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Krebs Edwin G: more detail | ||||||||
41. Caramba! - Nobelova Cena - Medicína 1992. Fischer, Edmond HI; Fischer, Edmond H. II. krebs, edwin GI; krebs,edwin G. II. 1993. Roberts, Richard JI; Roberts, Richard J. II. http://www.caramba.cz/page.php?PgID=696 |
42. Medizin-Nobelpreise Translate this page E. Murray (USA) E. Donnall Thomas (USA) 1991 E. Neher (Deutschland) B. Sakmann(Deutschland) 1992 Edmond H. Fischer (USA, *1920) edwin G. krebs (USA, *1918 http://ema.bonn.de/nahost/medizin.htm | |
43. DICCIONARIO DE TERMINOLOGIA MEDICA krebs, edwin G (n.1920), Estados Unidos. por sus estudios sobre http://www.iqb.es/diccio/n/nobel10.htm | |
44. Greenville Technical College At ChemIndustry.com 8. edwin G. krebs Autobiography edwin G. krebs Autobiography.I was born in Lansing, Iowa on June 6, 1918, the third of the http://www.chemindustry.com/chemnames/G/greenville_technical_college.asp | |
45. }Ú×îñ The Enzymes / edited by Paul D. Boyer, edwin G. krebs. ?, 3rd ed. ?, NewYork Academic Press. ?, 1970 1992 . krebs, edwin G. ? ?, LCSHEnzymes. http://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?mode=1&code=20103499 |
46. }Ú×îñ Mechanisms of catalysis / edited by David S. Sigman, Paul D. Boyer. (The Enzymes/ edited by Paul D. Boyer, edwin G. krebs ; v. 1920) krebs, edwin G. http://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?code=20197227&mode=1 |
47. Nobel-medicina Volhard, Eric F. Wieschaus 1994 Alfred G. Gilman, Martin Rodbell 1993 Richard J.Roberts, Phillip A. Sharp 1992 Edmond H. Fischer, edwin G. krebs 1991 Erwin http://buscabiografias.com/nobelmedicina.htm | |
48. Edwin Krebs Translate this page edwin krebs Médecin et biochimiste américain, Prix Nobel de physiologieou médecine 1992, edwin G. krebs est né en 1918 à Lansing (Iowa). http://www.actufiches.ch/content.php?name=Krebs&vorname=Edwin |
49. Aaronson, Hubert I Member, Biomedical Sciences. Georgetown University, USA http//www.ctsnet.org/home/nkatznkatz@mfa.gwu.edu. krebs, edwin G. Honorary Member, Biomedical Sciences. http://www.easinus.us/USMembersinEAS.htm | |
50. The Scientist - Citation Records Underscore Nobel Winners' Long-Standing Influen The publishing duo of edwin G. krebs and Edmond H. Fischer has capped a 37yearcollaboration in protein phosphorylation research by taking the prize in http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1992/dec/veggeberg_p1_921207.html | |
51. HistoryLink Database Output On October 12, 1992, Edmond H. Fischer (b. 1920) and edwin G. krebs (b. 1918) ofthe University of Washington School of Medicine receive the Nobel Prize for http://www.historylink.org/_output.CFM?file_ID=3660 |
52. VOLNÝ - Vyhledavání 1992. Fischer, Edmond HI. Fischer, Edmond H. II. krebs, edwin GI. krebs, edwinG. II. 1993. Roberts, Richard JI. Roberts, Richard J. II. Sharp, Phillip AI. http://web.volny.cz/najdito/search.php?sessionId=GXN2QfBPm6N6NgPJV4U7qw5ZMLDogEl |
53. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Physiology Or Medicine States. 1991, edwin Neher Bert Sakmann, Germany Germany. 1992, EdmondH. Fisher edwin G. krebs, United States United States. 1993, Phillip http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobelmed.htm | |
54. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Medicina, El Club De Los Caminantes Translate this page Por su descubrimiento de la fosforilación reversible de proteinas como unmecánismo de regulación biológica. krebs, edwin G. (Estados Unidos). http://caminantes.metropoliglobal.com/web/nobel/medicina4.htm | |
55. Índice Alfabético De Los Premios Nobel De Fisiología O Medicina (1901-1998) KOCH, Robert (1905) KOCHER, Emil Theodor (1909) KÖHLER, Georges Jean Franz (1984)KORNBERG, Arthur (1959) KOSSEL, Albrecht (1910) krebs, edwin G. (1992) krebs http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/his/vol_2_99/his12299.htm | |
57. M. Krebs Books 5. Books Protein Phosphorylation/Vol 8 Books A and B By Ora M. Rosen, edwin G.krebs August, 1981, eBroadcast s Price $177.00 All prices in US dollars. http://www.ebroadcast.com.au/cgi-bin/buy/online-mode-books-search_type-AuthorSea | |
58. Chemie Im Rückblick Translate this page William S. *1.6.1917 Kohlrausch, Friedrich WG *14.10.1840 Kohn, Walter *9.3.1923Kolbe, Hermann *27.9.1818 Kornberg, Arthur *3.3.1918 krebs, edwin G. *6.6.1918 http://www.asn-linz.ac.at/schule/chemie/back.htm | |
59. Honorary Members He was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry. krebs, edwin G. University of Washington,USA Professor krebs is one of the most recognized biochemists. http://www.eurasc.org/memberslisting1.htm | |
60. Members Listing krebs, edwin G. University of Washington, USA Elected for outstanding andlasting contribution to the field of biological regulatory mechanisms. http://www.eurasc.org/memberslisting2.asp?Cognome=k |
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