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Klug Sir Aaron: more detail |
61. Nobel Laureates 1982, sir aaron klug, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Development of crystallographicelectron microscopy and his structural elucidation of biologically http://www.mrc.ac.uk/index/about/about-history/about-nobel_laureates.htm | |
62. Kimyaokulu - Nobel ödülü Kazanan Bilim Adamlarý 1982, klug, sir aaron Ingiltere, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge,d. 1926 (Litvanya) Kristalografik elektron mikroskopunu gelistirdigi ve http://www.kimyaokulu.com/bilimin onculeri/nobel/nobel_odulu_kazananlar02.htm | |
63. Jack Johnson/Anette Schneemann Lab Page, Education Professor sir aaron klug wrote an interesting article entitled Viral Symmetry which relates the findings of Buckminster Fuller to Caspar and klug s http://lav.scripps.edu/education.shtml | |
64. CST: Business: About Us Dame Julia Higgins CBE FRS FREng. March 1998 December 2003. sir aaron klug FRS.March 1993 - March 2000. sir Robin Nicholson FREng FRS. March 1993 - March 2000. http://www.cst.gov.uk/cst/about/past.shtml | |
65. CST: Business: Meetings Bhattacharyya, Professor sir Alec Broers, Dr Chris Evans, Professor Julia Higgins,sir Robin Nicholson, Ms Emma Rothschild, Professor sir aaron klug, Mr Martin http://www.cst.gov.uk/cst/business/meet230999.shtml | |
66. GE Food Alert Campaign Center - Headlines The biggest complaint of all came from sir aaron klug, a Nobel laureate,distinguished molecular biologist and president of the Royal Society. http://www.gefoodalert.org/News/news.cfm?News_ID=989 |
67. Chemistry 200 C sir aaron klug was Rosalin Franklin s last postdoctoral fellow, and provides abrief sketch of her character that helps to balance Watson s somewhat skewed http://www.chemistry.ucsc.edu/~wgscott/courses/chem200c/suggested_reading.html | |
68. Rosalind Elsie Franklin :: Essay DB :: Free Essays, Free Term Papers, Free Book sir aaron klug, 1982 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry stated that Rosalind Franklinmade crucial contributions to the solution of the structure of DNA. http://www.essaydb.com/essay/014231.html | |
69. Award Recipients Special Lectures 1982 MS Swaminathan 1984 sir Andrew Huxley 1986 MGK Menon 1988 sir Roger Elliott1990 CNR Rao 1992 sir B Follett 1994 Peter Day 1996 sir aaron klug 1998 sir http://www.insaindia.org/Award Recepients/special.htm | |
70. Academia Europaea sir Arnold Burgen (Chair), Professor Paul Baltes (Director, MaxPlanck Institute,Berlin), sir Brian Heap (Cambridge), sir aaron klug (Cambridge), Professor http://www.acadeuro.org/about_legal.html | |
71. Genetically Modified Foods -- Royal Society Calls For A Rational Debate work conducted by the Rowett Research Institute into the safety of genetically modifiedpotatoes, President of the Royal Society, sir aaron klug OM, expressed http://www.monsanto.co.uk/news/ukshowlib.phtml?uid=338 |
72. In-cites - An Interview With The Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology (ETH Zuri task. For a postdoctoral challenge I did something even harder, workingon the nucleosome with sir aaron klug. Cambridge already http://www.in-cites.com/institutions/ETH-Zurich.html | |
73. Klug Cutting sir aaron klug Scienza e Vita. http://www.kingholmes.com/Media/cuttings/©cutimages/klu.html | |
74. Smh.com.au - The Sydney Morning Herald- This is unlikely to satisfy the objectors, who include British Nobel laureatessir Paul Nurse and sir aaron klug, who wrote to Science insisting that http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/04/02/1017206207372.html | |
75. :: LucaCoscioni.it :: HOOFT 1999 Chemistry Nobel Laureate (The Netherlands), sir Godfrey HOUNSFIELD 1979Medicine Nobel Laureate (United Kingdom), sir aaron klug 1982 Chemistry http://www.lucacoscioni.it/cms/english/nobel.php | |
76. NOVA | Secret Of Photo 51 | TV Program Description | PBS her crucial Photo 51 to Watson; Raymond Gosling, Franklin s PhD student with whomshe made Photo 51; and Nobel Prize recipient sir aaron klug, Franklin s last http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/photo51/about.html | |
77. S/R 21: A Burning Controversy About The Safety Of Genetically Modified Food (Cum The Royal Society President is sir aaron klug, a native of Lithuania who was educatedin Britain and South Africa and whose research has been with plant viruses http://www.greens.org/s-r/21/21-09.html | |
78. Klug : GM=standard sir aaron klug, said This omission was important because the GM potatoes containedless protein than normal potatoes, I thought they were all the same ? http://www.gene.ch/gentech/1999/Oct/msg00126.html | |
79. Zelva Paris , France . Aviva Neeman, a direct descendant of Moshe of Pazelvalives in Israel . sir aaron klug s Autobiography. aaron klug http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/Zelva/Zelva.htm | |
80. Untitled Document Saul Kaufman, Prof Adah Kay, Dan Hannah Kendall, Michael Thena Kendall, YehuditKeshet, Beeban Kidron, Dr David King, Brenda Kirsch, sir aaron klug OM FRS http://www.jfjfp.org/indexfiles/ejjpad.htm | |
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