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Kapitsa Pyotr Leonidovich: more detail |
41. Kapitza [Pictures And Photos Of] Paris; suit; standing; outdoors; steps; LR Ioffe, kapitsa, Krylov.Item ID Ioffe Abram C5. Petr leonidovich kapitsa, pyotr leonidovich Kapitza....... http://www.aip.org/history/esva/catalog/esva/Kapitza__.html | |
42. 8 July - Today In Science History pyotr leonidovich kapitsa, Russian physicist, was a corecipient of the 1978 NobelPrize for Physics for his basic strong magnetic field inventions and http://www.todayinsci.com/7/7_08.htm | |
43. January 10 - Today In Science History interstellar isotopes. (Soviet physicist pyotr leonidovich kapitsa alsoshared the Nobel award, for unrelated research.). Sune K. Bergström. http://www.todayinsci.com/1/1_10.htm | |
44. Ernest Rutherford - Scientist Supreme Whilst not strictly a book about Rutherford, it is a book of letters a young Russianphysicist, pyotr leonidovich kapitsa, wrote home to his mother, from the http://www.rutherford.org.nz/bklock.htm | |
45. Nobel ödülleri 1977, 1978. Philip Warren Anderson, Nevill Francis Mott, John Hasbrouck vanVleck, pyotr leonidovich kapitsa, Arno Allan Penzias, Robert Woodrow Wilson. http://www.sonboyut.net/NOBEL/NOBEL7180.htm | |
46. Entry Index Page 145. The American Heritage Dictionary Of The English Language: Kaohsiung, kaolin, kaolinite. kaon, kapeika, Kapellmeister. kaph, kapitsa,pyotr leonidovich, kapok. Kaposi s sarcoma, kappa, Kapuas. kaput, karabiner,Karachi. http://www.bartleby.com/61/s145.html | |
47. Nobel 1973 à 1978 Translate this page Prêmios 1978 - Estudos sobre baixa temperatura e radiação cósmica de fundo.pyotr leonidovich kapitsa. Arno Allan Penzias, Robert Woodrow Wilson. http://paginas.terra.com.br/educacao/fisicavirtual/nobel/1973a1978.htm | |
48. Physics Nobel Laureates 1975 - Today Physics 1978. The prize was divided, one half being awarded to kapitsa,pyotr leonidovich, USSR, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, * 1894, + 1984 http://www1.physik.tu-muenchen.de/~gammel/matpack/html/Chronics/physics_laureate | |
49. FossickerBooks/Kocmoc/Hanging On By Bulychev At the end of the 1960s our really great scientists were going abroad, but one amongthem was not sent abroad, a social outcast pyotr leonidovich kapitsa. http://www.fossickerbooks.com/chemlife.html | |
50. Galaxy Directory : History < Astronomy < Science PDF) files. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1978 Press Release PresentationSpeech pyotr leonidovich kapitsa Biography URL www.nobel http://www.galaxy.com/galaxy/Science/Astronomy/History/*p=1 | |
51. SearchBug Directory: Science: Physics: History: People pyotr leonidovich kapitsa http//www.nobel-winners.com/Physics/pyotr_leonidovich_kapitsa.htmlPage about 1978 Nobel Laureate in Physics. http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Science/Physics/History/People/ | |
52. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Physics - Physicists - Phy kapitsa, pyotr leonidovich 1978 Nobel Biography http//www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1978/kapitsa-bio.htmlRead a biography of the Russian Nobel laureate http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=331341 |
53. Nicolas Rivière - Site Perso. 1979 Sheldon Lee Glashow, Abdus Salam, Steven Weinberg 1978 pyotr leonidovich kapitsa,Arno Allan Penzias, Robert Woodrow Wilson 1977 Philip Warren Anderson http://www.nriv.free.fr/sciences/dossiers/nobel/nobel.htm |
54. 1978 pyotr leonidovich kapitsa,Arno Allan Penzias, Robert Woodrow Wilson; Química - Peter D http://www.guajara.com/wiki/es/wikipedia/1/19/1978.html | |
55. Premio Nobel De Física 1978 pyotr leonidovich kapitsa, Arno Allan Penzias, Robert Woodrow Wilson. 1977Philip Warren Anderson, Sir Nevill Francis Mott, John Hasbrouck van Vleck. http://www.guajara.com/wiki/es/wikipedia/p/pr/premio_nobel_de_fisica.html | |
56. Fachinformationen - Digitale Bibliothek - JLU Giessen WWW. Josephson, Brian David (1940 ) Nobel Foundation WWW. kapitsa,pyotr leonidovich (1894-1984) Nobel Foundation WWW. Kastler, Alfred http://dbs.ub.uni-giessen.de/links/dbs_fachinfo.php?typ=E&fach=5 |
57. Heat And Thermal Studies From Grau-Hall Scientific M. Siegbahn(1981); James Watson Cronin, Val Logsdon Fitch(1980); Sheldon Lee Glashow,Abdus Salam, Steven Weinberg(1979); pyotr leonidovich kapitsa, Arno Allan http://www.grauhall.com/heat.htm | |
58. F P Nobel Laureates 1978 PHYSICS. pyotr leonidovich kapitsa for his basic inventions anddiscoveries in the area of lowtemperature physics Born 1894 http://www.naukanet.org/friends/naukanet/nobel/russia.html(opt,mozilla,unix,engl |
59. Peter pyotr Petrovich Lazarev (18781942) Soviet physicist and biophysicist.pyotr leonidovich kapitsa (1894-1984) Soviet physicist. Winner http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/p/peter.html | |
60. Finest Image Search Page pyotr leonidovich kapitsa Page about 1978 Nobel Laureate in Physicsurl www.nobelwinners.com/Physics/pyotr_leonidovich_ka . http://www.finestimage.com/cgi-bin/odp/index.cgi?base=/Science/Physics/History/P |
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