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41. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results countries. In December 1941, lee Tsung Dao s world was turned upside Chinese-AmericansYang Chen-ning and lee Tsung- dao shared the Nobel Physics 19. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
42. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article lee, tsungdao. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; 1/10/2004. lee, tsung-daolee, tsung-dao , 1926-, American physicist, b. China, Ph.D. Univ. http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?DOCID=1E1:Lee-Tsun&num=11&ctrlInfo=Roun |
43. Caramba! - Nobelova Cena - Fyzika (1943-1963) Yang, Chen N. IV. Yang, Chen NV; lee, tsungdao I. lee, tsung-dao II. lee,tsung-dao III. 1958. Cerenkov, Pavel A. Frank, Ilja M. Tamm, Igor E. 1959. http://www.caramba.cz/page.php?PgID=944 |
44. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Tsung-Dao Lee (Physics, Biographies) - Encyclopedia tsungdao lee, Physics, Biographies. tsung-dao leedzoong´-dou´ lE´ PronunciationKey, 1926, American physicist, b. China, Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago, 1950. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/L/Lee-Tsun.html | |
45. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Topics L : Leb - Leu - Reference Richard lee, Richard Henry lee, Robert Edward lee, Rooney lee, Rowland lee, Sir Sidney lee, Spike lee, tsungdao lee, William http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/topics-a-z/L2.html | |
46. Tsung-Dao Lee, Director Emeritus Of RIKEN-BNL Research Center At Brookhaven tsungdao lee, Director Emeritus of RIKEN-BNL Research Center at BrookhavenLab, Appointed as Member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. http://www.bnl.gov/bnlweb/pubaf/pr/2003/bnlpr102403.htm | |
47. Leb lee, Spike. lee, tsungdao. lee, William. lee, William Henry Fitzhugh. lee,Rooney. lee, Rowland. lee, Sir Sidney. lee, Spike. lee, tsung-dao. lee, William. http://www.slider.com/Enc/L/Leb.htm | |
48. Skolavpohode.cz lee, tsungdao (1926) V Cíne narozený americký fyzik, který spolus Chenem Ningem Yangem získal Nobelovu cenu za fyziku pro http://www.skolavpohode.cz/clanek.asp?polozkaID=3739 |
49. Skolavpohode.cz uvidí to. Lex, lee, David Morris (1931), zaregistruj se uvidíto. Ref, lee, tsung-dao (1926), zaregistruj se - uvidí to. Ref, Lenard http://www.skolavpohode.cz/prehled.asp?predmetID=13&start=1 |
50. Tsung-Dao Lee: Awards Won By Tsung-Dao Lee 123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. The biggest english dictionary RealDictionary.com. Awards of tsung-dao lee. OTHER-NOBEL, 1957, PHYSICS. http://www.123awards.com/artist/3655.asp | |
51. Tsung-Dao Lee - Wikipedia Translate this page tsung-dao lee. Die Texte stammen aus der Wikipedia - Dies ist nichtdie Wikipedia. Tsung Dao lee (* 25. November 1926 in http://www.torfkopp.de/keyword/Tsung-Dao_Lee.php | |
52. Prodex - Der Produktexperte Translate this page Edelvelours-Brücken ab 29.99 EUR. Stuhl ab 65.95 EUR. tsung-dao lee. Tsung Dao lee(* 25. November 1926 in Schanghai, China) ist ein US-amerikanischer Physiker. http://www.prodex.de/lexikon/t/ts/tsung_dao_lee.html | |
53. History For Sale Offers Authentic Autographs, Rare Historical lee, SAMMY, 1. lee, SPIKE (SHELDON JACKSON), 3. lee, STAN, 5. lee, THORNTON LEFTY , 1. lee, tsungdao, 1. lee, VERA, 1. lee, YUAN TSEH, 3. leeCH, MARGARET,1. http://www.historyforsale.com/html/displaysigners.asp?sstart=15&signer=L&dpp=15 |
54. Biography-center - Letter L lee, tsungdao www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1957/lee-bio.html;lee, Yuan T. www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1986/lee-bio.html; http://www.biography-center.com/l.html | |
55. Got Rice?: HISTORY: NOTABLE ASIAN PACIFIC AMERIANS: L AND M tsungdao lee - Scholar, Physicist, Nobel Laureate tsung-dao lee, along with ChenNing Yang, earned the distinction of being the first Chinese-American to http://www.lorenjavier.com/asian/apanotable-lm.html | |
56. ActiveAllG-L lee, tsungdao, University Professor, tdl@phys.columbia.edu, 5208, 829 Pupin,(212)854-3335, lee, Kimyeong, Visiting, kimyeong@phya.snu.ac.kr, 5257, 812 Pupin,-, http://columbia-physics.net/directory/database_output/ActiveAllG-L.html | |
57. Physics Faculty edu. lee, tsungdao, University Professor, 829 Pupin, 5208, (212)854-3335, tdl@phys.columbia.edu. MAC LOW, Mordecai, Adj. Asst. Professor http://columbia-physics.net/directory/physics_faculty.htm | |
58. Encyclopedia: Tsung Dao Lee Leung Chinese Americans Project 2. Dr. Tsung Dao lee. 3. Dr. Steven Chu. His work with colleague and classmateTsung Dao lee led to important discoveries regarding subatomic particles. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Tsung-Dao-Lee | |
59. Munzinger Personen - Tsung-Dao Lee Ph. D.; Nobelpreis (Physik) 1957. Durch Klick auf den unten http://register.munzinger.de/personen/00/000/008/00008079.shtml | |
60. History Of Astronomy: Persons (L) Math.); Crater Lebesgue (lunar feature). lee, John (? ?) Archival sources. lee,tsung-dao (b. 1926) The Nobel Prize in Physics 1957 Including a short biography; http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_l.html | |
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