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Kroto Sir Harold W: more detail |
61. Miesiecznik PW 09/00 TW dziewiecdziesieciu referentów. Swój udzial potwierdzili dwaj noblisciFrancuz Jean Marie Lehn i Anglik sir harold W. kroto. Otwarcie. Dzien http://www.pw.edu.pl/miesiecz/2000/09/bipw010.html | |
62. Richard Erret Smalley Erret Smalley (1943) American chemist and physicist who shared the 1996 Nobel Prizefor Chemistry with Robert F. Curl, Jr., and sir harold W. kroto for their http://www.nobel-winners.com/Chemistry/Richard_Smalley.html | |
63. Tym Razem By³a Chemia Robert Huber, Jerome Karle, Aaron Klug, sir harold kroto, Willis Lamb konferencji,poza przedstawieniem najnowszych osiagniec w dziedzinach reprezentowanych http://pryzmat.pwr.wroc.pl/Pryzmat_159/159lin.html | |
64. National Chemistry Week - Articles - The Discovery Of Buckyballs was awarded to Professors Robert F. Curl, Jr., and Richard E. Smalley, Rice University,Houston, USA, and Professor sir harold W. kroto, University of Sussex http://www.cheminst.ca/ncw/articles/1997_nobel_buckyballs_e.html |
65. Semaine Nationale De La Chimie - Articles - La Découverte Des « Buckyballs » sir harold W. kroto, de l http://www.cheminst.ca/ncw/articles/1997_nobel_buckyballs_f.html | |
66. Ladna Czasteczka Ladna czasteczka. Dziennik Zachodni, nr 216, 16 wrzesnia 1997 r. sir haroldW. kroto przyjechal do Katowic z Wielkiej Brytanii. sir harold W. kroto. http://www.us.edu.pl/zfp/16DZd.html | |
67. CAPLEX Nettleksikon Www.caplex.no USA. 1996. Robert F. Curl. USA. Richard E. Smalley. USA. sir harold W. kroto. Storbritannia.1997. Paul D. Boyer. USA. John E. Walker. Storbritannia. Jens C. Skou. Danmark. http://www.caplex.net/web/tabeller/tabeller.asp?art_id=t-npris3 |
68. Kimyaokulu - Nobel ödülü Kazanan Bilim Adamlarý ABD, Rice Üniversitesi, Houston, TX, ABD, d. 1933; kroto, sir harold W. Ingiltere,Sussex Üniversitesi, Sussex, Ingiltere, d. 1939; ve SMALLEY, RICHARD E http://www.kimyaokulu.com/bilimin onculeri/nobel/nobel_odulu_kazananlar01.htm | |
69. CNN.com 1996 Robert F. Curl Jr., sir harold W. kroto, Richard E. Smalley. 1995 PaulJ. Crutzen, Mario J. Molina, F. Sherwood Rowland. 1994 George A. Olah. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/nobel.100/chemistry.html | |
70. Nobelprijswinnaar Kroto Op Technologiedag (Delta Nummer 32 Van Donderdag 28 Okto sir harold W. kroto. s Middags kunnen de bezoekers deelnemen aan vier highlighttourswaarin bijzondere punten in de TU-wijk worden bezocht. http://www.delta.tudelft.nl/jaargangen/31/32/voorl.html | |
71. International: Italiano: Società : Strutture_Sociali: Persone: Biografie: Prem 1996, David M. Lee Douglas D. Osheroff - Robert C. Richardson, Robert F. CurlJr. - sir harold W. kroto - Richard E. Smalley, Peter C. Doherty - Rolf M http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Società /Strutture_Sociali/Persone | |
72. Nobel Prize For Chemistry ATPase . CURL, ROBERT F. JR., USA kroto, sir harold W, Great BritainSMALLEY, RICHARD E., USA, 1996, for their discovery of fullerenes . http://www.planet101.com/nobel_chemistry.htm | |
73. Robert Curl - Texas Science Hall Of Fame 2000 Inductee Chemistry. ROBERT FLOYD CURL, JR. (b. Aug. 23, 1933, Alice, Texas, US),American chemist who with Richard E. Smalley and sir harold W. kroto. http://www.texassciencesummit.org/2kbiopages/curl/curl.htm | |
74. Latest Press Releases@Strathclyde University sir harold kroto, Knight Batchelor of the Order of the British Empire, Fellow ofthe Royal Society 548 4123 F 0141 552 1576 E d.reid@strath.ac.uk W http//www http://www.strath.ac.uk/press/news/media-releases/latest-release8c.htm | |
75. RTP Translate this page Ahmed H. Zewail 1998 - Walter Kohn, John A. Pople 1997 - Paul D. Boyer, John E.Walker, Jens C. Skou 1996 - Robert F. Curl Jr., sir harold W. kroto, Richard E http://www.rtp.pt/index.php?article=18109&visual=5 |
76. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Nobel Prizes Karrer, Paul. Kendrew, sir John Cowdery. Klug, Aaron. Kohn, Walter. kroto, sirHarold W. Langmuir, Irving. Lehn, JeanMarie. Leloir, Luis F. Libby, Willard Frank. http://encarta.msn.com/related_761567175_4/chemistry.html | |
77. Premios Nobel · Libros · Cultura Y Ciencia · Terra Translate this page Kurl comenzó a relacionarse en esta época con el espectropista de microondas,harold W. kroto de la Universidad de Sussex (Gran Bretaña), que había http://cultura.terra.es/cac/libros/nobel/portada.cfm?idpersona=536&idpremio=495 |
78. Harold W. Kroto Definition Of Harold W. Kroto. What Is Harold W. Kroto? Meaning harold W. kroto. Word Word. Legend Synonyms Related Words Antonyms. Some wordswith harold W. kroto in the definition http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Harold W. Kroto | |
79. Prednaska Sira HAROLDA W. KROTO 2000 v Praze, kterou proslovi laureat Nobelovy ceny za chemii za rok 1996. sir HAROLDW. kroto. pod nazvem Science, a Round Peg in a Square World (abstrakt). http://www.lf2.cuni.cz/Aktuality/0009/kroto.htm | |
80. MeSci [At Work With The Director] This column spotlights such individuals and their visits. VisitorSir harold W. kroto Date October 30, 2002 (Wednesday). On this http://www.miraikan.jst.go.jp/en/miraikan/visit03.html | |
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