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21. Herbert Kroemer - CIRS kroemer, herbert. kroemer@ece.ucsb.edu http://www.cirs-tm.org/researchers/physics/kroemer.htm | |
22. National Academy Of Sciences - Members kroemer, herbert University of California, Santa Barbara. kroemeris a pioneer in the field of semiconductor devices. He was the http://www4.nationalacademies.org/nas/naspub.nsf/(urllinks)/NAS-5MLF8W?opendocum |
23. Herbert Kroemer - CIRS kroemer, herbert. kroemer@ece.ucsb.edu. University of California, Santa Barbara, USA http://www.cirs-tm.org/Chercheurs/physics/kroemer.htm | |
24. National Academy Of Sciences Kantrowitz, Arthur. Keldysh, Leonid V. Klein, Miles V. Kraichnan, Robert H. kroemer,herbert. Langer, James S. Lebowitz, Joel L. Lee, Patrick A. Lubensky, Tom C. http://www4.nationalacademies.org/nas/naspub.nsf/urllinks/$$Section33?OpenDocume |
25. Herbert Kroemer Translate this page Physiknobelpreis 2000 (Nobel Prize Physics 2000)herbert kroemer, amerikan. Physiker, geb. 1928. http://www.zuta.de/nppyhs/kroemer.htm | |
26. Alan Heeger & Herbert Kroemer, Press Conference On The Award Of The 2000 Nobel P ScheduleUCSB InfoOct 10, 2000. Audio for this talk requires sound hardware, and RealPlayer or RealAudio by RealNetworks. Begin ITP WebCam and audio for the whole talk ( high bandwidth). http://doug-pc.itp.ucsb.edu/online/nobel/heeger-kroemer | |
27. Herbert Kroemer -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article Visit Britannica Store, Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, kroemer, herbert BritannicaConcise. MLA style herbert kroemer. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. 2004. http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=409633 |
28. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia - Your Gateway To All Britannica Has To Offer! kroemer, herbert Britannica Concise Article. born Aug. 25, 1928, Weimar, Ger. MLAstyle herbert kroemer. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. 2004. http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/print?eu=409633 |
29. Kroemer, Herbert kroemer, herbert, ZOBACZ TAKZE. Po 2000 herbert kroemer urodzilsie w 1928 r. w Weimarze, lecz od 41 lat mieszka i pracuje w USA. http://serwisy.gazeta.pl/nauka/1,34157,524070.html | |
30. Po Pó³ Nagrody Za Pó³przewodniki ZOBACZ TAKZE. Alfiorow, Zores (0611-01, 1124) kroemer, herbert(06-11-01, 1124) Kilby, Jack St. Clair (06-11-01, 1125). http://serwisy.gazeta.pl/nauka/1,34157,524073.html | |
31. Kroemer, Herbert kroemer, herbert. (1928). Obdrel Nobelovu cenu za fyziku pro rok 2000.Cena mu byla udelena za zásluhy v oblasti vývoje heterogenních http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Kroemer_Herbert.html | |
32. International: Italiano: Società : Strutture_Sociali: Persone: Biografie - Ope kroemer, herbert@; Krogh, Schack August@; Kroto,Sir Harold@; Kuhn, Richard@; Kuiper, Gerard@; Kusch, Polykarp@; Kyi http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Società /Strutture_Sociali/Persone | |
33. Www.foto-poklekowski.de/foto-poklekowski-cgi/topixx?op=thumbnails6 String=Kroeme Professor herbert kroemerProfessor herbert kroemer. Professor herbert kroemer 2000 Nobel PhysicsLaureate. ECE Department and Materials Department Room 4107 http://www.foto-poklekowski.de/foto-poklekowski-cgi/topixx?op=thumbnails6&string |
34. Lindau Nobel Name Prof. kroemer, herbert. Born 25. August 1928 in Weimar, Deutschland.City Santa Barbara, Kalifornien. Country USA. Picture Nobelprize http://www.lindau-nobel.de/content/veranstaltungen/aktuelle_veranstaltungen/pers |
35. Lindau Nobel Arbitrary Size, Shape and Atomic Composition, USA. 12301300, Prof.kroemer, herbert, Negative Optical Refraction, USA. 1500-1700, http://www.lindau-nobel.de/content/veranstaltungen/aktuelle_veranstaltungen/wiss |
36. Herbert Kroemer - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia herbert kroemerherbert kroemer. herbert kroemer (born August 25, 1928) is a Professorof Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of California http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Kroemer | |
37. Herbert Kroemer Winner Of The 2000 Nobel Prize In Physics herbert kroemer, the 2000 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the NobelPrize Internet Archive. herbert kroemer. 2000 Nobel Laureate http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/2000b.html | |
38. Index Of Nobel Laureates In Physics Translate this page Kilby, Jack S. 2000. Klitzing, Klaus Von, 1985. Koshiba, Masatoshi, 2002.kroemer, herbert, 2000. Kusch, Polykarp, 1955. Lamb, Willis Eugene, 1955. http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/alpha.html | |
39. Lexikon - Herbert Kroemer Definition Erklärung Bedeutung Translate this page Was Wer Wo ist herbert kroemer - Definition Erklärung Bedeutung von herbertkroemer. herbert kroemer. Artikel auf Englisch herbert kroemer. http://www.net-lexikon.de/Herbert-Kroemer.html |
40. Skolavpohode.cz kroemer, herbert (1928) Obdrel Nobelovu cenu za fyziku pro rok 2000.Cena mu byla udelena za zásluhy v oblasti vývoje heterogenních http://www.skolavpohode.cz/clanek.asp?polozkaID=3705 |
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