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61. Professor Robert B. Laughlin, Department Of Physics, Stanford University Truth, Ownership, and Scientific Tradition. RB laughlin Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. Physics Today, 55, No. http://large.stanford.edu/rbl/essays/p01jul02.htm | |
62. Health And Hospital Corporation Of Marion County Board Of Trustees 1. Matthew R. Gutwein, Chair 2. Marjorie H. O laughlin 3. robert B. Pfeifer 4. Betsy L. Brougher 5. (Vacant, from the public) 6. (Vacant, from the public). http://www.hhcorp.org/brd_committees.htm | |
63. TOC, Vol. 43 zur Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa , by Horst LangeBertalot, Reviewed by robert B. Mclaughlin, p and Sterns A. Morse, Reviewed by Gary J. laughlin, p. 39. http://www.mcri.org/Toc43.html | |
64. TOC, Vol. 37 Heat on the Microscopical Properties of Asbestos Gary J. laughlin and Walter Ago Carl Zeiss , p. 54 Diatoms Selected Diatom Mounts robert B. Mclaughlin, p http://www.mcri.org/Toc37.html | |
65. Science News Online (10/17/98): References For Physics Nobel Spotlights Quantum Daniel C. Tsui, Horst L. Störmer, and robert B. laughlin won the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics for their discovery and explanation of the fractional quantum http://www.sciencenews.org/pages/sn_arc98/10_17_98/fob7ref.htm | |
66. Robert Laughlin Translate this page robert laughlin Physicien américain, Prix Nobel de physique 1998, robert B. laughlin est né en 1950 à Visalia (Californie). Après http://www.actufiches.ch/content.php?name=Laughlin&vorname=Robert |
67. Press Release: The Nobel Prize In Physics 1998 Professor robert B. laughlin, Stanford University, California, USA, Professor Horst L. Störmer, Columbia University, New York and Bell Labs, New Jersey, USA http://sunsite.iisc.ernet.in/nobel98/physics98.html | |
68. McGill Physics: Physical Society Colloquia 1999 Anna I. McPherson Lectures robert B. laughlin. Nobel Laureate. Physics Department Stanford University. Public Lecture The Theory http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/seminars/99/PSC_laughlin.html | |
69. IRWIN B. LAUGHLIN PAPERS Public Statements, Addresses Undated speech on laughlin s wartime experiences and his 6/26/1212/30/24 2 B s Unidentified, 6/9 9/24/10-4/l/11 Bacon, robert, 6/27 http://www.ecommcode2.com/hoover/research/historicalmaterials/other/laughlin.htm | |
70. SENDAI New I always look forward to chances to visit Sendai. (Interview with HIRATA Minoru). robert B. laughlin Professor, Stanford University He was born in 1950. http://www.city.sendai.jp/soumu/kouhou/s-new-e/interview.html | |
71. ICAM, Insitute For Complex Adaptive Matter of IL at UrbanaChampaign robert B. laughlin* , Stanford University Jun Liu, Sandia National Laboratories Mike Naughton, Boston College Brian Maple, Univ. http://www.lanl.gov/mst/ICAM/icam_ucop.html | |
72. UC In The Valley robert B. laughlin, robert M. Anne Bass Professor of Physics at Stanford University who won a Nobel Prize in 1998 for research conducted while at Lawrence http://www.ucinthevalley.org/articles/2002/oct22art1.htm | |
73. Alumni 1920-1929 Gerald B. West. Chief Harold SF Bates robert H. Craft Vernon E. Duckwall Frank D. Graham Charles R. Hindley Edward Schafer laughlin robert Lane Lingelbach. http://dolphin.upenn.edu/~pharisee/alum1920s.html | |
74. The Distinguished Flying Cross Society Kee, robert W Mc Kee, Vernon S Mc Kee, Raymond Mc Kelvey, Frank W Mc Kinney, Douglas K. Mc Knight, robert Mc Knight, Grover H. Mc laughlin, James B. Mc laughlin http://www.dfcsociety.org/honorroll.asp?offset=0&nav_letter=M |
75. Welcome To Adobe GoLive 5 The 2004 Ford Motor Company Distinguished Lecturer, robert B. laughlin, is the robert M. and Anne Bass Professor of Physics at Stanford University. http://www.physics.lsa.umich.edu/nea/special/fordspeaker.asp | |
76. Department Of Physics - University Of Michigan Ford Motor Company Distinguished Lecture in Physics. 2004 Ford Motor Company Lecturer robert B. laughlin. robert B. laughlin, Physics http://www.physics.lsa.umich.edu/nea/special/ford.asp | |
77. Instituto Nicolás Cabrera/ CICLO DE CONFERENCIAS "LA FISICA EN LOS ALBORES DEL Translate this page Sir Harold W. Kroto (Sussex), Premio Nobel de Química 1996 Jean-Pierre Hansen (Cambridge) robert H. Austin (Princeton) robert B. laughlin (Stanford), Premio http://www.uam.es/otroscentros/inc/physics21/main_e.html | |
78. NAS/NAE Members Theory of solids Professor * Kraut, Joseph UC San Diego Biochemistry Refinement of protein Professor crystal structures laughlin, robert B. Stanford Physics http://www.sdsc.edu/SDSCwire/v1.5/1016.NAS_NAE_mem_final.html | |
79. WebGED: Family Tree Data Page laughlin, Richard Oliver (1874 1933) b. 20 MAR 1874 d. 1 JAN 1933 in laughlin, robert father laughlin, Ingles(1907 - 1974) mother Thompson, Gladys http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ridge/3251/kyger/wga48.html | |
80. 4th Wisconsin Infantry And Cavalry 130. Laterfield, Louis, B H, Cook. 131. Laube, August, B, Private. 132. laughlin, John, B, Private. 133. Lee, robert, B, Private. 134. Lewis, Alanson H. B, Private. 135. http://www.hughesfamilies.com/fourth/index.cfm?FuseAction=GetCompany&txtCompany= |
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