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81. Philippine National Red Cross Sept. 17. The PNRC was admitted as a bonafide member of the league of red Crossand red Crescent societies (now known as the Federation). 1997 April 15. http://www.redcross.org.ph/index.cfm?pagename=aboutpnrc&id=4 |
82. ARC/GNY News - American Red Cross Receives Anti-Defamation League's Internationa ADL International Leadership Award at the league s 87th National would be ideal forall societies in the accepted emblems other than the red cross the red http://www.nyredcross.org/news/2000/001107_internaward.asp | |
83. Conversation With Hernan Reyes, P. 2 Of 9 particularly after World War I, when there were so many volunteers in the Americanred cross, the league of red cross and red Crescent societies was created to http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/people/Reyes/reyes-con2.html | |
84. May 6 '03 - 8th Of May In 1919, members of the medical profession attended an international conferenceand founded the league of red cross and red Crescent societies (since, 1991 http://www.palestinercs.org/pressreleases/PR060503WBRR.htm | |
85. Annex VII : Amendment To The Statutes And The Rules Of Procedure Of The Internat National red cross and red Crescent societies, the International Committee of thered cross and the league of red cross and red Crescent societies New text http://www.icrc.org/Web/eng/siteeng0.nsf/iwpList151/7B818D2563ED971CC1256B660059 | |
86. Chapter 1 The American red cross is one of more than 145 national societies that make upthe league of red cross and red Crescent societies, headquartered in Geneva http://peedee.redcross.org/chapter 1.htm | |
87. BIM league of red cross and red Crescent societies . http://www.humanrights.at/bimlibrary/liste.asp?ID=416&feld=verlag&tab=bim_verlag |
88. RED CROSS SOCIETY OF CHINA In 1922, International red cross league passed a decision to stress the redcross youth and call up National societies to develop youth members. http://www.chineseredcross.org.cn/english/project/Youth.htm | |
89. Red Cross Red Crescent Hope on World TB Day red cross and red Crescent societies use communitybasedaction to turn back the tide of tuberculosis infection. http://www.ifrc.org/ | |
90. International Red Cross And Red Crescent Movement World red cross red Crescent Day, 8 May 2003 International Federation of red cross and red Crescent societies have called for and the 179 national societies to fight stigma and http://www.icrc.org/eng/movement | |
91. IFRC Regional Youth Development Program 5 May 1919. There was organized in Paris today a league of red Crosssocieties . (To be composed of National societies of the league http://www.ifrccee.org/youth/pages/ifrc_history.htm | |
92. American Red Cross - Fresno-Madera Chapter ::: The International Red Cross Movem In 1919, largely at the urging of ARC president, Henry P. Davison, the Leagueof red cross societies was formed (it became the Federation in 1991). http://www.fresnomaderaredcross.org/?zone=&id=20&sid= |
93. ARC/GNY News - American Red Cross Honored By Anti-Defamation League For Efforts of the humanitarian organization at the league s 87th annual award on behalf of theAmerican red cross, who for of including MDA, our sister society, in the http://www.nyredcross.org/news/2000/001101_adlmda.asp | |
94. Myanmar Information Committee, Yangon. In1946 Myanmar red cross Society had first established contact with thethen Leagueof red cross societies (now International Federation ofred cross and red http://www.myanmar-information.net/infosheet/1999/990512.htm | |
95. Mar 24 '03 - The International Federation Signs Agreement With The Arab League in Cairo of an historic agreement on humanitarian assistance between the Arab Leagueand the International Federation of red cross and red Crescent societies. http://www.palestinercs.org/pressreleases/PR240303WBRR.htm | |
96. Red Cross Red Crescent - Iraq: Humanitarian Crisis Disasters. Back to Disasters main page. Back to Disaster response main page. Iraq Humanitarian crisis. The International Federation has launched an appeal for 111 million Swiss francs to assist the http://www.ifrc.org/WHAT/disasters/response/iraq.asp | |
97. Red Deer Outlaws - Encyclopedia Article About Red Deer Outlaws. Free Access, No The red Deer Outlaws are a minor league baseball Minor leagues are usually baseballleagues which are at a lower pay level and play in smaller cities and towns http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Red Deer Outlaws | |
98. Íàóêà è òåõíèêà. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêîé ïðåìè The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.n-t.ru/nl/mr/lrcs.htm | |
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