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61. Naguib Mahfouz naguib mahfouz (1911 ). Biographical Information. Main Works. Featured Works Zaabalawi . Contexts. Selected Quotations. Links. Biographical Information. http://fajardo-acosta.com/worldlit/mahfouz/ | |
62. MSN Encarta - Mahfouz, Naguib Translate this page mahfouz, naguib. mahfouz, naguib (1911- ), écrivain égyptien. Médias. Un guide du Web. Plus de résultats pour mahfouz, naguib, Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761554927/Mahfouz_Naguib.html | |
63. Mahfouz, Naguib Book Talk Renaissance Research Ranch mahfouz, naguib Renaissances.com Research Reading Ranch FAVORITE AUTHORS RANCH If ye would like to moderate the mahfouz, naguib Renaissance Research Ranch http://renaissances.com/z/yauthord/Mahfouz,Naguibhall/shakespeare1.html | |
64. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article mahfouz, naguib (1911 ). The Hutchinson Dictionary of the Arts 01-01-1998 mahfouz, naguib (1911- ) Egyptian novelist and playwright. http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?DOCID=1P1:28923693&num=3&ctrlInfo=Round |
65. Avoir-alire.com : L'oeil Culturel : Critiques De Livres, Films, Pièces De Théà Translate this page mahfouz, naguib. Rêves de convalescence - naguib mahfouz. naguib mahfouz lutte chaque jour contre la nuit ultime en couchant sur http://www.avoir-alire.com/spip/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=1790 |
66. Egypt Of Naguib Mahfouz The Egypt of. naguib mahfouz. Resources for MIDAQ ALLEY. 1994 naguib mahfouz was seriously injured when he was stabbed in a Cairo street. http://www.nmhschool.org/tthornton/mahfouz egypt.htm | |
67. Midaq Alley - Mahfouz, Naguib Other. Author Name mahfouz, naguib Title Midaq Alley. Publisher Three Continents P DC 1989. Seller ID 000387. Trade PB, VG. Price = 10.00 USD. http://www.pomfretstreetbooks.com/si/000387.html | |
68. Global Finland Tampere Suomalainen Kirjakauppa, 1917. 167 s. mahfouz, naguib Midaqq-kuja / naguib mahfouz ; suomentaneet Pekka Suni ja Mustafa Shikeben. http://global.finland.fi/v2/suomi/tietopankki/suom_afr_kaunokirjallisuus.htm | |
69. Wauu.DE: Arts: Literature: World Literature: Egyptian: Mahfouz, Naguib Links URL hinzufügen. Multiplying mahfouz A review of Rasheed ElEnany s book naguib mahfouz The Pursuit of Meaning. http//www http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Literature/World_Literature/Egyptian/Mahfouz__Naguib/ | |
70. Naguib Mahfouz Life Stories, Books, & Links Stories about naguib mahfouz s life and Akhenaten, Arabian Nights and Days, Children of Gebelawi, Miramar, Respected Sir, The Beggar, The Thief and the Dogs http://www.todayinliterature.com/biography/naguib.mahfouz.asp | |
71. MGPL Webrary® - Middle East Fiction Khashoggi, Soheir Honor Lost Khouri, Norma Train to Pakistan Khushwant, Singh The Walls of Jericho Land, Jon Arabian Nights and Days mahfouz, naguib The Beggar http://www.webrary.org/rs/flbklists/middleeast.html | |
72. LookSmart - Directory - 1988 - Naguib Mahfouz YOU ARE HERE not available. 1988 naguib mahfouz - Browse background details about the Nobel Prize-Winning Egyptian author naguib mahfouz. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317834/us317898/us220445/us555505/us1 | |
73. Middle East Islamic Studies Collection Middle East Islamic Studies Collection. naguib mahfouz A Biography. naguib mahfouz is considered one of the foremost writers in modern Arabic literature. http://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/mideast/mahfz.htm | |
74. Edward Said: Naguib Mahfouz And The Cruelty Of Memory Private Warriors by Ken Silverstein. CounterPunch s Booktalk. December 16, 2001. naguib mahfouz and the Cruelty of Memory. by Edward Said. http://www.counterpunch.org/mahfouz.html | |
75. Akhenaten; Author: Mahfouz, Naguib; Hardback; Book Akhenaten. Author mahfouz, naguib Hardback; Book 180 pages University Presses of California, Columbia and Princeton ISBN 9774244702 This item nonreturnable. http://www.opengroup.com/tubooks/977/9774244702.shtml | |
76. Adrift On The Nile; Author: Mahfouz, Naguib; Author: Translator Liardet, Frances Adrift On The Nile. Author mahfouz, naguib; Author Translator Liardet, Frances Paperback Published May 1994 Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc ISBN http://www.opengroup.com/lxbooks/038/0385423330.shtml | |
77. BBC - Books - Author Profile For Naguib Mahfouz Author Profile for naguib mahfouz with details of important works, education and background. http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/books/author/mahfouz/ | |
78. Nagib Mahfouz mahfouz, naguib The most popular books are Palace Walk by naguib mahfouz, Najib Mahfuz (Paperback January 1991). 10. Midaq Alley by naguib mahfouz. http://members.lycos.co.uk/ejournal/naguib.html | |
79. Biography-center - Letter M Magritte, René François www.magritte.com/2.cfm; mahfouz, naguib www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1988/mahfouzbio.html; mahfouz http://www.biography-center.com/m.html | |
80. Literature - By Author mahfouz, naguib, Children of Gebelaawi. mahfouz, naguib, Fountain and Tomb. mahfouz, naguib, Miramar. mahfouz, naguib, Palace Walk Cairo Trilogy I. http://www.middleeastbooks.com/html/books/b-literature-auth.html | |
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