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         Marconi Guglielmo:     more books (100)
  1. Guglielmo Marconi: Inventor Of Wireless Technology (Great Life Stories) by Liz Sonneborn, 2005-11
  2. Giants of Science - Guglielmo Marconi by Beverley Birch, 2001-09-04
  3. Guglielmo Marconi and Radio Waves (Uncharted, Unexplored, and Unexplained) by Susan Zannos, 2004-09
  4. Guglielmo Marconi: Inventor of Radio and Wireless Communication (Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists) by Victoria Sherrow, 2004-12
  5. Guglielmo Marconi and Radio (Science Discoveries) by Steve Parker, 1994-09
  6. Von Gloeden et le XIXe siecle: Eugene Durieu, Charles Simart, Guglielmo Marconi, Vincenzo Galdi, Guglielmo Pluschow, Baron Wilhelm von Gloeden, auteurs ... (Collection Nu masculin) (French Edition)
  7. Levelled Biographies: Guglielmo Marconi Great Scientists
  8. Guglielmo Marconi, 1874-1937 (A Science Museum booklet) by Science Museum, 1974-04
  9. Guglielmo Marconi (The Great Nobel prizes) by David Gunston, 1970
  10. Guglielmo Marconi: The Story of Radio and How it Made the World a Smaller Place by Beverly Birch, 1990
  11. Guglielmo Marconi (Life Times) by Richard Tames, 1990-05-17
  12. Guglielmo Marconi (Scientists Who Made History) by Mike Goldsmith, 2003-05-15
  13. Guglielmo Marconi (Leveled Biographies (Grade 5); Great Scienctists) by John Malam, 2008-09-01
  14. Mio marito Guglielmo (Italian Edition) by Maria Cristina Marconi, 1995

1. A Science Odyssey: People And Discoveries: Guglielmo Marconi
Guglielmo Marconi. 1874 1937. Guglielmo Marconi was born in Italy in 1874 to a rather wealthy Italian father and Irish mother. He was educated privately and then went to the Livorno Technical Institute.
Guglielmo Marconi
Guglielmo Marconi was born in Italy in 1874 to a rather wealthy Italian father and Irish mother. He was educated privately and then went to the Livorno Technical Institute. While there, he read an article that grabbed his attention. The article suggested the possibility of using radio waves to communicate without wires.The year was 1894, and the most modern way to send a message was over telegraph wires. (Heinrich Herz, for whom the units hertz and megahertz are named, had discovered and first produced radio waves in 1888.) Marconi jumped right on the problem. He began experimenting at his family's home near Bologna. Within a year he had sent and received signals beyond the range of vision (including over a hill) and then over increasingly great distances up to two miles! He took out a patent in 1896. The Italian government was not interested in Marconi's work, but the British Admiralty was, and it installed Marconi's radio equipment in some of its ships. Radio transmission was pushed to greater and greater lengths, and by 1899, Marconi had sent a signal nine miles across the Bristol Channel and 31 miles across the English Channel to France. Most people believed that the curvature of the earth would prevent sending a signal much farther than 200 miles, so when Marconi was able to transmit across the Atlantic ocean in 1901 , people were stunned. It opened the door to a rapidly developing wireless industry.

2. Marconi Guglielmo - Inventore Della Radio - 1895 Pontecchio
Gruppo d'Ascolto della Marca Trevigiana GUGLIELMO MARCONI Guglielmo Marconi , (Bologna 1874 - Roma 1937)
è stato l' inventore italiano del primo sistema pratico di segnalazione radio. Studiò a Bologna e a Firenze e fin da giovanissimo, intuendo la possibilità di utilizzare le onde elettromagnetiche per inviare segnali a distanza, si interessò di telegrafia senza fili. Verso il 1895, potete consultare anche 100 YEARS OF RADIO - HOME PAGE , dopo numerosi esperimenti realizzati nella villa paterna di Pontecchio, mise a punto un'apparecchiatura con cui riuscì a inviare segnali intelligibili a una distanza di circa 2400 m, usando un'antenna direzionale. Dopo aver brevettato il sistema telegrafico in Gran Bretagna (1896), fondò a Londra la Marconi's Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company, nella quale lavorarono diversi scienziati a un ulteriore perfezionamento dei progetti.
real audio G.Marconi voice 1
real audio G.Marconi voice 2
Nel 1899 inviò segnali radio in Francia attraverso la Manica e nel 1901 realizzò la prima comunicazione attraverso l'oceano Atlantico tra Poldhu, in Cornovaglia, e St John's, nell'isola di Terranova (Canada).
Il suo sistema fu presto adottato dalle navi britanniche e italiane e, verso il 1907, fu organizzato un regolare servizio pubblico transatlantico di telegrafia senza fili. Nel 1909 Marconi ricevette il premio Nobel per la fisica insieme col fisico tedesco Karl Ferdinand Braun. Durante la prima guerra mondiale fu incaricato di organizzare il servizio italiano di telegrafo senza fili, e in quell'occasione mise a punto la trasmissione a onde corte come mezzo di comunicazione segreta. Proseguì poi gli esperimenti con le onde corte e cortissime e con le microonde, anche in relazione a un loro possibile impiego in medicina. Marconi fu nominato senatore nel 1914 e ricevette il titolo di marchese nel 1929; ottenne inoltre la presidenza del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche e dell'Accademia d'Italia.

3. Biographies Info Science : Marconi Guglielmo

4. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Marconi Guglielmo
marconi guglielmo . Page 1 sur 1. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour marconi guglielmo .
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Marconi Guglielmo" Page sur 1 R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Marconi, Guglielmo Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Marconi, Guglielmo (1874-1937), physicien italien, laur©at du prix Nobel et inventeur du premier syst¨me efficace de communication par t©l©graphie... Guglielmo Marconi Encyclop©die EncartaImage radar Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article radar radio Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article radio Saint John's (Canada) Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Saint John's (Canada) ©lectricit© Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article ©lectricit© R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Page sur 1
R©sultats provenant de MSN Search GUGLIELMO Marconi
Marconi GUGLIELMO(1874 - 1937) Physicien originaire d'Italie,laur©at du prix Nobel, il inventa le premier v©ritable syst¨me de communication par t©l©graphie sans fil ou plus commun©ment appel© radio.

5. Comitato Guglielmo Marconi: Guglielmo Marconi Il Coherer E L'antenna
Guglielmo Marconi e pubblica materiale e ducumenti inediti sull opera tecnico scientifica dell

Guglielmo Marconi
Il Coesore o Coherer e l'antenna
Guglielmo Marconi
Coherer: Tipo di coesore Marconi 1894 Coherer rinvenuto nel 1919 in un mucchio di rottami presso la Villa Griffone a Pontecchio. poiche' in quel luogo Marconi negli anni successivi non ebbe piu' occasione di fare soste prolungate, questo coherer deve essere stato da lui costruito, e verosimilmente scartato, prima della sua partenza per l'Inghilterra, all'inizio del 1896. Esso e' del tutto simile ad un secondo esemplare che e' esposto in un museo di Stoccolma con l'indicazione (Coherer di Marconi del 1896) e che e' stato effettivamente usato. Il piccolo rivelatore, che una delle due figure riproduce ingrandito, ha reofori saldati sul vetro e all'interno elettrodi d'argento con una piccola quantita' di limatura, che non presentano rivelanti ossidazioni. Il coherer, della lunghezza di un paio di centimetri, e' montato su di un frammento di tubo di vetro di notevole spessore che funge da supporto, rigido e isolante. Notare la mancanza del codolo per evacuare l'aria prima della chiusura alla fiamma.

6. Marconi, Guglielmo Biography Engineering And Technology Science By Topic History
Most comprehensive resource on Science Engineering Technology Biography marconi guglielmo. Science Engineering Technology Biography marconi guglielmo Books. Weather ...
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7. Guglielmo Marconi [Pictures And Photos Of]
Guglielmo Marconi. Guglielmo Marconi Picture, Photo, Photograph; young, threequarter view, suit; marconi guglielmo A5. Item ID marconi guglielmo A5.
A larger image of any photo may be purchased. Click on an image to place an order.
For more information visit our home page Guglielmo Marconi Description young ; three-quarter view ; hat Item ID Marconi A1 Guglielmo Marconi Description middle age ; three-quarter view ; suit ; sitting Item ID Marconi A2 Guglielmo Marconi Description young, three-quarter view, suit Item ID Marconi Guglielmo A5 Guglielmo Marconi Description young, full-face, suit Item ID Marconi Guglielmo A6 Guglielmo Marconi Description L-R: Marconi; Corbino, O. M.; Bohr, Niels. Outdoors; standing; International Conference on Nuclear Physics, Rome Item ID Marconi Guglielmo D2 Niels Henrik David Bohr, Guglielmo Marconi Description middle age, three-quarter view, suit, standing, outdoors; Conference in Rome, 1955, L-R: Marconi, Bohr, Frederick Aston (1922 Chemistry Nobel Prize winner) Item ID Marconi Guglielmo D5 Arthur Holly Compton, Marie Curie, Paul Ehrenfest, Guglielmo Marconi, Robert Andrews Millikan Description L-R: Millikan, Compton, Curie, Ehrenfest, Marconi ; standing ; talking ; outdoors ; Conference on Nuclear Physics, Rome Item ID Millikan D4 Arthur Holly Compton, Orso Mario Corbino, Paul Ehrenfest, Guglielmo Marconi, Robert Andrews Millikan

8. Guglielmo Marconi
Guglielmo Marconi. (for a list of items in the collection click here). So here we are Guglielmo Marconi the complete photo guide for historians and collectors.
Guglielmo Marconi
(for a list of items in the collection click here
(for a description of "MARCONI IN LONDON" book click here
Guglielmo MARCONI did not, of course, "invent" radio. Nobody ever does invent anything from scratch as each "invention" is the consequence of many previous discoveries and researches (in this case especially those done by Faraday, Maxwell, Hertz, Lodge, Righi and Tesla). Besides he can only be regarded as having "invented" (in 1896) wireless telegraphy as radio, as we know it, only became possible with the invention of the amplifying valve (1906) and the possibility of modulating a signal over a carrier wave (which happened later). However he must be considered as the most important single person who contributed in a decisive way to take the "invention" out of the laboratories and put it in everybody's life. In this sense he is really the "inventor" of a new way of thinking and of transmitting intelligence. Radio has really changed this century and the way we all think and relate. Marconi had a vision and managed to realize it against all odds. He is, perhaps, one of the last "romantic" inventors in that, as public belief likes to portray inventors, he battled against nature's difficulties and human prejudices making his success a true epic adventure. His popularity (notwithstanding his fascist role) is assured in history by his conforming to what people expect from a hero and an inventor.

9. Marconi Guglielmo
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Guglielmo Marchese Marconi

... Naturwissenschaftler <- Scientists Guglielmo Marchese Marconi Hauptseite/Main Page Deutsch English Guglielmo Marchese Marconi Guglielmo Marconi - Transmitting Electrical Signals FMS - Projekt II.1 ... Guglielmo Marconi in Wikipedia Startseite Impressum Die Moviecharts Guglielmo Marconi aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Guglielmo Marconi (* 25. April 1874 in Bologna, † 20. Juli 1937 in Rom) war ein Pionier ... FMS - Projekt II.1 - Guglielmo Marconi ... und Frequenzplanung Forschungsverbund Medientechnik Südwest Guglielmo Marconi Guglielmo Marconi baute vor genau 100 Jahren in Bologna die erste Kommunikationsstrecke auf ... Tops Ag Generalgouvernement Theodor heuss Cien ... ABG

11. Guglielmo Marconi
Guglielmo Marconi. Guglielmo Marconi (1874 1937) Italian physicist and inventor of a successful system of radio telegraphy (1896).
Guglielmo Marconi
Guglielmo Marconi
Italian physicist and inventor of a successful system of radio telegraphy (1896). In 1909 he received the Nobel Prize for Physics, which he shared with German physicist Ferdinand Braun. He later worked on the development of shortwave wireless communication, which constitutes the basis of nearly all modern long-distance radio. Education and early work.
Marconi's father was Italian and his mother Irish. Educated first in Bologna and later in Florence, Marconi then went to the technical school in Leghorn, where, in studying physics, he had every opportunity for investigating electromagnetic wave technique, following the earlier mathematical work of James Clerk Maxwell and the experiments of Heinrich Hertz, who first produced and transmitted radio waves, and Sir Oliver Lodge, who conducted research on lightning and electricity.
Receiving little encouragement to continue his experiments in Italy, he went, in 1896, to London, where he was soon assisted by Sir William Preece, the chief engineer of the post office. Marconi filed his first patent in England in June 1896 and, during that and the following year, gave a series of successful demonstrations, in some of which he used balloons and kites to obtain greater height for his aerials. He was able to send signals over distances of up to 6.4 km on the Salisbury Plain and to nearly 14.5 km across the Bristol Channel. These tests, together with Preece's lectures on them, attracted considerable publicity both in England and abroad, and in June 1897 Marconi went to La Spezia, where a land station was erected and communication was established with Italian warships at distances of up to 19 km.

12. Guglielmo Marconi - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Guglielmo Marconi. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ImageMarconi.jpg Guglielmo Marconi. Guglielmo Marconi, (April 25, 1874
Guglielmo Marconi
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Guglielmo Marconi Guglielmo Marconi April 25 July 20 ) was an Italian electrical engineer and Nobel Prize laureate, known for the development of a practical wireless telegraphy system that achieved widespread use. Marconi was the President of the Accademia d'Italia . He was an Italian fascist Table of contents 1 Early years 2 Middle years 3 Later years 4 Death and afterwards ... edit
Early years
Marconi was born in Bologna Italy , the second son of Giuseppe Marconi, an Italian landowner, and his wife, Annie Jameson, granddaughter of the founder of the edit
Middle years
Although many scientists and inventors contributed to the invention of wireless telegraphy , including Ørsted Faraday Hertz Tesla ... Edison , and others, Marconi's practical system achieved widespread use, so he is often credited as the "father of radio." Marconi's system was based primarily on Nikola Tesla 's system, publicly demonstrated during a widely known lecture titled On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena

Translate this page marconi guglielmo. Storia del Personaggio Autodidatta, fin dalla giovineza fu affascinato dalla ricerca della trasmissione senza fili dei segnali elettrici.

14. :: UniverSiTor ::
Translate this page marconi guglielmo. Marconi, Guglielmo (Bologna 1874 - Roma 1937), inventore italiano. Frequentò per qualche tempo un istituto tecnico

15. Vecchi Alunni | MARCONI GUGLIELMO - CRESPINO | CRESPINO In Veneto. Ritrova I Tuo
Translate this page Vecchi alunni marconi guglielmo - CRESPINO, SCUOLA ELEMENTARE in CRESPINO (Veneto). marconi guglielmo - CRESPINO – Registrati subito.
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16. Vecchi Alunni | "MARCONI GUGLIELMO" | RIO MARINA In Toscana. Ritrova I Tuoi Vecc
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17. WIEM: Marconi Guglielmo
marconi guglielmo (18741937), wloski elektrotechnik i wynalazca. W latach Technika, Wlochy marconi guglielmo (1874-1937). marconi guglielmo
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
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Marconi Guglielmo
Marconi Guglielmo (1874-1937), w³oski elektrotechnik i wynalazca. W latach 1895-1897 skonstruowa³ radio , wynalaz³ antenê . Rozpocz±³ nawi±zywanie ³±czno¶ci radiowej (1899 - przez kana³ La Manche, 1901 - przez Ocean Atlantycki). Uhonorowany w 1909 (wraz z  K.F. Braunem Nagrod± Nobla w dziedzinie fizyki. WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

18. Invent Now | Hall Of Fame | Search | Inventor Profile
guglielmo marconi. Born Apr 25 1874 Died Jul 20 1937. Transmitting Electrical Signals. Radio. Patent Number(s) 586 193. Inducted 1975 In 1895 Italian inventor guglielmo marconi built the equipment and transmitted electrical signals through the air from
Guglielmo Marconi
Born Apr 25 1874 - Died Jul 20 1937
Transmitting Electrical Signals
Patent Number(s) 586,193
Inducted 1975
In 1895 Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi built the equipment and transmitted electrical signals through the air from one end of his house to the other, and then from the house to the garden. These experiments were, in effect, the dawn of practical wireless telegraphy or radio.
Following the successes of his experiments at home, Marconi became obsessed with the idea of sending messages across the Atlantic. He built a transmitter, 100 times more powerful than any previous station, at Poldhu, on the southwest tip of England, and in November 1901 installed a receiving station at St. John's Newfoundland.
On December 12, 1901, he received signals from across the ocean. News of this achievement spread around the world, and he was acclaimed by outstanding scientists, including Thomas A. Edison.
Invention Impact
Inventor Bio
Marconi was born in Bologna, Italy.His father was Italian, his mother, Irish. He was educated first in Bologna and later in Florence. Then he went to the technical school in Leghorn, where he studied physics.

19. Guglielmo Marconi - Biography
guglielmo marconi – Biography. guglielmo marconi was born at Bologna, Italy, on April 25, 1874, the second son of Giuseppe marconi
Guglielmo Marconi was born at Bologna, Italy, on April 25, 1874, the second son of Giuseppe Marconi, an Italian country gentleman, and Annie Jameson, daughter of Andrew Jameson of Daphne Castle in the County Wexford, Ireland. He was educated privately at Bologna, Florence and Leghorn. Even as a boy he took a keen interest in physical and electrical science and studied the works of Maxwell, Hertz, Righi, Lodge and others. In 1895 he began laboratory experiments at his father's country estate at Pontecchio where he succeeded in sending wireless signals over a distance of one and a half miles.
In 1900 he took out his famous patent No. 7777 for "tuned or syntonic telegraphy" and, on an historic day in December 1901, determined to prove that wireless waves were not affected by the curvature of the Earth, he used his system for transmitting the first wireless signals across the Atlantic between Poldhu, Cornwall, and St. John's, Newfoundland, a distance of 2100 miles.
Between 1902 and 1912 he patented several new inventions. In 1902, during a voyage in the American liner "Philadelphia", he first demonstrated "daylight effect" relative to wireless communication and in the same year patented his magnetic detector which then became the standard wireless receiver for many years. In December 1902 he transmitted the first complete messages to Poldhu from stations at Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, and later Cape Cod, Massachusetts, these early tests culminating in 1907 in the opening of the first transatlantic commercial service between Glace Bay and Clifden, Ireland, after the first shorter-distance public service of wireless telegraphy had been established between Bari in Italy and Avidari in Montenegro. In 1905 he patented his horizontal directional aerial and in 1912 a "timed spark" system for generating continuous waves.

20. Welcome To The US Marconi Museum Of Radio Communications - From Spark To Space!
TITANIC Tragedy Spawns Wireless Advancements. Support the opening of the new marconi Museum in Bedford NH. click here to find out more. The guglielmo marconi Foundation, U.S.A., Inc. 18 North Amherst
TITANIC Tragedy Spawns Wireless Advancements Support the opening of the new Marconi Museum in Bedford NH click here to find out more The Guglielmo Marconi Foundation, U.S.A., Inc.
18 North Amherst Road, Bedford, NH 03110
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