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Klug Sir Aaron: more detail |
21. Darwin College: Academic Life - Darwin Lectures The Discovery of the Double Helix. Professor sir aaron klug MRC Laboratory of MolecularBiology, Cambridge. Professor sir aaron klug. Speakers in this Series. http://www.dar.cam.ac.uk/lectures/2003/AaronKlugAbstract.shtml | |
22. Rosalind Franklin - New Laboratory Birkbeck College Cover Story sir aaron klug opens new Laboratory. On 25th sir aaronklug s Lecture. Rosalind Franklin and the Double Helix . sir aaron http://bca.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/BCA/Cnews/1997/Sep97/Cover.html | |
23. IUCrXVIII Pages From Sept 1999 Issue Of 'Crystallography News' It shows the President of the Royal Society, sir aaron klug, on the leftand on the right, the local organiser, Professor Chris Gilmore. http://bca.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/bca/cnews/1999/IUCr99/Pages.html | |
24. A HABIT OF LIES - CHAPTER 9; Scientific Institutions And Falsehood 9.5 The MRC, sir aaron klug. sir aaron klug was the Head of the MRCLaboratory in Cambridge in which Drs. Koch and Bretscher work. http://freespace.virgin.net/john.hewitt1/pg_ch09.htm | |
25. CWP At Physics.UCLA.edu // Franklin ray patterns of both the A and B forms. sir aaron klug 1968 N.Her colleague Maurice Wilkins, without obtaining her permission http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~cwp/Phase2/Franklin,_Rosalind@841234567.html | |
26. Aaron Klug Translate this page Chemienobelpreis 1982 (Nobel Prize Chemistry 1982) sir AaronKlug, brit. Molekularbiologe, geb. 11. Aug. 1926. http://www.zuta.de/npchem/klug.htm | |
27. The Royal Society - The Royal Society And Its Fellows - Fellowship K klug, sir aaron OM. 1969 PAST PRESIDENT. Formerly Director of the MedicalResearch Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge. http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/royalsoc/fel_dirk.htm | |
28. The Royal Society - News And Media - Media Releases scientific advice in the BSE/CJD story shows some of the difficulties that a dialoguebetween science and society has to overcome, said sir aaron klug OM PRS http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/templates/press/releasedetails.cfm?file=307.txt |
29. CAT People Professor sir aaron klug FRS ScD Nobel Laureate (1982). sir aaronklug was appointed a director of CAT in May 1990. Prior to his http://catplc.co.uk/people/ | |
30. Nobel Laureates In Chemistry By Alphabetical Order Karle, Jerome, 1985. Karrer, Paul, 1937. Kendrew, sir John Cowdery, 1962. klug,sir aaron, 1982. Knowles, William S. 2001. Kohn, Walter, 1998. Kroto, sir HaroldW. 1996. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Sciences/Chemistry/Aboutchemistry/AlphaNobel | |
31. Times Online - Student The signatories, including the Nobel Laureate chemists sir aaron klug, sir JohnCornforth and sir Harry Kroto, derided the closure as a shortsighted, money http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3561-1090803,00.html | |
32. GMWatch.org Profiles. sir aaron klug. See Royal Society. Go to a Printer FriendlyPage. Back to the Profiles *We are committed to extending our http://www.gmwatch.org/profile1.asp?PrId=71&page=K |
33. Munzinger Personen - Sir Aaron Klug Nobelpreis (Chemie) 1982. Quelle sir aaron klug brit. Biochemiker http://register.munzinger.de/personen/00/000/016/00016857.shtml | |
34. Premios Nobel De Química Roald. 1982, klug, sir aaron. 1983, Taube, Henry. 1984, Merrifield, Robert Bruce. http://www.biologia.edu.ar/basicos/nobeles/nobelq~1.htm | |
35. Belarus: History And Famous Personalities: A List Of People Born In Belarus: E-L Methodius Encyclopedia (ru); Royal Society President sir aaron klug(en); klug, sir aaron, The Columbia Encyclopedia (en); On coast http://www.geocities.com/albaruthenia/IA/belborn1.html | |
36. Royal Society Trumpington. 19801985, sir Andrew (Fielding) Huxley. 1985-1990, sirGeorge Porter. 1990-1995, sir Michael Atiyah. 1995-, sir aaron klug. http://www.geocities.com/roggemansmarcel/royalsociety.htm | |
37. Royal Society On 'Mad Cow' Disease In a briefing issued today, following recent speculation on the relation of a newform of CJD to BSE, sir aaron klug OM, President of the Royal Society, said http://www.absw.org.uk/Briefings/Mad_cow.htm | |
38. The B Norman Borlaug, sir aaron klug, Prof. James Watson, Prof. Abdus Salam, Prof.NormanBorlaug, sir aaron klug, Prof. James Watson, Prof, IIya Prigogine, Prof. http://www.birlavision.com/AWRDS.htm | |
39. Oxford University Gazette, 14 June 2001: Notices Science sir aaron klug, OM, FRS. Permulti areas. sir aaron klug is a standingrebuke to the pedantry, or the timidity, of such people. From http://www.ox.ac.uk/gazette/2000-1/weekly/140601/notc.htm | |
40. GeneProt Is A Leader In The Discovery, Identification And Characterization Of Pr He is also a codeveloper of the ExPASy WWW server and its protein characterizationtools. sir aaron klug, OM, PRS Member of the Scientific Advisory Board. http://www.geneprot.com/pages/display.asp?idm1=5&idm2=8&pageid=8 |
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