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61. ì[N¬ yasunari kawabata. . A QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF yasunari kawabata. http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~shi-ho/ | |
62. Yasunari Kawabata Biography yasunari kawabata, recipient of the 1968 Nobel Prize for Literature, was born in Osaka, Japan. His grandmother. yasunari kawabata biography. http://oror.essortment.com/yasunarikawabat_ruvq.htm | |
63. Kawabata, Yasunari. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. kawabata, yasunari. (yäs nä´r käwä´bätä) (KEY) , 18991972, Japanese novelist. His first major work was The Izu Dancer, (1925). http://www.bartleby.com/65/ka/Kawabata.html | |
64. Kawabata, Yasunari. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: kawabata, yasunari. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition. 2000. 2000. kawabata, yasunari. SYLLABICATION Ka·wa·ba·ta. http://www.bartleby.com/61/30/K0023000.html | |
65. Links To Literature: Yasunari Kawabata Links to Literature yasunari kawabata. Nobel Prize Literature 1968 yasunari kawabata. Photo, biography, and nobel lecture. yasunari kawabata Unofficial Page. http://www.linkstoliterature.com/kawabuta.htm | |
66. LookSmart - Directory - 1968 - Yasunari Kawabata 1968 yasunari kawabata - Includes profiles and reviews of the work of this Japanese winner of the 1968 Nobel Prize for literature. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317834/us317898/us220445/us555505/us1 | |
67. El Rincon De Casiopea: Escritores - Yasunari Kawabata - yasunari kawabata. yasunari kawabata http://www.iespana.es/elrincondecasiopea/Casiopea/Kawabata.htm | |
68. Kawabata, Yasunari kawabata, yasunari. Japanese novelist. He translated Lady Murasaki, and was the author of Snow Country (1947) and A Thousand Cranes (1952). http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0014024.html | |
69. Kawabata, Yasunari encyclopediaEncyclopedia kawabata, yasunari, yäsOOnä rE käwä bätä Pronunciation Key. kawabata, yasunari , 18991972, Japanese novelist. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0827221 | |
70. Yasunari Kawabata - Lovebooks.free.fr - La Librairie érotique Sur Internet Translate this page Albin Michel Broché, 259 pages. Tristesse et beauté de yasunari kawabata LGF Poche, 124 pages. Les belles endormies de yasunari kawabata http://lovebooks.free.fr/2_3yasunari.htm | |
71. Yasunari Kawabata You are in Virtual Public Library Hall of Famous Authors yasunari kawabata. yasunari kawabata. 1899 1972. Literature - Nobel Prize 1968. http://www.virtualology.com/virtualpubliclibrary/halloffamousauthors/YasunariKaw | |
72. First Snow On Fuji By Yasunari Kawabata - Counterpoint Literary Agency. FIRST SNOW ON FUJI yasunari kawabata, Winner of the 1968 Nobel Prize for Literature Translated by Michael Emmerich. The http://www.counterpointpress.com/1582430225.html | |
73. The Dancing Girl Of Izu By Yasunari Kawabata - Counterpoint THE DANCING GIRL OF IZU And Other Stories yasunari kawabata. Also available from Counterpoint Press yasunari kawabata s First Snow on Fuji. http://www.counterpointpress.com/1887178945.html | |
74. Yasunari Kawabata Essays, Yasunari Kawabata Term Papers, Research Papers On Yasu Buy yasunari kawabata essays, research papers on yasunari kawabata, book reports, essays, yasunari kawabata term papers, research papers, essays, book reports. http://www.essaytown.com/authors/yasunari_kawabata_essays_papers.html | |
75. Yasunari Kawabata, Nobelpreis Literatur 1968 - Special Lettern.de Translate this page yasunari kawabata japanischer Schriftsteller 11. 6. 1899 - 16. 4. 1972 Literatur-Nobelpreis 1968. http://www.lettern.de/spkawa.htm | |
76. BrothersJudd.com - Books By Yasunari Kawabata Reviewed BrothersJudd.com reviews books by yasunari kawabata (eg,Thousand Cranes GradeD). BrothersJudd.com, Google, Email. Author yasunari kawabata. http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.authlist/author_id/892 | |
77. Alibris: Yasunari Kawabata Used, new outof-print books by author yasunari kawabata. 16. view cover, Pais de Nieve by kawabata, yasunari buy used from $12.94! 17. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Yasunari Kawabata | |
78. Autorenverzeichnis: Yasunari Kawabata Translate this page Perlentaucher.de - yasunari kawabatayasunari kawabata (1899-1972), in Osaka als Arztsohn geboren, studierte englische und japanische Literatur und wurde 1926 http://www.perlentaucher.de/autoren/6190.html | |
79. Yasunari Kawabata: Die Tänzerin Von Izu (Buchtipp) Translate this page Rezension, yasunari kawabata Die Tänzerin von Izu. Stern Dieter Wunderlich Buch- und Filmtipps (Homepage). yasunari kawabata Die Tänzerin von Izu. http://www.dieterwunderlich.de/Kawabata_tanzerin.htm | |
80. Snabbsök kawabata, yasunari, BEAUTY AND SADNESS, 0679761055, 98.09, Pocket, 151.00 ca 151.00, kawabata, yasunari, FIRST SNOW ON FUJI, 1582431051, 00.12, Pocket, 236.00 ca 236.00, http://www.akademibokhandeln.se/db/cc/cc_subject.powerSearch?cauthor=KAWABATA, Y |
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