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Kilby Jack S: more detail | ||||||
41. MSN Encarta - Jack S. Kilby Translate this page Ya eres suscriptor? Inicia una sesión arriba. jack S. kilby. Másinformación sobre jack S. kilby de, Otras funciones de Encarta. http://es.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_1121500448/Jack_S_Kilby.html | |
42. Auszeichnung Für Prof. Schuessler - IEEE Verleiht Jack S. Kilby-Medaille Translate this page auszeichnung für prof. schüßler. IEEE verleiht jack S. kilby-Medaille Auszeichnungfür Prof. Die jack S. kilby Signal Processing Medal 2002 nimmt er am 21. http://www.presse.uni-erlangen.de/infocenter/presse/pressemitteilungen/personalm | |
43. Jack S. Kilby - Wikipedia Translate this page Nicht angemeldet Anmelden Hilfe. jack S. kilby. Die Texte stammenaus der Wikipedia - Dies ist nicht die Wikipedia. jack St. Clair http://www.torfkopp.de/keyword/Jack_S._Kilby.php | |
44. Jack S. Kilby: Awards Won By Jack S. Kilby 123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. The biggest english dictionary RealDictionary.com. Awards of jack S. kilby. OTHER-NOBEL, 2000, PHYSICS. http://www.123awards.com/artist/1634.asp | |
45. Noyce And Kilby The Patent No. 3,138,743 for Miniaturized Electronic Circuits, wereissued to jack S. kilby and Texas Instruments in 1964. Currently http://www.dotpoint.com/xnumber/kilby.htm | |
46. Jockes Digitalteknik - IC-kretsens Uppfinnare, Jack S Kilby, Får Nobelpriset I Amerikanen jack S kilby får halva Nobelpriset i fysik för hans del i uppfinningenav den integrerade kretsen kallat chipset eller ic-kretsen. http://www.elektroteknik.net/digitalteknik/kilby.html | |
47. ECE Distinguished Alumni 2000 - Jack S. Kilby Back to ECE Distinguished Alumni Awards. ECE Distinguished AlumniAwards (2000). jack S. kilby (BSEE 47). After earning his degree http://www.ece.uiuc.edu/alumni/distinguished/kilby.html | |
48. Alumni News - Summer '96 - IEEE Pays Tribute To Jack S. Kilby By Establishing Ne The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has established anew award honoring Life Fellow and U of I alumnus jack S. kilby (BS `47). http://www.ece.uiuc.edu/alumni/su96/kilby.html | |
49. DATAMATH DATAMATH CALCULATOR MUSEUM. jack S. kilby. There are few living men whoseinsights and professional accomplishments have changed the world. http://www.datamath.org/Story/JackKilby.htm | |
50. 1989 Recipients Of The Charles Stark Draper Prize jack S. kilby and Robert N. Noyce For their independent development of the monolithicintegrated circuit. jack S. kilby and Robert N. Noyce received the http://www.nae.edu/NAE/awardscom.nsf/weblinks/NAEW-4NHMJQ?opendocument |
51. Jack St. Clair Kilby spurred a lifelong fascination for electronics. Twenty-one yearslater jack kilbys interest led him to invent the microchip. http://www.kshs.org/people/kilby_jack.htm | |
52. Kilby kilby, jack S. (1923). kilby se narodil ve meste Jefferson Cityve státe Missouri. Vystudoval elektrotechniku na universite http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Kilby_Jack.html | |
53. Tech Tidbit -- December 18, 2000 Video interview with kilby and video of kilby s Nobel lecture. University ofIllinois engineering graduate jack S. kilby wins 2000 Nobel Prize in Physics http://www.alteich.com/tidbits/t121800.htm | |
54. Munzinger Personen - Jack S. Kilby (Physik) 2000. Quelle Munzinger GmbH, Ravensburg. http://register.munzinger.de/personen/00/000/023/00023497.shtml | |
55. JACK KILBY Autograph jack S. kilby. Original Drawing signed jack S kilby , 11x8½ cardstock. In 1958, kilby went to work at Texas Instruments. Within http://www.historyforsale.com/html/prodetails.asp?documentid=181864 |
56. HistoryForSale - Nobel Prize Autographs Autographs jack ST. CLAIR kilby SIGNATURE(S), jack ST. CLAIR kilby- SIGNATURE(S) - DOCUMENT 221335, $129.00. Autographs jack ST. http://www.historyforsale.com/html/display.asp?page=62&start=28&sort=&signer=&dp |
57. Tech - Fizikai Nobel-díj Informatikai Fejlesztésekért és az optoelektronikában használatos félvezeto heterostruktúrák kifejlesztéséért,a másik felét pedig az amerikai jack S. kilby kapta az integrált http://index.hu/tech/tudomany/nobel1010/ | |
58. JACK KILBY WINS NOBEL PRIZE FOR INFORMATION, GREAT KANSANS, GREAT BEND KS,KANSAS fascination for electronics. Twentyone years later jack kilbysinterest led him to invent the microchip. kilby was named, along http://www.infotran.com/JackKilby.htm | |
60. Jack Kilby Und Gary Boone Translate this page 1958/1973 - jack kilby und Gary Boone. integrated circuit, kurz IC). Das Bild rechtszeigt jack kilby, er hält eine Pinzette mit dem ersten IC in der Hand. http://www.s.shuttle.de/fw1004/edvhist/edvhst18.htm | |
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