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Home - Nobel - Lutuli Albert John |
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61. Woza Albert! albert is albert john lutuli, former President of the ANC and a Nobel Peacewinner in 1960. Yet again, another must see South African Play. http://www.sanza.co.uk/goto.asp?c_id=809 |
62. Nobel For Peace: All Laureates de la CroixRouge (League of Red Cross Societies) 1962 Linus Carl Pauling 1961 DagHjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld 1960 albert john lutuli 1959 Philip J. Noel http://www.popular-science.net/nobel/peace-list.html | |
63. Premio Nobel Per La Fisica, La Chimica, La Medicina E Fisiologia, La Letteratura 1960, Donald Arthur Glaser, Willard Frank Libby, Sir Frank MacfarlaneBurnet Peter Brian Medawar, Saint-john Perse, albert john lutuli. http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Società /Strutture_Sociali/Persone | |
64. International: Italiano: Società : Strutture_Sociali: Persone: Biografie - Ope lutuli, albert@; Lwoff, André@; Lynen, Feodor@; MacBride, Seán@;MacDiarmid, Alan@; Macfarlane Burnet, Sir Frank@; Macleod, john James@; Madre http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Società /Strutture_Sociali/Persone | |
65. Det Norske Nobelinstitutt - Liste Over Fredsprisvinnere 1961 Prisen for 1960 lutuli, albert john, SørAfrika, 1898-1967. (Født i Sør-Rhodesia.)President for Den sørafrikanske frigjøringsbevegelsen ANC. http://www.nobel.no/nor_lau_list.html | |
66. The Norwegian Nobel Institute - List Of Laureates Campaigner for international cooperation and peace. 1960 Reserved. 1961The prize for 1960 lutuli, albert john, South Africa, 18981967. http://www.nobel.no/eng_lau_list.html | |
67. CAMNET Archives -- December 2003 (#423) Henry A. 1973 Kyi, Aung San Suu 1991 Lamas, Carlos Saavedra 1936 Lange, ChristianLous 1921 League Of Red Cross Societies 1963 lutuli, albert john 1960 Mandela http://listserv.cnr.it/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0312&L=camnet&F=&S=&P=55363 |
68. Prodex - Der Produktexperte john Perse; Friedensnobelpreis- albert john lutuli. Musik. Liste der Nummer-Eins-Hits http://www.prodex.de/lexikon/1/19/1960.html | |
69. Prodex - Der Produktexperte albert john Mvumbi lutuli, südafrikanischerPolitiker; 1899 - Hart Crane, US-amerikanischer Lyriker http://www.prodex.de/lexikon/2/21/21__juli.html | |
70. PEACE PRIZE Campaigner for international cooperation and peace. 1960 Reserved. 1961The prize for 1960 lutuli, albert john, South Africa, 18981967. http://www.efn.org/~peace/pfk/nobelpeace.html | |
71. Nobels Fredspris international fred og samarbejde. 1960 albert john lutuli (Sydafrika), præsidentfor ANC (African National Congress). 1961 Dag Hjalmar Agne http://lexopen.fateback.com/Nobels fredspris.html | |
72. Kalender Translate this page Walter Link 66 Jahre, Bundestagsabge. (CDU) (14.01.2001) Inhalt suchen oben *21Jul 1937 Siegen Bundestag. albert john Mvumbi lutuli 69 Jahre, südafrikan. http://www.info-kalender.de/kal/k000721.htm | |
73. - Amstelveen Op Het Web (amstelveenweb.com) albert john Loethoeli (18981967) Afrikaans leider. De naam komt eigenlijkvan lutuli/Luthuli. Hij was zoon van een hoofdman (christelijk http://www.amstelveenweb.com/straten&straatnum=7120 | |
74. Online-Lexikon: Liste Der Friedensnobelpreisträger albert john lutuli (ANC). ; 1959 PhilipNoel-Baker, Einsatz für internationalen Frieden. ; 1958 http://www.academicus.ch/de/liste_der_friedensnobelpreistrager.html | |
75. The Nobel Peace Prize - Laureates Red Cross Societies); 1962 Linus Carl Pauling; 1961 Dag Hjalmar AgneCarl Hammarskjöld; 1960 albert john lutuli; 1959 Philip J. Noel http://www.kat.gr/kat/history/Txt/Gl/Nobel/Laureates.htm | |
76. Premi Nobel Per La Pace L. \n*Henri La Fontaine, 1913\n*Carlos Saavedra Lamas, 1936\n*Christian Lous Lange,1921\n*League Of Red Cross Societies, 1963\n*albert john lutuli, 1960\n M. http://www.guajara.com/wiki/it/wikipedia/p/pr/premi_nobel_per_la_pace.html | |
77. CNN.com - Transcripts CLIP) MAKGABO (voiceover) From the pages of our Nobel history, albert john Vumbi(ph) lutuli was the first African to win the Nobel peace prize in 1960. http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0401/01/i_if.01.html | |
78. Hijas De La Caridad. Prov.Barcelona. NOBEL DE LA PAZ Translate this page 1962, LINUS CARL PAULING. 1961, DAG HJALMAR AGNE CARL HAMMARSKJÖLD. 1960,albert john lutuli. 1959, PHILIP J. NOEL-BAKER. 1958, GEORGES HENRI PIRE. http://www.hijascaridad.org/barcelona/varis/e_nobelpau.htm | |
79. Friður Ameríku. albert john lutuli, baráttumaður fyrir réttindum blökumannaí Suður Afríku hlaut þá verðlaunin. Árið áður http://www.fridur.is/listi.asp?nr=66 |
80. Hverjir Hafa Fengið Friðarverðlaun Nóbels Og þá Fyrir Hvað? eMuseum Alfred Nobel Jean Henri Dunant Frédéric Passy Theodore Roosevelt ElihuRoot Thomas Woodrow Wilson Ralph Bunche albert john lutuli Martin Luther King http://visindavefur.hi.is/svar.asp?id=2641 |
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