ilyich mechnikov; ilya Prigogine; http://www.localcolorart.com/encyclopedia/I.htm | |
49. Complete Health Care And Medical Information From India 1906. Name ilya ilyich mechnikov and Paul Ehrlich. Discovery Their work on immunity.ilya ilyich mechnikov. Date Of Birth 1945. Place Of Birth Russia. http://www.medivisionindia.com/nobelprize/1908.phtml | |
50. Complete Health Care And Medical Information From India 1909. Emil Theodor Kocher. 1908. ilya ilyich mechnikov and Paul Ehrlich. 1907.Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran. 1906. Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramon Y. Cajal. http://www.medivisionindia.com/nobelprize/index.phtml | |
51. Nobel Prize For Physiology Or Medicine 1908 The prize was awarded jointly to ilya ilyich mechnikov (*1845, +1916)France, Institut Pasteur, Paris, and Paul Ehrlich (*1854, +1915) Germany http://lem.ch.unito.it/chemistry/nobel_medicine.html | |
52. ThinkQuest : Library : The Nobel Prize Translate this page 1909. Emil Theodor Kocher. 1908. ilya ilyich mechnikov, Paul Ehrlich. 1907.Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran. 1906. Camillo Golgi, Santiago Ramón y Cajal. http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0313040/medtl.html | |
53. SIMR - Centenary Survey Of Nobel Laureates malaria. 1908 ilya ilyich mechnikov and Paul EHRLICH describe immunereactions and the function of some white blood cells. 1909 http://www.simr.org.uk/pages/nobel/time_line.html | |
54. Nobelprisen I Fysiologi Eller Medicin Pavlov 1905 Robert Koch 1906 Camillo Golgi, Santiago Ramón y Cajal 1907 CharlesLouis Alphonse Laveran 1908 ilya ilyich mechnikov, Paul Ehrlich 1909 Emil http://lexopen.fateback.com/Nobelprisen i fysiologi eller medicin.html | |
55. Timeline Of Nobel Winners - MEDICINE Pavlov 1905 Robert Koch 1906 Camillo Golgi, Santiago Ramon y Cajal 1907 CharlesLouis Alphonse Laveran 1908 ilya ilyich mechnikov, Paul Ehrlich 1909 Emil http://www.nobel-winners.com/Medicine/ | |
56. EBabylone.com: Encyclopédie - Prix Nobel De Physiologie Ou Médecine ilya ilyich mechnikov, Paul Ehrlich; 1909Emil Theodor Kocher; 1910 Albrecht Kossel; 1911 Allvar Gullstrand; http://www.ebabylone.com/encyclopreg.php?title=Prix_Nobel_de_physiologie_ou_méd |
57. Nobel For Medicine: All Laureates Robert Richet 1912 Alexis Carrel 1911 Allvar Gullstrand 1910 Albrecht Kossel 1909Emil Theodor Kocher 1908 ilya ilyich mechnikov, Paul Ehrlich 1907 Charles http://www.popular-science.net/nobel/med-list.html | |
58. 1908 And The Arkansas Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Of Arkansas Arkansas History Sta Guangshui. Nobel Prizes. Physics Gabriel Lippmann; Chemistry - ErnestRutherford; Medicine - ilya ilyich mechnikov, Paul Ehrlich; Literature http://deltawing.htmlplanet.com/almanac/1908.html | |
59. Immunology And Immunotechnology areas. Year Scientists Discovery. 1908 ilya ilyich mechnikov and.Paul Ehrlich Immunity. 1913 Charles Robert Richet Anaphylaxis. 1919 http://www.fbae.org/Channels/biotech_in_medicine/immunology_and_immunotechnology | |
60. Behind The Name: Nobel Prize Winners By Category Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 1906, Medicine, Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran, 1907,Medicine, ilya ilyich mechnikov, 1908, Medicine, Paul Ehrlich, 1908, Medicine, http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/nobelchro.html | |
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