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1. Jerome Karle [Pictures And Photos Of] Jerome Karle Picture, Photo, Photograph; middle age, threequarter view, suit,signed photo, American Crystallographic Association (ACA); karle jerome A1. http://www.aip.org/history/esva/catalog/esva/Karle_Jerome.html | |
2. WIEM: Karle Jerome karle jerome (1918), amerykanski profesor chemii i krystalografii wNaval Research Laboratory (Instytut Badawczy Marynarki Wojennej http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/0051bc.html | |
3. DBLP: Jerome Karle Jerome Karle. 2001. 2, EE, Lulu Huang, Lou Massa, Jerome Karle Quantum crystallography,a developing area of computational chemistry extending to macromolecules. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/k/Karle:Jerome.html | |
4. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Karle Jerome karle jerome . Page 1 sur 1. *, Réservé Liste_des_articles_de_chimie. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour karle jerome . http://fr.encarta.msn.com/Karle_Jerome.html | |
5. Jerome Karle Jerome Karle. Jerome Karle (1918). American physicist. He worked structures.Dr. Jerome Karle was born in Brooklyn, New York, on June 18, 1918. He http://www.nobel-winners.com/Chemistry/jerome_karle.html | |
6. The International Who's Who : Browse May 2002. KARLE Isabella American chemist. karle jerome American governmentscientist. KARL Elfriede Austrian politician. KARLIC, Mgr http://www.worldwhoswho.com/views/browse.html?id=kam-0080 |
7. Jerome Karle - Autobiography jerome karle Autobiography. I was born in New York City in 1918 intoa family that had a number of artistic people among its members. http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1985/karle-autobio.html | |
8. Karle, Jerome karle, jerome. jerome karle, 1985. Copyright J.L. Atlan/Sygma ( b. June 18, 1918, New York, N.Y., U.S.), American crystallographer who, along with Herbert A. After World War II karle and Hauptman http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/314_9.html | |
9. Karle, Jerome kärl Pronunciation Key. karle, jerome , 1918, American physicist, b KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY jerome karle to deliver H. H http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0827106 |
10. Karle, Jerome. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. karle, jerome. http://www.bartleby.com/65/ka/Karle-Je.html | |
11. Karle, Jerome karle, jerome kärl Pronunciation Key. karle, jerome , 1918, American physicist, b. New York City, Ph.D. Univ. of Michigan, 1943. He worked on the Manhattan Project before beginning a career at the http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0827106.html | |
12. Jerome Karle Winner Of The 1985 Nobel Prize In Chemistry jerome karle, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. jerome karle. 1985 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry The Role of Science and Technology in Future Design by http://www.almaz.com/nobel/chemistry/1985b.html | |
13. Chemistry 1985 determination of crystal structures . Herbert A. Hauptman, jerome karle.1/2 of the prize, 1/2 of the prize. USA, USA. The Medical Foundation http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1985/ | |
14. Jerome Karle Winner Of The 1985 Nobel Prize In Chemistry jerome karle, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, at the Nobel Prize InternetArchive. jerome karle. Dr. jerome karle (submitted by Jackson). http://almaz.com/nobel/chemistry/1985b.html | |
15. Index Of Nobel Laureates In Chemistry Huber, Robert, 1988. JoliotCurie, Irene, 1935. Joliot, Frederic, 1935. karle,jerome, 1985. Karrer, Paul, 1937. Kendrew, Sir John Cowdery, 1962. Klug, Sir Aaron,1982. http://almaz.com/nobel/chemistry/alpha.html | |
16. Dr. Jerome Karle Dr. jerome karle. Laboratory for the Structure of Matter, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C Hauptman. Dr. jerome karle was born in Brooklyn, New York, on June 18, 1918 http://www.muratopia.org/NUGW/People/karle.html | |
17. Karle, Jerome kärl Pronunciation Key. karle, jerome , 1918, American physicist, b KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY jerome karle to deliver H. H http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0827106.html |
18. Jerome S. Bruner -- Encyclopædia Britannica He was born jerome Rabinowitz in New York City. After a , karle, jerome (born1918), US chemist and crystallographer, born in New York City; worked on http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=17027&tocid=0&query=jean piaget |
19. Dr. Jerome Karle Dr. jerome karle. Laboratory for the seminar participants 93 . Dr. Isabellaand jerome karle (Nobel Laureate) at Summer Workshop, 1994. http://muratopia.org/NUGW/People/karle.html | |
20. Message From Dr. Jerome Karle Message for the 6th FOCAS Meeting from Dr. jerome karle. Dear FriendsJuly 7, 1998. I appreciate the opportunity, given by the kind http://muratopia.org/NUGW/Seminar/message98_j.html | |
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