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         Ketterle Wolfgang:     more detail
  1. Icaleo '90: Optical Methods in Flow and Particle Diagnostics (Proceedings of Spie) by Robert W. Dibble, Doninique Fourguette, et all 1991-12
  2. Physiker (21. Jahrhundert): Stephen Hawking, Wolfgang Ketterle, Steven Weinberg, Willis E. Lamb, Steven Jones, Reinhard Oehme, Christoph Cremer (German Edition)
  3. Studienstiftung Des Deutschen Volkes: Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Gesine Schwan, Ulrich Beck, Ulrike Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin, Wolfgang Ketterle (French Edition)
  4. Members of the Optical Society of America: Robert Curl, Zhores Alferov, Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl Wieman, Eric Allin Cornell, Steven Chu
  5. Technical University of Munich Alumni: Rudolf Diesel, Heinrich Hertz, Albert Speer, Thomas Mann, Wolfgang Ketterle, Wilhelm Groth, Otto Haxel
  6. Studienstiftung Alumni: Ulrike Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin, Wolfgang Ketterle, J. Hans D. Jensen, Gesine Schwan, Pierre Colas, Andy Bechtolsheim
  7. El quinto estado de la materia.(física)(TT: The fifth state of matter.)(TA: physics)(Artículo Breve): An article from: Epoca by Esperanza G. Molina, Antonio I. Campillo, 2001-11-30

1. Wolfgang Ketterle - Wikipedia
Skrivarvänlig version Förbehåll. Ej inloggad. Logga in Hjälp. Wolfgang Ketterle. Wolfgang Ketterle. Född i Heidelberg 1957. Tysk Nobelpristagare i fysik år 2001.
Wolfgang Ketterle
Från Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin.
Wolfgang Ketterle . Född i Heidelberg . Tysk Nobelpristagare i fysik år . Han tilldelades priset för " uppnående av Bose-Einsteinkondensationen i förtunnade gaser av alkaliatomer samt för tidiga fundamentala studier av kondensatens egenskaper ". Han delade priset med amerikanarna Eric A Cornell och Carl E Wieman Ketterle fick doktorsgrad i fysik vid Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität i München och Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik i Garching. Han är nu professor vid MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). År gjorde den indiske fysikern Bose viktiga teoretiska beräkningar på ljuspartiklar. Han skickade sina resultat till Einstein , som utvidgade teorin till en viss typ av atomer. Einstein förutspådde att om man kyler ner en gas av sådana atomer till mycket låg temperatur skulle alla atomer plötsligt samlas i det lägsta möjliga energitillståndet. Processen liknar den när vätskedroppar bildas ur en gas och kallas därför kondensation ( Bose-Einsteinkondensat 2001 års Nobelpristagare lyckades först åstadkomma detta extrema materietillstånd. Cornell och Wieman fick då fram ett renodlat kondensat av ca 2 000

2. WIEM: Ketterle Wolfgang
ketterle wolfgang (1958) niemiecki fizyk. Ukonczyl Fizyka, Niemcy KetterleWolfgang (1958-). ketterle wolfgang (1958-) niemiecki fizyk. Ukonczyl
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Fizyka, Niemcy
Ketterle Wolfgang
Ketterle Wolfgang (1958-) niemiecki fizyk. Ukoñczy³ politechnikê w Monachium, w 1986 uzyska³ tytu³ doktora na uniwersytecie w Monachium i w Instytucie Optyki Kwantowej w Garching w Niemczech. Od 1993 profesor fizyki w  Massachusetts Institute of Technology w Cambridge w USA. Nagrodzony: David and Lucile Packard Fellowship (1996), Nagrod± Rabiego przyznawan± przez Amerykañskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne (1997), Nagrod± Gustava-Hertza przyznawan± przez Niemieckie Towarzystwo Fizyczne (1997), Nagrod± Discover Magazine za technologiczne innowacje (1998), Fritz London Prize w dziedzinie fizyki niskich temperatur (1999), Nagrod± Danniego-Heinemana przyznawan± przez Niemieck± Akademiê Nauk (1999) i Medalem Benjamina Franklina z Fizyki (2000). Pracuje nad nowymi metodami och³adzania, pu³apkowania i manipulacji

3. Ricerca Su Ketterle Wolfgang Applet
Translate this page Ricerca su ketterle wolfgang applet. Ricerca su ketterle wolfgang. Wolfgang

4. Wolfgang Ketterle - Wikipedia
Translate this page Wolfgang Ketterle. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. Wolfgang Ketterle(* 21. Oktober 1957 in Heidelberg) ist ein Physiker.
Wolfgang Ketterle
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Wolfgang Ketterle 21. Oktober in Heidelberg ) ist ein Physiker Promoviert wurde er an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und am Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik in Garching bei München . Er ist Professor am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). erhielt er den Physik Nobelpreis Views Persönliche Werkzeuge Navigation Suche Werkzeuge

5. Notice Of The Thursday, February 19, 2004 Meeting
Biography Wolfgang ketterle wolfgang Ketterle received a diploma (equivalent tomaster’s degree) from the Technical University of Munich (1982), and the Ph
Notice of the Thursday, February 19, 2004 Meeting
Jobs Education Local Optical Links Meetings
Bose-Einstein condensates - the coldest matter in the universe
What happens when a gas is cooled to absolute zero? A new door to the quantum world opens up because all the atoms start "marching in lockstep", they form one giant matter wave - the Bose-Einstein condensate. This was predicted by Einstein in 1925, but only realized in 1995 in laboratories at Boulder and at MIT. Since then, many properties of this mysterious form of matter have been revealed including matter wave amplification and quantized vortices. Bose condensates were used to realize a basic atom laser, an intense source of coherent matter waves. The current focus is to understand the properties of gases at nanokelvin temperatures. In the long run, this ultimate control over atoms might lead to advances in metrology, e.g. more precise atomic clocks. The talk will link basic concepts of quantum mechanics with today's research, and discuss the techniques to cool and manipulate matter at nanokelvin temperatures.
Wolfgang Ketterle
Biography - Wolfgang Ketterle Wolfgang Ketterle received a diploma (equivalent to master’s degree) from the Technical University of Munich (1982), and the Ph.D. in physics from the University of Munich (1986). After postdoctoral work at the Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, at the University of Heidelberg and at MIT, he joined the physics faculty at MIT (1993), where he is now the John D. MacArthur professor.

6. Les Houches Summer School - Session 72 - Atomic Matter Waves
Sajeev Department of Physics, 06 Saint George Street, University of Toronto, TORONTO,ONTARIOCanada M5S 1A7 ketterle wolfgang MIT Room
SESSION LXXII , July 27 - August 27, 1999
Scientific direction Seminars by participants Order the lecture notes book Description of the School ... The official poster
Scientific Direction: Robin Kaiser
Chris toph Westbrook
(Institut d'Optique, Orsay, France) Description of the School:
Rapid progress is being made in the study of quantum effects in atomic systems. Due largely to the development of laser cooling during the years 1980-1990 the 1990's have witnessed several breakthroughs: Bose Einstein condensation, the production of "Schrödinger cat states", and the beginning of the study of the propagation of atomic de Broglie waves in complex media which exhibit chaos, localization etc. This school is intended to bring together several leading researchers in these areas to give a series of lecture courses aimed at advanced doctoral and post-doctoral students in order to familiarize them with the frontiers of this research.
The lectures Bose condensed atomic gases: simple theoretical results: Y. CASTIN

7. RLE - Wolfgang Ketterle
Professor wolfgang ketterle, principal investigator at MIT s ResearchLaboratory of Electronics. wolfgang ketterle. Professor wolfgang
Wolfgang Ketterle Professor Wolfgang Ketterle
John D.MacArthur Professor of Physics
Room 26-243
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
KETTERLE@MIT.EDU Professor Wolfgang Ketterle is a principal investigator in the Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics group in the Research Laboratory of Electronics. He is one of the three 2001 recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physics. Dr. Ketterle's research activities focus on ultracold neutral atoms at high densities. Such systems offer exciting new possibilities: When the atoms' De Broglie wavelength is comparable to atomic dimensions (the range of the interaction potential), they exhibit novel collisional properties. For interatomic separations approaching the wavelength of light, one expects novel features in light scattering and spectroscopy. Of particular interest are quantum statistical effects such as spin waves and Bose-Einstein condensation. The latter occurs when the De Broglie wavelength becomes comparable to the interatomic spacing. In order to obtain dense samples of ultracold atoms, Dr. Ketterle's group uses a variety of techniques: slow atomic beams, laser cooling, spontaneous light force traps, magnetic traps and evaporative cooling. The development of novel trapping and cooling schemes is a major part of his research activities.

8. Alkali Quantum Gases @ MIT
Group of wolfgang ketterle and Dave Pritchard at MIT
Alkali Quantum Gases @ MIT
Group of Wolfgang Ketterle and Dave Pritchard at MIT
Welcome to the world of nanokelvin atoms
and the magic of matter waves!
Latest news: BEC of fermionic atom pairs
Links to 2001 Nobel Prize
Recent results:
BEC of lithium molecules

BEC Distillation in a Double-Well Potential

Dissociation of ultracold molecules
Raman Superradiance ... Large clouds of fermions Introduction to the field: Our popular papers Our animations
Introduction to BEC

The atom laser @ MIT
... Links to other web sites
  • Much of the content is formatted as pdf files, requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing. The animations require the QuickTime Plug-In for viewing.
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9. RLE - Wolfgang Ketterle - Honors And Awards
wolfgang ketterle. Dr. wolfgang ketterle, Professor of Physics, joined RLE s Atomic,Molecular, and Optical Physics group in 1990 as a postdoctoral associate.
Wolfgang Ketterle
Honors, Awards, Promotions
Photos by John F. Cook Dr. Wolfgang Ketterle, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics RLE currents Vol. 10, No. 2: Fall 1998 Dr. Wolfgang Ketterle, Professor of Physics, joined RLE's Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics group in 1990 as a postdoctoral associate. His initial research focused on the cooling or slowing of atoms by isotropic light and the development of the dark spontaneous force optical trap (dark SPOT) used to trap cooled atoms. More recently, he has successfully realized a new form of matter, the Bose-Einstein condensate, and continues to investigate its novel characteristics. (See currents vol. 9 no. 1 - spring 1997) Professor Ketterle is a graduate of the University of Heidelberg ('78) and the Technical University of Munich ('82). He received his doctorate in physics from Ludwig-Maximilians University and the Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in 1986. RLE currents Vol. 9, No. 1: Spring 1997. Dr. Wolfgang Ketterle, Professor of Physics, was named recipient of the Michael and Philip Platzman Award by MITs Department of Physics. Professor Ketterle, a principal investigator in RLE's Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Group,

10. Wolfgang Ketterle (BEC@MIT)
wolfgang ketterle. MIT s wolfgang ketterle New Marching Orders for Atoms (pdf, 110kB; Science Watch interview with WK, 1999). Nobel autobiography (pdf, 1.3 MB).
Wolfgang Ketterle
Curriculum Vitae
(pdf, 71 kB) Biography (pdf, 55 kB) Biosketch (pdf, 55 kB) List of Publications (pdf, 114 kB) List of invited talks (pdf, 124 kB) WK's physics department web page WK's RLE web page see also: Group Info Mailing address:
MIT, Room 26-243
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA02139
USA Tel: FAX: e-mail: Photos by Bachrach jpg, 304 kB tif, 7.5 MB jpg, 224 kB tif, 7.8MB ... tif, 5.7 MB Other photos
jpg, 549 kB

jpg, 196 kB
jpg, 222 kB
jpg, 285 kB
jpg. 295 kB jpg, 278 kB jpg, 300 kB Further information about WK: Faculty profile (interview with WK 1997) MIT's Wolfgang Ketterle: New Marching Orders for Atoms (pdf, 110 kB; Science Watch interview with WK, 1999) Nobel autobiography (pdf, 1.3 MB) Some autobiographical notes W. Ketterle:

11. Wolfgang Ketterle - Autobiography
wolfgang ketterle Autobiography. I was born on October 21, 1957, in Heidelberg, a small town in Germany materials under the supervision of Prof. wolfgang Götze. I learnt a great
I was born on October 21, 1957, in Heidelberg, a small town in Germany with a charming old city and a famous castle. My parents had come to Heidelberg after the second world war, when many people relocated within Germany searching for better economic opportunities. My mother's parents were farmers in Silesia, which has now become part of Poland. My father grew up in Memmingen, a small city in the southern part of Germany, where his parents had a canteen. My parents worked hard to provide security and prosperity for our family. My father first joined an oil and coal distribution company as an apprentice and retired as a director. My mother ran the household and cared for the children; later, she managed a small business distributing first-aid products. In our family, work was not regarded as sheer necessity, but as a defining feature and rewarding aspect of life. My parents supported all our interests in music, sports and sciences. As they hadn't been exposed to many of these activities themselves, they did not steer us in certain directions, but rather observed our interests and then reinforced and supported them. That may be one of the reasons why my brother and sister are successful in quite different areas: finance and education. W.K. in December 1976.

12. Fast Breaking Comment By Wolfgang Ketterle
Search Special Topics. Fast Breaking Papers Menu. By wolfgang ketterle. ESI Special Topics, December 2003. Citing URL http// december03-wolfgangketterle.html wolfgang ketterle answers a few questions about this month's fast breaking paper in field of Physics
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Fast Breaking Papers Menu
By Wolfgang Ketterle ESI Special Topics, December 2003
Citing URL - Wolfgang Ketterle answers a few questions about this month's fast breaking paper in field of Physics. December 2003
Field: Physics
Article Title: Nobel lecture: When atoms behave as waves: Bose-Einstein condensation and the atom laser

Authors: Ketterle, W
Volume: 74
Page: 1131-1151
Year: OCT 2002 * MIT, Dept Phys, MIT Harvard Ctr Ultracold Atoms, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. * MIT, Dept Phys, MIT Harvard Ctr Ultracold Atoms, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. * MIT, Elect Res Lab, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. Why do you think your paper is highly cited? As a Nobel lecture, it has become a standard review paper which many people use as a general reference. What were the greatest challenges in performing and presenting your work?

13. Wolfgang Ketterle: Awards Won By Wolfgang Ketterle
The biggest english dictionary Awards of wolfgang ketterle. Real Dictionary. Make 123Awards your start page. Add
hardwork is paid in form of awards The biggest english dictionary - Awards of Wolfgang Ketterle OTHER-NOBEL PHYSICS Enter Artist/Album
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14. Wolfgang Ketterle Winner Of The 2001 Nobel Prize In Physics
wolfgang ketterle, the 2001 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. by Ali Darwish) wolfgang ketterle Autobiography( submitted by Chinnappan Baskar) wolfgang ketterle Other Resources
Nobel Laureate in Physics
    for the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms, and for early fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates.

15. Physics 2001
Eric A. Cornell, wolfgang ketterle, Carl E. Wieman. 1/3 of the prize,1/3 of the prize, 1/3 of the prize. USA, Federal Republic of Germany,USA.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2001
"for the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms, and for early fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates" Eric A. Cornell Wolfgang Ketterle Carl E. Wieman 1/3 of the prize 1/3 of the prize 1/3 of the prize USA Federal Republic of Germany USA University of Colorado, JILA
Boulder, CO, USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Cambridge, MA, USA University of Colorado, JILA
Boulder, CO, USA b. 1961 b. 1957 b. 1951 The Nobel Prize in Physics 2001
Press Release

Advanced Information

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Other Resources
The 2001 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine
Literature ... Economic Sciences Find a Laureate: SITE FEEDBACK CONTACT TELL A FRIEND Last modified December 10, 2003 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

16. Ketterle, Wolfgang
ketterle, wolfgang. I was born on October 21, 1957, in Heidelberg, asmall town in Germany with a charming old city and a famous castle.
Ketterle, Wolfgang I was born on October 21, 1957, in Heidelberg, a small town in Germany with a charming old city and a famous castle. My parents had come to Heidelberg after the second world war, when many people relocated within Germany searching for better economic opportunities. My mother's parents were farmers in Silesia, which has now become part of Poland. My father grew up in Memmingen, a small city in the southern part of Germany, where his parents had a canteen. I enjoyed a childhood of stability and peace, in contrast to my parents who had grown up amidst the conflicts of war. When I was three, we moved from Heidelberg to the village (now city) of Eppelheim, three miles away, where my parents still live. I grew up with an older brother (Günter, 15 months older) and a younger sister (Monika, three and a half years younger). My parents worked hard to provide security and prosperity for our family. My father first joined an oil and coal distribution company as an apprentice and retired as a director. My mother ran the household and cared for the children; later, she managed a small business distributing first-aid products. In our family, work was not regarded as sheer necessity, but as a defining feature and rewarding aspect of life. My parents supported all our interests in music, sports and sciences. As they hadn't been exposed to many of these activities themselves, they did not steer us in certain directions, but rather observed our interests and then reinforced and supported them. That may be one of the reasons why my brother and sister are successful in quite different areas: finance and education.

17. By Alphabetical Order
Translate this page A. Jensen, J. Hans D. Josephson, Brian D. Kamerlingh-Onnes, Heike Kapitsa, PyotrLeonidovich Kastler, Alfred Kendall, Henry W. ketterle, wolfgang Kilby, Jack S
Themes Science Physics About Physics, Generalities ... Nobel Prize Laureates in Physics Winners Year Winners Year Alferov, Zhores I.
Alfven, Hannes

Alvarez, Luis W.

Anderson, Carl David
Klitzing, Klaus Von

Koshiba, Masatoshi
Kroemer, Herbert

Kusch, Polykarp

Lamb, Willis Eugene

Landau, Lev Davidovich
Zernike, Frits
Information provided by:

ketterle, wolfgang Email John D. MacArthur Professor of Physicsat Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Principal investigator

19. Wolfgang Ketterle
Translate this page Physiknobelpreis 2001 (Nobel Prize Physics 2001) WolfgangKetterle, deutscher Physiker, geb. 21. Okt. 1957.
Physiknobelpreis 2001
(Nobel Prize Physics 2001)
Wolfgang Ketterle, deutscher Physiker, geb. 21. Okt. 1957
(together with the signatures of Cornell and Wieman)

20. / Latest News / World
2001 Physics Nobel Prize cowinners Dr. wolfgang ketterle, left; Carl E Reuters, AP Photos) MIT's wolfgang ketterle wins Nobel Prize in physics home Boston Globe Online Search SERVICES Apartments Careers Cars MarketBasket Personals Real Estate Yellow Pages SECTIONS Business digitalMASS Dining Education Health Movies MP3 Music Music Nation Northeast Personal Finance Sports Stock Quotes Traffic Travel Washington Weather World YourTown WHAT'S NEW
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... New York 2001 Physics Nobel Prize co-winners Dr. Wolfgang Ketterle, left; Carl E. Wieman, center; and Eric A. Cornell, right. (Reuters, AP Photos) MIT's Wolfgang Ketterle wins Nobel Prize in physics By Justin Pope, Associated Press, 10/09/01 CAMBRIDGE Dr. Wolfgang Ketterle of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, co-winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics, said Friday he was pleased to be honored, but discovery was his greatest reward. RELATED LINK More Nobel Prize information "The biggest reward is to make discoveries, the thrill of seeing new glimpses of nature. Of course it's nice to be recognized," said Ketterle, 43, who shared the prize for helping create a state of ultra-cold matter that could lead to the development of faster and smaller electronics. Ketterle said he was awakened by the news he had won the Nobel Prize.

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