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61. Sheffield Chemdex - Biographies concerning the stucture of the nucleons Recenzje Oceñ Iloæ Klikniêæ 20,Ocena 0.00, G³osy 1, Recenzje 0 macdiarmid, alan G. (University of http://www.chemdex.org/index.php?sid=739055637&cat=231&start=70&t=sub_pages |
62. Ad Hoc Southern United States Action Committee To Assist Chinese People To Fight Committee Member Bio. alan G. macdiarmid, Ph.D. Year 2000 Nobel Laureatein Chemistry James Von Ehr Distinguished Chair in Science http://www.sarssars.org/en/bio-macdiarmid.html | |
63. 6.3. Química - EL CAFÉ Y LOS PLÁSTICOS CONDUCTORES Translate this page mantenida entre el químico japonés Hidaki Shirakawa (uno de los Nobel 2000) y elquímico americano, de origen neozelandés, alan G. macdiarmid, en una pausa http://canales.laverdad.es/cienciaysalud/6_3_7.html | |
64. Penn: Communications: University Of Pennsylvania's Alan G. MacDiarmid And Former University of Pennsylvania s alan G. macdiarmid and Former Penn Physicist alan J.Heeger are Among Three Winners of the 2000 Nobel Prize in Chemistry October 19 http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/article.php?id=491&print=1 |
65. Penn: Office Of University Communications: University Of Pennsylvania's Alan G. University of Pennsylvania s alan G. macdiarmid and Former Penn Physicist alan J.Heeger are Among Three Winners of the 2000 Nobel Prize in Chemistry October 19 http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/article.php?id=491 |
66. A. G. MacDiarmid alan macdiarmid was born in Masterton New Zealand in 1927. He won theNobel Prize in 2000 for his work on the discovery of electrically http://virtual.parkland.edu/lsonnichsen/che203/paragraphs/macdiarmid.htm | |
67. The Nobel Prize In Chemistry 2000 The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000. For the discovery and developmentof conductive polymers . alan J. Heeger, alan G. macdiarmid. USA, USA. http://www.aro.army.mil/accomplish/nobel/2000npchem.htm | |
68. Nanotechnology At Zyvex: Press Releases Nobel Laureate, alan G. macdiarmid, joins UT Dallas as first JamesVon Ehr Distinguished Chair of Science and Technology. Scientist http://www.zyvex.com/News/MacDiarmidPR.html | |
69. GDAACC Connections Nobel Laureate alan G. macdiarmid to fill James Von Ehr DistinguishedChair in Science and Technology at UT Dallas. Dr. alan G. macdiarmid http://www.gdaacc.com/newsletter/sept/utdallas.html | |
70. Immigrant Scientists Among The World's Best alan G. macdiarmid The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the Nobel Prizein Chemistry for 2000 jointly to alan J. Heeger, alan G. macdiarmid, Hideki http://www.ailf.org/ipc/policy_reports_2000_pr0014.htm | |
71. Bacon & Dear alan G. macdiarmid. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awardedthe Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2000 jointly to alan J. Heeger http://www.baconanddear.com/imm-famous/2000-Noble-Prizes.php | |
72. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results .. Hideki Shirakawa of Japan, and the New Zealandborn alan G. MacDiarmidshared the prize for their discovery Americans, James http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_almanacs |
73. Publications Jianming Yuan, Mahmoud A. ElSherif, alan G. macdiarmid, and Wayne Jones, FiberOptic Chemical Sensors Using Modified Conducting Polymer Cladding., Proc. http://www.ece.drexel.edu/FOPMEC/html/publications.htm | |
74. VOLNÝ - Vyhledavání 2000. Heeger, alan J I. Heeger, alan J II. Heeger, alan J III. macdiarmid, alanGI. macdiarmid, alan G. II. Shirakawa, Hideki I. Shirakawa, Hideki II. 2001. http://web.volny.cz/najdito/search.php?sessionId=IdkX0648gJfQAU1ZPADUp2QCMIn6KeV |
75. Nobel Prize 2000 alan G macdiarmid, 73, was born in 1927 in Masterton, New Zealand (US citizen).He is Professor of Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania. http://www.wam.umd.edu/~smela/nobel.htm | |
76. KTH-EKOT Archives -- October 2000 (#5) alan G macdiarmid, 73 år, föddes 1927 i Masterton, New Zealand (am. medborgare).Han är professor i kemi vid University of Pennsylvania. http://segate.sunet.se/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0010&L=kth-ekot&F=&S=&P=476 |
77. ? ? ? alan J. Heeger (University of California at Santa Barbara,USA), alan G. macdiarmid (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA http://www.nature.ru/db/search.html?not_mid=1180243&words=ÍÏÌÅËÕÌÙ |
78. Nobelpreise Für Chemie Translate this page verliehen. 2000. alan J. Heeger (geb. 1936), USA. alan G. macdiarmid(geb. 1927), USA. Hideki Shirakawa (geb. 1936), Japan. alan J. Heeger http://www.jahr-der-chemie.de/index.php?id=89 |
79. Department Of Chemical Engineering And Chemistry alan G. macdiarmid University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA,. alan G macdiarmid,73, was born in 1927 in Masterton, New Zealand (US citizen). http://chem.poly.edu/pri/nobel.cfm | |
80. NOBEL PRIZES alan J. Heeger, alan G. macdiarmid, and Hideki Shirakawa for the discoveryand development of conductive polymers. alan J. HEEGER. alan G. macdiarmid. http://www.bioscience.org/urllists/nobel.htm | |
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